Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #2

I’m grateful today was a good day. A long day, but a good day.

I’m grateful I get to define what a good day is, and that I’m learning to measure it differently. It doesn’t have to be because I earned my worth, or because everything went as planned. It can be a good day because I decide it’s a good day.

I’m also grateful I can see myself detach, at least somewhat, from storms (mostly work but often personal) I would throw myself into in the before time. To be/stay engaged in things and not attached to the outcomes. fuckkkkkkk… t’ain’t easy, but there’s no other way.

I’m grateful I felt total relief today when colleagues were talking (group chat/msg) about dry January and how hard it is. Grateful I get to sit that out and do one day at a time. Grateful I’m not counting down until Feb.01. That would be a nightmare.
Grateful I realized that when I’m engaged in my life, alcohol is irrelevant. Kinda like gluten for this celiac. Or goodyear tires. I just don’t eat 'em. You go ahead, I’ll pass. :wink:

I’m grateful for sleeeep. Sweet sober sleep.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Yeah, I’d be grateful too Billy and @Lorelai to get in on the group Gratidude hug for @erntedank ! :orange_heart:

Heart Love GIF by Mochimochiland - Find & Share on GIPHY


Today I’m grateful for a bit of silence. Quiet reflection. I have so much to be grateful for…I love movement, music, family and friends, productive work, exercise…but today I’m grateful that over the past 9 months I learned to appreciate stillness and quiet. :heart:

PS: Always, always grateful for you, Billy :heart: You bring out a ray of sunshine to me every day :sunny:


Good morning sober fam,

Im greatful for…

My sobriety, 256 days free from weed and alcohol
My hubby
Boscoe even if hes smelly already
Im down a few lbs after counting calories for two weeks
Work from home
A day full of continuing education
Trying a new crockpot dish tonight
Woke up before my alarm
Boscoe, my shadow
Looking forward to my ladies mtg tonight
All of you

Peace and love on your journies


I am grateful for my new Gloria Gaynor alarm ringtone that reminds me to get out of bed a bit earlier so I have time for my little morning FitOn workout. I’m grateful that I crack myself up every day. I’m grateful to get out of bed with a little bit of a smile, ready to tackle my goals and build my habits. I’m grateful that I’m beginning to learn how to be more intentional with my goals, instead of setting them willy nilly all over the place and then getting overwhelmed and frustrated and disappointed.


I’m grateful for “Shared,” E-photo albums and waking up to baby Norma’s smile as she heads to the park.

I’m grateful the neighbors construction crew doesn’t start til after 8 :grimacing:
I’m grateful they seem to work 1 day on and 2 days off.
I’m grateful Benson isn’t already barking his head off.

I’m grateful Mavy plastered his whole purring body on my face and neck this morning. It WAS time to get up.

I’m grateful for the desert sunsets. Every night!
I’m grateful I’m thinking of my Twinnie and how much she would love the desert sunsets. And can’t wait to see more beach sunrises and sunsets.
I’m grateful for that special connection.

I’m grateful we, my wife and I, are a bit stressed, together, about our daughters pregnancy and I’m grateful I’m not drinking with her about it. Like that’s going to help. I’m grateful I’m not judging her or trying real hard not to judge her because that is exactly what I’d be doing if I wasn’t sober. I’m grateful I got the sober tools to deal with life.
I’m grateful my daughter gave us an update yesterday. I’m grateful Gus is healthy but he shows no signs of wanting to enter this world. I’m grateful to be afraid of my daughter right now and give her the space she needs. And be here for her if needed. She knows I’m here for her. I’m grateful I’ve told her not too many times. I’m grateful to try and understand she must be scared shitless. And she’s in pain and cannot sleep. I’m grateful I’m sober and doing the Ol ODAAT thing and definitely Let Go and Let God. This is way above my pay grade anyway.
I’m grateful I get to share that here and get it off my chest. :pray:t2:

“It’s all kinds of these
profound things crashing on you
when your child arrives into the
world. It’s like you’ve met your
reason to live.”

-Johnny Depp

  • I am grateful to be tired. Being tired is being alive.

  • I am grateful for the kickass speaker at my morning meeting. She lit it up! And gave me so many golden nuggets, continuing to open truths about my past and work that needs to be done to keep it out of my future.

  • I am grateful how quickly my mind comes back into focus when I don’t drink. Why I would ever want to kill these magnificent brain cells I was gifted with, well, we probably all know the answer to that - escape.

  • I am grateful that my PFLAG support meeting is tonight. I am grateful to be feeding hungry, hurting people, while they share their challenges and success since last month. If you ever are questioning, hurting, needing support for yourself, or for an LGBTQ+ community member, feel free to reach out. If you ever need tools, information, pamphlets for someone who doesn’t get it, let me know. Just let me know.

  • And always, I am grateful for you.


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful that tomorrow is off.
I am grateful I can work form home in Monday although I forgot the AC adapter at work and I’ll have to get it on the weekend :no_mouth:
I am grateful I had another good day at work.
I am grateful I don’t drink and I don’t spend time fantasizing about it. I am grateful I don’t miss it.
I am grateful I can get things off my chest here without being judged and without further explanation often. I am grateful that I am learning step by step what’s mine and what belongs to someone else. Not taking everything personal.
I am grateful I have enough.


Im greatful for a healthy lunch
Im greatful im getting paid to take continuing education courses
Im greatful for Boscoe snuggles
Im greatful


Today I am greatful for getting to day 10 without much temptation from within. I am enjoying my new outlook on life, health and wellbeing. I am greatful for having such a supportive wife and famiky to help me.
I am also greatful for my job and the fact I get to spend the weekend with my 6 month old daughter and her 2 older siblings.
I’m also truly greatful for having a beautiful home to go to evry day/night.
I truly am blessed :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Iam grateful for lying in my warm bed now sober and content.
Iam grateful my children are upstairs happy and more importantly asleep haha
Iam grateful for my home for feeling safe and secure for me and my family.
Iam grateful to be able to speak to you all here.
Iam grateful to now be going to sleep with a peaceful mind.
Wish everyone happiness in whatever it is your doing.


