Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #3

I’m grateful to God for guiding me through this day while abstaining from my addictions. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful this beautiful woman named Liza is choosing to spend her time with me and vice versa. I’m grateful we are both born on May the 10th just a year apart :exploding_head:

I’m grateful I had my friend Joseph over for lunch. I’m grateful I went to a CA meeting this evening and it was good. I’m grateful to be cooking a late night meal as the power went out for a bit. I’m grateful that todays mantra challenge lines up and will share after we compmete it. I’m grateful for slogans. I’m grateful for the twelve steps and the people who practice them.

May our higher powers shower us with love.

p.s. Don’t forget to smile and breathe, it feels good. Ya you!!


Evening gratidudes.

Its saturday night and im feelin alright.
Just got done with a big book study with my sponsor. Greatful.
Im greatful for the warmth and sunshine today.
Im greatful we were able to sell our old bed and buy a new bed.
Im greatful for healthy eating
Im greatful im becoming a woman of my word again.
Im greatful today i was productive
Im greatful for those in aa who reached their friendly hands out to me in early sobriety.
Im greatful i have a healthy fear of relapse.
Im greatful i choose to take the next right step.
Im greatful getting sober has sent me on a spiritual journey.
Im greatful


Muscles are really starting to loosen up and do their job the right way. Was able to walk around a bookstore today and do some dishes. Few more weeks and I should be close to normal again.


Hi Sober Fam: :nerd_face:

Sat night, and almost day 27. :+1:

I’m grateful for Buddy, he’s already in my bed upstairs. Yesterday I caught myself thinking, I wish Buddy would stay up late with me, and I had to laugh at myself. Yes, Buddy is my dog. :dog2:

I’m grateful we took a ride to Dunkin Donuts and I tried their new Chocolate Caramel Cold Brew, it was delicious, like dessert. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’m grateful I can jump in the car anytime of the day to go anywhere, never thinking I can’t because I’m drinking. :blue_car:

I have been struggling, not with a desire to drink, more with lack of concentration, overall blueness.:face_with_diagonal_mouth::blue_heart: I do take meds for depression, & I’m aware of my feelings that have led me to drink before. :thinking: I’m being cautious.

I’m grateful for my home. :house_with_garden:
I’m grateful for my fur kids. :dog2::cat2:
I’m grateful my job pays the bills. :money_mouth_face:
I’m grateful I have enough. :sunglasses:

I’m grateful I’m sober :hugs: :purple_heart:


Morning gratitude. I’m grateful I slept in. This night was timechange so I feel odd and I know this feeling will stay for weeks. My body works on winter time all year. I’ll change to the FRO thread about this topic later.

I’m grateful I feel loved and cuddled. I woke up at 6 with Tiglat sleeping on me. I woke up again at half past eight with Missi sleeping on me. I had weird but kind of nice dreams, a bit frightening.

I’m grateful my friend cancelled our lunch appointment. She is ill, I’m feeling sad about her being ill, she in general is in bad health. I hope she’ll be ok again soon. I’m grateful I still have rice leftovers from friday and fresh vegetable so I’ll make a healthy and delicious lunch. I’m grateful for leftovers and a full fridge. I’m grateful I like to cook for myself.

I’m grateful I allow myself to do whatever I want on sunday. If I do nothing it’s fine. If I do chores it’s ok. If I do garden work it’s ok. If I read and drink tea all day snuggling the cats from time to time it’s perfect. I’m grateful I don’t have to do anything if I don’t want to. I’m grateful that sundays were family time for years and it was nice. I’m grateful I recognize that sundays for the last 3 years of our relationship were mostly strenuous for me. I’m grateful I can let that go just for today. Let go and let God. I’m thinking of my late mum with love, I loved it when she came over for lunch on sunday and we had coffe afterwards while my husband took a nap. Lovely memories making me cry.

I’m grateful for my depression meds helping me every day to live a good life. I rarely think about how heavy and dark my life would be without them, how shredded my nerves would be, how desperate I would be. I’m grateful anxiety rises her ugly head rarely these days. I’m grateful for meditation and breathing techniques to calm down.


