Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #2

Eric your shares are always moving to me. I am grateful for YOU everyday. I’m grateful Bianca’s lesson about boundaries penetrated my thick skull. And about Tom Petty D-cat. Two words Fuck yeh. I gratefully play that Florida boys tunes a lot including Mudcrutch.


Evening gratitude.
Today I’m grateful the talk with my husband was ok. Little content, he is still in pity party mode, but the talk was ok, I did not take some bullshit he wanted to talk me in, the atmosphere was ok. So I’m grateful for a first step towards getting to talk again on a normal basis. Or I hope so. Time will tell.

I’m grateful for a long talk with my bank advisor. We like each other and our discussions are always interesting. I’m pleased about the christmas giveaway: jam and juice from local farmers. What a nice idea.

I’m grateful a friend called. One week over again! Time flies. We call once a week.

I’m grateful for the christmas lights shining in the living room. Cats, lights, beach video, tea and juice. I don’t need more to be content :pray:


I am grateful to be sober.
I am happy I cleaned my shoes although Nikolaus won’t fill them. :sob: Well, at least the are clean now.
I am grateful I have enough.


I am grateful to be focused and calm
I am grateful for this life, as it is
I am grateful for opportunities and choices
I am grateful for having hot water bottle
I am grateful for quitting time
I am grateful for having an indoor pool with 50m lane in my area
I am grateful for my family
I am grateful to have courage!



I’m grateful I’m alive and have the basics covered. I’m grateful for night time walks listening to Christmas music. I’m grateful for affirmation videos on YouTube that make me feel safe in my body. I’m grateful for my comfortable room and the roof above me. I’m grateful for instant cheese grits. I’m grateful for the apples my mom brought to me. I’m grateful that today I can feel myself progressing and recovering. I’m grateful for hope. I’m grateful for this community and the motivation it gives me


I am grateful to be slowly recovering from a heavy cold. My morning coffee starts tasting like coffee again - that’s a good sign.
I noticed, that there are a lot of new people joinging the forum lately and with the end of the year, there will probably be more to come. I am grateful for their shares and to be reminded, what the first few weeks and months of sobriety were like. It brings me joy to see so many of them moving forward.
I am grateful for all the people, who are sober a lot longer than me. The challenges of sobriety luckily change over time. This place is just a such a resource of wisdom, it amazes me every time.
Especially grateful for this thread and your shares, grati-dudes :orange_heart:


Trying to find something to be grateful for today:

Grateful I managed some sleep.
Grateful I work from home and don’t have any meetings today so no one sees my puffy from crying face.
Grateful for the “sober poop” thread for making my laugh.
Grateful for my cats.
Grateful for coffee and homemade pumpkin bread to start the day.
Grateful for this community so I feel less alone.


Early afternoon check- in.

Today I’m grateful for therapy. I’m grateful I talked about things I’m proud of, about situations I handled well, about feeling grateful and content. I’m grateful it seems all the stress and overburdening of the last years left my body. I’m grateful I don’t feel stressed any more. Most of the time. I can live my life at my individual speed. What a blessing. This nagging voice in my head will fade away, My husband will never again call me fat, lazy, not doing any work whilst I was resting, completely exhausted, frustrated, tired after I did all my work and his too, where he did not move a finger inhouse. I’m grateful I can let go this part of my life, it will never return. I will not allow anything similar enter my life again. I’m aware of red flags now I see and name them. Again: I’m grateful for therapy :pray:


Grateful that today feels like a good day! I feel strong in my body and confident in my self.

  1. Im grateful when I woke up with another :grimacing: headache :face_with_head_bandage: this morning I didn’t try and force gratitude first.
  2. Im grateful for @Olivia and I was able to share with her this morning first thing instead.
  3. Im grateful for Zappa Tee shirts :crazy_face:
  4. Im grateful for erntedank and her courage and strength and the idea that maybe it’s stress causing my headaches. It just never occurred to me.
  5. Im grateful for Eric on the Recovery Show Podcast. He recommended a meditation on Insight timer that changed his life. It’s called “She Let Go.” Not at all what I was expecting. But it was great!
  6. Im grateful I took the 9 minutes to listen to that meditation this morning.
  7. Im grateful I wasn’t bothered during it, by my headache, or when wifey came out here.
  8. Im grateful at the end of the meditation I heard and focused on Minnie lapping up a big drink from the water bowl.
  9. Im grateful for my Al-Anon support.
  10. Im grateful for the whole team here at TS, no matter what thread we are on. We’re a pretty good bunch.

Guess who Billy? :point_down:
”A mind is like a parachute, it doesn’t work unless it’s open.”
Frank Zappa


I’m grateful to be clean today, and not let my trials the past couple days break me down and pick up.

I’m grateful for my mom and her husband for letting me stay in there home while I get my life together.

I’m grateful to not give up on myself at this moment.

I’m grateful for my dogs at home still being alive.

I’m grateful for the fellowships.

I’m grateful to recognize when I need to take a step back from time to time but not 2 steps back.

I’m grateful I have a choice today to not use

I’m grateful to have a job I love.

I’m grateful for this forum and the people I’ve gotten to know a little bit.

I’m grateful to have the basic necessities in my life to live.

I’m grateful for the life I have today… God help me never to forget where I came from .


Just want to say I am grateful for life today… :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:


When you made this post… i actually wasnt even feeling that greatful. But i know I am. Took a second to think about it and now I ACTUALLY feel grateful… thank you!!!


I am happy you are feeling grateful… Some times a switch in perspective is all it takes! Keep on doing the next rite thing and keep your head up!!!


Late afternoon gratitude. I’m grateful for your #3 gratitude,gratidude. I’m grateful for the FZ quote. Thanks Eric. Put that hard to discern smile on my bearded face. I am so grateful my friend decided to go back to rehab (where I met her) psych hospital for her mental health. I am grateful she’s been clean for 8 months but she is bi-polar and hasn’t been right lately. I am grateful I can shout out to her from my virtual seat with other alumni. I’m grateful for my mentor. He gave me some positive reinforcement for me setting firm boundaries. Grateful I have gotten better at that. Grateful for a pleasant hour or so by the pool reading. Grateful I’m in countdown mode to head south and see Blake and Madi. I am grateful I’ll get to see some friends too. Grateful for my practice and for the three jewels. Grateful for my beautiful recovery. Grateful for gratidudes and dudettes Namaste :pray:t3:

God guru and Self are One


I’m grateful for the power of my heart
I’m grateful that love is a super power
I’m grateful for a night dance sesh
I’m grateful for fun days at work
I’m grateful forgiving and letting go is always easier then holding on and being upset.
I’m grateful for little treats that keep popping up on my desk.
I’m grateful that I can help others
I’m grateful when I’m silly people follow suit. I like seeing other people have fun and let go a little.
I’m grateful that I find comfort in my rituals
I’m grateful for the moon
I’m grateful that today was a good day :yellow_heart::hatched_chick:


Grateful I traveled, felt no cravings for a drink, met with a friend who used to be my absolute enabler and drinking buddy…and told him I haven’t had a drink since March. And that I was not planning on drinking that day or the next. He was surprised. Our get together was awkward.

Grateful I realized that some friendships will probably either change or go away. The ones that will go away I’ll miss, but this is much more important. Being sober brings so much good into my life. I’m grateful I see that now. I didn’t, 8 months ago.

Grateful for the sense of peace I have of letting go of some relationships. It’s not an easy thing for me. I’m putting a lot of thought and energy into making peace within myself. It’s time and energy well spent.

I’m grateful there was a football game while I was waiting for my luggage at the airport when I arrived back home yesterday. Not grateful my luggage was lost, but at least I had some distraction when I was tired, cold, hungry and grumpy. The luggage never came. I’m grateful they will (hopefully) deliver it today. I’m grateful this happened on the way home, and not on the way to my business trip. I can manage it.

I’m grateful for change. For accepting change. For learning that change means growth.

I’m grateful for the love I have in my life, that allows me to change, grow and still love and be loved.


Good morning sober family. @Bootz I love that you are learning Pali chants. I have been practicing a Sanskrit meditation that I want to share with you. I’m so grateful for your presence here :heartbeat:. Your soul is shining on.

I am grateful this morning for the wisdom that comes with age and experience. I want to use wise intent and wise words here. Lemme try. I bailed from my Refuge Recovery online meeting during a young woman’s share. I’m sorry not sorry but she shared about her elective surgery. :sleepy: I am grateful I can grok what has no relation to my recovery. This child is very self centered and insecure. I do wish for her peace and ease and freedom from suffering. But I am not going to expose myself to her insecurities. Gratefully. I am grateful for bagels and Vegan cream cheese. Still grateful my friend checked herself into rehab/psych hospital. Courageous. Grateful for the gifts of sobriety. Biggest gratitude is in 2 days I’ll be with my Blake and Madison. Yay. Slay the day y’all. Namaste :pray:t3:

God guru and Self are One


Rock on Anna! I’m proud of you. I’m often reminded that sobriety is a journey not a destination. Yeh change is a constant. The Buddha teaches that everything is temporary. Each and every moment passes like clouds in the sky. Relationships shift and change. It’s simply the nature of things. Have a lovely day my friend. Namaste

  1. I’m grateful for my ear worm Du Jour
    “That’s Just Who You Are” by Amie Mann
  2. I’m grateful for my higher power, music, when it brings me to tears, first thing in the morning. Healthy wonderful soul cleansing tears. :smiling_face_with_tear:
  3. I’m grateful for the excitement I feel inside when I can’t wait to come on here and share something with my Home Group.
  4. I’m grateful I sat with that excitement and feelings and tears for quite awhile this morning before coming on here and sharing. Sometimes what I want to share here prevents me from soaking up the healing I’m feeling because I just want to share it.
  5. I’m grateful for those feelings of healing.
  6. I’m grateful I can see happiness in Minnie’s face when we walk on the trails in the mountains among the pines in the cool damp, almost winter, weather. She really loves it here.
  7. I’m grateful I really love it here and I am so happy and blessed to be walking among the pines along the golf course coming across funny looking squirrels :chipmunk: huge ravens, and Brian, :wink: the Blue Heron.
  8. I’m grateful it feels like we are alone up here and the summer camp is all boarded up and everyone went back to the Valley.
  9. I’m grateful today I feel so much better and I’m learning I cannot control my feelings and I think I just need to learn to feel those unhappy feelings of sadness and hopelessness, miserable heartsick feelings.
  10. I’m grateful those feelings go away and can be replaced by other feelings like contentment, gratefulness, and even joy. And especially love for my addict if I give it time and try not to control my feelings.
    :pray:t2: :christmas_tree::flamingo: :eagle: :green_heart:
    I know that’s a flamingo but if it was blue it would look like the Blue Heron I saw. :crazy_face:

Acting steady always ready
To defend your fears
(that’s just what you are)
What’s the matter with the truth
Did I offend your ears
(that’s just what you are)

that’s Just What You Are
Aimee Mann