Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #2

Congrats on 6 months @desert_rose! Doesn’t it feel good??

Congrats to @Soberbilly on 5 months! We’re doing this damn thing!

I. Am. Grateful this morning. Grateful I was asked to chair in my homegroup last night, grateful I accepted. Grateful that I put thought into what I read to the group, grateful I felt heard by those that are currently patients in my treatment alma matter. Grateful for the sense of accomplishment and pride I had in myself for doing something that seemed overwhelming at the time. Grateful that yet again I pushed myself to grow. Grateful that it made me even more apart of and comfortable with the NA group.
Grateful to be back at work waiting to clock in. Grateful for the recovery of the weeekend and for the strength to attempt this crazy ass work schedule this week. Grateful I know I can do it. Grateful that I’m approaching this just as I encourage those approaching recovery, and am asking myself what do I need to do differently this week? What will make me more successful? Grateful that giving up is just not an option for me.
Very grateful for the good friends I’ve made in recovery that helped me recovery mentally and spiritually over the weekend.
I’m grateful I have 200 days clean and sober today! That’s right! I just saw my counter! I’m so grateful I kept the faith and stayed clean, kept my recovery in my focus and can now celebrate 200 days. Here’s to another ODAAT.


@Bluekoolaid congrats on 20 days. You’re attitude is great. We got this!!


RESPECT Darcy! Proud of you.:purple_heart:


I am grateful. I am grateful for my practice. I am grateful for Recovery Dharma and Refuge Recovery and TS. Grateful for all of you. Grateful for my long time friend,54 years,Kevin. He is facing a very difficult situation with grace and courage. Ongping health problems as a result of a tick borne disease,constant issues with wounds landed him in the hospital more than once. Today he is having both big toes amputated. It’s that or face the eventuality of losing his feet. He recently sold everything and purchased a 44 ft sailboat. My hope is he will get to live his dream of sailing off with his beloved dog Veronica. I have been offering Metta to him for a few hours. Feel really helpless. All I know how to do is offer this to him. Bless all of you and bless his beautiful soul.


Ive been thinking the same thoughts about moving into a boat. Ive done it twice in my life and loved it both times. More food for thought! I love it!!


I am grateful to be alive.
I am grateful for this moment.
I am grateful to be present!


I am grateful for coffee, because this morning was tough. Cloudy and cool sleepytime weather. I don’t know if that counts for here, but I’ll add that even trudging to the coffee pot, and trudging around the neighborhood on the morning constitutional with my dog I was grateful to be able to appreciate the morning, the quiet, the time with my buddy, and to prepare myself for the day and I wouldn’t have felt that way if I wasn’t sober.


Today I’m grateful everything went well: My pick-up truck is back from the garage and the costs were ok. I brought the broken metal things, woodsticks and the heavy flower pots with the dead plants to our local waste recycling yard :+1:
I’m grateful I came home tired and cooked a quick yummi lunch. Grateful I still feel ok today, the third day in a row. Grateful I’m early in bed, sober and feeling ok.


There it is!! :boom::boom::boom:
Bam :boom: 200 days!
Congratulations on your 200 days Darcy.
I’m so happy for you and I am constantly amazed the way you slay the beast on the daily.
Keep up the great work.


I’m grateful for cold, light rainy, dog walks.
I’m grateful for my Pilates workout.
I’m grateful for gratitude after lunch.
I’m grateful for the ice pack I’m sitting on. Got just a little inflammation and ice always feels so good on my back.
I’m grateful for the rain and light hail and dark afternoon with the fire going. I’m grateful not much happening here this afternoon. Not a chance.
I’m grateful I already got a shit load of stuff done mostly phone calls and appointments and it’s perfect nap meditation weather.
I’m grateful I’m bundled up and warm.
I’m grateful for all the new gratitude. I love it.
I’m grateful for lazy football weekends.
I’m grateful for the rolling thunder I just heard.
I’m grateful when I looked up out the window all I could see is Mavy’s big ears sticking up out of his cat condo bowl bed.
I’m grateful I can continue to learn more about myself.
I’m grateful when I can let go, and live in the present.
:pray:t2: :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain::mountain_snow::sparkling_heart:

The thing about people pleasing is nobody’s ever pleased.


I’ve been looking into trying that out. I am coming up on a year and feel like adding something like that may help.


Grateful for this thread
Grateful for taking care of me, canceling all plans today and resting.
Grateful i am of sober mind and all the kids feel like they can call me again when they need advice/suggestions
Grateful for an understanding sponsor who knows what its like to need a rest day.
Grateful for my husband, warts and all.
Grateful for all of you!


:heart: grateful to have gotten more than a couple hours sleep! I feel better every day. Grateful I get my stuff today! It’s been locked up in the room he got kicked out of for almost two weeks! Very grateful I dont have to financially pay out to start over, patience paid off! Grateful to be starting my 200’s, today is day 201. :smiley:
Grateful for the ability to overcome the anxiety I’ve been dealing with, very grateful to my higher power all the time. Grateful for headphones and good music during the work hours, it helps with my mood tremendously.
Grateful for my friend who is meeting me today to help me get my things. Grateful for my recovery, grateful for the things I know I’ll keep doing today so I’ll go to bed clean and sober tonight. Grateful for the JFT’s and the daily mantras on TS that help me make it through every day. :heart:


Good morning Darcy. I’m grateful to read your share and so happy for you on many levels. 201 days is fantastic. Keep going. I am grateful for you dealing with your “stuff” so well. I’m grateful to be alive. Grateful for this thread for this community. Grateful for morning meditation with Ram Dass. Twenty-seven minutes of equanimity. Aaahh. Grateful for this first cup of coffee and gratefull for cooler temps here. Grateful I’m not wearing shorts,nice change. Very grateful for Alobar and Indigo they make me smile. Finally I am grateful my eye :eye: is pretty much normalized. I took an extreme close up to check it out pretty funny I know. Blessings to you yours and all

And in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make- Beatles


Thanks, Eric. Thanks, Billy.


Good morning sober fam,

I am greatful for

My sobriety, 156 days free from weed and alcohol
A new day
Paying bills timely
Hubby even though were fighting and his existence annoys me

I have hope we will slay the day soberly


I am grateful to have slept in a bed
I am grateful that I have the freedom to spend my day as I wish
I am grateful that I am not an individual sentenced to a life behind bars
I am grateful to have recognized how meth was killing the people around me and took the necessary steps to not become another statistic
I am grateful for my life
I am grateful to know that the wrong choice could end my life
I am grateful to love
I am grateful for you

In case you haven’t heard it today : You’re awesome and I love you


Good morning all,
I’m grateful I have one more day off. I’m grateful for all the things I got done during the break from work. I’m grateful having time off of work doesn’t scare me anymore because I know I won’t spend it drinking. I’m grateful for the hike I went on yesterday with my husband. I’m grateful that getting out in nature makes me feel good. I’m grateful to have spent time with my sister yesterday, helping her get some things ready before the birth of her 2nd child. I’m grateful that although our relationship feels like it has changed- it’s not as easy as it used to be, I know it will be ok. I will keep working at it because it’s a relationship I value. I won’t expect her to work at it because then I’ll be disappointed.
I’m grateful I can see the rain in the distance over the mountains. I hope we get some at my house today.
I’m grateful for my life, and that I am capable of changing things in it.
I’m grateful for my home thread, especially when other threads start to get to me.
Everyone have a wonderful day :heart:


I’m grateful I don’t drink.
I’m grateful for Al-Anon.
I’m grateful for a beautiful sunset through the ponderosa pines last night.
I’m grateful I saw a pick on Twitter of the snow capped mountains downtown.
I’m grateful for snow capped mountains. Definitely one of my favorite sites. I hope to see them today on my way downtown.
I’m grateful my 2 readings didn’t pertain to me this morning and I blew them off.
I’m grateful for Minnie clomping around the house.
I’m grateful I don’t have to cook today.
I’m grateful to go out to lunch and dinner.
I’m grateful for cold mountain air and my fire in the fireplace.
I’m grateful for clear sky’s and abundant sunshine after all the lovely steady rain yesterday.
I’m grateful to be here :pray:t2:

Acceptance, doesn’t mean we have to like or agree with it. We’re finding peace within ourselves regardless of the outside issues.


Grateful for the technicolor skies this morning at sunrise. Grateful my heron friend was there like they always are fishing at 6:30. Grateful that today is therapy day, it feels too long between sessions. I am also grateful for that feeling, the feeling of wanting help is a good one.
Grateful for the absolute raw vulnerability I witnessed at a meeting last night, grateful for the safety of our rooms, grateful for the loving kindnss and fellowship of our members.
Grateful that my afternoon/evening is clear, I am tired.
Grateful for dettachment with love, for tonglen meditations and for self care.
