Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #2

I’m grateful I woke up without a hangover or regret
I’m grateful for a 3 day weekend
I’m grateful for my job that provides for my husband and 3 daughters


Thank you all for thinking of me :purple_heart::pray:

I’m still processing yesterday. I’m grateful I got the keys for our farm back. I’m grateful I petted not only my own cats but also a ginger sweetie at the park behind the courthouse. I don’t know whether I’m grateful or not I met my ex by chance there. Seems he will get back his driver license soon. It hurts to see him. Emotions are all over the place. Fuck, I was doing really good over the holidays. I’m grateful I decided to stay away from the farm until he moved out and we settled the finances. I’m grumpy on myself, I don’t want to feel this way. That’s hard. Letting go feels hard these days. Yesterday was the first anniversary of our dear friend’s death. I’m grateful I lit a candle and asked my ex to do so on our farm too. Our late friend loved the farm. I miss him. I miss us all being together.

I’m grateful Miss Marple curls up between my legs, my right leg will slip from the couch soon. I’m grateful for the love and snuggles my cats give me. And for their peaceful sleep and snorring. I’m grateful I cooked yummi lunch today. I’m grateful it’s friday 13th, I like this date, it was always my lucky date. I’m grateful for my cozy house and the beautiful christmas decoration I kept up. I’m grateful for a warm shower. I’m grateful for TV, I need some light distraction today. I’m grateful for the talk with my councellor this week, it still echos in me and keeps me thinking. I was doing good and now I feel stuck again. I get on my own nervs, I’m dissatisfied. I pray this shall pass too.


I’m grateful I didn’t react to the cement truck blocking our driveway yesterday morning when we went out to walk the dogs. I just thought maybe it will be gone before we have to leave for our appointment. It was.

Im grateful for solo afternoon Benson walks when I had to force my ass up off the couch. I’m grateful we were able to sneak out without Minnie knowing. :shushing_face: I’m grateful when I can pull one over on my geriatric dog.

I’m grateful my wife and daughter had a long text chat yesterday. We are all very stressed. I’m grateful my daughter now wants us out in Cali when Gus arrives. Now I’m stressed. That wasn’t the plan. :grimacing: I’m grateful she wants us. I’m grateful after a few hours and a sleep I’m all over it and changing plans.

I’m grateful I’m going through “This,” sober.
This = Waiting
What’s the big deal? I’m grateful I can wait soberly; and physically and mentally feel good about myself. And I’m grateful I can wait without trying to control things because some things are just out of my control. I’m grateful for the “Wisdom To Know The Difference.”

I’m grateful I already mopped the floor this morning.
I’m grateful we don’t have to do Alice fluids this morning.
I’m grateful I’m out of sugar free chocolate and basically out of sugar free snacks so I won’t be binging on them. It’s a minor binge. I’m grateful I know it’s not good and if I don’t replace and keep it out of the house I won’t eat it.
I’m grateful for food labels and I read my Parmesan crisps snacks are high in cholesterol so I’ll be 86ing those. After I finish the last bag.
I’m grateful for Minnie.
I’m grateful for Daisy and the purring tamping fest in the middle of the night and grateful I don’t think she drew blood.

I’m grateful for my daily gratitude practice it’s one of the only constants in my life. Other than Benson barking at the trucks driving by out back. :grimacing: Ya he’s barking now. I’m grateful it’s not a busy street.

hold our tiny
hands for just a
little while, but
Our hearts

Still grateful for my grandparents :heart:


I’m grateful it’s Friday lol

I’m grateful I could give my mom gifts while away from work for her birthday yesterday

I’m grateful to be present in life today

I’m grateful to be clean

I’m grateful to hang out with a friend this weekend enjoy a meeting, and go to a horror circus after

I’m grateful I’m attempting to become a father in my 2 year old sons life in baby steps


Good morning, what an amazing sleep, I am so grateful for it. I am grateful I was able to doze back off for an hour after my 6 am yoga alarm went off. Friday isnt a 6 am yoga day!!!
I am feeling curious right off the bat this morning, I have some people pleasing thoughts circling in my noggin. I am grateful to recognize them and see them for what they are. I am grateful that I know what I need and I will work on not feeling bad about taking care of my needs over making other people happy. After I have been so sick, I need sleep and I do not sleep beside a snorer, that ends that conversation about company this weekend. I am grateful that when I just say shit it is so much easier than when I get lost in my head trying to figure out ways to work stuff out. I am grateful that my intuition tells me what G’s reaction will be and I can prepare myself for it ahead of time. Screw that, I just sent him a text, I dont need to sit in his weird energy. I am grateful I protect myself today.

I am looking forward to a day at the jewelry studio, its been a long time since I have spent a day there. I am grateful for all the gems I have to play with and the silver I have to craft. I am grateful for all the tools available at the studio for me to use for a small drop in fee. I am grateful for the sense of community I get when I spend time there.

I am grateful I feel better and that I feel hungry. Ravenous actually, its amazing. I am grateful my body is taking care of itself and that my wounded mind is leaving it alone. :heart:


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I got some things done. Well, there was nothing big on my list. :upside_down_face:
I am grateful I had the time to get my charger for the laptop. Otherwise, knowing myself it would have been an endless inner discussion when to go. Blaaaaa.
I am grateful I got this new puzzle. It’ll be definitely more fun then the other one.
I am grateful I have enough.


