Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #2

Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 230+ days free
My hubby
Boscoe my napping buddy
I can take cold medicine without worrying about negative interactions with booze
A restful sunday
Working from home today
Ability to pay my bills timely
Hot showers
Hot coffee
My folks
My family
Everyone here sharing their experiences

Much love to you all

  1. Im grateful Mavy figured out where to sit when he jumped up on my lap and discovered Benson beat him to it.
  2. Im grateful I got Mavy on top of the back of my chair behind me and, The Ol Burner! on my lap.
  3. Im grateful Benson’s lump check was just those benign fatty lipomas dogs get.
  4. I’m grateful for another day of brunch and football yesterday.
  5. I’m grateful I got 3 days in last week on a treadmill and 3 days on my reformer.
  6. I’m grateful to be able to listen to the recovery show podcast while I’m treadmilling it up.
  7. I’m grateful I’m trying to cut myself some slack during the cold short winter days when I’m doing Jack Shit. It’s hard. But I’m doing it. And I’m just beating myself up a little.
  8. I’m grateful my pregnant Pilates instructor finally texted me she had her baby Saturday evening. I been thinking about her all month, especially the past week.
  9. I’m grateful she has a healthy baby boy named Mic.
  10. I’m grateful I’m presently unencumbered by cats and dogs and I can get up freely and get my hot tea and continue to enjoy my quiet time in the morning.
    :pray:t2: :christmas_tree::heart::santa:

When you are grateful, an invisible blanket of peace covers you, it makes you glow, it makes you happy, strong, warm. Gratitude puts mind at ease about everything around.
Om Swamil
Spiritual Monk - Author


Today I’m grateful to have a BFF that is basically a sister, who always shows me love, gratitude, and makes me laugh. I’m grateful for my brother, and his fiancee, and I’m proud of the man he’s become. I’m grateful for my bf, and that he always shows me love and is ready to snuggle or help me with a project if I ask. I’m grateful for me for learning to be better at asking. I’m grateful for @Dazercat for his thoughtful reflections and the example he sets by allowing himself to feel his feelings and acknowledge them and let them be, that is very difficult and it helps to have someone show me how it should work. I’m grateful for @Soberbilly for always being understanding and supportive, and for @Faugxh for always giving people really good advice, and being the best at balancing kindness and support with unshrinking directness. There are a lot of others that I recognize when I come here that I’m neglecting to name, but the point is that everyone here makes this community feel like home, and I’m grateful for that.


that’s so cool I got a mention. made my day. thank you Jenny! :purple_heart: being borderline rude does pay off, ppl! :sweat_smile:


A friend tells you what you want to hear, a good friend tells you what you need to hear, and a great friend tells you what you need to hear in a kind and supportive way. It’s hard to do sometimes, and admirable. You remind me to ask myself tough questions when I feel at loose ends. :slight_smile:


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I have a work I can go to. It gives me structure I need.
I am happy on Wednesday is the shortest day and then the days will be getting longer.
I am grateful I have enough.


Good afternoon.

I am grateful for the internal tug-o-war I am experiencing, this is a huge opportunity for growth. I am grateful that I can feel like a fly on the wall sometimes during these moments inside myself, between different parts of myself. I am able to watch, listen and see who says what and these days I recognize why. I am grateful that I can differentiate between the wounded parts of me, my inner child and the divine guidance that lives within me. I can see when those wounded parts of me try to ease my pain when its actually them that needs easing. I am grateful for the ability to see.

I am grateful that when I speak my voice comes out. 3 years ago I was literally strangled by fear. I couldnt share at meetings, I didnt believe in myself, I had beaten myself down so badly I believed I had nothing left to give. 3 years ago I had no voice, I couldnt speak. I could yell, and scream and rage sure but that was fear too. I am grateful that my voice is used for kindness today.

I am grateful for all the snow and to be snuggled under the covers watching TV. I am grateful that I am warm, that I am not hungry and that I am surrounded by love.


I’m grateful I’m not getting “justifiably” rage drunk tonight. My interactions today with two different people in my world (phone calls only, thankfully - not IRL) would have had me doing just that, in the before time. (I did, today, repeatedly put said two people on my own mental list of things that can FRO, but hey - I did it sober AF. :wink:)

I’m grateful for the deep tissue massage I had scheduled this evening. Perfect timing.

I’m grateful I got home from my massage just in time to sign in to my Sangha. More perfect timing.

Some days don’t feel like growth. I’m grateful that’s ok, as long as I’m putting my sober head on the pillow. I’m grateful I can keep refining how I respond to triggering situations for the rest of my life. Truly. One day at a time.
More perfect timing with winter solstice coming. The sun’s rebirth in a few short days.
I’m grateful for the newness of every day.

I’m grateful for chickadees. How they stay warm in this, I dunno! (-28C/-18F, but with windchill feels more like -37C/-35F). Probably because they don’t spend energy raging against things outta their control?

I’m grateful for this thread, my home thread. I’m grateful for you, Gratidudes.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


I’m grateful for the reminder that the days will be getting longer starting this week!


strong text"I’m grateful for the newness of every day"
That is simply perfect Emm. I have to echo that. 5:20 AM gratitude. Grateful for two things Ram Dass said just now in my morning practice. Grateful for his pointing out the unbearable lightness of being. Grateful I grok that in fullness. Grateful for the reminder that only when you give can you receive. Ever grateful for everyone’s presence here. Grateful for all the gifts of sobriety. Y’all have a day filled with peace and love. Namaste :pray:

God guru and Self are One


I’m grateful I can sit in my discomfort now. Avoiding it at all costs would be my norm. I would ____ it away. Insert addiction here. Then I wondered why nothing changed. Why I never changed. Why I kept creating the same scenarios over and over in my life.
I’m grateful I sit with my pain now. I’m grateful that when I do, I grow. I feel an answer. The universe gives me one.
I’m grateful for change. For knowing myself better. For healing. That it is not always what society tells us it will be, in fact maybe it rarely is. But instead a peace that doesn’t leave me wanting more. A warmth that makes me feel like I am home and on the right path, my own.


Its crazy how fast a year can go by and how different your life can be at the end of it.

I am so incredibly grateful to wake up today sober. A year ago, I woke up and decided I couldn’t live another day the way I had been living. I hopped out of bed, drained the rest of the alcohol, and downloaded this app.

Instantly, this community was there for me. I can’t exclain how grateful I am for all of you on here. This app was a huge part of my initial sobriety. Any time of day, I could come on here and talk about the good times, the bad times, the insane football game that was on TV, our fur babies, or quite literally anything else. The support and community I found here was unlike anything else I had ever experienced.

I’m posting in this thread because when I think of my sobriety, gratitude is the word that comes to mind. My life is unrecognizably better in sobriety than when I was drinking.

I was going to list all the things I have been grateful for over the last year, but when I start to think about it, the list is too long. So to keep it short, I am grateful for the peace, love, and happiness I get to feel, and share, throughout my days.


Huge congrats on a huge milestone. Well done! @Pica


Good morning sober fam,

Im greatful for…

My sobriety
My hubbys sobriety
Boscoes healthy and happy
@Pica one year milestone
Everyone here sharing their love and support to others struggling
I get to work my 10th step tonight
Soon to be holiday break

Peace light and love my friends


Today I’m grateful for snow and sweaters.


Congratulations on 1 year, that is amazing :heart:


I’ve been thinking about you all here a lot lately and even though I haven’t been in in forever, I knew it would make me feel good to post a little.

I’m grateful for sneaking up on my one year. I’m so freaking proud of myself I can’t stand it. I want to get a chip but all the ones I looked at were AA ones with religious quotes which isn’t my thing. I’ll have to keep looking.

I’m grateful to have made it through the two most torturously slow retail months in my plant shop. My CC companies aren’t happy but I managed to barely scrap by and my hard work paid off with two big contracts and lots of traffic for holiday shopping. (Well, not lots but more lol!)

I’m grateful for my husband being so supportive of this journey I’ve been on. Learning how to relate to each other without the shadow of alcohol has been interesting. I feel so present and it almost seems like I’m getting to know him (and myself) all over again. It’s bizarre.

I’m grateful that throughout all the stress of financial nightmares that come when you open a brew business, while I definitely did have cravings, I never once wavered in my commitment to myself to stay sober. I never would have been able to do this if I was still drinking.

I’m grateful that I can start thinking about new goals, that I may actually be able to complete, now that my one year is almost here.

And I’m grateful for this community. I may not come in here much, but you all were there for me in the very beginning and I think of you often.

  1. I’m grateful for my shabby little Christmas decorations this year.
  2. I’m grateful I didn’t overdo it, but i do I wish I had more. At least a bigger tree.
  3. I’m grateful I have to bring the car to the shop by myself and a meeting this afternoon/evening.
  4. I’m grateful I’m looking forward to the afternoon alone time. Bullshit!! I’m looking forward to being away from the afternoon drinking time from my loved one!
  5. I’m grateful I stayed up late and watched a movie last night 11:15 pm :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: and slept in until 7:20.
  6. I’m grateful for that little flashlight on my phone as I tried to read my ODAAT In Al-Anon in the dark because I didn’t get up to turn on the light this morning. I had Benson on my lap. Those are the rules.
  7. I’m grateful I feel today is going to be a better day.
  8. I’m grateful if it’s not. Then maybe tomorrow will be.
  9. I’m grateful my ham arrived late last night. Fucking FedEx sucks. Ooops :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
  10. I’m grateful I don’t have to worry about anymore deliveries for me or anyone else for Christmas. No last minute shit. I lost the tracking on one of our deliveries and they should have received it Friday and I don’t know if it got there or not. It’s driving my wife crazy. But you know what. They either got it or they didn’t or they will. Or maybe they won’t. It’s completely out of my hands.
    :pray:t2: “Insert grinch emoji here” :heart::christmas_tree:

We don’t see things as they are.
We see things as we are.

Anais Nin


Oh Pica, I’m so happy for you!!

I’m glad you stopped by. You may not know it but, You are one of the people that gave me the nudge to go to my Al-Anon meetings. Actually it was a shove! It was all because of your stories about your first meeting. You sat in the car and didn’t go in :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: then your second meeting. I think you got out of the car but still didn’t go in. And eventually you got into those meetings. I have to admit. I thought if she can set aside her fears and go in. Then so can I. I’ve been enjoying my Al-Anon meetings now for 6 months because of you.
Thank you for that :pray:t2:
I’m so fucking happy for ya!!
Too bad the Rams couldn’t pull it out last night. I was thinking about ya. It would have been a great continuing story for Baker M.

Congratulations :tada: