Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #3

Alphabetical gratitude :slight_smile:
Alobar + Anna (desert rose)

Breath + Blake + Boscoe
Dazercat +Darcy
Emm + @erntedank
Mindfulness + my Madi
Stella + Sunflower1 + Shaunda
You,ya you
Zed Cars

Namaste :pray: seize the day. God guru and Self are One


Good morning all,
Im grateful for the ability to rest when I’m tired. Im grateful I was able to help a new coworker out with some lunch yesterday. Im grateful today will not be as long of a day as some of the others this week will be. Im grateful to be able to laugh about my dinner flop yesterday :joy:. Im grateful I’ll just try again tonight. Im grateful for sunshine.
Everyone have a wonderful day❤️


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 282 days free
Being humble
Taking things one day at a time
Time with hubby last night
Started Wednesday on netflix, we enjoyed it
Exploring more tools for my sobriety toolbox
Idk Boscoe, i guess, the fucker woke me up at midnight and 2am… yeah still greatful for Boscoe
Im sore from my workouts, proof of my hard work
I can work in my pjs today
Gratitude bringing tears to my eyes
AA fellowship
TS fellowship
All of you!

We can do this day sober together


Thank you for sharing Billy. I am grateful you still have your mom. :heart:


Good morning.

I am grateful for the new breathing practice I learned in the 6 week workshop I am participating in, “Beyond Asana”. I am grateful for pranayama, and the energy it provides my body with. I can see such a huge difference in myself with this exercise. 3 years ago when I came into recovery I was in a place where my anxiety was taking me into multiple panic attacks a day. I couldnt drive, grocery shop, I couldnt exsist never mind breathe a full breath and hold it. My breathing was so shallow even though I had been practicing “yoga” for many years while I was using. I use quotes because I was not really present on my mat all the years I was practicing I was hung over and obsessing about picking up when class was done. Now my practice is the way it should be, inward, focused and deep. My breath flows and is peaceful. I am grateful I dont have anxiety anymore.

I am grateful for my modest home and my little car. Both I have an easy time keeping clean which is a life saver. I am grateful that my daughter helps out when she can, or anytime I ask without a fuss. I am grateful she is such a thoughtful, caring soul. I am grateful Nugget doesnt shed too much and is easy to wash in the shower.

I am grateful for the rain amd I am hopeful we get lots this spring so that our wild fires stay to the minimum. I am grateful for my eyesight. As I live in my body being present , I have been noticing how grateful I am that I can see. My friend Kevin lost his eyesight to glaucoma, I cant imagine what that would have been like. I am grateful his dad didnt give up searching for a remedy and I am grateful they took a flight to thailand and that the stem cell treatment he had gave him his eyes back. I am grateful i get to leave for his yoga class now and have a coffee with him after. :heart:


I am happy that I am already on day 10 caffeine free. Felt better today but reintroduced hot chocolate.
I am grateful I contacted someone from the local alpine section here and apparently they have a MTB group. First step done. Reaching out. I am shit scared tbh. Too complicated to develop here.
I am grateful I subscribed for a driving technique training, also MTB. Maybe I find some people there. It’s sad that the woman (a former world class cyclist) is leaving the region and won’t do any trainings here :sob:
I am willing to do another thing, maybe a step dance class. I have no idea about it. Or Zumba. But the next available course is step dance. I am below zero in coordination. So that’ll be fun I think. Baby steps.
I am grateful I don’t hate going to work.
I am super grateful that there was absolutely no single cloud on the sky today. So wonderful.
I am grateful I have enough.
I am grateful I didn’t drink coffee today. :slightly_smiling_face::sunflower:


Today I’m grateful for therapy. I don’t remember what we talked about. That’s ok. I’m grateful for sunshine, for a clean car, for soup, for my cats. I’m grateful I contacted my lawyer after my ex texted me. He apparently doesn’t know shit about the concept of personal communication. Ex, not lawyer.
I’m grateful I’m tired. I’m so tired of all this bullshit.


I am grateful to feel soft and calm although I had to make a taff pokerface job today.

Now I have tea, warm footbath and a candle and just grateful to feel soft with myself.


Grateful to see this post, Billy… Filled my heart just when I was hitting the hay, exhausted from the day. Thank you, thank you, thank you for filling my bucket of happiness to the brim at the last minutes of the day :heart:

I wasn’t planning to write, but I will now…:blush:

The days have been busy, work is intense but in a good way, and taking care of the family - at home and remotely - has been taking every second of the day and every ounce of energy.

