Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #3

I’m grateful that hard nights don’t always have to be hard mornings. It’s ok when they are too.
I’m grateful I meditated when I couldn’t sleep.
I’m grateful I woke up feeling light, which was far from the case when I went to bed.
I’m grateful for my heart. That it keeps beating through hardships. I’m grateful I can rely on it even when I feels like I have nothing else. I have my heart and my spirit and that’s a lot.
I’m grateful I don’t have to carry the things that hurt me or hold me back.
I’m grateful for dreams. I’m grateful for when I remember them.
I’m grateful I can be open when I’m hurting.
I’m grateful I can love when I’m hurting.
I’m grateful for this moment :yellow_heart:


Yes, I fell in love with this place and the people the moment I stepped out of the plane.


I’m grateful you recover loud, too :heart:


I am grateful to be back at a week today.

I am grateful for Marianne Williamson’s Quote, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world.”

I am grateful that I am recognizing that it’s disappearing, not drinking, that I have been running toward.

I am grateful that my MBA instructor is giving me extra days to complete my assignment because I told her I am struggling.

I am grateful that I am being honest with everyone who asks that I don’t drink, nor is this a “break,” that alcohol doesn’t serve me and just makes me feel like shit.

I am grateful for a couple of warm days before the snow. Weird year, I cannot acclimate, up and down and up and down - kind of like sobriety.

I am thankful for you.


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 260 days free from weed and alcohol
Im madly in love with my husband
I was able to sleep last night after having a late night coffee
A wonderful 10 outta 10 weekend
Martin luther king jr
Being able to marry by love and not just race
Quality time with hubby
A day off today
Trying new healthy recipes
Boscoe and his cute lil face
This home
This couch
This pillow and blanket
My gratitude practice
All of you

Peace be with you


I’m grateful I thought I got 8 lousy fucken minutes for a morning meditation to start my day.
I’m grateful for the 8 glorious minutes with London Porter this morning. I’m grateful I extended that 8 minutes with Maverick. Monday morning Maverick meditation :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2: I’m grateful for the tears as I tried to hold on to that meditation and didn’t ever want to come out of it. Just sat in the dark for awhile and felt good.

I’m grateful for Mat Nathanson this morning and “Come On Get Higher.” And more tears.

I’m grateful for my quiet time in the morning.
I’m grateful I’ve blown off all my Al-Anon readings for the morning. Currently. All those readings makes it so real. I’m grateful I just don’t want to play right now. I’m grateful I couldn’t wait to come here instead.

I’m grateful Minnie woke up this morning. I thought she might be dead. Well that was a shift. :scream: She was so sound asleep and I didn’t see her chest rising and she didn’t get up while I was making coffee. I’m grateful I got down on the floor and woke her gently.

I’m grateful for another day in my world and I just have to make the best of it. Remember all my blessing. And be grateful for all I have.

I’m grateful in Al-Anon we read “Just For Today.” And one of them is a quote from Abraham Lincoln saying we are as happy as we make up our minds to be. Well fuck him!! I hate that reading.

I’m grateful I’ll try and make the best of the day. As long as I’m sober and I’m not too codependent I guess I’ll decide to be happy.

Music, it saved me
But it drives me crazy
'Cause it forces my eyes, to take a look and see
Got to decide to be happy
‘Cause it don’t always come naturally
Been feelin’ like a stranger in my body
I haven’t been myself in a while, I’m sorry (I’m sorry)
Got to decide to be happy (happy)
'Cause it don’t always come naturally.

Decide To Be Happy


I am grateful and so incredibly blessed that I get to spend today with my BSU students performing acts of service in remembrance of Dr. King. I am grateful that we have a relationship where they trust me amd know I will be a voice and advocate for them until i take my last breath. I am grateful I am sober and can commit to these amazing young adults as I would never want to miss out on these opportunities again.They fill my bucket every day. I am truly blessed.


Oh wow how exciting your trip is!

Very serendipitous to read this post because yesterday I was researching Vietnam - a place I’ve wanted to visit for the last 5 years but more pressing ‘to do’s’ needed to take priority.

But I’ve made a vow to myself, next January I’m going and so long as I take it ODAAT, I’ll be over a year sober too…very inspiring.

If you fancy sharing any more photos or your experiences I’d love to hear….Thank you :pray:t2:


Grateful for my sober community and my 6 pm AA zoom meetings that ground me and assure me that I do indeed belong.
Grateful that we have a short work week and I get to head to Orlando to see a dear friend. She’s never seen me sober, and I took advantage of her friendship when I was drinking. Grateful for her forgiveness.


Thanks billy !! So grateful your part of This community. Grateful for your positive words and daily contributions. This place wouldn’t be the same without you!! I will say you also have good taste in music. And I was wondering what do you get when you go to Starbucks? I really like the pike place coffee with tons on sugar !!


Grateful for another day on this planet. Grateful for spending time with my family today. Grateful I can forgive and understand they love me and did the best they could to deal with my madness. Grateful for the family dog Tucker. Grateful he gets the zoomies when I come over. Grateful one day I will have my own dog when I have a house… a girl pit bull I hope. Grateful for all the possibilities. Grateful for my sobriety and grateful vodka sounds absolutely disgusting. Grateful I have no cravings. Grateful for my medications for mental health and they are helping. Grateful for lemonheads candy!! Grateful for hospital shows on Netflix. Grateful for this community because I don’t think I would be sober without this place. Grateful for the motivation I get from everyone’s shares and the hope I feel. Grateful I’m going to keep my Christmas lights up in my room for a few more months … maybe even till next Christmas. Grateful the weather is warming up to the 60s during the day. Not grateful I get cold easily but grateful I have jackets and hoodies. Grateful coffee still works. Grateful that every day I’m getting stronger mentally. As long as I stay in today as much as possible.


I get so much from this thread and folks like you Trevor. Thank you for the kind words,much appreciated. I spoke with an old friend this afternoon. He’s been sober for 29 years. After we finished talking,yeh words formed witth lips,imagine that,he sent some great pics. A few from back in the day with my bestie who passed 13 years ago and current pics of he and his wife,I barely know her but get that really great vibe from her. I reciprocated with pics with my grands. He told me " we are the lucky ones,keep it going". Then just a word “grateful .” I am stuck on the Americano at Starbucks. Venti with a splash of oatmilk. They know my voice so well at the drive thru that all I say is something like I placed a mobile order and I get back Hi Billy. They’re really cool and I actually love them :two_hearts: :heart_eyes:


That’s really cool you got to reconnect with a old friend and I bet it was wild seeing old photos and sharing new ones. 29 years is amazing… I can’t even imagine that. One day at a time I’m sure …

I never had the americano at Starbucks. I might have to try that next time I go. That’s cool they remember you and know you by name. That’s always a good feeling when it’s like that. It makes going to get coffee just that much better.


Still trying to make this a habit. I’m grateful to get back to my IOP this morning. And grateful for:
My Mom’s 82 birthday today. Glad she’s doing okay currently.
Getting through the long weekend sober.
Grateful I can recognize when I’m getting overwhelmed and need alone time to recover.
My cats, particularly when they curl up in my lap.
Football playoffs.


What a beautiful share. Grateful to start my grateful day with your words and feelings. I love the visual too. Ty @Pandita .Safe travels.


Grateful. We may have been separated at birth Caroline. Grateful you are so relatable. :heartbeat: grateful for my practice and your practice. Grateful for the healing I am feeling. Grateful for morning meditation morning coffee and morning music. Grateful for sunlight. Ever grateful for gratidudes and dudettes. Feelin it . Grateful. Namaste :pray:

God guru and Self are One


Grateful I have that on vinyl. Gratefully forgive you for makin me find it. Here’s a little known group produced by Walter. Sigh,miss Walter. Grateful for your musical knowledge. Just effin grateful for your presence here.


Good morning! Today I am grateful:

To be sober

So grateful that my stomach feels better this morning.
Grateful that though we my kid and I are sharing a car (she doesn’t live with me) we HAVE a car to share. You cannot really be car-less in my state.
Grateful that it’s Laura McKowen’s meeting this morning and I will still be grateful if there’s a sub.
Grateful for My Fair Junkie by Amy Dresner, another leader in TLC, what a book! Holy crap!
Grateful for a warm house, running water and electricity.
Grateful for the kindest landlords on the entire planet.
Grateful for you!


I had a Pikes Place w/2 shots and a splash of oatmilk to honor you just finished it. Were synched up fo sho. Yeh,old pics are a bit jarring. Were we ever that young? My friends, like me,are 70. They looked thinner,less bald and prettier fifty years ago. To me they are more beautiful than ever now. Inner beauty. Have a peaceful sober day Trevor.


I hope to raise laying chickens someday! We live in the city and could have chickens per city ordinances but I don’t think my bf is interested (I mean, I know he is because I definitely checked). Maybe someday! :heart: