Daily Gratitude List

My first gratitude post and I am grateful for…
Making the choice to no longer drink alchohol
My family and friends
The roof over my head and the food at my table
The warm bed I am about to fall asleep in
You all

Bye for now…


Me too. :relaxed: :orange_heart:


I am grateful to be sober and not hungover. I am no longer ruled by the bottle which is a freedom I never dreamed existed.

I am grateful that I am up early saying my prayers and sitting with Will :cat::two_hearts:

I am grateful that I plan to exercise soon and that I am getting back on track with my fitness goals. ODAAT. :heart:


Great news!! Prayers for a full and speedy recovery!


Grateful for another sober day yesterday resulting in a sober morning today

Grateful that a hurtful situation between SO and I was handled maturely and lovingly. A hungover me might have reacted differently. A hungover me would have sat in anxiety at work all day. Doing that thing where I play terrible scenarios in my head over and over and over…I didn’t do that!

Grateful for my two wonderful adult sons

Grateful for my sister, who is taking wonderful care in overseeing my Mom’s care in the nursing home

Grateful for coffee

Grateful for the delicious salad I made for lunch. Drunk me would not have done that.


I call my efforts “trudging”. :scream::scream: But hey…you got out there!!


My gratitude list.

Im grateful for:

  1. My heart. I can feel it beating. (I am alive.):heart:
  2. Grocery store. Where i find healthy food to make my meals. :green_salad:
  3. Drinking water. Its always clean and keeps me hydrated. :sweat_drops:
  4. My son saying, “Hey mom. You wanna hang out?.:family_woman_boy:
  5. For the mistakes i made « pain is a precious gift, do not waste it ». Its my why and keeps me going strong :muscle:.

Ah, any day that starts at the Gratidude Emporium is off to a good start!

I’m grateful for snooze buttons, a little extra sleep, and good strong coffee.

I’m grateful I’m learning to let go of things not in my control, but also learning to let go of things I don’t need to control, or maybe even need to be a part of - mostly work but other stuff too.

I’m grateful I’m learning that my time and energy are finite resources - and I’m grateful I’m at a place where I can be mindful about how I want to use these.

I’m grateful I’m sober, and not wasting so much time drinking and energy being hungover. I’m grateful for all of the support I have to be and stay sober, to work on being a better version of myself everyday.

I’m grateful for my little putt putt, and that I got him a new battery yesterday. I told him if he’s a really good car and just makes it through the winter, just maybe in summer he can go to some new people who live where its always warm. We’ll see, little putt putt… :red_car: :smile:

M and D? This is the time of year Mom would make her special valentine torte with the heart-shaped pan. I don’t know if we said any more than “mmm, good”, Mom, with full mouths. Empty plates and empty pan = huge gratitude then and now. :heartpulse:

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


I’m grateful I don’t drink.
I’m grateful I don’t depend on my booze. Or your booze.
I’m grateful I couldn’t get into TS this morning. Anyone else have that problem? I tried everything. I haven’t had a read around yet. I always come here first.
I’m grateful I got on Twitter instead. And found some sober ### and put myself out there.
I’m grateful I did a check in and gave support to other people on Twitter. It’s obviously not the same.
I’m grateful I didn’t freak out as the thoughts of TS being down for who knows how long.
I’m grateful, I’m really really grateful for all the real friends I’ve made here. I have to admit I did think about loosing you all. But I was cool :sunglasses:
I’m grateful I feel I’m strong enough in my sobriety I would just have to figure it out if I couldn’t reach you all ever again. I mean I’d miss you all so much.
I’m grateful the last 3 or 4 hours of not being able to get on here really made me think.
I’m grateful I’m not drinking today. And I’m probably not drinking tomorrow.
Let’s do that again!!


I’m grateful to God please help me be better today than I was yesterday.
I’m grateful to God please help me be better today than I was yesterday.
I’m grateful for my recovery.
I’m grateful for my family. I’m grateful for TS and my friends.
I’m grateful I slept fantastic.
I’m grateful that I’m at wayside for lunch, dinner and A.A.
I’m grateful to God.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

P.s You are too cute. Ya you!!


