Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude The Air Of Recovery

@ShesGotMoxie thank you so much :blue_heart: I have really just had to lay with your words, because compliments haven’t came very often so I’ve never learned how to deal with them. But being recognised as a kind person with a big heart is all I’ve ever wanted people to see. In the physical word I haven’t yet learned how to let people see that, I’m very quiet, I struggle with speech, and I’m very much in my shell, so I rarely connect with people. Being in this safe space, and being able to communicate in written form, with people that get it, enables me to be my authentic soft self. I’m grateful and very happy you’re here too. :blue_heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


You’re welcome. :blush: I see you, and I’m grateful you’re able to come out of your shell here. :purple_heart: I’m very much a loner, but I enjoy getting to know others through their hearts/minds/souls… no physicalities to get in the way, just genuine, honest, authentic selves. Thank you for being you. :purple_heart:


Good evening all,
I’m grateful for hiking this morning with my son and husband. I’m grateful for enough money to buy groceries and some new clothes for the kids. I’m grateful for a nice Saturday at home. I’m sad to see people leaving the forum, seems like a lot lately, but I’m grateful for what I have learned from them ( I feel like I’ve learned something from just about everyone here). I’m grateful for this thread and all of you. Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


I’m grateful we got to see my father-in-law this evening. He was released from the hospital this afternoon. He’s weak, but he’s in good spirits. I’m grateful he’s not in pain. I’m grateful we’ve been healing the rift between our families over the past couple years. It’s really hard, especially now that he has cancer, to have lost out on all those years with them… 13 years of missing out on their son, their grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. :persevere: I’m grateful I’m handling the anger and resentment better today than a couple days ago. I’m trying to quickly get rid of emotions that don’t serve me or anyone else well.

I’m grateful for this safe place to come and share my feelings. I’m grateful for y’all. :heart:


I’m grateful to God. I’m grateful for my recovery. I’m grateful for All my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for food. I’m grateful for music. I’m grateful for the twelve steps and the people that use them. I’m grateful for alarm clocks as I have to start work at 7:45 a.m tomorrow and I have been starting at 2 p.m. or later for over a month . I’m grateful my parents understand I need to work as much as possible, I had to cancel our lunch tomorrow. I’m grateful the way work is going I will be able to pay to go back to school and get a car sooner than anticipated. I’m grateful to be gamble free for almost five days.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are amazing, keep it up. Ya you!!


I am grateful for all of the newcomers that have been filling our meetings lately it reminds me that it’s not getting any better out there.

I am grateful for all the people in my life, (yes that includes you) without them I would not be able to continuing growing daily.

I am grateful for the genuine excitement that filled my body and the gasp that escaped my mouth when I saw another new baby on my dragon tail plant!!! Legitimate joy those plants bring me and I shared that with a friend in another country, how cool is that? I am so grateful for simple joys and friends that have the same passions.

I am grateful for my books too Carolyn and like you I feel I say it often. They ground me and I actually crave to sit in silence with a book. I am grateful that I can read something and it will trigger a thought that I may get lost in for a while but how peaceful it feels when I am lost.

I am grateful for the delicious meal I ate tonight and that I was not too shy or embarrassed to ask for a side plate. The portion was OVERWHELMING and I couldn’t eat from it. I served myself more approachable portions onto the side plate. I am grateful that I am working around my brain and learning to push through hard moments like that. I ate 2/3 of it there and the rest when I got home.

I am grateful that listening to my heart works. My heart is wise, she speaks softly and slowly unlike my brain that’s a fast paced chatter of bullshit. I am grateful that tuning my brain out is becoming easier.

I am grateful for meditation.


this… funny and real and I relate thank you


Late night Gratitudes. :waxing_crescent_moon:
I’m grateful that I can always express gratitude.
I’m grateful that when I felt restless my first instinct was to come here.
I’m grateful that anxiety is temporary.
I’m grateful that when I let go and trust that I feel peaceful.
I’m grateful for my best friend and how safe he makes me feel. I’m grateful for who he is.
I’m grateful for my mom.
I’m grateful for Rue’s pure happiness. I’m grateful that she teaches me about happiness and gratitude.
I’m grateful that when my mind runs on overdrive I’m better able to reel it in.
I’m grateful for @Its_me_Stella gratitude for listening to her heart. My brain, too, is filled with self created fast paced bs.
I’m grateful for the wisdom of my heart and others.
I’m grateful that anything positive is possible. I’m grateful that my life is a miracle.

