Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude The Air Of Recovery

I am not the biggest nor fastest reader. Atm this is in my basket and i am happy that I can concentrate on what I am reading and that it is not something I do to calm the noise in my head.


Congratulations on your 5 months MsM
It just keeps getting better when we let it.


Grateful today for

  • Vivid colors
  • God
  • My job no matter how stressful or dangerous it can get
  • Cozy corners of the room where I feel safe
  • Family
  • And of course my recovery and TS fam

I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I had such a wonderful walk and conversation with my friend today.
I am grateful I am home, it’s warm, the cats are fed and chilling.
I am grateful that I discovered that there is a new season of the marvelous miss maisel. Love that.


For waking myself up laughing in my dreams atleast 5 times early this morning, I wish I could remember what I was laughing at, but it was definitely nicer than waking up shouting in nightmares.

For feeling a little bit more mentally well than yesterday.

For the motivation to shower and clean my teeth today before the CA meeting.

For remembering to turn my boiler on ahead of the shower.

For hot water.

For the CA meeting this evening, it was just the chair and I, but I was and remain very grateful for it. I had to read aloud, lots, but with just one other person there it was not so bad and I didn’t have to feel anxious about my volume. I actually didn’t feel very anxious at all, even when I stumbled over words and didn’t get the timing quite right.

For similarities, there are so many, it helps.

For (so far, at 8:18pm) resisting the urge to order my favourite take away tonight.

For feeling a glimmer of peace with myself in this moment.

For gratitude.

For my two cats, for all the feelings I feel for them. For their health.

For the TS forum, and everyone here, for how it always turns my day around each time I come here, before I go to sleep.

Thank you.


@Pica congrats on 60 days :tada:
@MsMotorista congrats on 5 months :tada:


Thank you :black_heart:

I am grateful for my 2 cats, too 🐈‍⬛


Day 96, grateful for this.
Grateful for a sunny beautiful day here in Colorado.
Grateful for having at least one solid friend I trust and can reveal all my flaws to and not be judged. Only understood.
Grateful I have a fabulous house coordinator.
Grateful I am not needing acceptance of others any longer.
Grateful for another day clean and sober.
Grateful to have a heart for others even when it hurts.
Grateful to have a relationship with my ex and my children.
Grateful I didn’t put that bullet in my mouth that day.

Grateful for TS and my family on here.

God bless :pray:


Grateful for my voice today and not putting up with peoples "stuff:

Grateful for my hubby and him supporting me with my issue

Grateful for food



  • Grateful for another day of life.
  • Grateful to be sober.
  • Grateful for the health of my family and mine.
  • Grateful for having a bed to sleep in and food today.
  • Grateful for resisting the emotional crisis of the afternoon and having the strength to take a shower and play sports.
  • Grateful for being able to make amends with my younger brother and my dad.
  • Grateful for the love of my family and their patience with me.
  • Grateful for being able to cry when I recognize my mistakes and everything that hurts my heart.
  • Grateful for the person who started this gratitude list, it helps me work on my recovery process.

Good evening family.

I am grateful to have been at a meeting with 2 newcomers last night.
I am grateful for their fear, desperation and their courage.
I am grateful that I felt their hope even though the flame may have been small, it was there. I also have hope that they keep coming back.
I am grateful for my new NA family and how they cozy up around me because they know I am not great.
I am grateful that I am managing to stay in the middle of the plate.
I am grateful for new opportunities to be of service.
I am grateful for the hot cup of decaf I am drinking out of my " Grateful" mug and how this mug always makes me smile.
I am grateful to be starting a new book today.
I am grateful that I ate 3 meals today and that so far my sadness has not triggered me to start starving myself again.
I am grateful for the forum and all the people in my recovery because of it.



lmao i am grateful for the laugh i got reading this. i do that kinda stuff to . good clean and sober fun… who knew :wink:


Really? I’m grateful to read that :joy::joy::joy:
I haven’t name any animals or neighborhood dogs yet after any of y’all. :rofl:
But in my old neighborhood these 2 little yap dogs would come out barking at us, and I named them Mary and Ed after my parents :joy::joy::joy:
I’m grateful I got a challenge :rofl:


I’m grateful to God thank you for guiding me through today clean and sober. I’m grateful for my recovery. I’m grateful for All my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for lots of laughs at work today, I was all fired up, motivated, trying my best to make it fun for me and others, today it worked, lots of genuine belly laughs and got some of my coworkers out of their heads and into the moment. I’m grateful that I can be that way and still do the job, a good job, the boss tells me so, which is nice to hear. I’m grateful that I don’t have covid, three of my coworkers have it right now, stress building at work because of it, short staffed now. I’m grateful my Sister texted me today to say her isolation is over, she still doesn’t feel 100% but she is glad she can go back to work next week and get out of the house. I’m grateful I can pray for my health and everyones, phsically, mentally and spiritually.

God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. Don’t forget to smile and breathe, it feels good. Ya you!!


Grateful for a party for 3 birthdays today, and grateful for alcohol free party.
For not being triggered by others only by my own self, worry and anticipation.
For getting my 10, 000 in and feeling energized.
For my Hunny, shes the best :100:
For strong coffee
For meditation, nothing is outside of the practice
For fellowship and loving kindness
For a loving HP!!


Grateful for being sober , so Sam my son spends time with me, had such a special time yesterday, watching movies, snacking and a fire on, so cozy and heart warming.
Grateful to have stuck to my budget so I can go food shopping for him this morning, knowing he will be eating when he goes back.
Grateful I have let go of my To Do lists for this weekend
Greatful for morning coffee and lazy Sunday mornings
Grateful to you and here


Today I’m grateful I’m home again. Grateful for a good night, a lovely snorring husband :grin: and cats snuggling up in bed :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:. Grateful for office @ home. Grateful for the wood- fired stove and it’s cozy warmth. Greatful for hot chocolate and scrambled eggs for breakfast, tastes so delicious after one week with only soup and tea. Greatful that I love my family, our house and our relaxed lifestyle. Today I’m one with the world and grateful for it :pray::orange_heart:


Tonight I am grateful of getting through another day of being sober.
I am so grateful for my children and enjoying opening up the lines of communication with them, after not being present for them for so long.
I am grateful for overhauling my rollerskates today and look forward to Tuesday when I get to do a long beach skate! 🛼
I am so very grateful for this group! You guys are amazing!
I am grateful to have the best mum in the world, who I consider my best friend and can be completely open and honest with her.
I am grateful for getting my nursing registration back after 19 months and can’t wait to start work again.
I am grateful for my health and new found energy and alertness.
I am grateful to live in a happy colourful home with my kids and fur babies.
Thanks for listening :heart:


Love Harlen Coben!!


Good morning all,
I’m grateful I woke up early on my own. I’m grateful I had some quiet time to catch up on here and drink my coffee. I’m grateful for my home, and the loving people and animals in it. I’m grateful to have a day of possibilities available to me because I’m not hungover, or planning how soon I can start drinking. I’m grateful that those thoughts don’t come very often anymore. I’m grateful that I feel like I’m part of my life now, instead of watching it happen through a fog. I’m grateful for love and forgiveness, and sunshine.
Everyone have a wonderful day :heart:


I’m grateful I woke up sober and hangover free again. Amazing! I’m grateful we had a nice night out for dinner last night. I’m grateful I get to feed all the pets in the morning. And have their bashing heads hitting me. Or the little love bite I get when trying to get water from the RO. And when I let the 2 crazy happy tail wagging dogs in from the cold they always make me smile. I’m even grateful for the fun guessing game, finding where the 2 girls are at that eat separately in the master bedroom. All this “I get” to do happily, hangover free, before coffee each morning. Then I’m really grateful for that first pull on my fresh ground coffee. The one where the coffee is the perfect temperature, not too hot, not too cold and you get that fulfilling morning glug. And grateful then I think. “Everything is going to be ok today.” I’m grateful everything is going to be ok today because I’m not drinking!! I’m grateful I get to go through life calm, and clear headed, and not overreacting. It’s a new fantastic kind of drug. And it’s so worth it.

I’m grateful I got to read a little more about surrendering this morning. How I still have to surrender even more. And I chuckled when I read the part about how there’s probably still areas that I cling to the illusion of control. THE ILLUSION OF CONTROL Now I’m just plain laughing at this. :joy::joy::joy::joy: Because when I think I’m in control, it really is just an illusion. I can’t control shit!! I’m grateful I have learned to love to surrender. I know some days I hate always having to work on myself. But I love to surrender. Sometimes I think surrendering is a cop out. “I should do something about…… :grimacing:” I’m grateful that what I should do is stop and pause and pray for guidance.

I’m grateful for y’all.
I’m grateful I’m my work is done here. :blush:

I learned that very often the most intolerant and narrow-minded people are the ones who congratulate themselves on their tolerance and open-mindedness. OUCH :scream:
Christopher Hitchens