Oh so good! Sending out more good wishes and keeping you in my prayers! :candle:

Oh, I don’t think you’re alone here! I’m grateful for just how much we all share and care here, and how must support and pure enjoyment I get from you seemingly perfect strangers - turned dear pals. :orange_heart:

And a big welcome to @Complicatedmama! And great to see you on the gratitude thread @JB.5280 and @Judy111! I hope you don’t mind if we call you all fellow Grati-dudes? :smile:


Today, I am grateful for this new outlet! I love reading everyone’s gratitudes and the wonderful welcome I’ve received from you all.
I am grateful for waking up clean and sober.
I am grateful for being well enough to go to the gym.
I am grateful for my beautiful children and my family.
I am grateful for my Oldest son’s girlfriend who has helped me get some much needed stuff done around my house.
I am just grateful the list can go on and on…


Grateful for good coworkers.
Grateful for my kids and husband.
Grateful for coffee and tea and hot chocolate!
Grateful I got to talk to Mom and Dad today.
Grateful tomorrow is Friday!
Everyone have a great night❤️


Grateful for a day with no cravings and very little thoughts of alcohol.
Grateful for a hot bath and lilac candle.
Grateful for the appreciation I received from SO, his daughter and her friends for the dinner I cooked for them.
Grateful to be going to bed sober so I can get up at stupid o’clock to go to the gym.


Today I’m grateful for:

  1. Finding a doctor I like, first try!
  2. Honesty in recovery. I was 100% honest with my doctor and I’m both proud and grateful.
  3. 4 wheel drive and feeling safe making multiple trips out this afternoon in an unexpected snowstorm! And that people are smart drivers in this small town and slooooow down in the snow.

Grateful for my amigos here on TS!


I’m grateful to God thank you for another productive clean and sober day.
I’m grateful to be home and getting ready to climb into bed.
I’m grateful I got to chair a very moving A.A. meeting tonight. I needed it.
I’m grateful for the belly laughs during a game of cards at the end of the day.
I’m grateful my housemate was up to visit with for a minute when I got home.
I’m grateful I texted with Mom for a minute.
I’m grateful my sister called me tonight.
I’m grateful to God.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

P.s. Almost forgot to tell you, you’re doing great. Ya you!!


Checking in grateful on day 830.
Grateful I have a 25 min walk to work.
Grateful I don’t depend on a car.
Grateful having a roof over my head.
Grateful for all the possibilities I was given in life.
Grateful I was given sobriety. Somehow.


Today I’m grateful for:

  1. Most excellent sleep last night (night # 2) on the new mattress. It’s not a silver bullet fix for sleep problems and ouchie body issues, but it sure helps a lot.
  2. A long chat with my dad yesterday on his 74th birthday. The usual topics, politics, civic engagement, various violent drama series on Netflix/Amazon, how pretty my mom is, the joy his first grandchild brings and how he is getting teary flashbacks to me as a baby (she looks so much like me as a little ‘un), and that he’s getting the first dose of the vaccine next week. I don’t care that we repeat conversations or I hear the same story again, I just love hearing him talk. And he sure can talk! But I dare not cut in or presume to fill in the pauses (he’s a slow and deliberate talker) because he’ll call me by my mother’s name (ok, Patricia, if you’d let me finish) - it’s one of our favorite running jokes. So much love.
  3. Today being Friday, with Monday off for President’s Day. I’m not sure I’ll be able to convince my husband to get outside with me in these frigid temps, but we have some projects around the house to keep us busy. Maybe we’ll play some cribbage and backgammon. And I’ve got cooking plans, of course!

Grateful for my TS amigos and the gratidudes, always! :heartpulse:


I’m grateful I’m realizing a sober life is more enjoyable.
I’m grateful I don’t drink.
I’m grateful I don’t depend on booze for a damn thing.
I’m grateful Rosa just posted her gratitude list and the thread was at the very top. I didn’t have to scroll a bit.
I’m grateful Benson is on my lap.
I’m grateful Minnie is sitting on the top of the back of the couch cushion looking silly while she looks out the window.
Grateful my wife started a fun group silly text last night with the whole family and we just laughed and laughed. And everyone joined in. All eight of us.
I’m grateful for my family. I hope to see them again some day :grimacing:
I’m grateful we have a nice thoughtful kind considerate man as President.
I’m grateful our President has a deal for 200 million more vaccines.
I’m grateful for the smidgen of normalcy coming our way.
I’m grateful for today.
I’m grateful for the time I spend on TS. It’s possible I helped someone not pick up last night. With the grace of God.
I’m grateful God puts the right people in the right place at the right time.
I’m grateful for all my blessings, especially the ones I don’t deserve.
What if you woke up this morning
…and had only the things you thanked God for yesterday. :thinking:


I’m grateful it’s Friday. I’m grateful I have a long weekend ahead of me. yay!

I’m super grateful I’m sober and the thought of a sober long weekend is delicious, not frightening or otherwise unappealing.

I’m grateful for the unexpected support this place provides, for the beautiful and quirky mash up of humanity that it is, for you sharing your journeys so openly and bravely, for the examples of all of you - I draw from this everyday. :pray:

M and D? It would be 56 years today - Happy Anniversary! I’ll pick up some flowers. :wink: Thank you for the examples of you, too, your example of love. :two_hearts:

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart: