Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #2

Evening gratitude. I’m gratefull I missed my ex today. I’m grateful I have a therapy appointment next week. I need to talk about how it still hurts me, I was not able to let go today. I was overthinking all afternoon, partly because I thought about all the work and issues coming up, doing it alone and facing the finances we have to come clear with. A bad mixture of insecurity, sorrow, loneliness, co-dependent thinking and hormones.

I’m grateful I’ll take my sleeping meds soon, I need sleep after this emotionally strange day. I’m grateful two friends called and we had good talks. It made me cry allthough I feel relieved to talk about the divorce. I’m grateful I’ll feel better tomorrow morning as I felt ok today in the morning.



Im grateful for the moon, for wispy clouds and for sacred geometry.

I am grateful for new books with fresh ideas, and that are packed full of interesting information.

I am grateful for nutrient dense foods, pineapple juice and my wood stove.

I am grateful for an open mind, an open heart and an open eye. :eye:

I am grateful for another day on my couch.


Ah, he’s just the best :sparkling_heart:


Early morning gratitude…happily back at home, with my flavored coffee cup and very grateful for the safe trip my family had back home. Grateful for my fluffy dog on my lap - she’s had a haecut and is cold, so my blankets are a welcome patch of warmth and cuddles for her.

Grateful I’m going into the office to return my laptop and badge. Last day in this chapter.

Grateful I feel like I let go of so much over the holidays.

Grateful for my first Christmas and New Years’ sober in as long as I can remember. :heart:

Grateful my kids don’t have school today, and can sleep in.

Grateful I have a hubby who knows when to ask “what is wrong?” and when to just let me be. He is my rock.

Grateful for my family. For connecting with friends back from their holidays. For my warm home. For feeling cozy in rainy weather.

Much love to you all - have a wonderful Sunday! :heart:


Grateful this morning to be alive and be able to embrace life, as it is. The joyful and the sad, the beautiful and the frustrating days. I am grateful to be giving myself permission to make new experiences and feel scared at times. I am grateful for universal kindness and the random smile of strangers passing by.


I’m grateful for the day I had. A restful (not lazy!) sleep in. Some hours puttering at home this morning, sipping coffee. Errands this afternoon. A trip to the bookstore to indulge myself. A lovely evening at home with chill tunes and catching up on some paperwork, some planning.
The first few months of this year will be busy - and if I’m not mindful to take stock of when I can take breaks - there’s risk I’ll go into overdrive auto-pilot. I’ve used “busy-ness” to numb, at times in my life. Don’t want to fall into that again…
I’m grateful for my recovery - the tools apply to all kinds of things! I’m grateful it’s as much “recovery from…” as “recovery to…” as I lean into cultivating my spiritual practice. Yes, Billy, my life practice! :relieved:

I am also grateful for the most beautiful moon tonight! For the ethereal fog it shines through.

I’m grateful, excited, a tiny bit nervous, to start adult visual art class on Monday after work. I have one creative writing course left (final project - lotsa hours solo at desk), and it’s recommended to do something else creative but new and different during final project time. I’ve been wanting to do the art course here but it was closed during the pandemic restrictions. Now it’s open and I can even walk there when it warms up.

I’m grateful that between my writing project, these new art classes, yoga, cooking and walking and connecting with pals or with my journal, I have brought balance to my work life. How, where, when, why… did I ever make room to drink?
Grateful I don’t. Never again.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Morning gratitude. I’m grateful for a sound and restful sleep. I’m grateful the cats let me sleep in a bit. I’m grateful for all the nice sunday breakfasts my ex and I had together, we loved it and this were good and loving times. Still missing him. Maybe this feelings are also triggered by the full moon. I’m grateful I enjoyed watching this beautiful full moon yesterday right before going to sleep.
I’m grateful for no nightmares last night. What a relief.
I’m grateful for the serenity prayer. I’m grateful every mood, feeling, yearning, discomfort passes within time.


Today I am grateful to be sober, for what little sleep I got last night.
I am grateful that the pancreas/gallbladder/liver pain I was experiencing is gone. It scared the hell out of me.
I am grateful for yet another Day 2 and that I am blessed enough to try again, when so many others don’t make it.
I am grateful for this community and TLC.
I am grateful that my child has finally come out to the World and now I can fight for him openly.
I am grateful for this thread, and for Eric’s reminders that gratitude is essential in this journey. Because lately friends, I have been living in darkness, hopelessness, despair and NOT gratitude. I have every reason to be grateful. Out of scarcity and into abundance.


I’m grateful for my coffee and a morning meditation that I needed desperately.
Grateful my coffee is still hot :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
Grateful to look out my windows and see an indirect desert sunrise. Morning Cotten candy Stella :wink:
I’m grateful for the sunset I saw out my front door yesterday.
I’m grateful to be back in the desert.
I’m grateful for the warm weighted dog on my lap.
Grateful to know what I need to work on. Letting Go.
I’m grateful for my constant reminder :grimacing:
I’m grateful I didn’t tie on on last night. Gosh, :thinking: I think back and I’m so grateful I don’t do that anymore. I’m grateful I survived. Why? I don’t know.
I’m sooooo so grateful I’m not hungover this morning.
I’m grateful we made it safely to the desert.
I’m grateful for my life.
I’m grateful I changed things up and did The Breathe And Let Go meditation. Then gratitude. And now I get t do my Al-Anon work that I am so grateful for.
Grateful you GDudes are here every morning for me. Ya Me! :heart:

I’m grateful for the Dr Steve Maraboli quote at the end of my meditation this morning. It made me cry.
I can’t find it though.
Something to the effect.
I might as well let go because the other person has already forgotten what I’m hanging onto.
I’m going to learn that one soon.


Congratulations!! Yay! Look at you go!


Happy New Year!

Today I am grateful to be sober. I’m grateful to be healthy and able to do most anything I want to do.

I’m grateful to have a safe and loving home.

I’m grateful to have a loving marriage.

I’m grateful to have a job that I mostly enjoy and resources to live a safe and comfortable life.

I’m grateful to be seeing improvement in my relationship with my mother as I try some different ways of communicating with her.

I’m grateful to be past the eternal stress of the holidays. January is one of my favorite months for its simplicity.

I’m grateful to continue to feel growth and change in my body and mind as I move through this 14th month of sobriety.

I’m grateful that my sons are healthy and happy.

I’m grateful that my husband continues on this sober journey with me and is clearly making an effort to be supportive of my work on my relationship with my mother.

I’m grateful for all of you and the support and learning I gain from reading on this site every day.

I wish you all a beautiful and kind Sunday.


Good morning all,
I’m grateful for a run with my son in the chilly morning air. I’m grateful he feels encouraged because we are getting faster, and because he has lost 11 pounds! I’m grateful for the cleaning, organizing, and decorating I did with my daughter in her room yesterday. I’m grateful she invited her friend over to see it and hang out. I’m grateful life is easier these days, simpler. I’m grateful I know what I need to do to keep it that way. I’m grateful for love and forgiveness.
Everyone have a wonderful day❤️


Good sunday morning to ya sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 252 days free
My hubby
Boscoe and his cuteness even though he woke me up twice last night
A beautiful, spacious home thats semi clean
Hot coffee
Commitment to 2023 the year of me
My folks
My family
I dont have to travel somewhere to do my laundry
Trying new aa mtgs
Leading aa mtgs
Bringing the topics
Im so fuckin greatful to be sober

Love to you all


Grateful for a day with nothing but football and lap crafts on the horizon. Grateful for my warm home, 1,000 blankets, snuggly man and dog. Grateful that I don’t have to leave the house at all today. So unbelievably grateful to wake up and face the day without feeling sick, anxious, and full of self-loathing, and grateful not to be trying to figure out how to suggest we watch the games at a bar so I can drink all day without making it sound like that’s my goal. Grateful I don’t have to worry about how I’ll feel at work tomorrow.


This might sound weird but oh well. I am grateful I woke up starving. I usually wake up hungry, but this morning I am starving, and I am grateful have breakfast and coffee. I feel like I woke up empty for the day so I can fill up with all the good things out there waiting for me, not just food, but fun and laughs and a latte because I have a gift card I am grateful for, and sighs and surprises and anything else I want to consume today to feel beautifully consumed by the day’s end.


Grateful to see you L.
Welcome home :pray:t2::heart:


Grateful for ten days, a safe place to sleep, a job, my family.


I’m grateful for new books. :yellow_heart:
I’m grateful I found out one of my friends reads tarot cards. And that he randomly decided to read mine without me asking.
I’m grateful the universe is always giving us signs.
I’m grateful I’m open minded
I’m grateful I’m compassionate
I’m grateful I’m optimistic and hopeful
I’m grateful for my feelings
I’m grateful I’m not alone
I’m grateful for all the beauty in this world
I’m grateful for long walks outside with Rue
I’m grateful for tea
I’m grateful for random pink birds that block traffic while crossing the road
I’m grateful for love
I’m grateful it’s always the answer
I’m grateful


Aw, thank you dear pal! And back at’cha, Billy. :wink: :orange_heart: