Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #3

I am grateful you’re here Brian @I.cant.We.can . I am grateful for your humility and for all you have learned in the time you have spent in recovery. I am grateful that I will never forget the feeling of shame and guilt you’re experiencing and you’re right it does go away. Let me remind you that you are not your disease my friend. You are not the choices that you make when you are in active addiction, please dont forget that. I am grateful for your cleantime and I am grateful that you keep trying. You are part of this family and you belong with us. I am grateful everytime I see your name pop up. I am also grateful you have a safe place to rest your head and some food to fill your tummy. Keep coming back to check in, remember how we did it in those first days we were here? Do it just like that, it worked. Love you.:heart:

Checking in daily to maintain focus #52