Daily Gratitude List

Today I’m grateful that I’ve kept my cool… :smile: , that I had kept my cool at the end of the long day yesterday that could have ended with me losing my sh*t, but did not. Grateful that I turned the camera off on my zoom work call and prep-cooked my veggies. (There may have been some therapeutic, cathartic release in wielding my knife upon root vegetables!)

I’m grateful that I’ve set good limits and boundaries with work today - lots of breaks and I even just had a 10 min nap. :relaxed:

I’m grateful I’m learning to accept that I don’t need to do it all, that I can’t do it all - and that this doesn’t mean I’m a failure or not a good person. Grateful that I’m learning my self-worth isn’t about what I achieve, or what others think I should achieve.

I’m super grateful I’m sober, or I wouldn’t be in this headspace. I’m grateful for all the support I have here from all of you to be sober, to stay sober.

I’m grateful for the yummy roasted veggie quinoa salad I just had for lunch. I’m grateful for my tiny comfy home - the music, the calm view out my window, the snowy day outside.

M and D? I’m grateful for all the time we had to hang out, the time I thought would never come to an end. Remember when I would impromptu swing by your place after my work day, bring something to add to the dinner table, go for a walk with Mom, watch the news with Dad? Just those easy-going visits, endless hugs, I still thought we had years of them, but it’s ok. I can still coast on all the love…

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Hey grati-dudes! :wave: I am grateful I made it back here to this thread finally! I had a lovely uplifting time scrolling through some massive amazing gratitude shared here, and I can’t think of a better way to use up my likes for the day (hope you all aren’t annoyed by all the hearts).

Today I am grateful for:

  1. Sleep and waking up feeling rested (effin’ finally, ha!)
  2. The research and resources that are out there related to grief and loss experience
  3. Being an emotional creature.

Grateful for you folks. :heartpulse:


I dunno everyone… but I really think we ought to get Team Jerseys. At least t-shirts! :laughing:


I would proudly wear a grati-dudes shirt!!
@RosaCanDo nice to see your gratitude too and the likes are nice
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:


I couldn’t find a Gratitude-dudes Tee.
But I do like this one :point_down: but it doesn’t say gratitude on it.

It’s kinda girly but that’s never been a problem for me. I’m grateful I’m comfortable with my feminine side. TMI?
@I.cant.We.can @RosaCanDo
I like this one 2 :point_down:

How many should I order :crazy_face::rofl:
I’m grateful for y’all.


I’m not un-grateful for your suggestions :laughing:, but i’m talking some serious “I’m a TS Fellow GratiDude” team jersey personalized-situation kind of a shirt!

I’ll talk to my clothing designers tonight, ok?

Lol, when I daydream, I daydream big :blush: :orange_heart:


Who are you that has clothing designers :thinking:


-Got my allergy tests back - have a few answers (&a ton of questions :joy:)
-feeling more clear headed
-had a great work crew lunch today
-my dog rocks


I am grateful that I am sober and not hungover and filled to the brim with anxiety and shame

I am grateful that God is helping me walk this path and is there to give me strength and guide me when I feel weak

I am grateful that the work week seems to be off to a good start :crossed_fingers: :heart:


yes yes and yes. I’m also grateful for a soft warm place to sleep and have a little prayer. Goodnight.


I’m grateful for inner peace and acceptance.
I’m grateful that I don’t feel constricted anymore.
I’m grateful that I can see brighter things in the future.


I’m grateful to God
I’m grateful for a relaxing day
I’m grateful that I got to visit with all my housemates today
I’m grateful for my family
I’m grateful for the twelve steps
I’m grateful that I’m well fed
I’m grateful for humor, lots of good real laughs today
I’m gratefulfor TS
I’m grateful to be going to bed clean and sober
I’m grateful to God
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

P.s. Smile and laugh it feels good. Ya you!!


I am grateful for a safe trip home
I am grateful for the 30 hours of sleep over the past 4 days
I am grateful my house is still standing and my kids and animals were happy to see us
I am grateful for my team at work that held down the fort so I could check out
I am grateful for a early bedtime to prepare for my early morning
I am grateful that this weekend will be warmer then today (only 2 more days)

Peace and Love and a Restful mind :heart::princess::crown::crown::crown: Queenie out!


I’m thankful for my daily reprieve from my insanity.
I’m thankful for all the kind and encouraging people this space brings together.
I’m grateful for my wood stove
I’m grateful for the ability to ask for help when I feel baffled
I’m grateful for my failures and mistakes and the humility they bring to my ego


Just hit my mind, Eric, so honourable that you live and love day in and day out with tons of booze in the house being (at least what I can figure) at peace with that and moreover to accept your wife drinking every day. I would be on my knees to honor your capacity of acceptance and forgiveness but I am still in bed. I do it mentally anyway :sunflower:


I’m grateful to have woken up without a hangover or remorse about yesterday…


I’m grateful I already had Daisy on my lap keeping me warm and purring during my Bible and devotional readings this morning. This cat therapy just promotes such a calmness in me.
I grateful I’m not a drinker.
I’m grateful I don’t depend on drinking to have a good time.
I’m grateful I don’t depend on drinking to get over shit any more.
I’m grateful I don’t depend on drinking.
I’m grateful I noticed the kitchen sink has been cleaner the past couple of mornings. It’s an evening pet feeding thing wifey usually leaves behind and I clean up in the morning. :grimacing: That I’ve graciously :relieved: have learned to live with. I need to remember to tell her how much I appreciate it. And that I even noticed. It’s just such a little thing.
I’m grateful Daisy is back for round two.
I’m grateful for TS.
I’m grateful for the peace and quiet of my mornings.
I’m grateful it stopped snowing and the sun was out yesterday and it was all so beautiful.
Grateful for all the healthcare workers out there.
Grateful for a compassionate human being in the White House. And their 2 dogs :dog:


I’m grateful for the lovely words @anon74766472
Franzi said about me yesterday.
“Honorable :blush:” “living and loving”.
Thank you Franzi that really cheered up an old guy out of the blue so unexpectedly. Not that I needed it at that moment. Which makes it even so much more beautiful to read. Bless you :pray:t2:


I’m grateful for the good sound sleep I had, for the quiet early morning I just had, and the calm feeling I wake up with now.

I’m so grateful to be sober.
I’m grateful to find enjoyment in all of the things I used to associate with a drink, grateful that these associations are falling away. I can cook with tunes on and don’t think about the “missing” glass of wine now. (yay!) Had a hard day? closing my laptop and hitting the yoga mat, chatting with a pal, reading my fiction - all sober - these are everything I need. The wine would just get in the way…

I’m grateful for this TS community, for how different and similar we all are. I’m grateful that we can see each other as beautiful and whole in our own unique, human ways - of course not perfect - and compassionately encourage each other to be our best selves for another day.

I’m grateful for my family of friends. I’m grateful that my ex-husband (of 8-9 years now!) is in my family of friends - over time, and without pressure on each other to be this way. Just grateful that every few weeks we banter away all evening in a text conversation that leaves me chuckling…

M and D? I’m so grateful I landed in your laps. You two were, and still are, without a doubt my two greatest blessings.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


I’m grateful for coffee and my warm car to drive to work.
I’m grateful for the magnifying glass on TS that lets me search for info.
I’m grateful for my daughter humming Bob Marley Don’t worry about a thing last night, made me feel a little better.
Everyone have a great day❤️