Sweet dreams everyone, I love you all


I’m grateful:

For the in-person CA meeting last night, for the hugs and love, and sharing a little for the first time. For receiving a 30 day key-tag, I love it. :star_struck:

For managing to finish all the highlighting and annotations in the Big Book yesterday, so I can start doing the step work with my sponsor. :pray:t2:

For a Tesco home delivery coming between 1-2pm. Due to my health issues I’m currently unable to shop for myself, so this service helps me to stay in recovery from my eating disorder, rather than bingeing on takeaways every day. :raised_hands:t2:

For my sense of smell returning, some things definitely don’t smell as I remember them to, but for a really long time I couldn’t smell anything. :raised_hands:t2:

For being alive, and for actually wanting to be. :raised_hands:t2:

For my family and their health. :pray:t2:

For a clean and warm home, though my landlord is selling, he agreed to initially target the advert to investors, so that I can hopefully stay here. :pray:t2:

For clean running water, there are so many that don’t have this luxury. :pray:t2:

For the CA fellows that have reached out and called me this week. For not being too anxious to answer when they do. :raised_hands:t2:

For not struggling with my adjustment to 3mg vape liquid from 6mg, I will break free from nicotine addiction in a couple of weeks. :pray:t2:

That I’m not poisoning my mind and body with substances anymore. :raised_hands:t2:

That I’m not constantly terrified I’m going to run out of drugs anymore. :raised_hands:t2:

That I’m not trying to do this alone or white-knuckling it this go round. :pray:t2:

That I’m not living a shameful and secret life anymore. :raised_hands:t2:

That I no longer feel like I’m without support from people who get it. :raised_hands:t2:

Thank you.


@Its_me_Stella yay for recognising and seperating those voices, this was the biggest change for me from active addiction Vs recovery. Hoping the soft voice keeps winning for all of us. :pray:t2::blue_heart:


Today I am grateful for demonstrating discipline in strengthening my self-esteem through my sports routine and eating healthy. I am grateful for not falling into my impulses to eat.

Today I am grateful that I strengthen a friendship with a friend from Mexico, I feel good not to isolate myself from people.

Today I am grateful for the love of my family and that I can look them in the face.

Today I am grateful for my health and that of my family.

Today I am grateful for having new motivations.

Today I am thankful for a calm day of being clean and sober.

just for today not consumed.


What a blessing Pica! I’m so happy for you. I would give anything to have a meeting available to me like yours. Edit: I mean kind and thoughtful not all men.


I am grateful I made it through the boozy banquets sober. Last nights was much harder than the previous weeks. People tried to give me drinks and encouraged me to drink and laughed at me for not drinking. I am grateful I did NOT respond in anger or let it beat me down.
I am grateful I turned off the news a couple days ago and I am now in a more positive frame of mind.
I am grateful for feeling able to engage a bit more on here again without feeling overwhelmed. I love this community but I have a hard time with feeling like I need to help everyone and be there for everyone. It’s a flaw in my makeup that I’m working on. Im grateful I’m learning to disengage when I’m overwhelmed instead of drinking.


Well done getting through those banquets. Such an achievement you should be proud of yourself. Learning to switch off sometimes is hard but with practice you will reap the benefits . It’s OK to look after yourself too!

I’m grateful the sun is out today. I can smell spring round the corner. It’s a great feeling :relieved:


I’m grateful I stayed up too late last night and enjoyed my movie even though wifey hated it and fell asleep through most of it. I’m most grateful I formed my own opinion of the movie. I’ve had a lot of trouble forming “my own” opinion over the years. I’m grateful I’m still learning stupid shit like I can like and enjoy a movie everyone else hates. What’s the big deal? And I don’t even have to defend my opinion. By the way. I Love :heart: Lady Ga Ga. And I loved her in the role she played last night. And that’s my opinion and I’m grateful for it.

I’m grateful I am sober and very in tune to the needs of my 2 old pets. Especially Minnie. I’m grateful I notice and jump up when she wants to go out as her bladder is getting older I guess and she’s going more frequently. But last night I was grateful I wasn’t drunk and passed out on the couch with the movie on and Minnie needing to go out. I’m always grateful I go to bed at night and don’t pass out on the couch anymore. I’m grateful tonight I’m going to bed early. I’m also grateful I wasn’t the only one up late last night :wink:. Thanks for the brief little bit of company Callie.

I’m grateful I’ve kicked up my guided meditation game. Presently. I am falling asleep sometimes during it, but I know subconsciously, there are still many benefits to it. I’m grateful I listened to my body yesterday. Another thing I’m sick and tired of doing. :grimacing:. But better to take a day off if there’s something not quite right, than to be forced to take a week off when something definitely gets hurt.

I’m grateful for tail wagging.
I’m grateful for purring and tamping

I’m grateful for Alison tagging me in on her thread and the way God works through my life.
I’m grateful I thought and thought about what to write on your thread and will eventually get to it. Unless I go on here too long about it. :blush: I’m grateful your thread got me to think about Hope and how I’ve pretty much given up on Hope. I’m grateful I thought and thought how I would approach prayers for Hope. I’m grateful, I guess, I’ve given up Hope as a defense mechanism because, who wants to get hurt when Hope is dashed? Not me. I’m grateful I started a brand new book this morning Codependent No More by Melody Beattie. I’m already in love :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: with it. The last paragraph of the 25th anniversary preface (I never read the preface)
Right there in print. “Don’t Give Up Hope.” And I looked up and thought God? You done it again. I’ve already welled up with tears after only ready 3 prefaces and the introduction. Looks like God is going to teach me some more lessons. :grimacing::pray:t2: I’m grateful the way God works in my life. If I just let him. And not look to hard for Him.
He’s right there :pray:t2:
He’s right here :pray:t2:

I’m grateful for you all and how much I learn from you all and the strength you all give me to stay sober. Every :man_facepalming: fucken day!
I’m grateful I’m good. I’m not drinking today. And I’m probably not drinking tomorrow.

Todays reminder
from One Day At A Time In Al-Anon.
The alcoholic is not my problem.
My problem is Me.


G’morning y’all :sunny::yellow_heart:

I’m grateful for soft, fresh-smelling sheets on my bed. I’m grateful I make my own laundry detergent. It smells so good and it’s free of harmful chemicals and fragrances. It feels good to do the little things to keep my husband, my family, and myself more healthy.

I’m grateful to recognize a flow among several of us regarding things we’re learning right now. It definitely lets me know there’s a power working in our lives. I’m grateful to be learning about heart-brain coherence. It’s about being in a state of flow, where are our hearts, minds, and bodies are at one, and we can enjoy a deep connection with ourselves, with others, and with nature. This is coherence and that flow state is something I strive for. I’m grateful for meditation, because it brings me there.

I’m grateful for this day. Grateful to smell the delicious aroma of my husband’s coffee. I don’t drink coffee, but dang does it smell amazing. I’m grateful that I’m going right now to make myself a mug of hot cocoa. :blush:

Y’all have a beautiful day. :purple_heart:


Good evening all,
I’m grateful for the calmness that sobriety brings to me. Not always, I still have a lot to work on, but I can even face challenging things with more calmness than before. I’m grateful for inspirational quotes. I’m grateful for nice evenings, and that I haven’t felt the old anxiety that I used to get in the evenings knowing I was going to drink to much and feel like crap, but doing it anyways. I’m grateful for the ebb and flow on here- people joining in more when they need to and stepping back when they are doing ok. I’m grateful for love and forgiveness and hope.
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


I’m grateful that I stayed sober last night even though I didn’t want to.

I’m grateful that every morning I wake up with my cat sleeping on top of me and my dog in my arms. I am going to have back problems soon but it’s worth it haha

I’m grateful for all the comforts I get to enjoy every day: good coffee, books, t.v., a soft bed, and all my cozy blankets.

And I’m grateful for sobriety and all the people I have met on this journey.


I’m grateful to God for guiding me through today. I’m grateful for my recovery. I’m grateful for All my family, friends,TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful I made it to work early and opened the restaurant for the first time, all by myself. I’m grateful I took a nap this afternoon. I’m grateful I got to attend my NA homegroup tonight. I’m grateful that I shared last and was able to listen to everyone. I’m grateful for keytags and watching people receive them, particularly for example watching a homegroup member get a nine month keytag tonight compared to when he showed up for a day one white keytag, unbelievable. I’m grateful for meditation, daily readings and prayer.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are amazing. Ya you


Grateful for effort, 10 000 steps, meditation and yoga.
For my lovely Hunny and a calm weekend.
Grateful to let go of my demands and cravings and be more gentle.
For coffee and tea and a healthy meal.
For getting along with people in general and for you guys sharing here on TS.
Just this present moment together :pray:🧘‍♂:hugs::four_leaf_clover:


Hi Hi

Today I am grateful for the rest of my Sunday, calm sober and without a hangover, breathing life.

Today I am grateful that my family trusts me, and they let me know that they love me.

Today I am grateful for the new job opportunity that I am about to undertake, although I am a little scared, I feel that it is an opportunity that I cannot miss.

Today I am grateful for lying down in a clean bed, being able to take a shower, and tidy up the place where I live.

Today I am grateful for learning to be disciplined in my goals, especially with my sports routine and eating habits. working a lot on my anxiety urges and procrastination.

today I am grateful that I feel responsible with myself and maturing by living independently and learning to grow.

today I am grateful for giving me time to understand the traditions, working on a traditions workshop with fellow NA members.

today I am grateful that even though there are negative thoughts I give them less room in my life, I don’t visit that old corner of self-pity.

Today I am grateful for telling my mom that I love her and my dad seeing him off on his trip home with my brother.

Today I am thankful for me not consuming just for today.
good night.