Daily Gratitude List

I’m thankful for a lucrative way to support my family and to protect resources in an area that has a lot of natural beauty.

I’m grateful that my boss does not micromanage.

I’m excited that I am getting closer to climbing out of the pit of student loan debt I created for myself.


Today I am grateful to be alive, and for a day off work. Today I am grateful for a NA meeting tonight, for food, friends and a possible new romance. Today I am grateful for my higher power


I’m grateful for the wisdom of getting to my gratitude list late in the day cuz I always do it in the morning or I blow it if.
I’m grateful I know how much this gratitude list business helps me stay sober.
I’m grateful I’m sober again today.
I’m grateful for getting my ass down to a new Pilates place and not being afraid to start with a new instructor.
I’m grateful I can do all the extra chores around here and dog walking and errands because my wife is laid up with severe heel pain.
I grateful I don’t feel like rewarding myself, after doing all the chores around here, with a couple of drinks or 10.
I’m grateful I feel so good.
I’m grateful I feel so grateful.
I’m grateful for my loving family.
Grateful for a roof over my head.


Today I’m grateful for,
Other alcoholics


Today I am grateful for my great friends and for having loving people in my life who care about my well being. I am grateful to be in recovery after years of fighting the very idea that I had a problem. And most of all I am especially grateful that I am close to graduating and very soon will finally be done with college after 5 years!


So I’m currently doing Political Science as my major and international affairs as my minor. I like it a lot I’m just ready to graduate :slight_smile:


It’s worth the grind! Five years is nothing for the benefit it will have in your life! One day at a time consistently killing it you got this :muscle:


Haha yeah I hope it’ll be worth it once I get a good job! And thanks man I appreciate it :grin:


Gratitude is a necessity for those who seek to live a better life.
From hazeldonbettyford.org
With that said.
I’m grateful that I found the hazeldonbettyford.org website that i can use for my daily devotionals.
I’m grateful for being sober this morning.
I’m especially grateful and very proud of myself cuz I’m sober today and yesterday was my big “Six Oh” :scream::partying_face: birthday.
I grateful I didn’t drink on my birthday. Probably first time in 45 years.
I grateful for all the help here at TS.
I’m grateful for my 20 days.
I’m grateful for my health.
I’m grateful for my wife.
I’m grateful for my daughter and spouse.
I’m grateful for my son and spouse.
I’m grateful for my niece and spouse.
Let’s make it three weeks.


Today I am grateful to be alive and able bodied. I am grateful for a budding romance. I am grateful to be going to as a friend in AA with 55 years sobriety who is unwell in hospital. I am grateful for another day sober.


Today I am grateful for my family, my sobriety, being alive, and my higher power. Today I am grateful for this app. Today I am grateful for my AA meeting tonight. I am grateful for clean water to drink.


I’m especially grateful that I’m learning I CAN NOT depend on drinking for anything.
I’m am grateful for another day sober.
I’m grateful to have a place to do my gratitude list.
I’m grateful for my wife and children and my pets.
I’m grateful for my health.
I’m grateful for a clear head.
This coffee.
And my new love of all types of sparking water with lemon. And the weight I’m loosing.


I grateful to be alive.
I’m grateful to be sober.
I grateful I didn’t drink last night at a lovely family dinner out where I was the only one not drinking.
I’m grateful for my health.
A roof over my head.
All the beautiful flowers around here.
For new found energy
And Patience.
Grateful to be alive: again. :pray:RIP Kobe​:pray::disappointed_relieved:
Grateful to realize I need this gratitude list every morning because it makes me appreciate everything I have, especially the stuff I don’t deserve.


Today I am grateful for life, sobriety, my higher power, a trip away with AA in March, and a budding romance. But there’s oh so much more to be grateful for.


I’m grateful to be alive. :pray::disappointed_relieved:Kobe​:disappointed_relieved::pray:
I’m grateful for another sober morning.
My health.
My wife.
Getting my ass to the YMCA to work out.
My new Pilates instructor.
I grateful my wife called the doctor!!
I’m grateful for what seems like newfound patience.
I’m grateful I’m not rewarding myself by getting liquored up.
I’m grateful for the guy who told me to start off each day with a gratitude list.


I’m grateful to have my nice warm purring cat on my lap for my devotionals and gratitude list.
I’m grateful to be alive.
I’m grateful to be working on 28 days. 4 WEEKS!!
Grateful for my health.
Desire to be healthier
Weight loss
Beautiful Cali weather.
Wife and


I am grateful for another day. I usually am not grateful for my body hurting and health issue flare Ups, but today I am. It says my body is working to heal. Today is day 3 for me.


I’m grateful to be sober again this am
I’m grateful to be able to be flexible with my set schedule this am.
I’m grateful my day is booked up so I won’t have any “bored” time.
I’m grateful for the 4 weeks I have.
I’m grateful it wasn’t so bad or hard.
I’m grateful I feel like I might be struggling at this point to be sober and I can start really learning about the new me.
I’m grateful to be in uncharted territory 4 WEEKS sober.
I’m grateful for my health.
And determination.
Grateful for y’all.


I’m so happy my grown up recovering children are happy and in a great place in their lives.
I’m happy to have another day sober.
Wife’s foot dr appointment :pray: :pray:
Grateful I can do all the work around here cuz my wife can’t walk.
Grateful to be doing all the work around here patiently.
And grateful I’m not rewarding myself with booze after doing all the work around here.
Grateful for this app
And my weight loss app.
Have a great day folks. Stay sober; it’s worth it and we are ALL worth it. Even though it’s really hard work we all know it’s better this way.


I have just eaten a pizza takeaway so today I am greatful of that.