This is so sweet!
Good luck and much fun :family_man_girl::revolving_hearts:

  • I am grateful to live in peace and relative safety
  • I am grateful to have a nice apartment with 2 small floors
  • I am grateful for potentials
  • I am grateful for new ideas
  • I am grateful for 2 big white very simple candles, I bought before Christmas
  • I am grateful for a 100% non-slippery yoga mat, i proofed yesterday
  • I am grateful that the pool is open at all
  • I am grateful to have a indoor pool with 50m sports area and good opening hours (until 10 pm) not far from my apartment. What would i be without that?
  • I am grateful for family meeting on Sunday
  • I am grateful not getting back to total food restriction, although I maybe gained a few pounds
  • I am grateful to be able to feel Selflove and understanding
  • I am grateful to be a good chef
  • I am super grateful for TS fam

Much love :crystal_ball::revolving_hearts:


I’m grateful for the new bedding I bought today that I’ve just climbed into. How lucky am I that I get to sleep in absolute comfort, warm, safe and knowing this is where I’ll wake up in the morning.


Grateful for 2 weeks, and my teen hugged me today without me asking :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Good evening all,
I’m grateful for a beautiful sunny day. I’m grateful I got to run this morning with my son, and run errands with my daughter. Such normal things but I remember a time when these things felt impossible. I’m grateful the day was easy and enjoyable. I’m grateful for my simpler life, and the people in it. I’m grateful for the Gratitude thread.
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


Good morning, all.
I’m grateful that today is Saturday, so when my body woke me up at 5:30 for work, I was able to roll back over and go back to sleep.
Grateful for a solid and regenerative eight and a half hours of glorious sleep.
Grateful that the jet-lag is abating for all of us after our Christmas trip home.
Grateful that we got a Christmas trip home.
Grateful that I remain sober and clear headed, so work was manageable - even with jet lag.
Grateful to look out of the window this morning and see glorious sunshine. It’s good for the soul.
Grateful to have been able to live a significant part of my adult life in Singapore. It’s an incredible place.
Grateful that my eldest son is going out on his first ever ‘date’ today and that he was able to talk to me about it. He was so nervous and excited. It was a beautiful thing. :blue_heart:
Grateful I was able to give him a couple of dollars to ensure that he was at least comfortable that he would have enough money.
Grateful for my sober life and everything that it brings.
Grateful to have read all of your posts this morning.
Grateful for this thread, which has really made me focus on what I am grateful for this morning.
Have a beautiful day.


This is a week late, but I miss you guys too! I will try not to be a stranger, and I should poke the caffeine thread too! I love that you want your land to go to someone who will keep it in habitat. All things happen in their own time and in their own way.


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I can walk.
I am grateful I don’t drink alcohol anymore. I am happy I went to the socializing event last evening. When I went I was thinking how the evening would have turned out if I had said yeah, sure give me a glas of sparkling wine: the constant fear of having the glass refilled, the loss of control what I’d eat effecting my sugar awfully, the way I’d start talking, maybe not remembering what I said.
I am grateful that I track my expenses. It’s calming me that I can pay my bills and know where all the money is going.
I am grateful I did socialise. It’s so difficult to get me going and often I end up not going. If I have some new years resolutions it’s that I go when there are easy opportunities. Like the meetings, the playing games evenings. I am grateful to watch people and many have difficulties to socialize. They help with alcohol. So: clap clap we do it nevertheless.
I am grateful I can watch documentaries still lying in bed :see_no_evil:
I am grateful I have enough.
I am grateful my grandmother has a place in a nursing home soon. It’ll be a big relief for my mother and subsequently us.


I’m grateful for early nights and early mornings. I love the quiet before everyone wakes up.
I’m grateful for not drinking yesterday or wanting to. I’m grateful I don’t miss drinking and I certainly don’t miss thinking about drinking.
I’m grateful to be counting down to our next caravan trip. I’m so much looking forward to getting away for a few days.
I’m grateful for a simple life, I don’t need lots of stuff, I’m not materialistic. I’m happy with earning enough to pay my bills with a bit left over for a trip away now and again.


I’m grateful I followed this meditation this morning.

Grateful for the tears that permeated the meditation.

It was perfect. Thank you, Billy :heart:

I’m grateful yesterday, when I was feeling my worst, holding back tears, I opened my house for friends, to gather everyone after the new year and celebrate my husband.

I’m grateful I didn’t touch any drinks. I felt tempted more than once yesterday. I was sad, angry.

I’m grateful I received all my friends with a smile, and had lovely conversations. It was a bbq and the food turned out delicious. We had a fire going and it was super cozy for everyone.

I’m grateful my best friend here pulled me to the side and told me she will be there for me any time I need a cup of coffee to vent. And that everything will be ok. I value her friendship immensely.

I’m grateful to be lucky enough to always have had friends - in real life and online :blush: - in my path to say what I need to hear, show me what I need to learn, and walk with me when I feel alone.

Much, much love to you all :heart:


I’m grateful to have got through another Friday night, my worst day.
Im grateful to be sober.
I took the kids to the park to walk the dogs. Drunk/hungover me dosent do that.
I’m grateful to be feeling stable.
I’m grateful for a new fresh day with a sober mind.


I’m grateful today will be one week sober.
I’m grateful I enrolled in the IOP.
I’m grateful for supportive people in group.
I’m grateful for my friend (maybe boyfriend) holding me yesterday while I cried. I can’t remember the last time some has done that.
I’m grateful to have him in my life even if we’re not quite sure what our relationship is.
I’m grateful my doc prescribed a detox medicine for this first week without me actually being inpatient. It’s really helped.
Grateful for quiet early mornings with coffee and a cat in my lap.


Good for you.

I love January because it is the first month after December. I love the opportunity for simpler routines and no holiday pressure.

I hope your next few weeks help you build momentum on this sense of calm.


Thank you for sharing about your day. It is an inspiration to see accounts of people making it through hard times while sober.