I’m grateful for my health. I have found I have hiatal hernia which I’m not suprised. Iv spent years bulimic along side alcohol abuse. But I can work with this and iam forever thankful I was given that opportunity.
Iam grateful for the kind colleagues who support my husband during a tough time at work. It’s comforting knowing he has his own network of people too.
Iam grateful for my children to be flourishing and confident and true to themselves with high values.
I’m grateful for my sobriety and feeling like iv just had the chains released and can finally live the life I was watching in on.
I’m grateful it’s Friday
I’m grateful there are other people in the world and we’re fighting this together for a better life
I am grateful to be sober. Grateful for almost a week without caffeine. Who knew. Certainly not me after my last attempts.
I am grateful I convinced myself to do a workout.
I am grateful for a call with my mother. Who knew I’d write this here. It was okay, I got angry at one point but we got over it and could continue to talk. Wow.
I am grateful it’s the weekend.
I am happy I called the company who is in charge to provide me with my new pump. As they didn’t call me as they should have.
I am grateful my new jigsaw puzzles arrived already. So, shitty weather go on.
I am grateful I have enough.
And I am grateful i didn’t have bad withdrawal this week from caffeine. I could go on for lines and lines. And lines.
Thank you, @M-be-free49 and @Bootz - I really love this!
Grateful to be enjoying a peaceful weekend. Grateful my family is safe and well. Grateful I am present and more mindful of my time with them than I’ve ever been. Grateful I’ve recently managed resentments and hurt without letting them escalate. Grateful I tought many times that I could just give in and have a drink, but didn’t drink. Grateful I know that doing so would have hurt me even more.
Grateful my youngest turned to me, casually, while
playing videogame and said: “I love you, mom. You are the best mom” I laughed and said “Is it because of the banana cake I bake on weekends?” and he answered: “Yes, because you bake delicious cakes and because you are always so loving…even when you are super mad at me I know you love me.” I melted. I’m sure these past 10 months I’ve been more connected and showed him in small ways that I do love him beyond anything that can be measured.
I’m grateful for life, for love, for being 100% me, no additives, for facing challenges and tough patches with a clear mind. For you all
Thank you so much, @Cjp - and congratulations on your 9 months and getting your chip…would have loved to hear your acceptance speech Big hugs!
I’m grateful I didn’t kill myself several years back.
I’m grateful I never lost hope, despite my traumatic childhood.
I’m grateful I’m aware of, admit and want to overcome my flaws and addictions.
I’m grateful for good people in this world.
I’m grateful to exist, against all odds.
I’m grateful.
Im greatful for a husband who will sing boys2men to me with helium warping his voice from a balloon he got for his 6months sobriety
I’m grateful I’m gonna tumble into my bed sober after quite the week!
Yeah, I’m grateful the Gratidudes feel no ill will if we do or don’t catch up on all the posts. I turned it around in my mind: let’s not feel overwhelmed, deal? I’m grateful there’s too much gratitude here to catch up on some days! Our cupboard is not bare, the plates are full, there’s plenty for all. Come one and all, let’s feast on the abundance in our sweet sober lives
But first, sleep. I’m grateful for my bed, my covers, the quiet. I’m grateful for my life. I’m grateful we get to share in each other’s. I’m grateful for all of you.
I’m grateful for another day.
EDIT: catching up! congrats on all the milestones, fam!
Congratulations Anna
Nice to see you checking in and kicking addictions ass.
And to notice the love from the children. PRICELESS!
Keep up the great work.
Thank you, Eric Life gets busy, we get more confident in sobriety as we accummulate days, but I realized this past week that I do need to check in with you gratidudes and gratidudettes…and not just be grateful in my mind. Writing it down, knowing someone reads/hears you makes a big difference.
I’m grateful I’ve realized these past weeks that I’m getting a bit too comfortable and thoughts that maybe I’m “cured” creep in more often than I care to admit. When I know full well that one drink will
lead to 10, will lead to days disappearing, will lead to complete oblivion in a very short time, at a time when I absolutely need to be my 100% for my family, my work and my health.
I’m grateful I recognize the addict voice in my head and have enough strenght - and lessons learned here, from all of you - to keep up keeping up, to overcome that bad day, or that tough hour, or those excruciating minutes when I want to just stop the stress, the hurt, the madness with the stupidest method of all - a drink. I’m grateful I learned that it doesn’t stop anything bad, it only makes it worse by weakening me and making me less able to cope with any challenges.
I’m grateful sobriety is my superpower. It has a kryptonite that will always be a threat to it, but as long as I keep the kryptonite away and know I cannot touch it, I’m strong enough to beat whatever comes my way. Not only beat challenges, but beat them with grace, with my head up high.
Have a wonderful day, everyone!
Thank you, Billy It’s the smallest of
moments that mean everything in life…I’m so grateful I’m fully present to notice them, to cherish them, to remember them…
When people start questioning what is the meaning of it all, I know that it is the simplest anwer: Love.
(ok, maybe February makes me a bit mushy )
I’m grateful to be off work today, I need some time off.
I’m grateful to lie in this morning, I’ve nothing to get up early for, I’ve no plans, I’m just going to mooch around doing jobs, reading and enjoying the weekend.
I’m grateful to check in, it feels good.
I’m grateful to see so many milestones, great job everyone.
