Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #3

I am grateful for ever-improving sleep. If I find I have slept for more than 3 hours without waking, at this point that’s a victory.
I am grateful that I didn’t consider wandering into the booze section at the grocery. The produce held my interest. Upon leaving the store I noticed a woman entering the store with holders that allow 10% off when buying 6 bottles of wine/liquor. She had 2 holders. Yeah, that wasn’t me today.
I am grateful that we have the means to help out my brother-in-law who is struggling with depression and finances, whose wife is threatening divorce and losing connection with his 2 kids. Hoping our help helps.
Take care all!


I’m grateful I’m learning to be at peace with uncertainty
I’m grateful for deep breathing
I’m grateful that just “being” these days feels like a beautiful gift
I’m grateful I’m learning to stop reading into others actions and behaviors and just let go
I’m grateful my heart is wiser then my mind
I’m grateful for my life :yellow_heart:


Screw that fear( I say as I relate) and remind you I love ya man and purrball is adorable :wink:


Great stuff bootzy, thanks very much for the perspective, information and your share. It truly helps. :heart:


I’m grateful for a slowwww Sunday. Grateful that I gave in to needing rest today. Grateful that “rest” doesn’t equal starting to sip early in the day - part reward, but mostly to distance myself from internal discomfort. I’m grateful for how @Hoss put it - about having the first drink and feeling the ick set in, and then having to have the next and next and next. Totally relatable. Totally grateful that is not today.

Grateful for the sunshine still today. Grateful for the drip, drip, drip of ice and snow melting off the roof. Grateful for lovely strolls with the dog girl. For a deep massage appointment this afternoon and a nap. Grateful the dog girl likes her naps too.

I’m grateful for my meeting tonight. I hear you on the zoom thing, @Bootz, but the nearest in-person sangha would be 4hrs drive away. So I’m a zoom regular at one in the city where I grew up. It’s funny though - about half are “locals” and the rest from all over the continent. A good lot of Americans, or “honorary Canadians, eh!” we call 'em! Like this place - a dear community to me.

I guess I’m really grateful for technology. I dunno where I’d be without my online dear ones, sanga and gratidudes alike.

I’m grateful I’m looking forward to the week ahead.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


I’m grateful I woke up at 4am rested (fell asleep at 8:30 last night & slept the whole night, such a gift) & my first thoughts were of gratitude for sobriety & health & how to support myself today (so I’m here posting before the birds are even up :joy:). Grateful for a hot cup of coffee. I even signed up for my morning meeting last night, so am embedding a habit of supporting my sobriety, so grateful for this shift. Looking forward to a nice, hilly run, finishing the major car packing for my trip Wednesday, cooking a nice dinner and enjoying feeling the sun on my face (once it comes up haha). Wishing everyone a beautiful day.


I just received this in an email and thought I’d share it here :purple_heart:

I am grateful to still feel love and be able to love in what I sometimes see as a sad earth. I’m grateful amongst the sadness I see the happy, bright loving side too.


I believe you Brian and yes it is hard at times. Imho you need to let go of your anger and resentment towards this person. Whatever she’s doing is what is needed for her in this moment even if you and I cannot see it. Take a cleansing breath and let it go. It isn’t personal. You are amazing and I have nothing but love and respect for you. I have a lot of gratitude this morning. Today is day 1of a 10 day Mantra Challenge on insight timer. I started my day chanting and it had a powerful effect on me. I have never done this before. I’m grateful for @Its_me_Stella posting on the meditation thread about this,I had merely glanced at it but took a look at it and decided to just do it. I’m very grateful that I did. I feel peaceful and I feel energized. I’m grateful to being open hearted. To have a friendly heart. I am attracting new friends. I am so grateful for my sobriety. I am so grateful for gratidudes and dudettes. I am so grateful for the abundance of blessings in my life. Namaste :pray: God guru and Self are One


I know you are but what am I! But seriously,I love this share. I love you Bootz. I wrote down the name Ajahn Sumedho to check out later. I will check out the 12-step podcast too. Ty for these gifts. Grateful. I am grateful for the gift of TS. Have a peaceful day. P. S. I know nothing but I know your feelings of depression are temporary. Namaste.



Good morning sober fam!

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 323 days free from weed and alcohol
Im relatively rested
A new week full of possibilities
The first day of spring
Treating myself to lunch out today
I love my job
I love my hubby
I love Boscoe
The shower temp was perfect this am
A home we can afford
Sold our sleepnumber
My love for research
My senses
My health
My desperation for change
AA fellowship
All of you. This community.

Peace and love to you all


I fell behind here too erntedank. I like reading all these beautiful honest shares. If there was a way to put a GIANT heart for all on this thread,well you get it my melancholy friend.:heart::yellow_heart::purple_heart:


Good morning grateful friends!

I’m grateful for 72 days sober.

Im grateful the sun is shining and it will warm up this afternoon (currently :cold_face:)

Im grateful for the first day of spring. It’s supposed to be nice out the rest of the week.

Im grateful my bf is feeling a bit better and is being more proactive about his job search. He’s been really depressed and frustrated lately.

Im grateful for my 3 cats and having Tessie sleep curled up next to me most nights. That was comforting when I woke up from a horrible nightmare last night.

Im grateful I’m safe and have enough.

Grateful for all of you!


Grateful for a happy and relaxed monday!
Grateful for one full week sober :partying_face:
Grateful for feeling like i want to go back to the gym and feel healthy again
Grateful for getting a lot of work done on my house this weekend without using weed to motivate me
Grateful for being able to relax all day sunday and not feel the urge to numb myself or think im being too lazy
Grateful that spring is finally here and excited to watch my yard bloom and grow!!!

Grateful for everyone here who motivates me


I am grateful for magic. :sparkles: :dizzy: :sparkles:


Good Morning (Evening) All!

Today I’m grateful to be alive. :heart_eyes:

The years of blackout drinking, often surprised when I woke up. Being alone makes it easier too, no one to watch out for me.

I have lived dangerously my entire life. I’m older now, drugs are far behind me, vodka is/was my poison. And that’s what it is, poison! My liver is damaged, my red blood cells are fat and irregular, sodium levels are low, BP & Cholesterol are high, all due to the years of poison. To get a few hours of what, I never remembered. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

I’m grateful it’s day 21, and many of you have seen me before, have days only to fail. I hope you still have faith in me to keep going. :innocent:

I’m grateful for my job and able to wfh. :nerd_face:

I’m grateful for Buddy :dog2: & Riley :cat2: to have someone to care for, and know they care about me.

I’m grateful that I have enough. :four_leaf_clover:

And today, I’m grateful I’m sober. :hugs::purple_heart:


I’m grateful I did the meditation challenge Stella suggested. Especially since I woke up feeling complete :poop:
I’m grateful spiritually I feel pretty darn good. Physically not so much.
I’m grateful for Tylonol, my Pixie, and my :coffee: and it’s still hot an hour later.

I’m grateful the Universe gave me exactly what I needed this morning. I’m grateful that’s what I thought and put it out here. I’m pretty sure I’ve never said “The Universe.” Always God. I’m grateful even though I was going to change it to God I kept it “The Universe.” Because that’s what I thought originally. I’m grateful if I don’t change nothing changes. I’m grateful I can have both God and Universe, and heck I got 3, Higher Powers too :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:

I’m grateful I’m sitting here in uncomfortable pain but I feel pretty good.

I’m grateful for quiet cold gray winter mornings on the first day of spring and I got nothing I have to do.

I’m grateful the vegan veggie curry I made last night was wonderful and wifey liked it.
I’m grateful I could have just said vegan curry that would have covered the veggie part too. I’m grateful I’m learning. I’m grateful I’m not a vegan but I’m enjoying the health benefits, well I hope I am, of vegan recipes because they must be low in cholesterol.

I’m grateful for Norma’s first crawl video. After her fist spring break video. After her first gondola video after her first sledding video, and her first plane trip video, and her first snow angel pic. I’m grateful for the “I’m not sure of this snow angel business” :worried: :snowflake: face she made laying on her back stuck in the snow. I’m grateful I spelled angel correctly. :face_with_monocle: The second time :grimacing:
I’m grateful English isn’t my second language.

I’m grateful my first reading reminded me of you Brian.
I Can’t, He Can, Maybe I Can Let Him.
And I’m working step 3 so ya the universe gave me exactly what I needed. And then this :point_down: :scream: :pray:t2: :heart:

When you continue to be irritated by someone who refuses to change you also refuse to change.
Both from Al-Anon and Todays-Hope.


I’m grateful for your 1 week sober Brit
I’m grateful for your 3 weeks Maxy.

I’m grateful you’re both here.


Ya it sucks doesn’t it :crazy_face:
Fucken Universe. Having its way with us.
Don’t ya just hate readings like that, that are so powerful. And I thought I was changing.
I’m grateful to learn it really takes time for me to change.


I’m grateful for my higher power and ask for help accepting that who I am and where I am, in many, not keeping it simple ways, is ok. I’m grateful to God please help me remain clean and sober, just for today. I’m grateful to God please guide me to follow your will, allow me to relinquish control of not just my stuff but other peoples, and judgements too, it’s exhausting. I’m grateful for meetings and groups and support. I’m grateful I can work on patience, then work on patience again and anger, then some patience towards the anger and lose this unhealthy perfectionism and be content with progess. I’m grateful I work on forgiving myself and others.

I’m grateful I am volunteering starting today. I am attempting to start a daily walking club/group to get myself and others exercise and continue to build community. I’m grateful my NA homegroup meets tonight. I’m grateful for music and exercise. I’m grateful to have already been to a support group, made breakfast and my bed, prayed and did readings. I’m grateful its lunchtime now and I can mediate and/or do the mantra challenge today.

May our higher powers help us acheive balance.

p.s. You are important, thanks for being here. Ya you!!