Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #2

I am grateful I can see now, when my friendship and loyalty are being misused. I used to wash the feeling of disrespect and exhaustion down with lots and lots of wine and tell myself, that I didn’t deserve any better. I would’t speak up out of fear, people would turn away from me and I’d be left alone. It just seemed easier to bite my lip and dull the pain. Getting sober made it impossible, to continue with this behaviour. I am glad I can identify now, when something doesn’t feel right for me and I need to set a boundary. My wellbeing is my responsibility, not theirs. Saying no and in the worst case walking away or hanging up the phone is still crazy scary to do and needs coninuous practice, but I do love how it makes me feel: finally in control. To me it’s one of the true gifts of sobriety :orange_heart:


I’m grateful for my morning dog walk, it was fresh and breezy and it certainly woke me up.
I’m grateful I prepped my evening meal this morning, just had to throw it in the wok when I got home.
I’m grateful to see someone’s post earlier about a relapse at almost 7 months. I’m almost at 7 months. It really made me think. He said he thought he’d got it. I’m feeling like I’ve got it. I need to not be so cocky, rein myself in. Live by the day.
I’m grateful for this place.
I’m grateful to relate to so many people’s posts.
I’m grateful that I didn’t drink today and more grateful that I didn’t want to.


Today I’m grateful for:

  • a really productive day
  • a needed and deep cry
  • my therapist
  • a special friend who reminded me
  • to attend a zoom garden end of season meeting
  • a friend who visited my mom today, it was fine and lovely, she sent me a picture
  • my cats … nuts, snuggling, playing, full of mischieve … a cabaret
  • grateful for me: garden work is done, everything disposed at the local waste yard :muscle:might not be THE big thing but for ME this is a breakthrough in coping with the situation :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
    Grateful and happy to share this here. It means a lot to me. Thank you all :pray:



No, we haven’t got it.
We never will.
I’m grateful it’s best not to even try.


Oh my goodness, usually I like doing these in the morning because it sets my mood for the day but it’s the end of the workday and I’m only now getting around to it. Yikes I’m grateful this day is approaching its end, and that I don’t feel like I need alcohol to cope with the stress or aftereffects. I’m glad to be able to close the book on this day and move on without carrying it with me or feeling like I need alcohol to “help” me relax and recover.


Gratitude all around me. Grateful my friend reached out to me when she started having cravings. I am very grateful we could talk it out. She even picked up a new tool from me. She flat out said you have to help me find something to make it stop. Grateful she was receptive to my suggestion to bring her attention to her breath. Feel the intake through your nostrils don’t force anything just follow your breath through your chest and into your abdomen and then gently back out. So grateful when after a few moments she told me she felt calmer. I am grateful I decided to stop attending my rehab center"s recovery meetings. Not working for me. Shared my reasons with another alum and my contact info. I didn’t want to just disappear like others have so I asked her to please pass it on and offered Metta to small group who attend virtually Tuesday and Thursday. May you be happy May you be at ease May you be free from suffering. Sent and received. Good night grateful people.


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful my first day at work was good. It was a lot. It will be a lot. Then, in bed yesterday I was thinking that I might have changed in the last years. I am not aiming for more. An word I never really felt comfortable with: a career. I try to understand what I will be doing here. Reading guidelines which are like reading tax instructions. My colleagues are nice as far as I have seen them. So I am grateful.
I am grateful I have enough.


Yes, you’re right. That’s why this community is so amazing. It keeps you grounded. And there’s always someone to look out for you.
I’m grateful for you Eric and Talking Sober


I am grateful to have been surrounded by my familiar things as I slept last night, grateful for the comfort of showering with my familiar girly shower things, my familiar soft pajamas, grateful for feeling much more relaxed, at ease, and at peace. I am grateful Im finding some comfort and familiarity in my life again. I’m grateful I gave myself a chance, some time, grateful I kept the faith and kept going. Grateful life is looking up.
Grateful for my now 18 year old daughter. Grateful she’s healthy and finding her way in life. GRATEFUL to be apart of her life.
Grateful it’s Wednesday, grateful I’ve got a better hang on this week than I did last week.


I am grateful to have woken up, because a lot of people didn’t today
I am grateful to lived my life in the way I see fit yesterday unimpaired by substances
I am grateful to start my day clear minded and without out unnecessary worries
I am grateful to have a roof over my head and the security of a home
I am grateful to know that I am happily dissatisfied with life and that motivates me to be 1% better every day
I am grateful to know that no matter what my resolve is just that. Mine.
I am grateful to know in my heart no excuse can ever lead me to a choice I do not want to make.


Good morning sober fam,

Im so greatful for

My sobriety, 157 days free
A healthy fear of losing that progress
AA fellowship
This forum
My hubby
My folks
My relationship with my parents
Busy work days that leave me feeling productive
Basic needs met
Health insurance
My brain
Growing self worth
Everyone here sharing their sober journies

Let us go out and slay the day soberly


I am grateful for my spiritual path, as fucking hard as it is sometimes. I am grateful that I have my own business which is slowly growing. I have family and friends. I have all my needs met. My son is safe and healthy.


Day 96 gratitude list

Impromptu dinners with friends
The ability to juggle money
Getting busier at work
Finally getting settled into a new book
Restful sleep every night
Magic shell on ice cream
A chihuahua that loves to snuggle
Grocery shopping (I’m a weirdo that loves it! Lol)
Only having one child


Good morning. :sun_with_face:

I am grateful for my sponsor and our beautiful relationship. I am grateful that at almost 3 years into recovery I still know to call her before I make any decisions. Even though I trust myself I still reconginize I am in early recovery therefor act that way.

I am grateful for the time I had with my partner last night. Having him injured has been an eye opener for me in the sense that I am seeing how I deal with others in need when I am clean. I have noticed some avoidant behaviors, not wanting to address what happened things like that. I am grateful for self awareness and the ability to be curious about my behavior instead of judgemental.

I am grateful that I booked yoga last night, its forcing me to go this morning. I have been having a hard time finding balance lately. As any good addict would I have fallen head first obsessively into silversmithing and have not had anytime for yoga nor my pain injections. I am suffering now. My body needs to move and those pain injections allow me to do much more than I can typically do. I am grateful for the gentle nudge from G (partner) “go to yoga you will feel better”. Addicts helping addicts even out of the rooms.

I am grateful that I cancelled my “jail slot” tonight because I am listening to my body. Im tired and sore, driving for two hours and doing two hours of presenting tonight is not in my best interest. I am grateful that when the organizer made some asshole comment I didnt get offened I just now understand he can be an asshole. I am grateful that I am not obligated to go ever again if I dont want to, but I want to so there is that. :wink:

I am grateful for every single part of my life today, the shadows, the light, all of it. Some days I cant believe that this is my life and then on others I cant believe the life I used to have. I am grateful to feel big today, to feel like I matter and that I can take up some space.

I am grateful that this is my view as I finish my gratitude list.


Day 106

Grateful to be sober and have a clear mind.
Grateful to be building a new camper van.
Grateful to have a new nonprofit company.
Grateful to not need anyone in my life.
Grateful to have real goals in my life again.
Grateful to actually think about the future.

Feeling so peaceful this morning. Motivated to achieve all my goals. I hope everyone has a great day.


I’m grateful that today is my last day of work before vacation, and that my tying-up-loose-ends anxiety will diminish by half at 5:00pm. I’m going to have a spa night at home to celebrate!


I’m grateful I was finally able to get on here. Pretty sure it’s my old phone other apps are wonky too. Grateful for my eye being healed and grateful that everyone at that office is genuinely kind. Grateful for my morning meditation and equanimity meditation with my Sangha. Grateful for the cooler weather nice to turn the A.C. off and open the windows. Grateful for music therapy. Grateful for all of you here. Grateful for the Tao. Grateful to feel everything.


Today I’m grateful that the lawn has been mown at my mum’s house. Grateful for a shiatsu therapy. Grateful I slept the whole afternoon because it was intense. Grateful for cats in the sun. Grateful a friend canceled her visit today so I could nap all afternoon long. Grateful for the flexibility I feel at the moment. Grateful I missed my husband and our farm when he sent me some information today. Grateful I stopped missing him by doing chores and petting cats. Grateful I can remind myself to let go. Grateful for a lazy evening and tasty sandwiches.


I had my first anxiety attack that I’ve had in months the other day. Since then I’ve been feeling off. I know that healing isn’t linear it still hurts to feel the same pain and sadness that comes along with my anxiety. Whenever I feel off I always come back to gratitude
I’m grateful for my sobriety, 373 days today
I’m grateful that I can use reflection to keep moving forward.
I’m grateful my anxiety teaches me on what I can do to keep making progress.
I’m grateful for the grace I can give myself in falling back into habits I thought I had overcome. Like obsession, comparison, escapism, trying to control. My brain wants to stay in the space it knows and feels safe. Even if that is exactly the opposite of where I am safe.
I’m grateful for movement and creativity and that it snaps me back into the present.
I’m grateful for surrender and trusting the process.
I’m grateful that nothing meant for me will forget about me or pass me by. I don’t have to control or hold on so tightly.
I’m grateful for meditation. I’m grateful for the air in my lungs.
I grateful that pain brings growth and change.
I’m grateful for love.
I’m grateful for hope.
I’m grateful I can talk about when I am struggling now. I would have rather buried myself in a hole or drank myself into one and put on a happy smile before I started this journey. Anything to not be viewed as weak or suffering or less then. Easy. Chill. Happy. Perfect. All the things I thought I needed to portray to fit into the world. The way I was taught to fit. I’m grateful when I am struggling it makes me relatable, beautiful, vulnerable. Unapologetically human. I’m grateful I can share my pain now and not drink it down. Sharing when everything isn’t perfect is just as important as when we share when we are wining and everything is going our way.
I am grateful for the gift of my life and the chance to keep learning from it


Grateful He woke me this morning. Grateful for the opportunity to be present. Grateful for that first sip of coffee. Grateful for Alobar draped over me. Very grateful for the gift from Erin,Chitta-Vritti-Nirodha,started the day off with equanimity. Grateful for this space to share and hear. Grateful for this blessing. Grateful for the Tao.

Without opening your door,you can open your heart to the world. Without looking out your window,you can see the essence of the Tao.
The more you know,
the less you understand.
The Master arrives without leaving,
sees the light without looking,
achieves without doing a thing.