Daily Gratitude List

Feeling all the gratitude today.
Happy to wake up sober and on a path I am proud about.
Grateful for my Guardians…Pegasus you are amazing♥️
Grateful for living with intent

Peace and Love to y’all


Nope. You love, and love large. He was doing the best he knew how, with what he knew then. They all were. And even if they did know better, or could have done better? That’s their stuff to work out - not mine.

My grandpa (passed away when I was 8-9) had these mugs with polka dots I loved. And he was always up early, like me, and the kitchen would smell of percolated coffee. On the table would be a big tin of strawberry jam (remember when it came in a tin?) and his mug of coffee and ashtray (I thought nothing of it - just the good smells of grandpa’s). We’d have toast heaped with jam and I never questioned he loved me… :orange_heart:


Awe. So sweet. It’s great and grateful to have those wonderful memories. I can’t remember what I had for lunch yesterday. :grimacing: but that’s not important. Grandpa called me everyday sometimes twice a day. I didn’t always want to talk to him. I know he must have known I was a young boy on the run. Seriously called me on the phone everyday. Even from his hospital bed. I think I called him though on the day he died. I think I was the last person he talked to before he died. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it 🥲


I’m grateful to God.
I’m grateful for my recovery.
I’m grateful that I slept well and started today late with gratitude in my heart.
I’m grateful for my family and after reading my other grati-dudes posts my grandfathers are in my thoughts.
I’m grateful for my grandfather who taught me to play cribbage that I still play almost everyday.
I’m grateful for my other grandpa that was a preacher and I sometimes say I’m channeling him when I get “preachy”
I too am grateful to not be lying in bed at night cluching my chest crippled with anxiety thinking my heart is going to explode from doing to much booze or drugs.
I’m grateful that I got sidetracked by a nice videochat with my parents.
I’m grateful I got distracted by my housemates as we made some food, played some cribbage and listened to music
I’m grateful that I have been crafting this post on and off for almost four hours wow Lol

God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

P.s. You can do it I believe in you. Ya you!!


Dear Daily Gratitude:

I am grateful for this wonderful weekend, fellowship, community, and all who understand me and meet with with no judgment in their eyes… Yep… thats you too. Peace and Love to all of you!:heart:


I am grateful that things are settling in at the new house, everyone I care about is still healthy right now, and stress should be letting up soon!


I’m grateful to God
I’m grateful for my recovery
I’m grateful for my family
I’m grateful for my friends
I’m grateful for TS there’s always something to do on here day or night
I’m grateful that I’m in bed clean and sober
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:


I am grateful to be sober and hangover-free. When I was drinking little tasks felt like huge chores and thankfully that is no longer the case.

I am grateful to be getting back into being more disciplined with my workout routine. I don’t always want to do it but it always makes me feel better.

I am grateful that I had a nice visit with the folks yesterday :heart:


Today I’m grateful for my coffee- it tastes especially good this morning. Weird how that happens. I’m grateful I got a lot done this weekend, but was also able to cut myself off from chores and relax as well. I tend to get overly focused on what I feel has to be done. I’m grateful for the little chats and texts from my family. I’m grateful for my long walk yesterday and for being able to really see and enjoy the sun and the breeze. I’m grateful that I work in town today, and even more grateful that I don’t work tomorrow! I’m also grateful for the thread about things that can F*** right off because it makes me laugh.
Everyone have a great day❤️


I’m grateful I don’t drink.
I’m grateful I don’t depend on drinking to get through my day.
I’m grateful I’m sober.
I’m grateful I don’t get hangovers anymore.
I’m grateful I don’t have to smell the old stench of last night’s cocktails and dirty wine glasses and sink littered with dead limes, and look into the kitchen and think, “was there a party here last night?” And it was just a usual night of drinking for wifey and me. Then embarrassingly cleaning it all up.
I’m grateful I have a clean kitchen each morning. Clean enough anyway.
I’m grateful how much cheaper the grocery bills have been.
I grateful wifey still isn’t drinking gin.
I’m grateful for Jesus Christ, my God, and family and pets and house and home and the one or 2 friends I do have very long distance like, and all of you on TS.
Grateful for our new President and all the healthcare workers.

I’m grateful to God.
Sometimes I just look up and smile and say:
*I know that was you. *
Credit: somebody else.


I’m grateful to God please help me to stay clean and sober just for today.
I’m grateful for my recovery that allows me to survive and sometimes thrive through the ups and downs.
I’m grateful for my family they give me hope and strength.
I’m grateful for my friends and TS that support and challenge me.
I’m grateful for eggs I’m hungry, already had a couple delicious coffee’s.
I’m grateful for my housemate Dylan that just went to Wayside and back with me, they didn’t want me to stay since my throat is bugging me so we got our weekly covid tests and left it was nice that he walked back with me.
I’m grateful for excersise that I got and needed from the 3km walk.
I’m grateful that I can accept that they told me to take this week off to try and rid myself of this throat issue.
I’m grateful I have Netflix to help keep me entertained this week.
I’m grateful to God.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

P.s. Guess what you rock. Ya you!!


Catching up on my gratitude today…I journal each day but didn’t get around to posting here.

This weekend and today, I have SO much gratitude! I’m grateful for:

  1. Birthdays and an excuse to celebrate that this time around doesn’t mean getting drunk
  2. My love of cooking and the catharsis I experience meditating through each action in the kitchen
  3. Cold, crisp winter days in nature - the awe that certain scenes can inspire and the perspective I gain
  4. Happy birthday early morning phone call from my Mami and Papi, who I texted at 7 am on a Sunday so they knew I was up. 7-freaking-AM on SUNDAY. On my Birthday weekend. It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, and I’m FEEEEEELING GOOOOOOD.
  5. The fact that Chucho let go so that I could let go, too
  6. Chocolate brownies with raspberries

And for today…

  1. A Monday morning with energy and enthusiasm!
  2. The day’s morning walk with my Lupita Lu and the time for walking meditation
  3. A fresh start on healthy eating habits, culminating with a big green salad for dinner - feeding my body for the long view

And, of course, for all my TS grati-dudes and amigos across the forum…you folks really turned up for my B-day and made a Rosa feel special! Love you guys! :heartpulse:


I’m grateful that I’m finally able to post the gratitude list I’ve been working on for about the last 7 hours - one line at a time until the next interruption! (Yep, Brian - I’m having that same day that you were a few days back, lol!)

I’m grateful that I’m not put off by the interruptions but having a better time rolling with 'em. That’s a welcome by-product of being sober, taking things one day at a time, one moment at a time.

I’m grateful for all of the fun and laughs that are there each day if I make time for them - with colleagues, texting with pals during the work day, and of course with the grati-dudes and on TS too :wink:

I’m super grateful for the support of this place. Wouldn’t have my sober days without’cha.

M and D? It was in the fine print all along - I just never read it. Loving that much means grieving this much. It’s worth it. You’re worth it. :two_hearts:

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


I noticed #6 Rosa :heart:


Good morning Ladies & Gentlemen,

Today I am grateful for:
Being wrapped up in my warm, clean & cozy blankets… In my comfy bed on a snow stormy day.

That My children have loved me through the process of getting sober.

That I am open to new people in my life and they are surfacing.

That God gave me many talents to pour my energy into.

That I can appreciate what I have and don’t focus on what I dont.

Love ya’ll 4 being here 4 me :heart:


I’m grateful for my new audio read!


Narrated by Pema herself. She is wise, compassionate, and funny!! Any Pema fans out there?


I will be checking it out now! Thank you

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@Mbwoman Oooo! Thanks for sharing! I’ve liked what I’ve read so far, but this looks really helpful.

Today I am grateful for:

  1. Fellowship with other clean and sober women. I used to work in mental health and substance use treatment/peer support services, and while I did not identify as a person in recovery from substance use at that time, I did identify as a “peer” as it relates to my experience with mental health issues. As such, there were lots of other women who worked with me who were open about their recovery, and I have maintained friendships over the years with a few of them. I really have been set up for success in so many ways with this exposure to recovery language and ideas, and I am grateful to have had all those seeds planted in my head and my heart those years ago. My friend who is also my breathwork practitioner also happens to be 12 years sober and identifies as a person in recovery, and we have had a few conversations that really helped me to take a whole-hearted approach to my own recovery journey. This reminds me I owe her a call! And now, I have some new friends in recovery through this forum - how cool this that?!? I have a complicated history as it relates to relationships with other women, and it really feels important to me to be building new friendships and mentorship relationships with women in recovery.
  2. The spirit warming and comforting power of tea.
  3. My husband who loves me unconditionally. I did not know what that meant until I tested the conditions of his love, and it is unwavering. And, boy, have I tested it. Eternally grateful for eternal love, or as it’s said in Spanish, “Amor Eterno”

Grateful, everyday, for my fellow grati-dudes and TS amigos! :heartpulse:


Those are amazing things to be grateful for! Both (very) large to small.

I love this and relate 100%. And now it is time to use the tools given.

Thank you for this post!


Good morning,
Today I’m grateful for a day off work.
I’m grateful for my stationary bike and for free YouTube workouts. It’s amazing the difference I feel now that I don’t workout with a hangover.
I’m grateful for my friends and my family, and that I am able to keep in touch with them much more than I use to.
Hope your throat gets better @I.cant.We.can.
@Mbwoman, thanks for the book info- looking forward to listening to it on work commutes.
Everyone have a great day❤️