Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude The Air Of Recovery

I’m grateful:

For 4 hours sleep without waking up once.

For having faith that I will adjust to later nights because of meetings.

For the CA Zoom meetings my sponsor has suggested, I’m getting a consistent message from all of them.

For iced coffee helping me to keep my eyes open.

For the in-person CA meeting I will attend tonight.

For the time my sponsor will spend with me later today to continue step work.

For nature always knowing what it needs and the atmosphere always providing it.

For clean and hot water I will have for my shower today.

For my family and their health.

For my two cats and their cute and funny personalities.

That I don’t live in pure panic anymore.

That I’m not avoiding reality anymore.

That I’m not white-knuckling sobriety this time around.

That I no longer contribute to the drug pandemic.

That I’m not to scared to answer my phone to unknown numbers anymore.

Thank you.


@TigerMatriarch thank you :blue_heart: I’m glad you’re feeling more positive again :raised_hands:t2:
@I.cant.We.can congrats on your week free from gambling :tada: I’m grateful for you too :blue_heart:


I’m grateful for another day sober so I can be the best me for my family and friends :pray:t2:


Today I’m grateful for 6 hours sleep.
I’m grateful for living in a vibrant city of art and self expression
I’m grateful I have a job and that I can work from home
I’m grateful for coffee… The act of grinding the beans, selecting the beans and drip brewing is so enjoyable to me.
I am grateful to you all.



I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I can distract myself from what’s happening.


I’m grateful the calm has found me again. Yesterday wasn’t too peachy. I’m grateful for my mind’s ability to process. It’s a wonderful feeling to think about things rather than just reacting. There is grace in that. My grandma would be proud of me. :heart:

I’m grateful for Ethan. I’m grateful he stays in touch and shares the music tracks he’s working on. That guy’s got talent! I’m grateful he’s doing well.

I’m grateful I’m watching the chicklets today. Hearing their squeals of laughter and seeing their excited little faces when I show up makes my whole day. I love them so much. :heartpulse:

I’m grateful for the doctors and nurses involved with my father-in-law’s cancer diagnosis. I’m grateful a new team member is coming on board. It never hurts to have someone else’s professional input. I’m grateful he’s feeling better and has his appetite back.

I’m grateful for so much more, but I’m off to get the girls. Y’all have a beautiful day. :sunny::yellow_heart:


I’m grateful for good advice and fellowship.

I mentioned on here that I was struggling with depression and the urge to drink. I had been feeling down for a few weeks and I was pretty angry about it. Why should I feel depressed if I was doing everything right? Making all the recommended changes? It wasn’t fair.

But as I was talking to someone at AA about this, they shared their experience with me because it was similar. Hearing from someone who knew exactly what I was talking about was incredibly helpful and brought me alot of peace.

I’m grateful that I can accept the lows with the highs.
I’m grateful that I’m no longer angry at myself for being unhappy.
I’m grateful for sober communities where we can help each other get through these times.

And lastly, I’m grateful that now I can start focusing on others. I’ve been stuck in a cycle of self-pity, anger, and overall unhappiness. But there is alot to be grateful for :star2: I want to be better but I accept that it’s a process.

I hope you are all having a good week so far :heartpulse:


I’m grateful for this sober community. I’m grateful I enjoy my time on here whether it be for fun, or to get and give support. I’m grateful for the new people that join in, and hope (there it is! Hope!) they can find it a safe place and stick around reap the benefits of sobriety on here like I have. And make some really nice friends along the way.

I’m grateful for my practice of gratitude each morning. I’m grateful my wife gets to sleep in. I’m grateful for all the thousands of chores she does every day. No matter what. My wife gets her daily chores done. I’m grateful and pretty impressed that some mornings, at 3 am I’ve heard her cleaning littler boxes before she comes to bed. She never misses her chores. I’m grateful I realized yesterday how many chores she does around here. I mean I know she does tons of chores. But I really really was just very grateful and thought wow :hushed: I grateful for what I do around here and we make a great team. And No. I don’t do everything. I’d be super grateful when that stinking feeling comes around ever again. And it will. I can remember, No. I don’t do everything.

I’m grateful I forgot my glasses when I got settled in with my coffee and blanket and ice pack and Alice got on me again. And started tamping and purring and settling in on me. I’m grateful I just sat here. And made a new plan. I’m grateful I couldn’t get up and just get my glasses. “Cat on the lap rule.” Especially if it’s Alice. You can’t kick a 16 year old cat off your lap. It’s written somewhere.
Anyway…… so I got to sit here with God and have a nice chat and pray about things. I prayed for HOPE. I’m grateful it’s not necessarily that I don’t have Hope. I just don’t think about it Hope. Especially in the big picture of life. The big picture sucks! I’m grateful I struggle with burying my head in the sand and trying not to let events all around me affect me. But I can’t just burry my head in the sand and not know that there’s some pretty shitty scary stuff out there. I’m grateful I’m so blessed but it’s not fair. Why am I so blessed? Why does a 6 year old school girl get killed in a bombing of a school house. What the fuck is wrong with people? So I’m grateful I try and go back to the Bible. The biggest book of all. It’s my safety book.
I pray and ask Jesus my God and Holy Spirit to stop the evil in this world……………
If you can. Because yes I have doubts.
And that’s when I go to:
Mark 9: 23-24
"‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.”
Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”
I’m grateful I can pray to God to help me overcome my unbelief. And know in my heart that I’m trying. I really am. :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:
I cherry picked and posted Habakkuk’s prayer a few days back. But I didn’t post the Lords answer, because I didn’t like it :grimacing: I still don’t like it.

The Lord’s Answer

Habakkuk 1: 5-6
5 “Look at the nations and watch—
and be utterly amazed.
For I am going to do something in your days
that you would not believe,
even if you were told.
6 I am raising up the Babylonians,
that ruthless and impetuous people,
who sweep across the whole earth
to seize dwellings not their own.

So I’ll cherry pick my way over to:
Wait for the Lord
Be strong and take heart
And wait for the Lord
Ps 27:14
Because what else can I do?
I’ll just wait for the Lord.


I am grateful for this “…we don’t have to feel ok to be ok.” and " …who needs to fit in when we belong?"
I am grateful for the texts I got this morning, one from a sponsee setting herself up for a great day with self-acceptance from the get-go and another from a member claiming she’s managed her first 24 hours clean!!! These are the gifts I am given today because of the people in my life. I am so grateful for them :heart:
I am grateful that today is the day for some imaging that I have been waiting what feels a lifetime for.
I am grateful that I trust my Dr and when I tried to hand in my meds yesterday and she said " No, finish the 2 weeks." I didn’t react poorly or feel afraid. I am grateful I have 100% trust in my higher power and that I am not acting in self will today.
I am grateful for friends who share things that resonate with them, who think of me when they love something and want me to experience that thing too.
I am grateful to be a part of the solution today.


I am grateful to be sober.

I am grateful that I have been a part of this community for 5 years and that despite my thousands of starts and stops I keep coming back and haven’t given up, despite feeling frustrated with myself.

I am grateful that I realize that I am the only one who can control what I drink or don’t drink. No one else can do this for me.

I am grateful that it is never too late to get it right and that if I want sobriety enough I will do whatever it takes to make it stick.

I am grateful for all that I have learned so far during this journey and that I plan to dig deeper and try harder.

I am grateful to still be here with you all. :two_hearts:


I’m grateful I’m not numb anymore. To life. To my feelings. To people.
When I step back and look at it, I was numbing my life. The illusion of keeping out the bad (it didn’t) also numbed the good.
I’m grateful that I’m learning what life feels like when you feel and experience it. Even the moments that suck all of the air out of you.
I’m grateful I’m seeing how important is to find happiness within. That no one else can love and nurture me, more then me.
I’m grateful I care less and less about validation and popularity every day. That to be really seen is more meaningful.

