Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #2

I am so grateful for 5 days. I have never made it this far before. One day at a time.


Congrats, grateful you have decided to choose yourself.


I am gratefull for my using dream last night.
I am gratefull it has reminded me of how dark my life became.
I am gratefull I woke up in my cosy little room with a flood of relief it wasnā€™t my life now.
I am gratefull for the dark nudge of a reminder of what it felt like as it felt so real.
Iā€™m gratefull I can look back and see how hard I have worked to get here and when I look forward I see a sober me.

Have a lovely day all :hugs:


5 days is amazing congratulations, :fireworks:
You have the strength deep inside you to do this :slightly_smiling_face:.
And you have us :purple_heart:


Lunchtime check-in. Today Iā€™m grateful I already ticked off two things from the to do list, one for good :+1:. Iā€™m grateful for leftovers. Iā€™m grateful Schimanski did nor get an electric shock yesterday when he thought he is Tarzan and the lamp over the table is a liana :woman_facepalming: Him and the lamp had a nice takeoff!
Iā€™m grateful I can fix it on my own, but not today.
Iā€™m deeply grateful that sometimes problems find their own solutions, without stressing me or doing a lot. I only have to wait and be patient.
Iā€™m grateful for weird dreams. Last night very weird. Woke up completely confused, could not tell if some of it really happened. Still thinking about some parts of it.
Iā€™m grateful for rest before the next appointment. Practice the pause. ODAAT :pray:


Itā€™s good to see you here, Shaunda! :heart:


Get well soon @Its_me_Stella

Grateful for sobriety
Grateful to eat to nourish
Grateful for my son pushing himself even when it is uncomfortable for him
Grateful for skinship with daughter
Grateful husband listened
Grateful for helpful people in public service
Grateful to get some grading done
Grateful to have an invite to a bday party and the means to buy a present for it


Today Iā€™m grateful for the holiday time with my extended family. I needed it so much. I donā€™t think I realized how much I needed it.

Iā€™m grateful for my parents, my siblings and their families. Iā€™m gratefu I met and spent time with my baby nephew :heart:. Iā€™m grateful for the time to connect over coffee, walking on the beach, prepping food, playing with the kidsā€¦heart full of love, but a bit heavy and sad that we leave today.

Grateful that I take the saying ā€œthis too, shall passā€ to heart nowadays. Good moments pass too. I do my best to treasure and be present for them :heart:

Have a wonderful day, everyone!


Grateful they decided to close the office and have everyone work remotely today, even though I prefer going in and seeing peopleā€™s faces and chirping greetings and encouragement as people grumble in. Iā€™m grateful that people at my job not only give me space to be myself but they actually seem to like it. Iā€™m grateful fitness classes have started up again at the gym, and grateful that Iā€™ve worked hard enough to be ridiculously sore today. Iā€™m grateful that over the years Iā€™ve overcome some gym-shyness and am confident enough to participate in group fitness classes, even with a new instructor, and even when Iā€™m the only one in class and they donā€™t have anything else to do but watch and judge me. :grimacing:


Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m a good person.
Iā€™m grateful I didnā€™t stress too much about going to a meeting last night because of weather.
Iā€™m grateful I just kind of ended up there.
Iā€™m grateful for the morning darkness.
Iā€™m grateful to look up and see day break without sun. Just green trees and white snow on them. No real light. Just a gray.
Iā€™m grateful my wife cooked dinner for us last night. WHILE I WAS AT A MEETING!!
Iā€™m grateful to put things in perspective. 7 months ago she was like. Iā€™m not cooking if youā€™re going to a meeting!! So I go to my meetings and I come home and I have to take us out to dinner. In the scheme of life I know itā€™s not so bad. But in the winter darkness, with ice and snow covered roads, itā€™s kind of a hassle. Itā€™s a tasty little victory.
Iā€™m grateful I hear Alice screaming in our bedroom for my wife to get up :joy:
Iā€™m grateful my Keen Clogs fit.
Iā€™m grateful I kept my new Keen boots.
Iā€™m grateful they give me happy feet.
Iā€™m grateful for my life and wife and children and their spouses. My blessings. And this app. Oh a grandchildren :older_man:

Never let a day pass without looking for the good, feeling the good within you, praising, appreciating, blessing and BEING GRATEFUL.
FB/JOYOFMOM :man_shrugging:


Todayā€¦my parents. (Actually always, but just got off the phonecwith mom)


I am grateful to have risen from the dead once again. Damn that was roughā€¦ when I slowly woke this morning and my head wasnt pounding i thought. ā€œThank you God.ā€ And I meant it, Im grateful.
I am grateful for the hunger cues I had while I was sleeping and that they woke me up. I am grateful that after years of mistreating my body she still works hard at staying alive. I am grateful for my body and her tenacity.
Although I really want a coffee I am grateful I listened to my wiser self and opted for tea. I am grateful that although I only had decaf earl grey I think its the best option for a first try with something in my tummy. Oh dont worry, I will drink a pot of coffee if this stays down. Lol
I am grateful to be up early enough and feel well enough to head out to the sunrise soon. My weather app says its overcast but sometimes that makes for the prettiest one.
I am grateful to have found a book study group for the book. ā€œWomen who run with the Wolvesā€. I am reading it for the second time and thought it would be fun to join a study group. Looking forward to it.
I am grateful for all of the courses I am doing on insight timer. I have always, always, always LOVED learning. Reading, studying, researchingā€¦ they are my things. It just goes to show how detrimental unmedicated ADHD can be to a child and their schoolingā€¦ I couldnt concentrate, I was overwhelmed so I stopped going.
I am grateful that I went back and graduated my first year clean, it would have been weird homeschooling my child in grades 11 and 12 and not having graduated myself.
I am grateful for humility.


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful forā€¦

My sobriety, 8+ months free from weed and alcohol
My husband and our time together
Boscoe, the barking fucker
A beautiful moment last night where the thought that i am not alone resonated in my soul
That is all thanks to this community and my AA fellowship
Working from home today
Holding myself accountable
Newcomers who are desperate for change
Oldtimers with experience and wisdom
All of you

Sending light and love on your journey


I absolutely love number 3 :rofl::rofl:


Grateful to see Tony checking in with 2 years. Plus!!


Maybe see you again before your next birthday :partying_face:
Keep doing what you doing.


Congratulations on 9 months @desert_rose and @Dazercat Congratulations on 3 years!! :tada:
This is so phenomenal. This kind of recovery is really inspiring.

I am checking into some gratitude at work today because im refusing to give in to a bad mood and a bad day. Iā€™m grateful to be earning money, and grateful to be earning the good feeling at the end of a hard day. Im grateful its been slow at work and great days are definitely harder to earn. Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m not giving in and going home. Im grateful ill be grateful when I get that paycheck. Thatā€™s for sure. Iā€™m grateful for the latest challenge thatā€™s presented in my home. A girl from work moved into my clean and sober house, but was definitely not honest with me about the circumstances regarding the reasons she had to leave her last house. Its become painfully obvious that sheā€™s not in recovery, and itā€™s been a very good lesson for me in boundaries. Itā€™s not my problem, and Iā€™m actually pretty upset that he was dishonest and brought a bunch of drama my way. BUT Iā€™m grateful that Iā€™m getting enough health that I can obviously pull away from her and be true to myself and my recovery. Iā€™ve been such a people pleaser this is new wiring for my brain and I can recognize that this can all be a strengthener for me. I initially just wanted it and her to go away, and while I still do, Iā€™m grateful I can see a way to use this to strengthen my recovery instead of threatening it.
Iā€™m grateful for the perspective this always gives me when I write out my gratitude. I very often think if I write this out in gratitude Iā€™ll bet I get a clearer picture of how to proceed. And, gratefully, I have.

Happy birthday to yā€™all. :birthday::tada::birthday::tada::birthday:


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I stepped back today and rested as my body required.
I am grateful my boss didnā€™t object to home office tomorrow.
I am grateful I have enough.
I am grateful I know myself better. Writing about it is helping me tremendously. Although I chew it up over and over again. Slowly integrating it. Slooooowly.
I am grateful I have only known peace.
I am grateful drinking is not an option.
I am grateful for some relaxing time today at work. I am getting better along with my colleague now that she has moved into another office. A healthy distance.


Withdraw sux. Headache from hell and crying on and off all day. Iā€™m grateful I have a job that allows for me to stay home and rest, Iā€™m grateful to feel my feelings no matter how difficult and I refuse to numb them. I am greatful that I found this group. I am grateful to be sober. Much love and hugs for all.


Iā€™m glad your here.
This is a great thread.
Those first 10 days really suck.
Iā€™m grateful I did a lot of crying, angry power walks, and a couple of long hot scaling crying showers daily to get me through it. And this app.
Hang in there Jenny.
We got your back. Let it out here whenever you feel like it.


Iā€™m grateful for not drinking today or wanting to.
Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m sober, Iā€™m grateful I like being sober, I love being sober.