Daily Gratitude List

I’m grateful I learned yesterday that we’ll be working from home until mid-May at least. (I actually prefer it to the office, though a mix would be ideal.) Just knowing this helps me feel a little more in the driver’s seat of my life and routine, while learning to “roll with it all” at the same time.

I’m grateful my writing courses start back up today! Finally – semester 2. I’m grateful I silenced the “too frivolous! not practical!” inner voice. I always said I didn’t have enough time, with working full time too. But ever since I put down the wine glass and turned to the empty page instead, I’ve had enough time…

I’m grateful for this strange time in my life – hunkered in my home, working, maintaining close friendships virtually, AND expanding my personal and creative and recovery worlds online. Not stagnating, but still growing - even if all awkward and gangly at this unpredictable stage of my life. Finding my feet for what comes next…

I’m grateful to be sober. I’m grateful for the support of this beautiful community – sharing our stories, resources, and helping to build each other’s foundations. I’m grateful it is open to me and I to it.

I’m grateful for coffee. So, so grateful for this morning delight. Coffee and quiet.

M and D? Please step over the big piles of homework and dirty laundry in my room, the things I didn’t get quite right in life and am still working on, and just see my huge big grateful heart.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Oh lovely! I haven’t read anything extensive, just a few excerpts. I kinda think she operates on a different level of mindfulness than I do, lol! But a good friend said her work is pretty readable and easy to apply. Thanks for passing this along!

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I’m grateful I don’t drink.
I’m grateful I don’t depend on booze to have a good time.
I’m grateful I don’t depend on booze to solve problems. Cuz that worked so well.
I’m grateful I don’t depend on my booze.
I’m grateful I’m under my goal weight.
I’m grateful to be having a group text with the Dracuteers from back home this morning. My only contact with 4 or 5 guys from high school. Every once and awhile someone starts a group text.
I’m grateful I’ve lived many places and continue to learn life’s lessons.
I’m grateful for moderate weather this week. No snow in the forecast. And I’ll be able to get my walks in again. Without falling I hope.
I’m grateful I got on my Pilates reformer yesterday for a half assed workout. Better than no workout.
Grateful it dawn on me yesterday if I’m listening to yoga type music while doing Pilates and it’s depressing me? Then change the fucking music and see what happens!! I just thought it would be calming and relaxing.
I’m grateful if I can remember to just change the music I’m listening to it can change my whole mood.
I’m grateful I have a better attitude this morning.
I’m grateful for our new President and all healthcare workers everywhere.

This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24


Today I am grateful for threads that stay on topic. This is one. Bravo!!! :heart::rainbow::heart:


I’m grateful to God please help me be better today than I was yesterday.
I’m grateful for my recovery its the most important thing I have. Its almost frightening how nothing else is even close. I have cut out friends, family, work to keep my recovery going. You can get all those things back in time if needed.
I’m grateful for my health its not perfect but what is, why do I still have this unnecessary desire to be “perfect” wouldn’t that mean I would have nothing to work on and I’d be bored?
I’m grateful that I slept well
I’m grateful for the prayers and feel betters from the gratidudes, the mentions from M about rolling with the distractions life can bring, I allow them and try to remember to bring myself back to whatever task needs attention.
I’m grateful for a life of plenty even without lots of money i still somehow have lots of food, indoor plumbing, coffee, too much clothes, and they’re clean clothes, the house is warm and clean, there’s radio, internet, tv, books, bikes and trucks and cars.
I’m grateful to know that without my higher power and recovery I wouldn’t have any of this.
I’m grateful for my family and friends that I have back in my life and intend to continue working on keeping those relationships.
I’m grateful for music and laughter that lend some fun and light to my life.
I’m grateful to God thank you for loving me and know I love you.
God bless you all. :v:& :heart:

p.s. You can get though anything you aren’t alone. Ya you!!


I am grateful that I am sober and hangover-free. It feels liberating to no longer be a drinker.

I am grateful that I am learning to navigate difficulties sober. Getting hammered only added to the problems and made me sick.

I am grateful that I got some sleep today. Hopefully this will start my week of working nights off better. :heart:


[whispering in case this isn’t on topic! :shushing_face:]

Have you seen the Secret Life of Pets? This oldie was on the soundtrack, and ever since, it’s one of the dog girl’s and my special songs. We play it sometimes in the morning - sets a good tone for the day and also expresses my deep gratitude for her. (And she’s about the only being on the planet that doesn’t mind my singing voice! :laughing:)

But today we dedicate it to you and your crew of furry friends! Out of gratitude for how lovely you make all our days. :orange_heart:


I’m grateful to God. I’m grateful to be warm in bed clean and sober. Good night.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

P.s. Have been told how awesome you are today. Ya you!!


Today I am grateful for the joy I choose to feel everyday. Its guides me and allows me to find balance in my every moment.
I am grateful that I can love myself and I love this feeling of loving myself.
I am grateful I can see more wonderful things in my world then negative.

I had a long conversation with hubby tonight, who shared with me how much he loves me, supports me, is so damn proud of me. That he is loving this me, who is living in this moment. That I am a bright light in his world.

I am grateful for the tears those words gave me, that I have him in my world. I love the feeling of loving him and I am eternally grateful that I have this next chance in my life.

Peace and love and hugs to all of you all, goodnight♥️


I’m so grateful for the gift that today was. There’s something I’ll learn from it if I’m spiritually connected.
I’m grateful for the drawings my son has been doing lately. He’s so determined. The little mistakes that were so off-putting to him last year are just bumps in the road now.
I’m grateful for the pooch snoring next to me and the comfy bed I’m about to meditate on.
I’m grateful for a method of dealing with my resentments. I’d surely have gone nuclear without a grace that exists outside of me.


I’m grateful for life and acceptance of now. I’m grateful for the ups and downs and continuing to try. I’m grateful for breath and the nice weather today. I’m grateful for strength and this body. I’m grateful for self love and the opportunity to love others. I’m grateful for another day.


That is much to be grateful for!

I am grateful that I got up at 5 a.m. and went to the gym even though it is 30 degrees!

I am grateful we have 4 pets in the house right now…all getting along

I am grateful that the pets go ballistic when I come home from work each day. The two dogs run around in circles. The cats? It’s more about being fed…but they love me in a less demonstrative way.


Today I’m grateful for:

  1. Miss Lupe pup who gives me purpose, gets me out walking every morning now, is the best damn cuddler on the planet, begs to get under the covers to curl up next to me in bed, and who, in her older age (she’s 9), somehow learned to be super playful and loves squeaking her toys! She was such a wild, feral stray when we got her as a puppy and it’s true an old dog can learn new tricks. Chucho had a lot to do with her learning how to play, it just took her a long time. She was laying next to me looking up at me and I was talking to her, saying that we miss Chucho, don’t we? And she started pawing at the air, ugh those tears flowed but I’m so grateful for having had and still have animals in my life. They’re such treasures.
  2. PBS and all of their wonderful programming. I watched part of a program about African civilizations last night and it was fascinating stuff. I grew up watching PBS and it’s always been an important and valued part of my education and entertainment.
  3. My many notebooks and journals. I have journaled since youth, and there is something really special about having my special pens, multiple colors, even, and writing things out on paper. As the world becomes more and more digital and screen based, I lean on my habit of writing things down even more!

Always grateful for TS and my amigos here. :heartpulse:


Isn’t that just the best! I don’t go very far, only to pick up groceries, really, but when I come home my pup is in the window watching for me and when I come in she’s all wiggle pitty butt and happy to see me. It is such a spirit warming sight!


That is so cute! The sight of pup in the window just a-wagging and a-waiting. Time doesn’t register with them really. I’ve gone to get something out of the car before and the welcome back was over the top. :rofl::rofl:


I’m grateful I don’t drink.
I’m grateful I don’t depend on booze anymore.
I’m grateful I have Daisy cat and Benson on my lap together sitting by the fireplace in the comfort of my nice warm house.
I’m grateful for the text from my daughter-in-law with a pic of my son having breakfast in bed for his bday today.
I’m grateful he, or rather they, get to have the Oh blissful fun early years of marriage.
I’m grateful for my quiet mornings.
I’m grateful I got my 3 1/2 mile walk in yesterday. The roads are pretty clear these days.
I’m grateful I’m trying to have a good attitude about working out today on my reformer.
I’m grateful that even though Minnie is barking at something Daisy and Benson haven’t shredded me apart and are still on my lap.
I’m grateful to have hope.
I’m grateful for TS, healthcare workers and our new President.

**Gratitude is the wine for the soul. **
Go on. get drunk.


I’m grateful I had a little extra sleep this morning. The world isn’t going to end because I take another hour. (It’ll probably be a better day for everyone in my zoom world because of it!)

I’m grateful for the list I made of all of the fun things and projects I can do from home (fun for real – not just household tasks dressed up as fun) so that I don’t go batty for the next few months of winter lockdown, or worse – hang out at my work laptop without really working.

I’m grateful I’m sober or I wouldn’t be doing anything fun or useful after work, just making it to “wine o’clock”.

I’m grateful I have my standing-weds-night call with Mom. This time last year she’d call me multiple times a day. The care workers help us get connected now - so we talk once a week for sure. I’m learning to set aside my expectations of the conversation, to just put the paddle down in my canoe and drift wherever she takes us. It’s usually quite lovely, spending time on the lake of Mom’s thoughts and just listening to her voice.

I’m grateful for the salad I made yesterday with apples in it. I’m grateful for apples. Apples and cheese. And coffee with cream. About 50% of my caloric intake right there!

M and D? Now why would today be any different? :wink:

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


I’m grateful to God. I’m grateful for my recovery. I’m grateful for my family. I’m grateful for my friends. I’m grateful for my health. I’m grateful that my good friend Malcolm turns 40 today and we just spent over an hour on the phone. I spent a lot of birthdays over the last 15 years with him and his family wish I could this year too. I’m grateful for coffee and food. I’m grateful that my housemate is home and being loud its his way of seeking attention when he is hurting not that i’ll tell him that. I’m grateful to God.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

P.s. you can do this my friends, smile big. Ya you!!


I’m grateful the your housemate has compassionate you as his housemate! :orange_heart: