Daily Gratitude List

Today I am grateful for:

  1. The bed foundation arriving early this morning so I can get busy putting it together!
  2. My dog who is obsessively loving her new squeaky ball that is more gentle on her gums than the tennis ball…this little girl never stops surprising us. She is proudly carrying this orange ball around and begging us to play keep away and fetch. What a doll!
  3. My TS amigos having my back and helping me through moments of self-doubt. It isn’t the first time and probably won’t be the last, but I have a better idea of what I might be able to do to work on some of my issues, and I am grateful for the kind suggestions of others.

Grateful, again, for my TS amigos and fellow grati-dudes! :green_heart:


I’m grateful I don’t drink!
I’m grateful I don’t depend on my booze for anything.
I’m grateful I’ve learned drinking ceased to be fun and became nothing but trouble.
I’m grateful I’m unfucking myself. (*Russell Brand) but could easily be my words.
Grateful I got my workout in yesterday and today is walk day.
Grateful I slept in this morning.
Grateful I reached out to my friend in London who is in lockdown first thing this am. Usually I do all my devotionals and Bible reading and gratitude list. It’s nice that I can be flexible. My first hour of quiet time in the morning usually always comes first.
I’m grateful we got a lot of errands done yesterday.
Grateful we got our Living Will in order and all that other kind of stuff signed, notarized and sent off to our lawyers.
I’m grateful it’s sunny and will probably warm up to the 50’s 10 c. It’s below freezing out there now :cold_face:
I’m grateful for another morning hangover free with my coffee and pets and my wife and family and Gratidudes.
I’m grateful my spell check comes on for the word Gratidudes :crazy_face:
One small grateful thought in the morning can change your whole day


Oh god Bless you. And I’m praying for your dad and you and family too.


In my thoughts and prayers, Sunflower. :candle: :orange_heart:


Today I’m grateful for where I’m at in my life. It sounds kind of corny, I know, because of course if I could have some do-overs, I’d do them over, but - I’ve already had such a good start to the day - I have to believe that I’m exactly where I’m meant to be at this time in my life.

I’m grateful that I woke up grateful…
…for the dark quiet morning
…for the time I make in morning to lazily take the first cup of coffee back to bed (this is becoming a weekday habit!) and watch the sky think about getting light while I think about the things I’m grateful for, think about the day ahead, take some good deep breaths and conversate with the big guy
…for what I’m learning about myself, and myself as I relate to others, on this sobriety trek (I do love a good hike!)

And then I come on here and read so many posts! I can’t name them all, but it’s already been noted by others - I’m grateful for this thread, for your posts, for my fellow Gratidudes, for the deep well we have here that I draw from everyday. :pray:

M and D? For everything you said to me without any words at all…

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


I’m grateful to God please help me be better today than I was yesterday.
I’m grateful to God please help me to stay clean and sober just for today.
I’m grateful for my recovery it is vital to me, my family and friends well being.
I’m grateful that I slept really well.
I’m grateful to be posting this for me after a busy morning at the treatment center.
I’m grateful for my fellow grati-dudes.
I’m grateful that they have an in person gratitude group here at 8:45 a.m. every morning and I participated in that and mentioned that I was grateful for the grati-dudes Lol
I’m grateful that I am ok with being flexible in my schedule and I know I will post my gratitude even it’s at 11:30a.m. like now or 3:30p.m. other days.
I’m grateful for my mom, dad and sisters love you all.
I’m grateful for Wayside and all the support I get from them.
I’m grateful for the twelve steps
I’m grateful for morning coffee coupled with daily readings
I’m grateful to God.
@Sunflower1 prayers for your dad
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

P.s. You are wonderful. Smile. Ya you!!


Thank you Eric, I truly appreciate it.

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Thank you Stella, it means a lot to me.

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Thank you so much Emm.

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I couldn’t agree more♥️


yesss :grin: samesies

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Thank Brian, it’s greatly appreciated.

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I am grateful that I am sober and not hungover. Tomorrow is garbage day and thankfully my trash isn’t filled with empties that I feel ashamed about.

I am grateful for my sponsor and for her wisdom and patience. I feel like sobriety is really starting to click and that in itself is amazing.

I am grateful for all of the awesome people in my life and how doing a daily gratitude list helps me to look on the bright side of things :sunny::rainbow: :heart:


HE MADE IT!!! My Dad is out of surgery!Not out of the woods, but quadruple bypass was accomplished! Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers- I’m grateful beyond words❤️


That is wonderful news! So happy to hear. The waiting during such a major surgery is so hard. I’ve been there a couple times with my family, too. Hoping for a speedy recovery for your dad.


That’s great news. Thanks for the update.


Oh good news! I can’t imagine how stressful - surgery alone, and then during a pandemic! You’re doing amazing to stay sober and keep a grateful heart.
Will keep you and yours in my prayers! :orange_heart:


Hey all… Really, really, bad day… almost didnt come on to post. But I kinda need it.

Today I am grateful to those who support others with unconditional love and understanding.

Today I am grateful all my family is safe at home

Today I am grateful for my sobriety, I would not have ended the evening the same had I been drinking, I wouldnt be posting, I would be here in the moment taking a breath for myself and for those who cannot take a breath for themself.

Peace and love :heart:


We’re glad you’re here. You’re such a fighter. You’re really taking charge of your sobriety. Proud of you.


I’m grateful to God thank you for guiding me through the good and bad.
I’m grateful for my recovery, so much, like it’s crazy, hard and beautiful, challenging and rewarding and worth it, even when it hurts.
I’m grateful to God, please help keep me going forward and let me rest well.
I’m grateful for my family, sometimes it feels like they don’t get it but I have ALOT to be grateful for regarding my family I love them so much
I’m grateful for all the grati-dudes, you get it.
I’m grateful to be laying down in my bed clean and sober.
I’m grateful to God.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

P.s. You got this, hey M lets do this again tomorrow. Ya you!!