Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #3

Good morning grateful people.

I’m grateful for another day sober. It’s starting to feel like a new normal at day 40.

I’m grateful my anxiety at work was less yesterday. It felt a little better to be back. It was encouraging. Progress.

I was grateful for IOP yesterday. I arrived feeling really down and left feeling much better. Can’t pinpoint anything specific that helped, but just the warmth and caring in the room. I only have a couple days left and im going to miss it. More motivation to find a meeting I like.

I’m grateful I’m making myself go to the dentist today despite dreading it. I’m past due and starting to have issues. I’m working on a plan to deal with the anxiety.

Progress over perfection.


Thank you for sharing @I.cant.We.can and we’ll be here when you get back!

I’m grateful for time, freedom and flexibility - something I’ve been seeking for a very long time. Now I must be sure it use it wisely and in sobriety. I’m grateful to have completed another book and learned so much in the process. I’m grateful for audible being ready with another book in the hopper. I’m especially grateful that despite my mistakes, wrongdoings, and ways I’ve hurt myself and others along the way, I still have the opportunity to show love and try my best to heal, follow my path and fulfill my purpose. I can only do that one day at a time, sober. Here’s to a peaceful and sober day for all.


I’m grateful you felt comfortable sharing that here Brian. You are constantly in my thoughts and prayers. I appreciate all your great character traits and love your flaws. And I know you’re in there somewhere working this out with your God. Congratulations on the ten days. See you on 13.
Love you my friend.
You will get through this.
You know how to do the next right thing.
We’re here for ya.


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 291 days free
the ability to order delivery when i dont feel up to cooking
Boscoes excitement to see me when i pick him up from a day at grandmas
Snow day…working from home
My space heater
My hubby had a good day at work yesterday
Falling asleep early last night
This forum
AA fellowship
A reiki meditation this weekend
Trying cryotherapy sunday
Its thursday
All of you

Together we can


I am grateful to God. I am grateful for All my family, friends and the gratidudes. I am grateful to be currently doing paperwork at detox, I should get ofg here and give them my attention.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You can do this, I believe in you. Ya you!!


I am so grateful to have found a car yesterday at the car auction. Grateful to celebrate 11 months in the morning. Grateful my daughter has a car to zip around in while I’m at work, so grateful for this time and healing and bonding with her. Grateful we get to go and pick up my other daughter anytime we want as we search for a place for all three of us. Grateful that the relationship with my parents is finally healing, and for their encouragement and supporr. Grateful that all aspects are really coming together and working out. Grateful all this hard work is paying off. Grateful for perseverance and meditation, and recovery. Grateful and excited for our first weekend with a car. It’s going to be so. Much. Fun.
So very grateful for my recovery.


Grateful you checked in Darcy. I was thinking about you this morning and we got so much gratitude around here I wasn’t sure if I missed you or you were just out being clean and sober and doing life.
Congratulations on the 11 months. Enjoy the wheels.
What a blessing your relationship with your parents is healing. Now that’s something to be soooo grateful for.


I got an app for that too. :joy:
I bet the new fangled phone of yours could handle an app like that. When you get around to it.

You’re making me cold just reading it.

Grateful for your shares as I too am at the dentist for a check up.
I’m grateful I made it to the dentist after my ultrasound.
Grateful I don’t have a blood clot.
Grateful I spoke up calmly and ask the receptionist when it would be my turn. I was suppose to be first 7am. I wasn’t. :confused: My “guy” tech overslept :scream:. They were so nice and very grateful I was so nice about the tech sleeping in and me being forgotten :grimacing:

I’m grateful when I was leaving the tech, I ended up with, said she was again sorry what happened but she was glad she got to meet such a nice guy. Me! Ya me :face_with_hand_over_mouth:.

I’m grateful I’m getting in some gratitude now.
I was just going to respond to Bootz but what the hell.

I’m grateful I don’t have to set an alarm every morning at 5 am.

I’m so fucking grateful for my sobriety and recoveries and how calm and peaceful my attitude can be in difficult situations.

I’m grateful for all of you on OUR journey. It’s worth it. :pray::heart:

“Great things happen to those who don’t stop believing, trying, learning, and being grateful.”


Hi Bootz,. Just love your posts. And thx for Summedo (not tomato) link. Love that guy he helped me so much with awakening progress:
Traps we bind ourselves into . X 800 listens :rofl:
Happy trails and wishing you the warmest socks!!!:heart:


Today I’m grateful for another wonderful day of vacation. For nice and interesting talks with fasting colleagues. For laughter. For gratitude. For a beautiful visit to a ruin near by. For sunshine (first time this week). For feeling at peace :pray:


I am grateful for some hours with my friend. I cannot believe I said yes without hesitation to a weekend together with an old friend from university. Huge yeah for me there.
I am grateful we had a sunny day today.
I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I have enough.


Hugs :people_hugging:
You shouldn’t feel ashamed, is not intentional and you are getting treatment. I know it’s easy for me to say, but don’t be harsh on yourself, sound like you need some kindness towards yourself for something that was out of your control. I’m glad your receiving and accepting support, I can imagine this was scary for you.
I’m grateful that you are okay, and that your open to help.

Be kind to yourself, especially at this time when you need gentle care from those around you and yourself.



I am grateful to be on my 5th day sober and hangover free.

I am grateful for the 6.5hrs i slept.

I am grateful to be remembering something a sponsor had said to me awhile ago about how it will be hard to stay sober if you don’t allow yourself to enjoy it. I’d usually hide in bed on the weekends when trying to stay sober thinking this was safe and the only way. But that hasn’t worked for me longterm and she was right, doing that regularly doesn’t allow me to feel the freedom sobriety offer. It only leads to depression and isolation.

I’m grateful to realize I can do it differently this time and find a happy medium.

I am grateful to be here with everyone.

Brian, I am glad you shared your story and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. :two_hearts:


I am grateful for light rain this morning and the sound of blackbirds and wood pidgeons. I am grateful you shared @I.cant.We.can. It must have felt so scary to experience yourself like this. I am glad you hopefully can let go of some of this by sharing and working through it. Already looking forward to welcoming you back here once you are through your detox. You’ve got this. :orange_heart:
I am grateful for friends who check in on me, when I get too wrapped up in work. I am grateful I have people to share my wins and losses with. I am grateful for all of you and a new sober day. I just love my sober life - all challenges included.


Good morning grateful friends. I’m struggling this morning.

I’m grateful for another day sober. I’m grateful that for the most part I don’t even want to drink.

I’m grateful I went to the dentist yesterday and that they were kind and understanding. That it was way better than I was dreading.

I’m grateful for the rain last night for giving me something to listen to when I couldn’t sleep.

I’m grateful to always have a cat in my lap while I drink my morning coffee. :cat: I’d be lost without them.


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety
Boscoe cuddles
Hubby whom i love deeply
Bingeing You on Netflix last night
Progress not perfection
Looking forward to lunch out
Its Friday!
My mobility
Keeping with my healthier eating
All of you

Its a beautiful day full of possibilities


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I had a nice day at work. Busy, concentrated, some nice chats.
Now I am grateful to be back home.
I have no plans for the weekend as it will be stormy outside. I’ll see.
I am grateful I have enough.
I am grateful I slept until 4:30 am. Already an improvement :grimacing::joy:


Guten Morgen Franzi :sun_with_face:
Guten Tag :hugs:

I’m grateful to find the gratitude list right on top.
I’m grateful for the early morning session with Daisy in bed.
I’m grateful for Maverick time while doing my readings.
I’m grateful for the Alice time I just had.
Grateful for Minnie nudging me now.
Grateful Benson is on the chair over there leaving me alone :smile_cat:

I’m grateful I figured out how to do nothing yesterday afternoon, after getting up real early. Getting an ultrasound then going to the dentist and going out to lunch which included lots and lots of driving. I’m grateful to recognize I still feel awkward when I’m doing nothing. I’m grateful I managed. I’m grateful I just realized I didn’t do just nothing. I shopped on line for stuff we needed and I meditated and took a nap. That’s kinda doing something. I’m grateful I got to work on doing nothing.

I’m grateful my wife brought up my boundary that I had forgotten about “in that moment,” yesterday. I didn’t know if I wanted to drive to dinner or cook. I decided to cook. She decided to have another glass of wine. Later I decided I didn’t want to cook. I’m grateful she mentioned that I said we were staying home and therefore she had another glass of wine. Now you want to go out. :thinking:. I’m grateful she tried to respect my boundary. I’m grateful we talked about it. I’m grateful in the end we did go out to eat. Anyway I’m thinking I’m grateful she’s respecting my boundary and sometimes it’s a gray area. And she brought it up to me. And we civilly talked about it.

I’m grateful I like the new dentist we had yesterday. Young guy. I like that. But he reminded me of Kenneth on the show 30 Rock :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: and now I can’t get that out of my head.

I’m grateful the carpet guy called me back and is coming today for an estimate. I’m grateful it’s been kind of nice to have old shitty carpet to wipe my feet on and if Benson lifts a leg :scream: we just clean it. I’m grateful we are going to get new carpet instead of waiting for after Minnie or Alice die. I’m grateful neither one of us can live like that. Somedays it’s hard with the old cat and dog girls. I’m grateful we have them.

I’m grateful Brian is off in detox. You are in my prayers my friend. Ya You!!

”Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.”
William Arthur Ward


Great share there Billy.
I’m grateful you had a wonderful day and some good meetings.
I’m grateful for Courage To Change. It’s my favorite daily reader. Giving it a break this year though. I’m grateful other people work it in though during my day.


Today I’m grateful for my last day of vacation. It was a good day, with Kneipp treatment, massage and pedicure. It was a good day with meals and walks in silence, with meditation and prayers. It was a good day for letting go a lot. Just for today I could let go. I’m grateful for all of this.
I’m grateful for a lovely talk to a sister I’ve been knowing for 18 years now and we enjoy to see each other.
I’m grateful for the laughter I found on here on TS today.

I’m grateful I feel save and cared at the place I stay. I’m grateful healing is tangible here. :pray: