Not remembering last night’s nightmares once I’ve awoken each time during the night. Sometimes they play loops in my head throughout the day and trigger PTSD symptoms, so it’s such a welcome relief when they don’t.
The mobile phone companies’ current weekly reward of a £1.05 small coffee from a coffee chain here in the UK, they have one a ten min walk from me so I can just about manage to walk there and back each Sunday. I love coffee, but when I have it at home I abuse it to the point it gives me anxiety and all the symptoms that come with that, so this is a moderated treat that I’m thankful for, I’m thankful for the discount too.
My mobile phone always showing me the correct time, so I’m never late, and can stick to my daily routines. I have no sense of time and don’t relate to it at all, minutes can feel like hours and hours like minutes, I think it’s an ADHD thing.
The Google calendar for helping me to remember everything, for the notifications it lets me set, 30 mins, 1 hour, 3 hours, and 1 day before everything, I’d be lost and late or worse without it.
I’m grateful I finally learned to use the Google calendar instead of a paper one, because I now have access to it at all times, and don’t have to rely on my seemingly non-existant memory. I think it’s another ADHD thing.
Being able to breathe unaided. With all the damage I’ve done to my nose internally during active addiction, I feel so lucky to have retained this ability.
Tissues, kitchen roll, wet wipes, toilet roll, and flushable toilet wipes, for helping me to maintain and certain level of clean, despite never having the motivation to clean properly unless it’s for someone else’s benefit.
Sunshine, my mood lifts and depleats with and without it, so it’s never taken for granted.
My cats. Their completely individual personalities that keep me entertained and soothed throughout the day. For helping me stay in the present. For talking to me and keeping me company, company that I would go months at a time without, without them.
Windows, especially the one in my current bedroom that opens from the top, so I can let fresh air in 24/7 and never worry about the cat’s getting out.
Books. Self-help/self-development ones that help me know myself a little more. Inspiring and relateable autobiographies. Fiction for giving people an escape. I haven’t managed to read any fiction since that series that I really loved early last year, I haven’t read much of anything else either. This I intend to change.
My niece, though I only get to see her on special occasions, she fills me with so much joy and laughter when I do, she’s hilarious.
Opticians, glasses and sunglasses, for enabling me to see and to read and drive clearly and safely, also for minimizing migraines.
Waking early and being able to stay awake most days until bedtime, depression steals this from me so it’s a sign that I am doing better than I was before I relapsed. Unmedicated Diabetes probably didn’t help with that either, so I’m grateful that it got identified whilst being tested for something else, and subsequently and quickly treated by my GP.
Everyone here on TS, for having the courage to be vulnerable in your sharing, for instilling me with the courage to do the same. I love you.
Sobriety and Recovery, without which I’d surely be dead by now.
I’m grateful my last reading or devotional had Brian’s name all over it. I can’t - We can.
And the grin I had on my face when reading it.
So true. Buddy. So true. I’m grateful for you. And I’m grateful we can
I’m grateful for another quiet sober hangover free morning with my pets and coffee and devotionals to get my day going well, and of course my gratitude list.
I’m grateful I found my tribe here Dan.
I’m grateful when God guides me to just not say the next wrong thing
I’m grateful our heater is working and I learned about Merv ratings for filters . And we think maybe I’ve just been using too good of a filter blocking the air return and it’s been over working and shutting down. I’m grateful the heater is so much more quieter now when it kicks on and the air flow is amazing now.
I’m grateful I took a very late 3 1/2 mile walk yesterday afternoon. I needed it. I’m grateful my Pilates trainer has me booked for 2 sessions next week in the afternoon. Afternoon exercise walks and workouts are very new to me and strange. I’m grateful it feels good. I’m grateful I’d rather do that, than sit around drinking wine all afternoon I’m grateful I don’t do that anymore. It would be way too easy to do that. I’m grateful I get to make that decision every day.
I’m grateful the sun is shining again. Pretty typical of this place. And grateful the highs might reach the 50’s in the next few days.
I’m grateful to be here with my tribe expressing my gratitude because it works and it does keep me sober. Thank you.
Find the beauty within the storm. No matter how strong the storms of life become, find gratitude. Having gratitude will protect you through the storms and hold you humble during the sunshine. Keep gratitude close to your heart, as there is always something to be grateful for:
Samantha Jennings
I am grateful for all you Gratidudes and your awesome gratitudes. It’s a joy to read daily. I’m especially happy for @CATMANCAM being a gratidude.
I am grateful for sunshine uplifting my day.
I am grateful for cold medicine that is relieving my symptoms enough to function. I am grateful my virus is not Covid. I am grateful to know all viruses go away eventually. I’m grateful I’m snuggling on the couch enjoying a Zoom Bible meeting.
Good morning all,
I’m grateful for a slow start to Sunday. I’m grateful for a house full of kids last night, there was a time that I HATED it because they got in the way of my drinking. I’m grateful for the workout that I will do shortly- I know I’ll love the feeling of accomplishment afterwards . I’m grateful we don’t have plans today, and can all rest. I’m grateful for the new houseplants I bought yesterday. I’m grateful for you guys!
Everyone have a wonderful day
I’m grateful for Cam’s share, and I want you to know that you’ve given me courage to be open and vulnerable. I read all of your check-in’s and come away humble and in awe of you. I haven’t told you enough how much it means to me that you are here. You inspire others who may never say so… but they’re out there. I’m grateful for you, Cam. You inspire me.
I’m grateful for our little village here. It still amazes me how one person’s kindness can change my entire day. I’m grateful for that, because some days are really dark, and I come here and find light.
I’m grateful for music. I’m so grateful that I’m not triggered by it. I read someone’s check-in yesterday, and they said all music triggers them. I immediately felt sadness come over me, and then gratefulness came. When words don’t come easily, or at all, music speaks for me. I’m grateful for that.
I’m grateful for quiet time, too. I’m grateful it’s not as scary to be alone with my thoughts as it was before. I’m finding it easier to wade through them, taking some and holding on, and dismissing others as rubbish. It’s good to have quiet. I never thought I’d ever feel that way when I was indoors. Outdoors is a different story… I’ll take the peaceful sounds of nature any day.
I’m grateful I don’t drink anymore. So grateful I’m not always hiding from my heart and mind, but finding ways to live in harmony with them. It’s a good feeling to know I’m actually participating in my own life.
I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I realized that although I often am alone and it hurts a lot I am not feeling that lonely like when I was still drinking.
I am grateful for libraries and all the options they offer. I am grateful for the wonderful audiobook I am listening to atm. So much to think and learn from this one.
I am grateful I have tiny spots when I sense some truth for me. What feels good and what resonates with me. Only short moments but they exist.
I am grateful that I can brush Dora and she likes it. Paula the other fur ball not so but … What should I say
I am grateful that the net on the balcony is still intact despite the storm outside.
I am grateful that my big toe joint didn’t hurt during my run this morning. I am grateful I got out to run.
I am grateful for having taken the exit when it was still possible. I think I will write sth about the role Yoga plays in my recovery for my application for the teacher training. I’ll see.
I’m grateful for weekend adventures.
I’m grateful for little, local shops.
I’m grateful for my new crystals and neckless.
I’m grateful that I’m seeking balance in my life.
I’m grateful for clear bottomed boats and manatees.
I’m grateful for dogs in sweaters.
I’m grateful for cloudy, drizzly, cold days- where I usually find sadness in them- today I found happiness and gratitude.
I’m grateful that I’m letting good things into my life.
I’m grateful for carrot cake.
I’m grateful for smiles from strangers.
I’m grateful for the sky.
I’m grateful for happy tears.
I’m grateful I feel so calm.
I’m grateful I feel no stress around alcohol and my birthday. Because I don’t drink.
I’m grateful for heating pads.
I’m grateful for long convos with friends.
I talked to my friend Amanda for two hours the other night and she said you sound happy. I don’t think she’s ever said that to me.
I’m grateful I feel more connected to myself and others.
I’m grateful for the humans I stumbled across in a random app. I love you guys. Thank you for being my rocks. I feel like my life has been saved. Thank you for being my life rafts when I needed it the most.
I’m grateful to God for lovingly guiding me through today while helping me stay clean, sober and present. I’m grateful for my recovery. I’m grateful for All my family, friends,TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful today has been a really good recovery Sunday, my parents came and visited, I didn’t have to work but still chatted with some of my coworkers and had a really nice NA meeting tonight. I’m grateful I got offered rides places but chose to walk in the brisk winter weather for some time with me, my HP and some music therapy. I really cherish my walking alone, some of my happiest moments are getting that alone time to combine, exercise, music and reflect on my day or just sing along. I’m grateful for humor. I’m grateful for todays reading as well @Dazercat I’m grateful for @CaptAZ and @CNevarezN thank you for your service and to all our @moderators
God bless you all. &
Good evening friends, I’m grateful for good times today with my partner~Hunny. And a pleasant motorcycle ride in the sunshine.
