I’m very grateful my dogs & I arrived safely at the ranch in New Mexico, whew what a drive.
I’m grateful my car performed with excellence & my roof carrier stayed sturdily attached.
I’m grateful my dogs are such good travelers & are quiet in hotels (usually lol).
I’m beyond grateful to be reunited with my horse.
I’m grateful the little mini horse gave me a sweet nicker when I said hello to her.
I’m grateful I am sober and will stay that way, doing the work & at the same time relaxing into the journey.
I’m grateful I told my friends who own the ranch that I had stopped drinking when they offered me a bottle of wine.
I’m grateful to be alive in this magnificent place & healthy & skilled enough to care for 12 horses, 8 barn cats & my own dogs while the owners take a little vacation.
Im greatful tonight.
Felt productive at work
Ate healthy
Boscoe is hilarious
Ran into a sober sister at the grocery store
I love grocery shopping. Theres something nice about going grocery shopping late at night and not buying booze. Plus i saved like $15 on chicken. Im eating lots of chicken.
Im sober, one drink away from the devil
Im so very greatful for this place and all of you
Grateful for :
Waking up to see some sunshine, even just a little bit.
Grateful when I did my daily check in, it wasn’t enough I needed to come here to the gratitude thread.
Grateful it’s Saturday.
Grateful I will get it for a nice walk today.
Grateful I want to eat healthy today.
Grateful to have a garden.
Grateful to have a home.
Grateful that I realise when I feel unmotivated and can’t think properly, that is ok to not think too hard, grateful I understand just for today all I need to do is put one foot in front of the other, and enjoy the day, don’t set myself tasks, and to just see and be grateful for what does happen or get done and appreciate today for what it is.
Grateful my cleaning is always so simple, grateful for this because it wasn’t always like that.
Grateful my son is a loving, caring and thoughtful young man. Grateful he isn’t up to what I was at his age.
More than grateful that he doesnt do anything wrong, doesn’t smoke or drink. I put him off im sure !
Grateful when I feel like drinking and talk about it, or talk about maybe one day in the future my son’s response is said in soft gentle voice with very much seriousness
“I can’t imagine that your life goal for the future is just to want to be able to have a drink, when you know how it will end, there’s so much more to life mum, I’m proud of you for who you are today”
I’m grateful he says this in the most caring way, but at the same time makes me feel wow that is sad that’s sometimes what my goal is for the future is to have a drink one day out of everything in the world.
I’m grateful he tells me truth without shaming me or mentioning the times I was not great.
I’m grateful for his love, his trust in me, for the young man that I brought up and the good decisions he makes for him self.
I’m grateful for any one reading this, I’m grateful for all of us here who also encourage eachother and hold hands through the most difficult parts of ourselves.
Thank you for being here for me, that I am grateful forever for.
Good morning to all from super snowy southern Wisconsin!
I’m grateful to be sober today and all the days. It’s Saturday morning and I slept well and am ready to face the first day of spring break with more than 6 inches of fresh snow! Wooot!
I’m grateful to have a safe and loving home.
I’m grateful to have made it to the spring break week of vacation in a decent way for a challenging school year.
I’m grateful to have the means to travel for a few days this upcoming week and visit friends and get away to a cabin in the woods.
I’m grateful to have strategies to protect my sobriety this week. 30 plus years of seeing vacation as a time to drink means I still have a lot of planning to do for the sake of sobriety. We will be visiting with friends who are supportive and some who are even newer to sobriety than the hubby and me.
I’m grateful to have this comfy chair, hot cup of coffee and my annoying cat.
I’m grateful to realize we are 10 weeks out from my summer break! Wooot!
I’m grateful to be healthy and happy. A long phone call with my brother reminds me how hard life can be when mental health and relationships are not going well. I hope he can find his way.
I’m grateful to have work that I mostly enjoy. Now that we are 3/4 of the way thru the school year, I can really see some progress!
I’m grateful to have resources. My life is very good at the moment and each day I reflect on how far I’ve come. And I appreciate what I have now in terms of peace.
I’m grateful I was able to sleep in a bit. Grateful the random hip pain in the middle of the night is better.
I’m grateful the sun is shining and it will be warm today. I plan to go to the nearby park for a walk. The trail is right along the water and it’s beautiful there.
I’m grateful to be back to therapy. We talked about some of the things I realized going through the IOP about my childhood and early adult life that I never really processed. My people pleasing, need for external validation, low self esteem. So we have lots to work on. My depression and anxiety have always been my biggest triggers to drink so definitely need to address those.
My sobriety, 328? Days
Slept in a little
Insight timer guided meditations
Its saturday
AA fellowship
Healthy eating almost 3 months, next week
Spiritual curiousity
My hubby, hes the bees knees
Boscoe didnt wake me last night
Having enough
All of you!
