Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude The Air Of Recovery

I’m grateful:

For my sponsor making time for me yesterday afternoon to start the book work.

For not acting out while my mental health was a bit unstable last night, for eventually realising I hadn’t taken my medications and for falling asleep shortly after I did.

For the other newcomers that are phoning me regularly and to hear that they have as much hope and belief in the program as I do.

For connection.

For the miracle of being alive and 32 days clean from cocaine.

For Zoom meetings and the powerful shares and consistent messages I’m hearing.

For my cats, for their unconditional love and companionship, they really are my entire world.

For the iced coffee that I’m going to get from Starbucks after this.

For how good it felt to pray when I first woke up this morning. I tried to meditate too but ended up falling back to sleep. Will try again after the coffee.

For my family and their health.

That I’m not longer insane with the obsession and compulsion to buy and use cocaine call day every day.

That I’m no longer trying to end my life.

That I’m not lying to anyone anymore.

That I’m not living with crippling shame anymore.

That I am taking better care of my hygeine since being clean.

Thank you.


@PaigeTurner I am grateful that you shared that video on FB and that I watched the whole thing before I managed to fall asleep last night, it really spoke to me, I will work on trusting the power and ignoring the fear. Thank you. :pray:t2:


I’m grateful for this new fresh perspective morning.
I’m grateful that I trust God and I can entrust my children over to HIM.
I’m grateful that I can be joyful in hope, patience in affliction and persistent in prayer as Romans 12:12 says.
I’m grateful to be able to come home to a house full of women and hear laughter, stories of goal-setting, hope, children, tears and real raw stuff. I’m more blessed to be in this home. I feel safe here. Praise God.
I’m grateful that even though I had my very first huge verbal argument with my bff last night… I know that today we’ll be just fine. Maybe in 7 days… But either way I know we’ll be OK. We can adult our way through this one.
I’m grateful that I get to be present in my life today.
I’m grateful I’m not trying to perform to show off or gain accolades. I’m simply desiring to stay sober and be the best version of me, authentic and all as I possibly can in this dark world.
I’m grateful for the gift of desperation. It’s what brought back in.
I’m grateful for forgiveness and acceptance.
I’m grateful for my weight gain. Woot woot!



I’m grateful it’s Monday, start fresh
I’m grateful that i fought through my default settings to finally plan my week
I’m grateful that i’m not on a bunch of medication to get through my day
i’m thankful my boys are babies, I cried looking at them watching TV, I try to see life through Future Me’s eyes, willing me to appreciate every moment with these boys.
I’m thankful for my beautiful wife, loyal BFF/Teammate/wife for 22 years now, aging gracefully as i knew she would
I’m thankful to my god Jehovah for pointing me in the right direction, daily
I’m thankful for the TS community, helping me rid my life of addiction, 103 days and counting.


Good morning :sun_with_face:

I am grateful that my pain isn’t as awful today.
I am grateful for the tears that my sponsee shed at our step group yesterday. Her tears cleansed our meeting it was amazing.
I am grateful for hugs and the symbolism behind them. The direct exchange of energy from one source to another, chest to chest. They say we need hugs to survive, and I believe it, they recharge our heart.
I am grateful to feel included today alot of my life I didn’t.
I am grateful that the higher dose of my medication felt wrong and I stopped it after two days. Just another confirmation that my addict is not control of this choice. :pray:
I am grateful that I have been free from meth for close to 17 years and that I never abused prescription drugs. (Hmmmm, well I misused prescription drugs but they were never my DOC)
I am grateful my Dr trusts me.
I am grateful that today is Monday, it’s a brand new week, of a band new life and I am excited to be living it.



I see a BIG difference in you and your posts Cam that make me smile. You are making HUGE strides in personal growth and recovery. It’s a great joy to watch. :blue_heart:


I am grateful for the more positive outlook that has returned to me. I need to be more on guard to protect my personal energy. Without alcohol to numb me I feel the energy other others and the world around me more potently.
I am grateful the days are getting longer. Spring is joyously arriving. In my area the sap bags are being hung on the sugar maple trees to gather sap for maple syrup making. The day of seeing sap bags hanging is always one of my favorite days of the year. It means Spring is arriving to me. I am grateful that the old fashioned process of syrup making is still a tradition in my area.


I’m grateful to God I don’t drink.
I’m grateful to God I don’t depend on booze.
I’m grateful I remembered about “muting and ignoring” on here instead of engaging in something that would be unproductive and cause the moderators unnecessary work.
I’m grateful maybe I’ll remember to use this feature sooner next time instead of trying to figure out if I should engage or not.

I’m grateful Alice won’t leave me alone. I guess sometimes she just needs her daddy. I’m grateful she seems ok. I’ll be more grateful when we finally get that urine culture back hopefully today :grimacing:.
I’m grateful I don’t try to rush things. Most of the time. I’m getting so much better at it.

I’m grateful we had fun watching the SAG Awards last night. Bring on the Oscars. I’m grateful CODA won a few awards. I’m grateful for my hearing. I’m grateful I can appreciate how hard it must be for a deaf cast to win an award.
I’m grateful for the handicaps my family had when I was growing up, it’s made me more aware and emphatic to other peoples struggles, especially the ones that are not so obvious to the eye. I’m grateful for my sister who had MS and I learned a lot from her struggles. :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:
I’m grateful I did all I could to help her. She was my favorite person in the world. 🥲🤗 Love you Susan.

I’m grateful I still have no idea where I’m going with gratitude when I do my list. I’m grateful I just know if I start it with a few basic things my heart and my God will take over and I will be filled with a treasure of unexpected gratitude and that will keep me sober. I got and have had so much in life that I am grateful for. I’m grateful for unexpected tears of gratitude and the way they fill my heart and soul.
Fucking Susan! Get out of my head! She would appreciate that. :rofl: I grateful she was an artist in profanity. :joy: I’m grateful for all the road trips to the mountains we use to take. And all the last minute unplanned camping we use to do. Shit. I’m stuck.

I’m grateful for you all.
I’m grateful for love.
I’m grateful I know what love is.
I’m grateful I can still love someone when they’re gone.

I smile because your my brother.
I laugh because there is nothing you can do about it.

An embroidered pillow she got me that I’ll never give up.


That’s awesome! What a smart idea. I’m glad you found a way to work with the situation.


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful work was kinda productive today.

Grateful sun was shining today.

I am grateful for information as it is calming me.

I am grateful I barely use the heating. It’s warm enough here in my apartment.

I am grateful that many institutions react on what’s happening and cut money cash flow. Everyone has to suffer, sure. I am praying.


I’m grateful for your avatar. Do you mind if I join you?


I am grateful to be going into the night sober; I’m worried I won’t sleep, but that’s nothing compared to the other…
I have a pint of clean water, I am grateful I can take this from a functioning tap whenever I want.
I’m grateful for being able to be honest about my illness
I’m grateful for kind people in this world
For now, that’s plenty.


Today I am grateful for friends. Lately I’ve been a bit rubbish at keeping in touch with my friends, I’ve got out of the habit of meeting up and making the effort. But today I phoned my friend, it was so nice to speak to her and things were good between us. And another friend has been in touch to meet up and I will get together soon. It’s so easy to fall into the ‘I can’t be bothered’ mindset for me but I totally realise how important friends are. I need to put the work in!!
Thanks for being here xx


I’m grateful that I have true compassion for others. Had I not known trauma, I’m sure I would still have that compassion, but it may not have come as easily for me. I’m grateful I’m able to put a definition to pain and do my damnedest to support others and myself.

I’m grateful I’m here. I’m grateful I’ve quit putting all my eggs in one basket. I did that again and again in my past and all it got me was grief. I’m grateful that I give of myself to as many as I’m able, and I’m also grateful I know when enough is enough. I’m grateful I take care of me first now.

I’m grateful for music and meditation. I’m grateful for those little nudges from the universe that keep me on the right path.

I’m grateful for this community. :purple_heart:


I’m grateful for grace that I have learned over time.
I’m grateful that I was given the gift of voice and language. I’m grateful I have one. I’m grateful that I’m learning that it’s okay to use it. When I was little I was left completely alone in every single moment of my emotional distress. While it taught me to be self sufficient and independent. It gave me a near crippling anxiety for reaching out when I’m in distress. I created beautiful worlds where I was given emotional support and reassurance that I was not given in real life. I’m grateful I have a real one now. I’m grateful in my sobriety that I’ve started to overcome that crippling fear. That I’m finding my people. That I’m reaching out for help. That I’m finding I’m worthy of being taken care of too. Of emotional support. Of caring. I’m grateful I use my voice to protect others. I’m grateful I use it to name my feelings, to get to the bottom of them. I’m grateful I always put myself in someone else’s shoes. I’m grateful it helps me come from a place of love and understanding. I’m grateful for my people here. You are like rocks to me. Like family. I have been able to share pieces of me that I never believed I could. I’m grateful I can honestly say that I know what it means to heal caverns in my soul that started forming when I was just a little girl. I’m grateful that I have you all to thank for giving me the permission to reach out and that you never made me feel weak for doing so.
I’m grateful that Ian is feeling better. I’m grateful for a slight break in the heat. I’m grateful Ian and I both love cooking and taking care of one another. I’m grateful he’s taught me I can receive, I don’t always have to give.
I’m grateful for long walks. I’m grateful for peace rallies. I’m grateful that we get to choose every day to make the world a kinder, more beautiful place. :yellow_heart:


