Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #2

I’m grateful to catch up slowly on this thread and find a post like this…fills my heart first thing in the morning. Big hugs to you, @erntedank I can picture your cozy, decorated home and the sense of peace settling in. I’m putting the finishing touches on my decorations today…

@Dazercat grateful this thread exists. Grateful you created and are diligent about it. Grateful you didn’t step away from it…I may not be able to do it daily, but this is where I refill my batteries. I think a lot of us feel the same way :heart:

I’m grateful my life has been busy, full, and any stress is manageable now that I don’t drink. Every moment is appreciated.

I’m grateful for the silliest, smallest things. For example, yesterday I was grateful to see the wooden gate for the backyard, and the fact that I had to move one of the planks down so my littlest one can fit his hand through and open it from the outside. I’m grateful because it fills my heart with love to see that. To have a little one at home. To finally be present for him.

I was grateful because I held the door at the office for someone I work with. She was a bit far away, but I waited. She had her hands a bit full, but could probably have managed the door on her own. Since I was not in a hurry, I waited. I don’t know her name and we don’t work closely. Afterwards I thought to myself: “Sometimes doing a simple act of kindness makes us feel good. Maybe it’s selfish, in the end.” Does it matter? I was looking for a cute video I saw a long time ago and wanted to share. Not sure if it’s possible to see, but here it is:

I digress. This post is all over the place. I think it’s the holidays. Or because my dad was in the hospital last week and is finally back home. I’m grateful I’ll see him in a few weeks. I’m grateful I’ll hug my mom. It hasn’t been easy for her.

I’m grateful for so much today. I was surprised to see my next milestone show in the app as nine months…wait - what? It’s been 8 months of this journey and I didn’t even realize…So grateful for each day. Grateful to become myself again. No additives. Just me.


Good morning gratitude :blush:
I’m happy we share so much here on the gratitude thread. I’m with @desert_rose and @PinkyP , there is so much that resonates with me, thank you folks. And thanks @Bootz for the translation of this typical Austrian phrase :hugs: Makes me also smile in English.
Today I’m grateful for the patience people show to me. Yes, I should have provided some proceedings already. I already started to work on it. It’s not finished tough. A gentle reminder this morning helped me to a good mindset to finalize it. After shower, breakfast and catchores, I’m still in bed.
I’m grateful for toilet paper. I stocked up on it yesterday in the master bathroom so this morning, instead of running out of paper, there were new rolls.
I try to be grateful for bähhh sleep. I give it a thought like @Bootz mentioned, could be part of the healing process. Sometimes it feels like my soul and brain just vomit erratic crap during the night :grimacing:
I’m grateful my husband agreed to pay the energy bill of our farm. Hell yeah, I don’t live there anymore, he does, so what. Nevertheless I’m grateful. And there are still resentments because I payed everything alone for the past 12 years … MY problem, grateful I can work on letting go also my contribution to the situation. Thanks @Dazercat for your co-dependent sharings. I read a lot about it and take it to therapy. Babysteps.
I’m not grateful that I’m fat. I hate to be fat. It’s my own responsibility to change it. On the couch with lots of yummi food no change will happen. I’m grateful I know that. I would be more grateful if I found a way to move my ass that is NOT stressing me. Not today. Today is friday and fridays are good days.


I’m grateful to have survived the first week sober.
Grateful I have therapy today.
Grateful for my cat Beans asleep in my lap.
Grateful it’s Friday.
Grateful I have plans to hang out with a friend tomorrow.
Grateful to see everyone’s milestones, letting me know it IS possible.
Grateful for my favorite Christmas album relaxing and uplifting me.

  1. I’m grateful the free lobby coffee is stronger than the room service coffee.
  2. Grateful I got my ass downstairs to get some and see it was better yesterday and today.
  3. I’m grateful this short weekend in the middle of the week will be the best part of my Christmas. It is my Christmas :christmas_tree::heart:
  4. I’m grateful it’s good enough for me.
  5. I’m grateful for baby’s first laugh.
  6. I’m grateful grandpa got her to laugh uncontrollably for her very first.
  7. I’m grateful my wife got it on video.
  8. I’m grateful to be part of Baby’s first dinner out. She was soooo good.
  9. I’m grateful to be up early with plenty of time for breakfast and headed back home to my own babies. and we are done traveling for the year. God Willing. Keep cooking Gussy :blush:
  10. I’m grateful for my Dallas family :heart: And the new love, different kind of love, between a Father and his Son. And his Son’s new family. :face_holding_back_tears:

