Daily Gratitude List

She is beautiful. Lots of love to you at this time, she was very lucky to have you and you to have her. I lost a furry companion when I was 10 years old, I’m going on 25 now and I can still remember the joy he brang to my life. Lots and lots of love and respect aswell for your mature approach to a difficult situation. God rest her soul :heart::heart:

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I could use some focus on the positive. Today I’m thankful for:

-The courage to continue.

-My fabulous head of hair (recent compliment I received I’m trying to accept because I suck at accepting my good parts)

-Getting to go skiing with my son over the weekend. I may suck as a parent sometimes but I don’t suck all of the time.


Today I am grateful for everyone on this app adding to my strength to get past 100 hours sober.

I am grateful that with the passing of time my symptoms have improved to allow me to be productive and complete a report on my ‘to-do’ list.

I am grateful for physical health that allows me to go to the gym and work towards improving my body overall.

I am grateful for my friends and family who I can also turn to when times are more difficult.


Oh and I forgot! Today I am grateful for my Friday night 7:30pm AA meeting :heart::heart::sob::heart::heart:

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Today I am grateful for a beautiful day here in New Zealand. I am grateful for the piece of paradise in the countryside where I reside, I am grateful for my doggie friends, I am grateful for my best friend of seven years (who ironically I’ve never met in person), I am grateful for my health, I am grateful that today I have a programme; work on the family farm, eat well, NA meeting, dinner with sponsor. Today I am grateful for new begginings, sobriety, I am grateful I am going to an AA convention 380km away next weekend for three days, I’m grateful for a week off work during that time, I’m grateful for clean water, clean air, I’m grateful for this app, the TS forum and all who use it. Today I am grateful for AA, NA, my higher power, my living supportive family, I’m grateful for not having a drink in 280 days or using any substance in 193 days. Oh yes, just for today, I surely am grateful, and I’m grateful for that. Grateful inception!

Have a wonderful day all :heart:


Today I’m grateful for my kitty Bella. I’m grateful for God. I’m grateful I’m alive I guess. I’m grateful for some sunshine. I’m grateful for my home. I’m grateful I have the use of my hands to a degree and that they are not worse. I’m grateful for my potential new sponsor. I’m grateful for my bible. Uhm I’m grateful I have clothes and food. I’m grateful for my phone. I’m in a bad as mood. But I’m grateful I’m alive to have a mokd at all.

Peace sober soldiers


Today I am grateful to have a place to live that’s safe and secure, with a roof over my head (even though I live in a van). I am grateful I got to take my sponsor out for an enjoyable dinner last night to show my appreciation for him. I am grateful I worked hard for my family today. I am grateful to be alive, to be walking and talking. I am grateful for healthy food, clean water and yummy ginger beer before lunch. Today I am grateful for my family, grateful I have a job, grateful to be going to AA tonight, again tomorrow (where I may be voted in as secretary-nervous!) and very grateful to be travelling 380km to Christchurch next Friday for an AA annual convention over three days with 10 days off work aswell! Today I am grateful for this forum and all its participants. Much love to you all!

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Day 2 after relapse. Im just happy to be alive and to so far have my family and boyfriend still.


Which cartoon is it from? I like it!


Sorry, I have no idea. I just typed ‘hugs’ into the GIF keyboard, and it was one of the options :flushed:

… possibly‘Monsters inc’? :woman_shrugging:t3:


Today I am grateful to be alive, for my clear pathway in AA, for my connection with a higher power, for life :heart: and for everyone reading this :heart::heart::heart:


Today I’m grateful for:

The author of Peaceful Parenting. Simple but effective reminders for the parent who has considered putting their 4 year old in a headlock.

My spouse. She works hard in a lot of different ways and still manages to be an unwavering source of support.

The AA meeting I hit on Friday morning. I watched a couple of people take chips for 13 years and 32 years. I made coffe, we had a good discussion pertaining to the employers of addicts and I couldn’t imagine a better way to start the weekend. It was the reason I got my ass to the gym on Saturday and church on Sunday.


Today I am grateful to have breath in my lungs and blood in my veins.


Today I am grateful for life, AA, NA my higher power and sobriety :heart_eyes::pray:

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Grateful today for my sweet husband. Every morning, he brings me coffee in bed. We start our day singing silly songs. He’s sober too… a couple years. Tomorrow is 2 weeks for me. I’ve had more before, but these 2 weeks feel like a good start!


Just for today I’m grateful for ::sobriety coins
dog farts and
fridge freezers.


Today I am grateful for my resilience. For caring enough to stay abstinent just for today


Today I am grateful for my friends, my friends in AA and how they have helped me, my sponsor, my clean time. Today I am grateful I am travelling tomorrow to an annual AA convention. Today I am grateful for food, water, for my higher power and to be alive.


Today I am grateful for life, sobriety, family, food, water, health and to be travelling far today for an AA annual convention.

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Today I am grateful for AA , my higher power, sobriety, my family, a place to live, and to be alive.

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