Tonight I’m praying for people the people overseas. I’m grateful that war makes me that much more thankful for peace, kindness, love, unity. :blue_heart::yellow_heart:


Thanks for helping me to remember to smile!
And thanks for mentioning me. I’m grateful for you too my brother.
Laughter is good for the soul. I’ll be watching some Netflix stand up later too.

What kind of music do you prefer?



Who needs to fit in when we belong… Love this!

Thank you sweetie.

I too am grateful for being part of the solution!


Good evening all,
I’m grateful for a day off work today. I’m grateful for exercise and sunshine. I’m grateful for hope and possibilities. I’m grateful for love and forgiveness. I’m grateful for everyone on this thread ( thanks for the shout out @I.cant.We.can :blush:)
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


You are most welcome!

Newish country and classic rock, a little bit of everything.


I’m grateful to God. I’m grateful for recovery, including mine. I’m grateful for All my family, friends,TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful my laundry is in and will be in the dryer soon. I’m grateful that even though I was very late today for work, over an hour :grimacing: the manager was just happy I showed up, for the tenth straight day and that meant she didn’t have to cook until ten at night, originally I was not scheduled for today. I’m grateful I took the bus home, I’m tired. I’m grateful for twelve step groups. I’m grateful for prayer, meditation and daily readings. I’m grateful for humor and laughter. I’m grateful for music.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are a star, shine bright. Ya you!!



  • Today I am grateful for facing my fears and insecurities.

  • Today I am thankful that Mom and Dad still take care of myself and my frustrations.

  • Today I am grateful that I started working the steps with the step work guide with my partner.

  • Today I am grateful for what I learned at work today.

  • Today I am grateful to God for being my strength and I pray that he does not let me fall into my negative thoughts.

Just for today I have not consumed.
good night


I am usually more of a reader than a writer on here, but today I want to share my 90 days milestone :confetti_ball::confetti_ball:.

I am so grateful, I made it here. It hasn’t always been easy, but it definately got easier over time. You all helped me over the bumps with all your kindness and stories of up’s and downs, love and hope. I can relate to so much of it. Thank you @alI. I still believe it’s quite extraordinary to have build a plattform like this. I love all the wisdom everyone is ready to share. This way I never felt alone.

I am grateful, I had a dear friend over at my place to celebrate my 90 days milestone with.

I am grateful for a clear head every morning I wake up. No more lies and made up stories to explain why I am hung over and reek of alcohol. Just the plain truth.

But I am most grateful for the calm happiness that reentered my life, once I put down glass. I start believing again, that I can tackle almost anything that comes up.

As long as I do it one tiny step at a time. :pray:


I am grateful I am safe in my home
I am grateful I am sober
I am grateful I am working through a strange time in my head, quietly listening to my thoughts, not reacting. Those thoughts are meaning something, despite constant direction changes, I will get to the end of it hopefully with some answers.
Grateful not deleted this rambling grateful post
Grateful to see flowers coming out of the ground on my early morning walks
Grateful for doing the gym despite letting other commitments slip
Grateful for feeling emotional all the time, good and bad, it is hard but that’s normal. Think I am chipping away at my barriers
Grateful to here and you, your wisdom :pray: this safe place never fails to put me back on track. Thank you


I’ve been thinking about what I’m grateful for today.
I’m grateful that I chose not to drink yesterday, in fact I’m grateful that I didn’t have to consciously make the decision, it didn’t come up in my mind.
I’m grateful to just plod along, there’s no drama in my life at the moment, nothing that takes effort to deal with. There’s nothing much in the way of excitement either but that’s absolutely ok with me, I’m happy with how things are for me today.
I’m always always grateful for you and for being here surrounded by amazing people and amazing support. :sparkling_heart:


Congratulations on your 90 days. Such a great milestone… and agree so much wisdom on here which I find like you instrumental in our recovery…