Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #3

I am grateful to be sober. We are home from work and school two days in a row due to weather. Last week we had a weather day off as well.

Back in the before time I would have been in pretty bad hangover shape by now. I would have spent hours on the couch with the wine box, had crappy sleep and been a wreck by now.

In the now time I’m good! I’m getting stuff done around the house. I’m writing new lessons for students. I’m reading books for pleasure. And even though my sleep was disturbed by the anxiety of the waiting for the weather news, I’m good today!

I’m grateful to be sober. I’m grateful for this group that shares their wisdom and experience.

I wish you all a day of peace.


I’m grateful my special man is coming home today, and grateful he said I don’t have to shovel anymore and that he would take care of snowmageddon with the snowblower when he gets back. I’m grateful to have family and friends that live yo share joy and laughter with one another, even when things are shitty, and sometimes especially then. Not that things are currently shitty, I just was thinking about how many of the relationships I cherish bring to mind warmth and laughter, warmth and laughter.


Yeah yeah yeah……me too. :pensive: :blush:
Seems to be a new recurring theme for me.


I’m grateful I’m realizing all this planning is exhausting anyway. Why do it? I’m grateful I got to plan some things some time. But I don’t have to plan everything all the time.
I think with practice really living OFDAAT I will eventually be able to drop that “F”
And I’ll be grateful for that.


Evening gratitude. I’m grateful I took it easy today allthough my desk is full of tasks. Yesterday was good and exhausting. I’m grateful I cooked today, did an hour of garden work, had a nap, read a lot and petted Miss Marple all day. She is still purring on me, she needed her human today. I’m grateful for the love in my house.

I’m grateful I dug myself out of a really horrible emotional breakdown today. It happened all of a sudden out of nowhere. I’m grateful I cried hysterically, snuggled my cats, had some tea and went outside in the garden to literally dig (I disassemble one of my raised beds). I’m grateful the different tools I worked on in the last months begin to stick. Babysteps, one after another. And I love OFDAAT. My day was ok, this episode was f… Thank for the perspective @dazercat :people_hugging::blush:


Lol i love that name


I’m grateful this week is gonna end, already!

I did not crush the day. I’m grateful that’s okay. I’m grateful I’m not all agitated about it. Not in contortions trying to change it. (It helps that one of our pals is dazercat, the super-polar-surrender-bear. :polar_bear: :wink: :pray:. Grateful I could draw on that when I needed to.)

I’m grateful I have so much to be grateful for. I’m grateful none of my stresses involve meeting my basic needs. I’m grateful I have so damn much support at my fingertips for my recovery, and frankly, a pretty recovery-friendly lifestyle and surroundings.

I’m grateful for hope. Here’s another one from mr. therapist. :point_down: I’d never heard of this guy, and I’m still pondering this one. Rage-y M still wants to argue with a lot of the things out of her control, knowing increasingly every day it is futile. And young-me would not be grateful that I would ever need recovery.
But I do know that today-me is grateful that I did, and do, need recovery. So I guess that makes sense. :relieved:

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


I am grateful to God thank you for lovingly guiding me through another day clean sober. I have more I usually say and want to write, but I need rest. I am grateful for loving myself and trusting others enough and the program to cut myself a break. Love yall. Nite


Good morning grateful friends.

I’m grateful for another day sober (48). I never thought I’d get here after countless day 1s. I think I joined this app back in November 2021.

I’m grateful for this gratitude practice as well as the focus on baby steps. I’m learning to acknowledge and celebrate even the tiny wins.

I’m grateful for my cats even when one of the pukes on the floor. :nauseated_face:

I’m grateful I have health insurance so I can be proactive about my health. I’m grateful for the compassion of my doctor who will make today’s procedure as least horrible as possible.

I’m grateful for music. I always have something playing and it varies depending on my mood and circumstances. It helps keep me grounded.

I’m grateful for OFDAAT.


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 299 days today
AA fellowship
My favorite ladies mtg last night centered me
Hubby did some chores
Boscoe is a lil fucker waking me up every night. Im at a loss for solutions
A productive day yesterday
Friday, payday!
A heated home
Feeling safe
Relatively clean tap water
Hot coffee
Forward progress
Growing spirituality
Celebrating the small things
All of you!


Day 12 AF

Grateful for early mornin prayers and scooter ride. But what a cold one today!!
As long as we have a warm heart :heart: rt?
Ty Gaurdian Angels Together We Can
JFT by the grace of my Loving Higher Power
May you be at ease today :relaxed: Happy Friday friend s


I’m triggered lol


I’m grateful for the people in this forum

I’m grateful to sway the thoughts of giving up more easily than ever before

I’m grateful I’m not loaded

I’m grateful for my sponsor because I know I’m a pain in the ass sometimes I’m sure

I’m grateful to be able to be working


This :point_up_2::point_up_2::point_up_2::point_up_2: made my day

Today I’m grateful I spent the morning at the office. I’m grateful I’m organized and my brain works.
I’m grateful for the smell of fresh cloths, for cats all around and on me, for cooking another yummi meal. I’m grateful I managed to eat healthy the whole week.