Good evening all,
I’m grateful for a warm, safe home full of love. I’m grateful for enough food for my family. I’m grateful for love and forgiveness.
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


Today I am grateful for:

  • The beautiful friendships I have made here… I really don’t feel so alone anymore.
  • Being able to get my new meds to help me balance my moods
  • For music. My hubby showed me this powerful Spoken Word song about Anxiety. It really moved me. It’s called Dear Anxiety by Clayton Jennings (for anyone interested). Unbelievably powerful!
  • For my fighting spirit and for not giving up on myself. Loving my 2 weeks clean!
  • For God! Who has literally pulled me out of addiction and showing me another way to live :pray:

I’m grateful to God. I’m grateful for recovery, including mine. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and all you gratidudes. I’m grateful for music and creativity. I’m grateful I walk home after work almost every night. I’m grateful I can afford to take the bus all the time and that I choose to walk or bike. I’m grateful for the stand-up comedian section on Netflix as I watch enough sci-fi, dramas, action movies and shows. I’m grateful for @M-be-free49 . I’m grateful I get offered to take shifts almost everyday, as well as called in for longer, I do need to remember to take breaks and days off though as someday’s my spiritual tank dries out at work. I’m grateful for @Dazercat . I’m grateful I can choose to play some word puzzle or chess instead of gambling on poker even though I want to gamble on poker. I’m grateful that in about an hour and a half It will be one week no gambling. I’m grateful for @Its_me_Stella . I’m grateful that my housemates cleaned the living room and kitchen today. I’m grateful I can do my laundry anytime. I’m grateful I am still on a make my bed when I get up streak. I’m grateful for @Sunflower1 . I’m grateful that it is almost a new month and I can get the bicycle back out soon. I’m grateful I get lots of goodies for free from work, rather than throwing them out, but my waistline is showing it, gratefully only a little. I’m grateful for @Bootz @ShesGotMoxie @Callie99 @PaigeTurner @RosaCanDo . I’m grateful for the twelve steps and the principles they teach. I’m grateful for treatment centers for people like myself wirth addiction and mental health issues. I’m grateful for sober, supportive, transitional housing that is avaiable and for the one i live in. I’m grateful they will find someone else to take my room when I move in June. I’m grateful for @CATMANCAM . I’m grateful for subsidized housing and that I discovered I can still work while living there unless I start earning to much then I couldn’t, I am grateful that makes sense to me. I’m grateful for self love and meditation. I’m grateful for daily, readings and prayer. I’m grateful that I still read every post on this thread since I joined it back in early 2020, it helps a lot not just writing mine but reading all of yours.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. Don’t forget to smile and breathe, it feels good. Ya you!!



  • Today I am grateful to be alive, sober and learning to be calm, to quiet the mind and not fall into my first impulse.

  • Today I am grateful to be able to see, hear, speak, and taste the food, the fruits, the water.

  • Today I am grateful for the health of my family and mine, daily disciplined effort to eat healthy not impulsively, taking care of my body with sports helps improve my self-esteem, just like this daily list of gratitude are daily goals that I must meet before going to sleep and I feel the changes in me.

  • Today I am grateful to @Dazercat for this initiative this saves me, a few weeks ago my thoughts were of constant suicide, laying eggs and gratitude to take responsibility for my attitudes towards what frustrates me and causes me impotence, I humbly return to reality.

  • Today I am grateful for taking the time to read your lists give me so much, thank you very much for all those treasures, today I am grateful to @Butterflymoonwoman
    in thanks for sharing the song “DEAR ANXIETY”, it is a jewel thank you very much,

  • Today I am grateful for giving time to recovery reading.

  • Today I am grateful to @Jesile for his clean time and for the March Workout Challenger tomorrow I start motivated.

  • Today I am grateful for releasing resentments with my sister, I know she tries to get to me, but I still put up barriers because of my ego. I need to drop more.

  • Today I am grateful for writing to an old friend and thanking her for her friendship and letting her know how important she is in my life.

  • Today I am grateful for the opportunity I have to deal with my negative thoughts by living alone by learning to have self-love.

  • Today I am grateful for my present, for loving me one more day one day at a time not only in abstinence but doing everything possible to be well with myself.

just for today and thanks to the love and mercy of God I have not consumed.

good night.


Grateful for love from HP
For meditation and detachment of thoughts and emotions. For non-identification as a mind/body process. For willingness for effort and action.
For embracing the present moment and for gratitude and the Gratidudes.
Let’s go get another sober 24!


I am grateful to have a roof over my bed.
I am grateful for the comfortable need I have.
I’m grateful for my health.
I am grateful to my family.
I am grateful to my husband.
I am grateful to my AA community