Today was a hard day for me, I’m not sure why. All of a sudden I felt anxious like I had swallowed someone else’s current emotion. Before the sudden anxiety I had felt peaceful.
I’m grateful I tried deep breathing, even though it didn’t work.
I took a little walk outside after lunch and I felt a little better.
I’m grateful the day is over and I’m home.
I’m grateful I ordered dinner so I could just relax.
I’m grateful that I know that not all days are peaceful and sometimes I’ll have hard days.
I’m grateful I have my book to read after dinner.
I’m grateful I can shower, light a candle, and get cozy.
I’m grateful I have little things that relax me.
I’m grateful I have learned other ways to take care of myself when numbing use to be my norm.
I’m grateful if anything comes up I’ll allow myself to feel it.
I’m grateful for all the changes I’ve made in my life. Anxiety was the norm not that long ago. Before sobriety I would have pushed down my uncomfort of a difficult day with a bottle of wine. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
I’m grateful I know I’m strong enough to sit with the discomfort and take care of myself. I’m grateful that tonight that’s enough​:yellow_heart::hatched_chick:


Grateful for roof over my head


Grateful I hit 8 days today and finally almost over COVID! I feel like it’s been blessing I’ve worked from home this week my body has gone through sickness but it’s recovering and it’s cleansed! I’m not afraid of going back out into the world after being sheltered this first week and change. I have spent the week observing my life and cementing that I’m going to fight everyday for myself and to be the person my family deserves!

Also grateful for this place :heart: I am happy knowing when I go back out into the world I have a whole community in my pocket for when things get tough which I know there will be tough moments!


I’d be grateful to know why they call it a pork pie hat!? :smile: :pig:

I’m grateful that even though I feel a little sick and icky, it’s not because I’m hungover. I’m grateful I tested negative. Hope that keeps up because I have plans I’m looking forward to this weekend. I’m grateful if my plans change, no matter how, i won’t get all worked up, and nor will alcohol be the cause or effect.

I’m grateful my nap was so good. I’m not enormously grateful I’m still awake, but it’s okay. I’m grateful I can go with it, read some yawn-y work stuff to induce sleep, lol.

I’m grateful I can look back and see where hard stuff makes sense, in retrospect, or yielded a positive or necessary outcome that makes sense in my life.

I’m grateful for pals, near and far. I’m grateful for Gratidudes all over the world, right here on my screen.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


I am grateful that G took his 9 year cake tonight, and that his kids, my daughter and mom all came to help celebrate. I am grateful he asked me to present him with his medallion. He has had a BIG year… a real big year and I am grateful for people like him who show me that shit can get real in recovery and we can make it through without picking up.

Im tired, Im grateful its bedtime.



Good morning, everyone.

I’m grateful I’m realizing the first stages of resentment I’m harboring towards my husband, before letting it grow and explode. I’m grateful I have a clear head to understand how I’m responding to his actions. I’m grateful that my reaction is something I can look into and control to some extent.

I want this year to be a good one, but know the next 6 months or so will not be easy on my family. I’m grateful I can look at it with clarity, without the blurring effects of alcohol, and try to make my best decisions on each step.

I’m terribly afraid to harden my heart and shut down precious feelings to cope with it all. I’m grateful I recognize this.

I’m grateful I found my favorite coffee in the store again - a cuppa first thing in the morning is a much needed treat.


I am grateful to wake up sober. I am grateful that my headache is from lack of sleep, not alcohol.

I am grateful for the family of my choosing that supports my family and holds us up.

I am grateful to represent an organization that stands up for marginalized people. I stand for humanity.

I am grateful for vulnerable shares there and here. They help me and make me want to be a better advocate for those who are suffering.

I am grateful for the Peruvian woman who stepped into our meeting last night with her daughter. We just lost all of our Spanish speaking Board members and she appeared, ready and willing to become involved (unless I scared her with my enthusiasm).

I am grateful both kids are here in the house. It’s always nice to have them here in the mornings.

I am grateful that “this too shall pass.” Whatever that appears as today,

I am grateful for the Friday womens’ meeting that begins in three minutes.

I am grateful for you.


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety 257? Days
My husband and how excited he gets to get in bed with me at night…its so cute
Boscoe, my puppy forever
Looking forward to 40+ degree weather and walking Boscoe
Monday off
Dreaming of a new tattoo idea
Boscoe waking me up to go outside
Keeping up with my new lifestyle
AA fellowship
TS fellowship
Everyone here taking it one day at a time

Lets kick todays ass


Grateful for another sober morning. Grateful for a life full of love and security, and a future I am happy to look forward to. Grateful to be in a position to make a date with my bf to visit our overcrowded municipal dog pound tonight to see if we can help and add another furry member to our little family. :heart_eyes: I’m a firm believer in the There Are No Stupid Questions school of thought, but when my love asked me if I might want to adopt another dog I thought maybe I’d finally found one. The answer is always yes lol. I’m grateful to look forward to a girl’s night with my mom and besties in her birthday in the upcoming weeks. I’m grateful that when the subject of alcohol came up with my boss and I mentioned that I don’t drink, she asked why in surprise (we have a good relationship so it wasn’t weird) I just told her I’ve already had my quota, and hers, and this other guys (pointed to rando), and she laughed and said she knew exactly how I felt and that was it. I didn’t feel anxious or ashamed, I laughed and felt relieved to share a little bit, and I’m really grateful for that.