I’m grateful to be doing a morning meditation after this.
I’m grateful for not drinking yesterday or wanting to
Good morning all,
I’m grateful for a long sleep followed by a large coffee. I’m grateful for a conversation with a coworker yesterday about burnout at work, and what we can do to help ourselves. I’m grateful I baked cookies last night. I’m grateful I don’t have plans for this weekend, I am open to whatever comes my way. I’m grateful I’m not scared of all that free time because I know I won’t drink it away. I’m grateful for a life that’s better without alcohol. I’m grateful for are here, and didn’t delete yourself @Claire_quit2. I’m grateful for all of us.
Everyone have a wonderful day
Good morning sober fam,
Im so very greatful for…
My sobriety, 279 days, i believe
A positive performance review with my new boss
Getting out of work early friday and not taking it as a ticket to get trashed early
Waking bright and early on a saturday with no hangover
Hubby and all his love
My family
Planning my moms excursions in sedona and grand canyon today
Good weather forecasted this weekend
All of you!
We can do this one day at a time!
Grateful for a couple extra zzzz’s this morning, and grateful that I managed not to succumb to snuggley-snoozey temptation and cuddle back up on the couch. Grateful for my sweet man, and grateful he loves me. I’m going to be grateful to myself soon, when I accomplish some chores so I can get down to the important business of recreational crafting of some sort guilt-free. It’s gonna be a good day!
I’m grateful………
I’m grateful to be here.
I’m grateful so much has happen to me in my hour and a half of my morning recovery work I have no idea where to begin. I’ll begin with being grateful I’m feeling serenity. I didn’t think that possible this morning. Thank you God.
I’m grateful for your share last night Anna. Sometimes I think it would be so much easier if I just drank with her. Grateful to file that under “stinking thinking.” Grateful after our replies to each other last night. I got a video of my son at his birthday party at a bowling alley in his new bathrobe. He’s ten years + sober. And all I saw was the sober love all around him. I was so grateful to be awake and sober to see that last night. And cry with tears of delight. I’m grateful I wasn’t passed out on the couch. I felt like I was there even though we live miles away. I’m grateful for his beautiful wife and she includes us in so much of their life. I’m grateful Chubs was able to stay home with GiGi while my son went out for his birthday.
I’m grateful for my morning meditation. As it told me to welcome my day, I realized I was ready to welcome it with a battle.
I’m grateful I put on another 3 minute morning meditation about surrendering and I ended up crying through the first half.
I’m grateful the tears never stop.
I’m grateful I’m tired of this battle with addiction.
I’m grateful for boundaries.
I’m grateful to surrender.
I’m grateful to be at peace with the:
Battle of Boundries vs Surrender. At least for this moment.
I’m grateful I can be confused when I think I need to draw boundaries but at the same time, I want to just surrender. It must be some kind of an oxymoron hell. Fighting addiction and surrendering at the same time.
I’m grateful right now I have serenity.
I’m grateful that’s good enough for me right now.
Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to arise
Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these sunken eyes and learn to see
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to be free
Blackbird fly, blackbird fly
Into the light of a dark black night
Paul McCartney
John Lennon
Welcome back friend
I’m grateful I’ve been around TS to see so many people come back. They are the ones that get and stay sober. If you want what we got just make sure you keep coming back. We’re here for ya.
I’m grateful for your courage.
Today I’m grateful for a lazy saturday with my cats on the couch. I’m grateful for a delicious hotpot with beans. I’m grateful yesterday’s therapy session still echoes in me. There is so much to let go
I am grateful for the peace I feel in my being when I am doing the right thing. It makes all of the sensations my body gives to alert me to “danger” so obvious. I am grateful I am at peace with the choices I have made around my relationship. I am grateful that I did not make them in haste. I am grateful that I let the universe lead the way. I am grateful for the on going test to see if I can keep up my boundary. That has been one of my biggest character flaws, I can throw a boundary up no problem but I am often the first to cross them. I am grateful that I was able to be assertive last night and stick to my boundary. Another character flaw I have is not trusting myself, second guesssing myself. So guess what? I was also tested with that. I am grateful that I was able to breathe through those feelings and reassure myself that I have not made this choice without thinking it through very carefully nor without guidance. I trust myself today, I am grateful for that. I trust the powers greater than myself today and I am also very grateful for that. Keeping an open heart and not attaching emotions to this situation has been like training for the olympics. It would be so easy to just shut down and numb out for awhile but I have not. I am grateful for this experience to practice this skill. It is a skill, especially for someone as emapathetic as myself. I am grateful that being an empath without boundaries has taught me alot in my life, so much that I had to change the way I functioned. I am grateful for recovery.
Today I’m grateful for my sobriety, grateful that 50 days ago I was helped through detox and beginning sobriety. Grateful that even though it was a 16 hour shift into late last night, that I even have a job to go to. And that instead of stopping for alcohol I threw on a recovery podcast to get my head right on the ride home. Grateful that I was able to get up early and coherent today and take the kids out to breakfast, That I have a gym to go to so I have a healthy outlet to blow off steam. Grateful that I have people that I am now accountable to instead of just myself. And grateful that I’m finally learning to really live by the ODAAT approach instead of worrying about shit that hasn’t happened yet or may never happen, we’re only guaranteed the present. And grateful that this community proves day in and day out that we’re not alone in this journey.