Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #3

Welcome Hoss.
I’m grateful you found us.
I’m grateful for strength in numbers.


Thank you very much glad to be here


Yeah, I got a bit teary too - it kinda seemed like I was reading an article about you! Thank you for receiving it well.

I am still learning to surrender, with gratitude no less, even in what sometimes feels like harsh climates or days. I’m grateful you are sharing your journey so that I can lean on your open, honest example when I’m struggling.

I’m so grateful for you, but… look out! :polar_bear: :sweat_smile: :orange_heart:

Baby-polar-bears GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY

EDIT: ooo might need sober selfie of the polar bear hoodie! :joy:


Grateful for a new phone, finally i can post!! Grateful for a new sponsor that is getting me excited and engaged in NA again. Its just so easy to get busy. Im so grateful for the things that keep me busy, my job, my kids, our new car. Grateful for a life that is filling out, so wonderfully. Grateful for the exceptional resonance with life recently, for the rewards that have come after months of hard work. Grateful, grateful, grateful.


And im grateful its snowing!!!


I love this!

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I am grateful to be sober and not suffering from a nasty hangover… F those.

I am grateful that I don’t have to react to my coworkers and I can sort it out quietly in my mind.

I am grateful for the 8 hours of sleep I got.

I am grateful for my fur babes… Rubie, Will, and Frank. :heart:

I am grateful for my fitness pal and taking control of what I can.

I am grateful to be here with everyone. OFDAAT :two_hearts:


Good afternoon all,
I’m grateful I can read here and borrow gratitude when I’m having a hard time finding my own. I’m grateful for you guys. I’m grateful I can be easy on myself, make some good food and unwind. I’m grateful I do this now, instead of poisoning myself. I’m grateful that I feel brighter than yesterday, and I think tomorrow will be better still.
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


I’m also grateful for OFDAAT, it matches my mood today, and made me chuckle.


I am grateful to God, thank you for guiding me through another day clean and sober. Please watch over me, my family, friends and all your creation, allow me to rest and recharge tonight so I can be of better service to myself and others tomorrow. I’m grateful for the courage to tell my next door neighbor that if he doesn’t stop the drug use, dealing and letting squatters stay at his place I am calling the police. No more discussions or warnings, that approach has got me, Indwell and other tenants nowhere. This is happening in numerous apartments in my building and it is bringing all the dangers with it, violence, overdoses you name it. I have invited people to visit and they refuse becuase of these things. Other tenants don’t want to bring their families, friends or children to the buiding, something is broken. If It takes me, the rest of the largely outnumberd recovery community in the building and a few regular folks to call the authorities more often to put an end to it, so be it. I have never called the cops on someone but people change. I’m grateful for the people in the rooms.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are killing it. Ya you!!


Very early morning gratitude, maybe I’ll fall asleep again while typing (this happenend yesterday evening while reading).
I’m grateful for yesterday. It was a day with so much to be grateful for!

I readressed something my ex said the day before that still bothered me throughout the rest of the day. I told him I feel it’s not fair and asked him to think about it. Turned out he received my calm adressing it well and changed his mind. He will help me with some farmwork I can’t do alone. Well, time will tell if he really will, but for now I feel a lot better because I again stood up for me in a gentle and calm way :pray:

At this point heartfelt thanks to Billy Stella Eric Twizzle Em Brian and all of you. I take a lot of gratitude and inputs from your shares :people_hugging:

I’m grateful it turned out yesterday that some of my court issues will come to an hopefully good and final end. The firm that built the new house went insolvent at the end of last year so I will not gain any damage claims I have against it. As I held back money until rectification of defects which never happenend I will close the case with some minus. There’s no sense in throwing good money after bad. One of their subcontractor tries to get money from me as they went away empty-handed with their claims in the insolvency proceedings. Nope, no way, this firm was responsible for tenthousands of extra costs for rehabilitation of the bullshit they made :woman_facepalming: I’m grateful my ex is ok with giving witness account. Crossing fingers that this case is closed in march.

I’m grateful for an intense shiatsu massage yesterday. So intense I snorred away happily three times :face_with_hand_over_mouth: The therapist and I giggled about it :blush:

I’m grateful I felt asleep before 7 pm after a day packed with so much input and good times. I’m grateful I slept so deep I missed a call. A friend is catsitting and she thought the furball was missing. Turned out the furball was pretty ok with sleeping somewhere you’ll never find him unless he shows up voluntarily. I’m grateful she texted me :smirk_cat:

I’m grateful Tiglat snuggled on me, Missi gave me loving tamping accupuncture, Schimanski is purring like a tractor beside me and it’s time for breakfast according to the aria of the starving cat Tiglat sings in the kitchen :rofl:

I’m grateful I’m smiling after this long post. Have a reason to smile too dear gratidudes and -dudettes :sunflower:


Yeah, Sunflower and Dazercat, it was a “OFDAAT” kinda day over here too. Absurdly so! I’m grateful for the camaraderie on this thread. I popped on here a lot today. Grateful for you all. For new acronyms too.

I’m grateful life is so much easier when I don’t get defensive. True, there’s some areas in life right now where I’m “under threat” - but not of my doing. I’m grateful I can take on the “so think or do or say what you will about me,” shrugging attitude, “it’s really none of my business”. I didn’t break it. I can’t fix it.

I’m grateful for Joseph Cambell’s wisdom. That my therapist got me on to reading more Campbell, that he relates it so well to my recovery:

  • We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.

And my favourite:

  • I will participate in the game. It is a wonderful, wonderful opera – except that it hurts.

Grateful that I don’t want to numb the hurt anymore; it takes the wonderful away too.

Grateful to look forward to the return of birds soon. Grateful for Brian’s return here too. Ya you!

Grateful that things are gonna work out for each of Erntedank’s farm and Bootz’ land.

Grateful to end this day tired and sober.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Today i am grateful for nature and animals. The universe is my higher power


Good morning grateful friends.

I’m grateful for another day sober without cravings.

I’m grateful for slightly better sleep again last night so I feel a bit more rested today.

I’m grateful my boss told me my main focus should be on getting better and that they are just glad to have me back.

I’m grateful my sister is coming to visit next weekend. That’s something to look forward to.

I’m always grateful for my cats. My tiny furry overlords.

I’m grateful for OFDAAT.


This right here lol

Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, somewhere bw 295 and 300 days free
Voicing my feelings like im doing the majority of chores and my hubby hearing me
Boscoe is healthy per his annual check up
A ladies AA meeting to look forward to tonight
Progress not perfection
Running water
Hot water heater
The large storm mostly missed us
Feeling like everything happens for a reason

Peace and love :heart:


**Good EARLY **mornin Sober fam
Day 11 AF
Grateful to happily accept another 24
Grateful for ‘God, Guru and Self are One’ thx Billy!!
Just for today by the grace of my loving higher power! Sleep or no sleep !?
Today I will befriend myself !! Ty Pema :heart::heart:

  • The practice is not for myself alone-
    Saddling up for an easy or difficult day , Ty Lordy I will ride it out gratefully
    Grateful for our fellowship of friends :heart::heart::heart::hugs::hugs::hugs:

I got goosebumps reacting to this ! Wow, powerful connection to the hard work you have committed to in your sober walk !!!


I’m grateful to God please help guide me to do your will while remaining clean and sober, just for today. I am grateful for All my family , friends , TS and the grati-dudes. I’m grateful for the twelve steps and the people who practice them.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. Enjoy the moments. Ya you!!


I’m grateful I’m up again and feel a tad better about grief and loss.
I’m grateful to feel or mourn my grief and loss and it’s mine. No one else’s.
I’m grateful I’m not drinking about it.
I’m grateful I know I’ve come too far.
I’m grateful I got the tools.
I’m grateful “we can rebuild him.”
I’m grateful for humor as I’m thinking I can be the 6 million dollar polar bear. :joy: Or the Bionic Polar Bar. :polar_bear:

I’m grateful there’s no “bad,” feelings. I’m grateful I felt worse than ever yesterday but the serenity I got from it was gorgeous. I’m grateful because of that. I can actually put that grief shit aside for now. I Absolutely Could Not do that 9 months ago.

I’m grateful I got 9 months in Al-Anon today or this week. I think I deserve a coin for that. :muscle: I grateful I know I relapse every day with my Al-Anonism. Fuck, sometimes I relapse every hour. But I do not relapse on my meetings.

I’m grateful for the new vet that saw Minnie the other day and we got some new arthritis meds for her. Im grateful wifey can administer the Adequan shots. Twice a week. I’m grateful I think it’s helping already. Along with the Gaba.

I’m grateful my ultrasounds came back negative. That’s a good thing :thinking: Of course we don’t know what’s wrong. Maybe it’s just part of aging.

I’m grateful my skin biopsy was good. I guess. But I got to go back again to get a spot frozen off. I’m grateful I go to the dermatologist every 6 months because skin cancer is so treatable if you catch it early.

I’m grateful I made it through OFDAAT yesterday and caught myself around 6 pm and almost blew it.

I’m grateful for M :polar_bear: :heart:

I’m grateful for Today.
I’m grateful that’s all I got.

Just for today:
My gratitude has a voice of its own; when it speaks, the heart understands. Today, I will share my gratitude with others, whether I can find the words or not.


I am grateful to have been woke up extra early today, and now to be enjoying a delicious cup a coffee admiring some freshly fallen snow.

I woke up to an email from Blood services about my upcoming appointment. I have O positive blood which is useful (all blood is useful but they like our O’s) I was excited and I had made an appointment the other day thinking that I was going to get into a routine of regular donation now that I am finished my tattooing. It was just another way that I would be able to be of service to my community.
I am grateful I looked at the list of illnesses they had in the email. I am grateful that I can accept that I am feeling pretty sad that I can not donate blood and that probably means I cant donate my organs either. I am grateful to admit Im not pretty sad, I am absolutely gutted and sobbing and realizing how much that meant to me, I had no idea. I am grateful for my caring nature and that it sounds like they are still researching Chronic Fatigue so I am hopeful that one day I will be able to donate again. :pray:

You know… now my addict head is buzzing. “I doubt you even have Chronic Fatigue…” I am grateful I recognize its voice and I know that it doesnt have a PHd in Complex Chronic Diseases like the Dr who diagnosed me. I am grateful I am honest today and I dont just do shit that I want to make myself happy. There might have been a day where my addict could have convinced me to go donate blood even though I am not supposed to. I am grateful that day is not today.

I am grateful that the wiser part of myself is already calming me by being curious about other ways to be of service. When I was driving to detox the other night I had a vision, it was me doing out reach. I am grateful that I will sit with that for awhile before putting it into action. I am grateful that I can ask God, “Am I ready?” and have faith in the answer I get. I am grateful that I feel some reasonable fear around what I would see doing that. I will give it to my HP and see what happens.

I am grateful that I dont live in self will today. All the years I did I suffered but those years of suffering were with purpose. I am grateful for my suffering and for all of my pain. Pain and love work together, the more pain a person has felt the more love they are capable of. I am grateful for this, I feel like my love has no limits. My past paved the way for today. Like Billy’s favorite said, suffering is spiritual sandpaper. I am grateful for Ram Dass. :heart: