Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude The Air Of Recovery

Today I am grateful for:

  • God… for giving me the inner strength to deal with ANY situation. Grateful for the beautiful connection I have, the unconditional love I feel from my HP, the peace and serenity I experience.
  • My husband… the strong, bold, courageous man that he is. For showing me love in the ways he knows how
  • My voice… that I actually have one today and that I use my voice to create change, to set boundaries, and to speak love and kindness
  • Angel cards… that gave me guidance yesterday
  • Food… and I’m talking specifically of “good” food (which to me isn’t KD and mama noodles and hotdogs and toast which is what my diet consisted of alot while using). To be able to enjoy food of all cultures and try new things
  • Nature and tree and sunshine… grateful to connect and feel the energy of Mother Earth
  • Grateful for TS… for the non judgmental approach everyone has here. The positivity and the strength that we all have as we fight for ourselves and our recoveries.

Thanks for the comment and thanks for sharing!!!


I’m grateful:

For whatever source of strength that I have deep inside somewhere, that stops me from acting on my suicidal feelings these days, my cats are a protective factor but when my mind tells me that even they’d be better off without me, there is still a strength within.

For my two cats, and the love and affection they show me every day.

For being alive.

For being clean.

For today’s therapy session. Despite feeling even more unstable after it.

For it being the end of another day (for me here in the UK) and that tomorrow may be brighter again. :pray:t2:

For the walking distance CA meeting tomorrow evening, I may even be able to fly there if the wind is how it has been today.

For the many different threads here that I can use to distract myself from these thoughts.

For this thread, other people’s gratitude, and the wider TS community. Addicts together strong.

Thank you.


@Bootz I hope today went as well as these things can :blue_heart: It was indeed me with the fear of the car wash machines, and I’d be interested in reading your techniques for Anxiety if you wish to share via PM. No pressure, no rush. :blush:


I’m grateful to God for guiding me through a productive, clean and sober day. I’m grateful for recovery, including mine. I’m grateful for All my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for music. I’m grateful for the 12 steps.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

P.s. You are amazing, keep it up. Ya you!!


I’m grateful for my sobriety and the support systems that have helped me get this far :blush:

I’m grateful for the people I have met in AA. I got my 60 day chip today and it feels great

I’m grateful that even though I have been struggling, I can always find a reason to keep going.

And I’m grateful for all of you :star2:


Congratulations on your 60 days! You’re doing so great. :partying_face::blush:


Thank you! :blush::heartpulse:


Congrats on your 60 days!!! The struggles come and go, you’re doing an awesome job.



Thank you @Its_me_Stella :heartpulse::grin:


Hi All, grateful for willingness to grow and endure discomforts.
For many blessings in my life.
For my present moment awareness practice 🧘‍♂️
For getting my 10,000 in today, walking helps
For HP, Hunny, family, friends and fellowship
~ Just this present moment, together ~


Today I’m grateful that my family are safe after the storm yesterday. It was heartbreaking watching the news last night and all the destruction and grief caused by Eunice. Grateful to wake up to a peaceful sunrise :sunny:
I’m grateful to be feeling better all round, looking fresher, sleeping more soundly and generally feeling good.
I’m grateful that even though my partner drank last night, I had absolutely no desire to. I could see his behaviour changing over the evening. I’m grateful I decided on an early night and left him to it.
Have a great day x


Congrats on camper I have one and the freedom it gives me is invaluable, truly makes me happy when I am on my travels, happy exploring.


Today I am grateful my son made it home, all the trains were cancelled due to winds. Which in my drinking days Sam would just not come home. But one of his housemates was driving near my City and gave him a lift, a total surprise for me! Grateful he knew I would be sober, not drank at least 1 or 2 bottles of wine and asleep on settee. Made my day.

Grateful my fence is still defying gravity , I have been lucky so on pay day i will get it fixed.

Grateful I am litterally forcing myself to get out of bed for gym, know I will feel better after

Grateful for Google it answers alot of questions for me

Grateful for here and you :pray:

@Its_me_Stella started Broken Open, love her style of writing and I am hooked, grateful for your recommendation


Grateful today for 5 months. I absolutely could not fathom being sober this long when I started. What began as “sober curious” turned into a realization that I had a real problem with alcohol and began a true journey of sobriety. Most days now are not a struggle to stay sober, I enjoy the clarity of mind and body. I got awful headaches and hangxiety- those are gone. But every once in a while a situation pops up that catches me resting on my laurels. I am grateful for this group, I can always come back here, read your stories, your successes as well as stumbles, and remember why I am sober. I remember why it is worth it to stay stay AF and I resist the urge.

I am grateful for my 75 lb alarm clock, he knows 6 am is our quiet time together and never fails to stick his wet nose in my face to remind me. Rocco, my chocolate lab, who was a sickly pandemic stray when our friends found him in 2020, has been an unexpected sober buddy. I wasn’t keen to add a 5th (!!) animal to the pack when we took him in, but I am so thankful we did.

I am grateful for signs of spring. My daffodils have already sprouted, and the bite of winter is gone.

I am grateful for you all. I don’t post often, but I read daily. You all help motivate and inspire me every day. Thank you for sharing your truth and your vulnerability.


I’m grateful that when given the opportunity to fall back into old behavior I rose above. I’m grateful that I’m feeling self compassion for myself. I’m grateful for positive change. I’m grateful for music nights. I’m grateful my granny is in town. I love her so much. I’m grateful my brother is in the hospital getting the help he needs. I’m grateful that I’m getting better at not letting others actions affect my emotions. I’m grateful I’m learning to not hold on so tightly, it make things so much easier. I’m grateful for my 145 days sober. Every single one feels like a gift.

I’m grateful for another beautiful sober day :yellow_heart:


Libraries have always been amazing. And all the electronic and audio resources make them even better. I’m pretty addicted to reading and I’m so grateful to have access to great libraries too!

What are you reading?


Happy weekend! At my house we are celebrating my husband’s 55th birthday.

I’m grateful to be sober and healthy.
I’m grateful my husband is also getting healthier in his habits.
I’m grateful to still be in love after many years together.

I’m grateful that I have a warm and safe home, especially since it is so darned cold outside.

I’m grateful for a job I mostly like.

I’m grateful for all that I’m learning every day about taking better care of myself.

I’m grateful to feel so much better in these sober days than I did in the cycle of my addiction.

I’m grateful for the resources of this group and of others in the subject of addiction and alcohol poison.

I wish you all peace and health.


I’m grateful to see Lab checking in with a gratitude list. Happy bday to your husband.
I’m grateful to be sober. A little headachy but I think the coffee is fixin that before I reach for the Advil.
I’m grateful I’m not hungover.
I’m grateful the heater isn’t broken. It was freezing in here this morning. I’m grateful I finally put my glasses on and saw the :snowflake: on the thermostat and someone put the A/C on last night. :scream: Probably me :man_facepalming: Seriously, bring on the assisted living. I’m ready for it. I’m grateful it’s nice and warm and toasty in here now. I’m grateful I could have texted my guy to come out here if I had too.

I’m grateful for the bald eagles I saw on my walk yesterday. Tommy and Joyce. Ya I name them. :blush:After my best childhood friend. And I’m grateful I sent him a pic. He’s an avid bird watcher.

I’m grateful for WhatsApp and the voice message feature Julie has been using to reach out to me from London, she’s had some horrible falls and some terrible depression. I’m grateful to stay in communication with her. I cried when she said she hasn’t talked to anyone about it until me the other day. I’m grateful for this relationship that started in my teens and even though we almost never see each other we can always be there for each other. I’m grateful for special relationships like that. I’m grateful my wife has agree that one way or another London is in our plans, God Willing, spring 2023. And it’s just going to be a trip where we hang out and see Julie when we can. And take in some shows. And no fucking pubs :grimacing::scream:
I’m grateful I read about reservations this morning.
I’m grateful I don’t think I have any. I had one reservation when I first started my journey. A British Pub. I’m grateful that now sounds stupid to me.
I’m grateful for being here over 2 years on TS and reading and supporting other people that can get through hard times, so I know I can too. And I’ll always have support if I reach out. I’m grateful for support. Stella! #fuckreservations! Right?

I’m grateful for you all.

Only the open minded get to experience the world from many perspectives


G’morning :sunny::yellow_heart:

I’m grateful for my littlest granddaughter. She is a bundle of joy in every sense. Today is her 2nd birthday. I’m grateful my DIL asked if we could have her party here at my house tomorrow. I’m grateful Keely is here and I’ll have her support if needed. I’m grateful for her beautiful soul.

I’m grateful I finally learned that I can tap a photo on the nature thread and be able to view it with full clarity. That one took me a minute. :crazy_face: I’m grateful for those who share the beauty of their places in the world.

I’m grateful the calm is still with me. It’s such a wonderful feeling to be content. I’m grateful that after the first couple months of sobriety, I realized that the boredom wasn’t boredom at all… it was a deep calm.

I’m grateful I love where I live. I’ve been in this house in Colorado longer than any other place I’ve lived. I’m grateful for mental clarity and finally understanding why I couldn’t stay in one place very long. Depression always kept me searching, seeking a place that felt like home to my soul. I think these mountains are it, and I’m grateful I feel at home here.


5 months!!! Wow! Big congrats to you. :partying_face::purple_heart: