Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #3

Welcome George. Glad you’re here. See you around.


Good morning.

Yesterday was a heavy, heavy day. After the arguement that G and I had before Xmas he has really been trying to get himself sorted out. I am grateful for his willingness and his courage to finally face his demons. I am grateful to be witness to someone who can have that much clean time and have not done any work on themselves. I cant imagine being that sick still today let alone in 6 years from now. I am grateful I have worked so damn hard to heal these last 3 years and I am grateful for my growth. I am grateful that he has been with me for the last year to see how much work I have done, to get to where I am. We were talking about self love and I was trying to think about how I got from the absolute self loathing I had to the complete love I hold for myself today, I couldnt remember. He said, “I know what I have to do, I have been watching you.” I am grateful that I recover loud.

I am grateful for laughter, and its power to drag sadness from dark caves. I am grateful for words and the power they have, in songs, poetry, stories and conversations. I am grateful for boundaries. I am grateful for vulnerability, and tonglen meditations. I am grateful for my meditation practice and that I can drop into a meditative state so quickly now no matter where I am. Meditation has changed my life, I am grateful for my life today.

I am grateful for creativity and passion. I am grateful for the things in my life that I can lose myself in, not through avoidance but through love. I am grateful that I spend most of my minutes in love today and most of my other minutes are moving back into love so thats not too bad. I am grateful for a positive outlook.



Back with more gratitude!

Im greatful a sober sister met me at a new to us AA mtg
Im greatful it was a packed house
Im greatful there was someone celebrating 25yrs and 60 days.
Im greatful for the hope milestones give me and others.
Im greatful for the share that opened the meeting.
Im greatful for the topic of alcoholism and the changes in mental, physical, and spiritual in recovery.
Im greatful i shared and wasnt too intimidated by the microphone
Im greatful to be so hopeful, joyous, and full of gratitude.
Im greatful the guy who led the lords prayer at the end said “who sees us naked in the shower…” gave me a chuckle
Im greatful its gonna be 48 today
Im greatful to feel productive
Im greatful for quick healthy leftovers


I am grateful for another sober Sunday with a soft blanket, a good book, and a silky robe.


Today I’m grateful I don’t have any ailments or health issues. I’m 38 this year and I don’t think I’ve ever been physically or mentally fitter.

Without getting sober I can only imagine where my physical and mental health would be now. If I wasn’t already dead.

It has given me a design for life, friends I can rely on, and has enabled me to built levels of trust in people I don’t think non addicts can even attain.

Today, I am grateful to be an alcoholic and an addict.


I’m not crying, you’re crying. What a beautiful post :blue_heart:


Thank you! I’m grateful for this thread and for all that is put into it.


That’s awesome, Karen. I don’t post here but am going to start.

I’m grateful for a very easy and flexible job that provides good benefits.
Grateful for my sobriety sisters and the fun game night we had.
Grateful for the healing that taken place between me and my daughter over the last 18 months.

And grateful for this thread!


Grateful for shelter. So grateful I don’t have to be homeless and worried about the temp and where to sleep. Grateful it’s been in the 50s during the day and this cold weather won’t last. I’m a Floridian and prefer hot weather. Summer will be here before I know it. Grateful for food and hot coffee. Grateful for this community which helps my anxiety and is a good place to go when I’m in panic mode. Grateful for YouTube and its distraction from worry. Grateful for my days sober (124) Grateful for Mother Nature and life’s lessons. Grateful I will be ok one day at a time. Sometimes one hour at a time and that’s ok. Grateful for my parents dog Tucker. Grateful he understands me


I’m grateful I had my first day at a new job yesterday. There is much to learn and it’s a bit scary, but I felt very welcomed. I’m grateful they were prepared and organized for my start.

I’m grateful for this new opportunity. I’m grateful I will start this job in a completely different way than all the others - no alcohol whatsoever. I can’t wait to find out how much more I can accomplish now.

I’m grateful I had a “drinking dream” last night, in which I was traveling and there was chanpagne all around me. I could smell it and there were glasses put in my hand. I’m grateful I didn’t think of having a sip in my dream.

I’m grateful I woke up with a clear mind, ready for the challenge of the day… Bring it!


Thanks for sharing, I found that a very beautiful read :two_hearts:


Firstly I’m grateful to read all of these posts, there’s a lot there that I can relate to. So thank you all.

On a more personal note, I’m grateful to connect all the little dots of my life that have
brought me ‘home’ to myself. The authentic, sober version who finds joy, connection, wonder, purpose, sanctuary and creativity.


I am grateful for a sober head on a cozy pillow in a house that is safe and warm. I’m grateful that I can finally see the sickness I held onto while drinking. I am grateful that I try to heal that sickness every day. I’m grateful I have this community. You all help me so much.


Grateful for a post of mine I just read here from 2019 and seeing the progress I made.

Grateful for a warm home
A loving partner who is kind to me and my kids
A job that lets me WFH
Managing for the most part to stay sober ( I had a few relapses over the years but … one day at a time)
Grateful for AA
My higher power and meditation
My kids
Living simple and avoiding the matrix
Courage to leave an abusive relationship
My parents
Sunrise and sunsets
That I raise chickens and have eggs daily LOL
Did I mention coffee?


I guess today I’m grateful for the basics.
A safe place to live.
Enough food to eat.
Cozy blankets.
My cats.
A job.


I want to like this :point_up_2: more, it is so beautiful :heart::orange_heart::yellow_heart::green_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart::white_heart:

Today I’m grateful it snowed. Finally a little bit of white covering nature :white_heart::white_heart::white_heart::white_heart::white_heart::white_heart::cloud_with_snow::cloud_with_snow::cloud_with_snow: I’m such a fall and winter person, I enjoy snow and miss it dearly when there is none in winter.

I’m grateful I adressed the nightmare issue with my psychiatrist today. He changed my sleeping meds a bit and I have to report on thursday if it works. The visit was a good one. My laboratory check is quite ok. I have to move my lazy couchloving ass and work out a little bit. Cutting food is not a problem, I’m already preparing for my fasten week. Hey, he sent me to the lab right after the holidays with all this yummi and not soooo healthy food :grin:The laboratory check in 2 months should look better on these 3 values. It made me smile that he said I haven’t looked this good and relaxed in years. I’m grateful he reminded me that a year of mourning has meaning. It’s ok to cry, to feel all the losses of the last year, to have hard days when letting go is too straining and holding on to things and persons hurts too much. One day at a time. Pausing on the way is fine, resting helps to regain energy. It’s important to stay on track, sitting down to take a rest is fine.

I’m grateful for Tiglat and Missi cuddling me. I still feel needy and I don’t like this feeling. It reminds me of my ex and the many times he neglected me and my feelings. Grumpy Me wants an off-button for loving and missing. Caring Me is sick of this codependent blabla. Professional Me wants to proceed with all on the desk without being bothered. I’m grateful Me Me is content with purring cats, a cozy bed, fresh laundry and snow. The rest can shut up for today. Basta.


That is better than just ok Trevor,it’s beautiful. I’m grateful you share this journey with us. It gives me more than gratitude to read your shares as you continue to remain in light. Floridian? 50’s? I’m a grateful Florida boy happy my car heater is just dandy for the quick ride to Starbucks. Grateful it is 42 degrees this early :sunrise_over_mountains: morning. More grateful it will warm up to the mid 60’s by noon. Grateful for Martin Luther King. Grateful for music, meditation and my feline :cat2: friends. Grateful for all of y’all. Grateful for Leslee,Brad,Madison(my Madi)and my little man Blake. Grateful for the 3 jewels. Grateful for this day. Namaste :pray:

God guru and Self are One


Grateful af for your beautiful honest feeling share @erntedank . This is an inspirational way to kick out the jams. I am grateful. Thank you.


I am currently travelling through Vietnam and am endlessly grateful for this trip and all the good things that come from it. It is paid from the money I didn’t spend on cigarettes and alcohol last year. Instead of poisening myself, I am doing something really good for body, mind and spirit.

Yesterday I was canooing with a group of people through the Halong Bay, one of the most beautiful and unique places there is in the world. We entered a hidden lagoon to take a break and it was really really beautiful. There was a guy who said: “and you know what’s going to make it even greater? Enjoying the stunning view with a cigarette!” That would have been so me a while ago. Thinking that smoking or drinking will add something good and valuable to an already outstanding moment. I am deeply grateful I am free of this sentiment!

Grateful for big bellies, joyful laughter and a peaceful mind. :orange_heart:


I am so glad my “newbies” are starting to lay. The older girls have been free-loading. It’s getting cold again, though and may snow. These poor ladies are molting in January. They are so confused. 48 degrees today and I think 31 tomorrow? Delicious eggs from crazy ladies.