Christmas is for everyone, adults and children alike. Allow this season to fill your heart, and let go of the things you dislike.
Julie Herbert


I’m so grateful for all you guys on here, and grateful to be a part of a community that is centered on kindness, grace, and forgiveness for oneself and for others. There are times (particularly monthly-ish) when I find it difficult to maintain the level of graciousness and forbearance I strive for in thought and deed, and sometimes when those unkind thoughts pop up I think of you guys and remind myself to give everyone in the world a break and just settle down. Thanks everyone, seeing you exemplify these traits and practice kindness daily is making me a better person. Or at least it’s reminding me to try to be a better person. :heart:


Im not crying you are.


Im grateful for my feelings and how freely they flow. I am grateful that I can embrace them today and that they dont give me discomfort. I understand that my feelings have been gifted to me to help me get through this crazy life, and I honor them.

I am grateful for visions and the ability to bring something to fruition if I stay focused and go slow. I am grateful that when ideas pop into my head these days I dont cast them away saying to myself “thats an insane thought…” I am grateful that I believe in myself today. I am grateful that I dont believe in failure anymore. I am grateful that my best is good enough today.

I am grateful that I can feel my open heart and all the goodness that having it open brings to my life. It is like a magnetic energy that draws positivity and goodness my way. I am grateful to see the massive difference in being guarded and open. Being open is worth the chance of hurt.

I am grateful to see light snow falling. This is me practicing gratitude when I am feeling some other type of way. I am grateful that I didnt take the chance of the dangerous drive last night and I skipped homegroup. I am grateful to have had a second night cuddling my kiddo watching disney+. I am grateful that my dad salted our driveway last night and I am hopeful the municipality has taken care of the roads by the time I need to leave.

Grateful for strong coffee on chilly mornings, hot showers to loosen tight muscles and daily meditation readings.

I am grateful to be me.


I have not posted in awhile, good news is I’m not drinking. This forum broke my cycle of daily drinking and for that, I will be forever grateful :heart:

I’m grateful for the 1.5 years I was blessed with Max in my life. :dog:

I’m grateful for his silliness, absolute sweetness and pure innocence he had.

He was a SR rescue, his blindness never stopped his love for people, sniffing outside and especially food!

His former life probably wasn’t ideal, but he was happy to have a warm home, a bed on the couch next to me, and my cat Riley who snuggled and adored him.

My heart is broken. Max crossed the :rainbow: bridge on Wednesday. He will forever be in my heart. I’m sharing one of my favorite pics of him. I’m so grateful we found each other. :blue_heart:


Aww. :cry: Maxie.
I’m so sorry for your loss. What a wonderful picture of Max to remember him by and all his cuteness. What a great gift you gave freely for him. So sweet of you. I know it’s painful. So painful. I’m grateful you posted and aren’t drinking like you use too. And grateful that pic will be my fave pic and memory of your boy.
Go easy on yourself.
Fellow Max dog owner.


Aww @maxwell while im happy to see your name pop up and im so terribly sorry for your loss. Max is and will forever be a positive light in your life and on this forum. Hugs


I’m so sorry for your loss @maxwell
My heart goes to you.


Today I’m grateful for a nap. On the desk :woman_facepalming: I fell asleep while some software was updating. Seems the lack of restful sleep interferes with my ability to concentrate. Massively :grimacing:
Grateful for the christmas lights, they lighten my heart too.
Grateful I’m aware of resentments against my husband. I’m angry about his ignoring the need to talk. grrrr… I’m grateful I’m not texting or calling or nagging. I have to put in more work to let go. Serenity prayer. Focus on me. That’s difficult when I’m tired all day :angry: I’m a bit grumpy right now. Need to go to bed.

I’m grateful I enjoyed most of this friday and did things I like. Best: I finished them :pray: yeah.


So sorry to hear the sad news, what a great picture.
Nice to see you :sparkling_heart:


Im so grateful you decided to post here and share with all of us. Grief is a tough one. You gave him so much love the last 1.5 years! He knew he was safe and loved.
I love you and my heart goes out to you and riley. Healing and loss takes time.
I love that picture of Max. Thank you for sharing it with us. :hugs::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Late gratitude…

Im greatful for my sobriety, 215 days!
Im greatful i was productive on my day off.
Im greatful i got a nap in
Im greatful for Boscoe
Im greatful for family
Im greatful to feel a sense of purpose.
Im greatful we found a fast and cheap hibatchi spot today…yum
Im greatful i have my christmas shopping done…now to just wrap them…
Im greatful for bubles and so many non alcoholic drinks.
Im greatful for AA, the message, the program, the steps, and the people who came before me
Im greatful for everyone here. I love you all.

Sending light and love


Thank you Shaunda and to everyone that reached out with condolences. :heart: :hugs:

Early in my sobriety, I often talked about and posted pics of Max. In a way, I know he helped me as well. He had some challenges in his life, yet he was always so happy and did not let anything get in his way. I’d like to think his positive attitude helped me understand that I’m not perfect, I make mistakes, but beating myself up over them is just a time suck. That’s why when I did slip up, I refused to do that. I felt some couldn’t understand why I stayed positive, but hopefully it helped just one person try it. It’s much easier to stay on a sober path when you’re not hating yourself. Every day you’re sober IS a win.

I’m grateful for all of you. I’m grateful for Max :dog: and I’m grateful for Riley :smiley_cat:.

I will probably rescue again, and good chance it will be another senior. I have faith, and will let God decide who I can help, and at the same time, will probably help me more. :innocent:


I’m grateful this day is over. It was not my favourite kinda day by a longshot. Meetings and calls crammed into every nook and cranny of the day, jammed together like sardines. (Not all of it was my doing, though I say that without blame to anyone else. Was just the day.) Glitchy wifi and a server down in the middle of it all, and trying to sound like Tinkerbell when I say “I can’t join your fucking meeting because it’s 1990 at my desk right now, ok? No email, no mtg link, no zoom, no teams. You might think this means I’m lounging around eating bonbons and not working. You’re wrong.” There, glad I got that out.

I’m grateful for those colleagues and clients to laugh with when this kind of day comes along. There were a few good laughs today.

Though yesterday was long, getting ready for today, I’m grateful I went to my Sangha. (I didn’t make it here, but here I am now.) I’m grateful I didn’t work too late (sooo not good for me) trying to finish something that, it turns out, the client with the broken server wouldn’t have even received. A nice affirmation from the work gods. :wink:

I’m grateful I don’t blow off rage-y steam anymore having a Friday drink (or two, or eleven). I’m grateful I had a nap, then put my desk back together from the day, cooked a nice dinner late, and indulged in getting caught up here. Super grateful. And will be super grateful tomorrow morning.

I’m grateful for @Soberbilly’s kind words to me. I’m also grateful for christmas spices, @Pandita - I have a candle that smells like tea my Mom used to have at christmas. Yes to blooming peace lilies, @KrispyMac! I’m grateful for the little video from @desert_rose. It was like a bedtime story for me last night. Grateful for small things that make me smile, like learning that @KarenKW (with one week sober!) has a cat called Beans.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


I’m so sorry to hear about Max’s passing. I can’t agree more about what you’ve written here :point_up_2:. I think my good dog girl was the first to take my hand and lead me to recovery, and start over with me again every time I slipped. Just as she has never really lost faith that she may one day catch a squirrel.

I wanted to share this poem with you that has helped me with all kinds of grief. The author has even written a whole collection of poems about dogs. I hope it resonates with you.
Its good to see you. :orange_heart:

The World I Live In

I have refused to live
locked in the orderly house of
reasons and proofs.
The world I live in and believe in
is wider than that. And anyway,
what’s wrong with Maybe?

You wouldn’t believe what once or
twice I have seen. I’ll just
tell you this:
only if there are angels in your head will you
ever, possibly, see one.

  • Mary Oliver

Oh, I am really sorry to read about Max’s passing. He looks like such a cute fluff in this picture. Sending hugs. :orange_heart:


I’m so sorry to read about Max’s passing, Maxine…and very grateful for your beautiful words about how he helped you and how you feel like you’ll rescue again…beautiful sentiments :heart: Sending you warm hugs.