Good morning all,
I’m grateful it’s the weekend! I’m grateful for leftover coffee that reheated nicely. I’m grateful for sunshine and cool breezes. I’m grateful for the beautiful, vibrant purple flowers on my back porch, and that I moved them so now they are one of the first things I see in the morning. I’m grateful for a mostly clean house, and that I have overcome the thought that it always has to be perfectly clean ( well, mostly) and I can just enjoy it. I’m grateful for love and forgiveness.
Everyone have a wonderful day
Happy Saturday!
I am grateful my weird eye inflammation seems to be improving with no more intervention than warm and cold compresses and not frickin’ touching it!
I am grateful for the hummingbirds that hover out my back windows that seem to be an invitation to a lovely day.
I am grateful I have no big plans today and I can choose to do, or not do, anything.
I am grateful for the calm of not drinking.
Take care all!
I am grateful I maintained my sobriety with friends in town and going out in downtown Vegas! Although my wife was worried about me I kept my promise to myself, my family, and in faith to stay sober and choose it everyday! Where I might normally be hungover heading to baseball practice this morning I am fully sober and just a tad sleepy thank you sober family happy Saturday! 81 days for me today also!
I’m grateful to be home and surrounded by my pets this morning. I’m grateful for Benson on my lap and Alice jumping up on my lap anyway. Adiós Burner and now Alice purring loudly by the fireplace.
I’m grateful I made it home safely.
I’m grateful for acceptance.
I’m grateful I have warm layers because I’m freezing my nay-nays off.
I’m grateful for the the warm welcome by the old dog girl. She can’t hear me and was asleep on her bed. But when she finally saw me she was so excited to see me. I’m grateful for unconditional doggy love. And Benson too. I’m grateful for my needy, anxious, over licking, bark at anything and everything dog. Ya that’s the Ol Burner
I’m grateful I like turkey burgers.
I’m grateful we got Daisy her well check today and we’ve gotten the dogs done last week or so. I’m grateful I’m proactive to schedule this shit way in advance otherwise I’d be up a creek. I’m grateful my vet has an app and it’s very helpful with 6 pets and my old age keeping track of everybody’s shots and vaccines. I’m grateful for the 3 year booster shots when we can get them.
I’m grateful for acceptance. Again
I’m grateful I got through today’s meditation challenge. I didn’t like it. I’m grateful for my open mind because I plan to try it again at a different time under different circumstances and see if I like it better that way.
I’m grateful for all of you from all around the world. I’m grateful for the bond we have made here.
When we focus on gratitude, the tide of disappointment goes out, and the tide of love rushes in.
Kirstin Armstrong
Today I’m grateful it’s saturday and I take a resting day. I’m grateful for the fresh vegetables at the farmer’s market, I think I bought a bit too much. I love fresh salad and radish.
I’m grateful it rained at night, we needed the rain urgently. I’m grateful I played with cats in abundance yesterday and today. It makes me and them happy.
I’m grateful I did a lot of garden work this week. I’m grateful a friend will help me next week to clear and clean the glashouse.
I’m grateful for therapy yesterday evening. I feel content and work at my pace. This gives me self-confidence and a positive attitude. One day at a time, step by step doing what I can. It adds up and I’m very grateful that I take my time, rest, do what I can and worry less about the future.
I’m grateful for friends near and afar and here on TS. It warms my heart.
I’m grateful for all I have, for nice neighbours, for dancing with myself yesterday and for all the books that wait for me to read them.
I’m very grateful for another day, and another day sober at that! I’m grateful to be surrounded by beautiful horses and the extraordinary beauty of nature here in NM, the land of enchantment. I’m grateful my dogs listen to me and can be off leash. I’m grateful for the work I put into training with them. I’m grateful I feel free of others’ expectations. I’m grateful to know so many people in recovery, to me we are some of the most generous, thoughtful, deeply sensitive people I’ve ever met. I wonder why we seem to run from it or hide it, or at least I did.
I’m greatful for my wife and her extraordinary will power to win the day. She has mental illness but chooses everyday to get up and be active. And she supports my dicions and guids me to make the right decisions
I’m greatful I can relax and that my life is honestly pretty easy. No worries there
I’m greatful for TS for all the advice I read about everyday. It’s super helpful
I’m greatful for my simple kitty who gets kicks out of paper bags
I’m greatful I chose to leave my old life behind me. It caused me more suffering and pain then i could ever deal with.
I’m greatful I woke up today because it’s not garenteed
Tell me about it, I live here lol but honestly I find I enjoy the city so much more being able to take everything in I love about it sober. I love being able to get up the next day and function normally and not have to deal with being hungover!