Daily Gratitude List

Rosa, I love this. Thank you so much! I don’t usually have much time to read AND post on TS, and when it comes to this thread I feel like I need to write a novel --there’s just so much I feel grateful for (and it doesn’t help that I always read everyone’s posts, so it all takes up more time :slightly_smiling_face:). Going for a deeper, more detailed take on the one thing seems like it would work just right for me.


Oh, good! I’m glad. Just for the record for everybody, any gratitude practice at all is a great step and proven to be beneficial to a person’s well being.


Today I’m grateful to @RosaCanDo for the nice article shared, which made me think about this gratitude business a bit more. And made me decide to write about my gratitude for being able to go to group therapy today, for getting and giving myself the opportunity to work on myself and work together with the other folk in the group, and with the therapists, in making myself better, healthier, happier, more of a full human being, able to feel my feels, able to share my feelings and emotions, able to interact with others in a meaningful positive constructive way.
And not avoid others, avoid my feelings and emotions, hide myself from the world and from myself, hide in stupid substance abuse. Grateful I choose to try and live a better live. And always very grateful to all of you, sharing part of my road and giving me the honour and privilege to share some of yours with me. Very grateful indeed. Love.


I am grateful to have 40 continuous days of sobriety after numerous restarts.

I am grateful that I have a good morning routine with a prayer list that keeps growing and 2 daily devotional books.

I am grateful for this community and for this thread in particular. :two_hearts:


Great Job on the 40 days Jen :pray:t2::pray:t2:


I love the mug!


Great article Rosa. Thanks for sharing. Health benefits too. :muscle: what a deal.


Hello all, and thank you @RosaCanDo for the article!
Today I am grateful that my kids cleaned up the kitchen before I got home from work. This small act takes a little off my plate and allows me to have a bit more time to relax.
I’m grateful that I have good coworkers because my job can be physically hard, and stressful. Having coworkers that you can joke with but still get shit done with is a major bonus.
I’m grateful that my Mother in Law will bring home soup for dinner tonite so I don’t have to think about something to make.
Everyone have a restful evening❤️


Grateful for - buses, bikes, boxing, unboxing, baking, baths, bonking and books.


I’m grateful for my daily reprieve from my insanity.
I’m grateful for my growing faith in my HP.
I’m grateful for the people in my life. My wife and son are such good people. I am not an easy person to love but I feel like we are growing together.
I’m grateful for forgiveness and the gift we give ourselves when we say it. And it amazes me how freely children offer sincere forgiveness.
I’m grateful for my sponsor, his helpful nature, and his breadth of experience with step work.
I’m thankful that my mom got good news from the doctor today.
I’m grateful for that I chose a difficult yoga session today.

Goodnight grateful people! Sleep tight!


I’m grateful to God.
I’m grateful to see 40 continuous days for @Peace way to go Jen. I enjoy your presence here.
I’m grateful that I got to enjoy the day at the treatment center in the kitchen and that even though I missed my turns cooking Tuesday and Wednesday no one said a word other than nice to see you.
I’m grateful that I had an NA meeting today
I’m grateful to go up to bed soon and rest clean and sober.
God bless you all. :v:&:heart:

P.s. you so rock. ya you!!


40 days! hip hip hooray! My cheeks kinda hurt from smiling over here for you. :laughing:
I hope you are proud! :relaxed: :orange_heart:


thank you.
I am grateful for …

my life, health, vitality, strength, energy, mood, partner, love,

our family, my family, his family, the health and safety of all our loved ones,

my challenges, blessings and opportunities,

music, cinema, good food and cooking good food for my partner to enjoy while spending quality time together,

and to be present and fully experience all for which I am grateful!!


Welcome to this crazy supportive loving understanding club of knuckleheads. :rofl: I hope to see you around.


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful to have the resources to cook a favorite meal.
I’m grateful for my daughter’s creativity.
I am grateful for my children’s love and concern.
I am grateful for my son’s sense of humor.
I am not grateful for my husband today, because he is being a prick.
I am grateful for anyone who reads the above sentence and finds it funny.
I AM grateful for my husband in general, because he waited for me to get sober.

Sorry @Jennajen I think I replied to u personally, not the thread.


Friday great gratefulls -

  • To my TS amigos who showed me support yesterday in a weird situation. I’m grateful they checked in to reinforce me, validate me and make sure I was okay.
  • For how I’ve turned things around this week. I feel really solid about the direction my path is heading, with a look to tomorrow and beyond. Focused on today.
  • That I have the ability to take time for myself, sit in a quiet space and reflect. I realize I am fortunate to have the chance to do that almost whenever I want.

Grateful for my TS amigos. :heartpulse::green_heart::heartpulse:


I love all of this post—the teacup especially!!! :rainbow: thank you for sharing those articles too. Great food for thought.


I’m grateful to God I don’t drink.
I’m grateful to God I do not depend on booze.
I’m grateful to God for the calmness in my life now that I’m sober. And old.
I’m grateful I’m eligible for the Covid-19 vaccination.
I’m grateful I’m not going to stress out trying to get an appointment on line. :grimacing: oh no I’m not! I’m going to just keep trying and be grateful for the hope of being able to get a vaccine.
I’m grateful that when it’s my turn it will be in Gods timing not mine.
I’m grateful I already had Daisy cat on my lap tamping and purring.
I’m grateful I mixed up my routine this morning and it didn’t bother me.
I’m grateful I am able to help my son get a new phone on line using my account.
I’m grateful to be fucking sober :astonished:
I’m grateful we are going out to lunch today. That just means a crappy drive thru burger but I’m grateful for that.
I’m grateful I got a shit load of gratitude this morning for some reason. I better stop here and get on with my day. Like dropping memes and walking the dogs and walking my fat ass. :rofl:
Oh, I’m grateful my back is better. Good enough I can do my power exercise walk today.

There is so much stubborn Hope in the human heart


I’m grateful to God
I’m grateful for my recovery
I’m grateful for my family
I’m grateful for my friends
I’m grateful for my health
I’m grateful for TS
God bless you all. :v:&:heart:

P.s. you are awesome. Ya you!!


Tonight i am grateful for all the support here today.
Grateful i resisted to fight back with the same hatred i received.
Grateful nuts don’t get me drunk.
Grateful i was shaken but didn’t fell. I learn to let go.
Grateful i don’t suffer from being drunk, ashamed of what I wrote being drunk.
Grateful slowly continuing my sober journey.
Grateful being sober.

Grateful for acceptance that came to me. First step.