I’m grateful I remember a saying from the fasting week: The brain loves variety, the heart loves repetition.

I’m grateful I allow myself to laze on the couch and read. It’s still sunny outside. Maybe I’ll do some garden work later. I’m grateful I live alone, my ex is not coming home to me but in an empty house where nobody awaits him. I had a productive, nice day (it’s mid afternoon here) and I feel loved and cared. A friend invited me for lunch on sunday, I’m looking to grocery shopping at the farmer’s market tomorrow for both of us. I laugh about the dust and dustbunnies that are so present in the pure sunshine. Yes the house needs deep cleaning again, christmas is long over :wink: Not today, today was laundry and kitchen time. ODAAT.


I’m grateful I read these 2 things this morning in Opening Our Hearts Transforming Our Losses.

My Sponsor says that what we resist persists.

I’ve learned not to let the fear of loss take control of my life anymore.

Well I’m still learning this one :point_up_2:



Good morning.

I took a roadtrip on my own to an out of town cake last night. I am grateful for confidence, and the welcoming feeling I get when I walk into any room of Narcotics Anonymous. I am grateful for the humbling experience my HP offered me. The woman who took 2 years is the friend I am doing this very intese set of inner child steps with. We have built a super intimate relationship over the last 6 months. My ego was all ready to share about how much she has impacted my life and how grateful I am for her, I had been in my head about it all day. She gave the chair person a list of people for him to ask to share and my name was at the top of that list. Funny thing was, I was never asked to share. I didnt know about the list until after the meeting when she came to me mortified I hadnt been asked to share. I knew exactly why it had happened and all I said was “it wasnt meant to be.” (Stella needed an ego check) I am grateful that I am in a place in my recovery that I can see the lessons as they are happening. I am grateful that I am in a place in my recovery that I can see my questionable thoughts or behavior and think “this isnt going to go well”.
Self awareness came with being present and being present came with mindfulness and meditation. I am grateful for that.

My HP was on fire last night. Once the meeting was over a woman who I am not overly fond of sought me out. I am grateful she is proactive in her recovery and seeking out meetings in my area. I am grateful for my very keen active listening and that I pay attention because I already heard a gaping hole in her story. In the past she has outcasted me, literally looked through me when I have said hi, and now she is coming to my area she wants to meet me at a meeting. I am grateful that I am learning to be compassionate, openminded and willing in this program. And I am also grateful that I did not ask for ALL of my character “defects” to be removed. Some of my character traits have served me well in keeping me alive while I lived a very distasteful exsistence. They definitely bubble to the surface when there is a snake in the midst. I am grateful for distrust, caution, curiosity and discernment. So I sit on this wondering what the lesson is here…

  • Am I to embrace her, learn to be open and honest with someone who has shut me down.
  • Am I to not get sucked in like I have in the past, giving and giving and giving to an energy draining vampire.

I am grateful that only God knows so I will just leave it up to the vastness of the universe. I am very obviously powerless over people, places and things. I am grateful for this too.



Grateful for my first day out of the house in two weeks, even if it’s going to work and the commute in was very stupid. Grateful to be back to my normal lovely life. Grateful my man made it back home safe and sound, and grateful he did all the snowmageddon plowing. Grateful to feel like he missed me and is glad to be home, and that it’s where he belongs.


Good morning! Im realizing that the unexplained anxiety ive been trying to combat over the last several weeks, maybd months seems to have loosed its grips. For this, i am grateful. Im grateful that im learning to be in the moment, learning positive self talk and it appears my brain is catching on. I think we get so used to the other shoe, or both shoes falling off (and maybe spontaneously combusting) that we get used to living as if we need to be ready for catastrophe. But, fuck that! I have worked too hard to live like that anymore and im grateful im learning that its ok to relax and BE JOYFUL!
Im grateful my girls and i are going to tour an apartment that were intersted in. Im so beyond ecstatic that this moment is here.
Im still so grateful for this wonderful little car that found its way to us. It makes it so easy for me and my oldest (who is still living with me!) to grab my youngest and keep her close to us and also makes it so much more possible to find this place for all of us. I see it happening very soon.
So …im just grateful for this season of peace and joy in our lives.


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful it’s Friday and I am going to my favourite meeting tomorrow and before meeting with a friend.
I am grateful my brother agreed on going biking to the black forest :partying_face: it’s been far too many years I haven’t been there.
I am grateful I have food in my fridge, I have a warm home. I am grateful I don’t have to ask myself what I drank last night, if I texted someone awful thing being in my self-pity hole.
I am grateful I have enough.


Thanks Billy. I love the Tree Of Life coins. One day I’m gonna get me the red on black and gold one. Because I’m never getting off the recovery train.

I’m so happy you’re loving your meeting.
AA to stop your DOC
Al-Anon to live life.
Thank you my friend. I needed this today.