Today I am grateful for places like this and meetings I can jump on when I feel down or wake up drudging the past or things I cannot control. Gratitude practice, recovery programs, and books bring me back to present. I am grateful for my new appreciation for jigsaw puzzles, which are also a great representatiin of taking things one little piece at a time. I can’t expect instant gratification while working one of those which can only help my recovery. I’m grateful for the beautiful day yesterday to walk and clean off my screened porch as it is a nice place for coffee, morning meetings and gratitude. I am grateful for the time my son and I have together this week and for meal planning and prep that helps with budgets and stress. I am grateful for new clients and a potential part-time gig that where I may be able to use my creative side a bit more. I am grateful to all reading this and for the support and wisdom of this forum.


Good morning sober fam!

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 329 days…coming up on 11 months saturday
Progress towards my weightloss goal
Time with hubby today
Got out yesterday…its snowing today
Boscoe didnt wake me up
We’re owners of our first king size bed
A day of rest
Sober sisters
Sobriety tee shirts
All of you! This place is a gamechanger.

I hope everyone has a beautiful day


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful that whenever I am at home my mother comes up with multiple cultural events which are numerous here. Just listened to a speech by a member of nationals ethical counsel which was so interesting: she spoke about resilience as a nation and detailed some points how to face the upcoming crisis. One sentence that I remember: the lesson we learnt is that we don’t like to learn lessons.
I am grateful I didn’t argue with my mother.
I am grateful I have enough.
I am grateful I slept okay these past two days. I am really not looking forward to the next week but this too shall pass.


I am grateful to be sober today
I am grateful to belong
I am grateful to be loved
I am grateful for this big casserole of spelt noodles, spinach and cheese… Hope it will taste good and satisfying
I am grateful to have a home
I am grateful to still be healthy
I am grateful to be here




I am grateful to feel lighter today.
I did my first 90 minute pranayama class last night and the karmic release I experienced was like an exorcism. I am grateful for the journey my breath took me on during that 90 minutes, a journey through self pride, self defeat then back to showing up for myself. I am grateful for the way my body tingled as it came alive with prana. I am grateful for the keildascope of colors I saw in my minds eye, and for the joy I felt. And then… all of that karma showed up. I am grateful I knew I was safe as karma literally shot from my hands and I had no fucking clue what was happening. My body was shaking, my mouth was all twisted up. I am grateful I didnt freak out and sit up but that I just kept with my breathing pattern and went with it. I am grateful I didnt get scared as I watched the beautiful bright keildascope in my minds eye turn to a black ink spill that slowly moved in, creeping across my vision. I felt semi concious for this and all I could think was " holy fuck this is crazier than any drug I have ever done." I have done all the drugs, literally,and DMT was the craziest trip I ever had. This was crazier than that. Grateful that I can experience something so mindblowing from just breathing. When I was finished and in shavasana, my addict was saying, “more, more, more.” I am grateful that I am an addict in recovery today.


I’m grateful :innocent:
I’m grateful I got my mantra meditation challenge out of the way first thing this morning. :pray:t2: I’m grateful it ended with Benson, and Alice purring on my lap.

I’m grateful for my morning pixie shot.
I’m grateful for my Illy Intenso coffee beans.
I’m grateful for that first glug of coffee.

I’m grateful wifey got up to kick Daisy out of the bedroom at 3:30 am and Daisy knew and just walked out the bedroom door on her own accord. I’m grateful I slept through it. It’s not like that would wake me up anyway.

I’m grateful for an early, long, good nights sleep. Thanks Minnie.

I’m grateful it’s not snowing.
I’m grateful it’s sunny.

I’m grateful I feel like I’m doing well.
I’m grateful I continue to try to live for today. I’m grateful THAT is not easy and I constantly recognize that fact.

I’m grateful Daisy had a good easy nice check up yesterday. Of course they want to do a dental on her. I’m grateful we can wait til summer and grateful we can afford it. I’m grateful Daisy was so good at the vet.

I’m grateful for my adventures coming up in the spring :blush: not quite living ODAAT :rofl: like I mention up above. But there you go :hugs: I’m grateful it’s nice to look forward to things and not worry about the what ifs :thinking: at least for today.

I’m grateful I love my new iPad. Especially the way the grand baby pics and videos look so much bigger and clearer. I’m grateful the sales person at Apple talked me into what I needed and didn’t sell me what I didn’t need to make a bigger sale.

I’m grateful for TS and the Gratigang :upside_down_face:

“Rejoicing in ordinary things is not sentimental or trite. It actually takes guts.
Pema Chödrön


Today I’m grateful for a relaxing sunday. I did the bare minimum: cat chores, laundry, kitchen & cooking. I read a lot and watched a nice film. I’m deeply grateful I spent the day relaxing and had only minor episodes of feeling lonely or missing my mum and my ex. I will be to bed early as I have to get up early tomorrow.


I’m grateful for this forum and the people in it I can’t think of anyone that hasn’t given me some sound advice at one point or another, or has dragged me out of isolation.

I’m grateful to be clean

I’m grateful to have a choice today because I remember after so many hours I needed what I so desperately wanted to just stop but couldn’t.

I’m grateful for my sponsor

I’m grateful for my small family

I’m grateful for this sometimes confusing journey of recovery because I know the difficult moments will only strengthen me, and I’ll be able to share with the next person struggling how to walk through it without a substance.


Im greatful for my girls being with me. Im greatful for a roof over our heads and my sisters support. Im greatful for my phone. Im greatful that I still have intelligence. Im greatful for coffee.


I’m grateful that I went to church today.

I am grateful so was able to fix a tire that had a nail in it instead of having to take it somewhere for repair.

I am grateful that I got to mow today (1st mowing of the year) and it was a beautiful day for it.

I am grateful for my family and a nice peaceful weekend.

I am grateful for the wonderful people on this forum and the tools for sobriety that I have learned about here.

I am grateful for 47 days sober today.


Another day, another step forward


Morning gratitude
Grateful yesterday was actually a lovely day.
Grateful for the walk in nature with Polly. Grateful she loves it. Grateful she loves getting muddy and grateful she loves the shower and hair dryer :star_struck:
Grateful for a lovely swim booked for 6:30am.
Grateful I ate healthy yesterday.
Grateful I have home made yogurt almost ready.
Grateful my pets love so beautifully, to eachother and to people.
Grateful they choose my soul to share love and life with.
Grateful I went to bed early and get up early, this works.
Grateful to wake up and actually look forward to the days most days.
Grateful to know even though the worst is not behind me - I can handle it.

Have a blessed day :purple_heart:


I’m grateful to God for guiding me today and helping me remain free from active addiction. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. Im grateful for long walks and nanture sounds.

May our higher powers give us energy.

P.s. Say what you mean, mean what you say , but don’t be mean.


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful that drinking alcohol is not an option, the only option anymore.
I am grateful I bought food.
I am grateful I can call my mom and vent, rage, cry. I already had to call this morning.
I am grateful that writing and crying is exhausting me so that I can breathe again.
I am grateful that it will only be 12 weeks.
I am grateful I realize: Franzi, you didn’t take good care of yourself here. Protect your sobriety. You have to.
I am grateful I found a metaphor of how I feel atm: like a plant with a big root which got replanted recently and started sloooowly to grow these tiny roots but not a lot of them as the soil is somehow new and doesn’t provide all the nutrients. But it knows, that’s my home now. Then, poof, the plant with the big root is torn out again and replanted into another place, soil which is completely unknown to her. The plant knows the nutrients (baguette, croissant and the like) which will be awful for the diabetic plant.
I am grateful that I try compassion with myself. I have to.


Today I am grateful to be up early for a workout to start the day and week off right. Im.gratefup my son even considered coming with me this morning. He typically goes with friends, so i was shocked and happy. I’m grateful for a busy day with clients and a chat with a potential part-time gig. I’m grateful for opportunity that will only remain viable if I am sovlber and working on recovery. I am grateful for the church I have been searching for for many years and finally found just in time.

I’m grateful for TS, the gratidudes and each recovery from which I can take what I need and leave the rest. Wishing a peaceful day for all.