I’m grateful for clarity when I can get it
I’m grateful for being sober and the joy that can bring to us. Grateful for losing weight and strong coffee. Gratefull for our fellowship.
Grateful to be sober and working my program
Grateful for reliable public transport
Grateful for job and students
Grateful for opportunities to research
Grateful for good food
Grateful for friends
Having and still having the most relaxing few days in my campervan, been able to park overlooking a beautiful beach. For putting no pressure on myself to do things. Relaxed like never before, had some lovely beach walks between the rain. Read, watch films and ate food. Just loved watching the sea, bad and good weather, mother nature is awsome.
For acts of kindness shown to me.
For surviving 1 day not using social media yesterday, but it was sooooo difficult. Nice to have 1 day not on phone. First thing I did this morning was grab my phone though
Today I am grateful to be here after a few days away from the site. I’m inspired by posts, honesty and vulnerability and most of all hope.
I’m grateful that I got to visit my dad after not being allowed in his care home for a few weeks. It was nice to see him.
I’m grateful to come home to a Sunday dinner yesterday, all ready. I’m grateful for my partner, he’s a sweetie.
I’m grateful
I’m grateful for a really lovely weekend. I’m grateful my concerns about what it would look like after my husband’s dry January ended have been alleviated by his good behavior and really well moderated drinking this weekend. I’m grateful that seeing him have a beer or two at most leaves me feeling proud of him instead of upset or resentful. I’m grateful, most of all, that we didn’t stop talking about things, he talked to me about his intentions for drinking during the weekend and everything was out in the open. It felt really healthy emotionally and communication-wise. I’m grateful I can commit to my own behavior and thinking in a recovery sense that releases any thoughts of controlling or affecting his choices but that when he wants my input I give him my thoughts. We are individuals in a partnership and we don’t exist in separate bubbles - our behaviors affect each other whether we want them to or not - but the more we share and listen in return the better off we always are. I’m grateful we were able to talk about communication (sounds redundant but it isn’t!) and that when we had trouble hearing each other we took a break and came back to it, we didn’t stop trying.
I’m grateful for time in nature, for a break in the bone-chilling cold, for sunshine and pretty clouds and blue sky. I’m grateful I took photos and will print a couple to look at when things get dark and dreary. I’m grateful for my Zen den, that I continue to make it my solitary retreat and that it makes me feel safe and enveloped in things that bring me joy.
I’m grateful for a positive start to the week and for some objectives to work on.
Always grateful for my amigos here. Here’s a corner of my Zen den.
I’m grateful for humor.
Chez-It’s and asparagus too
I can’t make it stop. I’m grateful I woke up with that ear worm and laughing about it. Maybe if I leave it here I can continue. Cuz I got nothing…………
Clearing throat and shaking head
I’m grateful I don’t drink.
I’m grateful I don’t depend on booze.
I’m grateful for TS.
I’m grateful I’ve been tagged a few times to be a MOD. I appreciate the love.
I’m grateful my reason for not wanting to do it can just be “I don’t want to do it.”
I’m grateful I’m learning I shouldn’t feel pressured to do something and do it, if I do not want to do it.
I’m grateful I feel brave enough to put that out here because it does seem a little “all about me ish.” And that I’m full of myself . But isn’t that the kind of stuff we been working on since we started our journey?
I’m grateful I woke up at just the perfect time this morning so when I sat down it wasn’t total darkness it was perfect to watch day break. I’m grateful I had a beautiful creature purring on my lap with her head reaching up to me demanding pets. My coffee. The flickering fireplace, in the light darkness, with God. I’m grateful I didn’t know what to pray for and I remembered that the Holy Spirit will intercede when I don’t know what to pray for. Romans 8:26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.
So I just turned my prayers over to God I was just “being,” with God
I’m grateful I forgot to put the dumpsters out yesterday until late at night. I’m grateful I saw beautiful stars and the moon on a clear night even with all the ponderosa trees. It was beautiful and a great reminder that no matter where I live there is beauty. I just have to see it. And not live in the past.
I’m grateful I don’t worry about segueing into my next paragraph of gratitude. I’m grateful my gratitude just bounces around in my head and just happens.
I’m grateful for each and every one of you
I’m grateful to pray for success in everyone’s recovery.
Unconditional gratitude is a powerful activity allowing ourselves to be grateful for whatever happens in our life.”
Jesse D. Jennings
I’m grateful for my first sober birthday since I was 15💛
I’m grateful for a hot cup of coffee and the birds outside chirping.
I’m grateful for my 133rd morning with no hangover.
I’m grateful for meditation.
I’m grateful for birthday texts and calls from people who love me.
I’m grateful I’ve been able to find joy and happiness.
Before my sobriety journey I never really thought of what I was grateful for. I was sad, a lot. It’s a cloudy, windy, cold day. I woke up thinking that it felt cozy inside. I’m grateful the smallest things seem to make me happy these days.
I’m grateful my best friend is making me Norwegian waffles for brunch.
I’m grateful we have a fire going.
I’m grateful I’m chatting with some of my favorite humans right now.
I’m grateful for another trip around the sun
I’m grateful for humor, too. @Dazercat I’m gonna post that song and sing the chorus at the top of my lungs! “… loves her llama”
I’m grateful for Caroline. @Callie99 Although she’s Keely’s age, she’s become like a sister to me. Happy Birthday, little darlin’!
I’m grateful for connection with others. I feel it all, even through a screen. I’m grateful we’re here for ourselves and each other.
I’m grateful I’m learning so much from my readings. I’m grateful for Bessel van der Kolk, Nicole LePera, Brené Brown, William Porter, and so many other authors. I love that learning is like remembering something that’s been long forgotten. I’m grateful to be teachable.
I’m grateful for my go-to camera. I’m grateful for the backpack that carries it and my lenses and filters. I’m grateful to be getting out more and capturing the beauty of this place. I’m grateful I love where I live.
I’m grateful to realize the impermanence of life. It gives me that sense of urgency to experience all the wonder it has to offer. I had lost that while I was drinking. I’m grateful I’m seeing more clearly each and every day.
I’m grateful for love and friendship and music and kindness. I’m grateful that I enjoy all of these.
Being able to empty my bladder naturally following my surgery, I have to lean really far forwards, but it works! (I usually have to self-catherise for a few months until the treatment starts to wear off).
Kidney function. One of my kidneys is hurting, because they are in overdrive after eating a ready meal that was really high in sugar at lunchtime, I usually only eat this particular meal at dinner time, right before I take my evening diabetes medication, but it was my only option as it was the only thing I had left and my grocery delivery wasn’t arriving for a few more hours. I feel so unwell, when I lay down it feels like I’m a teeenager again and I’ve drank too much alcohol and/or smoked too much cannabis, I’m grateful that’s not the case.
That once I’ve eaten later this evening and taken my medications, I am likely to feel much better.
Diabetes medication.
Google, for answering my question of how to lower my blood sugar (exercise).
That despite how dizzy and nauseous I feel, I’ve just been able to force myself out for a short and slow walk to get an iced coffee.
The coffee shop that’s in walking distance (for me) from my flat.
That I recognise that I’ve had 4 coffees already this month and I need to resist a bit more.
That during my walk and since I’ve been home, I’ve had zero pain in my left foot, for the first time since August 2020! I can’t say the same for my right foot, so the contrast makes me all the more grateful.
For @ShesGotMoxie and the gratitude she expressed towards me in yesterday’s post on this thread, I feel it thank you, I’m so grateful you’re here too.
That @Callie99 is sober on her birthday, I’m grateful she’s been able to find joy and happiness, and for the calls and texts she’s receiving today. Happy Birthday!
The thermal socks that I ordered yesterday, which arrived today and are making my feet feel so warm and happy, they are so soft! My feet are usually painfully cold, like blocks of ice, so this is so wonderful.
For the Amazon delivery driver for delivering my thermal socks, and leaving them against my door even though I wasn’t here (I usually get my Amazon deliveries later in the evening).
That gratitude is coming much easier than I feared before I started contributing here.
The meme thread, for bringing laughter to my life again today. Shout out to those of you here that I’ve noticed are contributing to it, thank you.
The grocery delivery lady, for helping me to pack my items into the bags I took outside to carry my shopping inside.
My two cats, Prince and Wolfie, for making my life worth living.
Sobriety and Recovery, for feeling stronger in them, in these past 11 days, than during most of the 459 days I had before I relapsed.
For everyone on this thread and in the wider TS community, for the kindness, compassion, love, and support that we show each other, thank you.
Today I’m grateful I woke up after uninterrupted sleep, what a wonderful feeling. Gratefull for cats purring me out of bed. Grateful I enjoyed working today. Grateful for office @ home and cats on the desk. Grateful for humor and laughter. Grateful for yummi meals. Grateful for my nice and cozy home