Grateful I have good health, a clear mind, and the will to make the best out of every day. Sometimes my mood doesn’t match my will, but I do it anyway.

Grateful I understood today that cannot make my youngest un-sad. But I can listen to him. Really listen. Give hugs, lots. And talk in an honest way - appropriate for his age and understanding. Grateful he seemed to be in a better place at the end of the day.

Grateful I can tell my oldest off even remotely, even through text messages. Not in a mean way, but in a way to make him reflect on his actions. Grateful he seems to be listening. Sometimes.

Grateful I miss my husband. Grateful I love him like this.

Grateful my little fluffy dog created the habit of putting her chin on me whenever she senses I need a cuddle. More often than not, lately :heart:

Grateful I made it to my first pilates class today. I’m a non-believer in group classes but I cannot run or do most exercises due to an injury. I’m grateful I tried, even if I’m not convinced I’ll become a regular. It seems too “pretty” to count as “real exercise” :smile: I’m glad I was able to do something, though. Lack of exercise is disastrous for me. I become a horrible person real quick.

Grateful for another day, for having my head on the pillow sober, for the exhaustion and for being able to sleep and rest in a comfortable and safe place. Grateful my son and hubby are away but also safe and well.

Much love to you all :heart:


I’m grateful today was my birthday :yellow_heart:
I’m grateful that it looked a little different this year, but it was still special.
I’m grateful I have such wonderful friends who make me feel loved.
I’m grateful I am filled with gratitude on my birthday.
I’m grateful I have a whole, new year in front of me.
I’m excited to see what it will bring.
I’m grateful for sadness, achey hearts and anything that teaches me more about me and my spirit.
I’m grateful that everything happens for a reason.
I’m grateful that I’m letting go of patterns that I have been stuck in for a long time.
I’m grateful that although it’s scary and feels wrong sometimes I can remind myself that it’s just new. That something new is trying to rise up and I need only to trust in the process.
I’m grateful I can feel that what is trying to come forth is worth the discomfort. I can feel that it is good :yellow_heart:I’m grateful that I can assure myself that I am safe. That change is beautiful and I can welcome it. I’m grateful allow my big feelings to come up and then I can let them go.
I’m grateful that tomorrow marks my 500th day of sobriety.
I’m grateful for the monumental shift in my world since my last drink. I’ve learned to live in the unknown. To give up control and trust that I’m on the right path. That impossibly hard things can be blessings, even if they don’t feel that way in the moment. To love myself full. To trust myself. How lovable I am. That I’m already healed.
I’m learning to be more vulnerable, to accept myself with more grace, and that even the parts of me that I don’t always like so much are worth love and acceptance too.
I’m grateful for this little journey called life and that I have a place to share it with all of you.
:yellow_heart::dizzy: sweet dreams


Happy Birthday :birthday: :partying_face:


Thank you Jenny :yellow_heart:

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Happy Birthday!


Happy birthday and what a wonderful depiction of sobriety you paint. Yay you! @Callie99


Happy birthday Callie! :hugs::heart:

500 days! :smiley: I’m really happy for you, be proud of yourself! You’re a unique gem, with such potential and strength… I’m so glad I got to share part of my journey with you when I did, and still now, every little step counts so much in our lives :pray: I hope it was nice, and stay strong, mindful and on track my friend, thanks for being here Callie :hugs:


:cupcake: I. L.O.V.E. Y.O.U. :cupcake:



Happy birthday and good night :sunflower::four_leaf_clover::slightly_smiling_face:


Happy Birthday @Callie99
Have a wonderful day :hugs:


Grateful for day 571 alc and nic.

  • for universe giving blessings to us.
  • for listening to my first beautiful recovery elevator podcast , loved it
  • for motorcycle ride after work , got it idling better now :+1:
  • for giving back to coworkers with a large pizza, yay
  • for my wonderfully patient and wise Hunny, recent engagement :heart:
  • for HP care for me and I hope us all!
  • going to do a Centering prayer tomorrow morn from Thomas Keating.
    I hope you never give up hope and that all shall be well in your world
    Here’s to clean and serene :heart::hugs::person_in_lotus_position::pray::sunny::biking_man:

Happy birthday @Callie99 :confetti_ball:. Grateful for every beautifully worded gratitude you chose to share here. You really have such a talent for words :orange_heart:

Grateful today for friends sharing their wins and losses with me and letting me be part of their lifes. Grateful for a warm meal every day and laughter around me. Grateful for my tiny bathtub after an extended walk home through the frozen city. I am grateful I am slowly learning how to let go of regrets and be more gentle with myself. I am grateful to be here.