Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #3

It’s Saturday morning and I’m grateful to be sober.

I’m grateful to be able to celebrate my son’s 31st birthday today. His birth story was dramatic and we nearly lost him several times. His birth story was an important experience in my formation as a person. He’s healthy and happy and most of all he is a kind man.

I’m grateful that even though there were multiple tornadoes in our area last night, we were safe and it appears our property did fine as well. It’s nights like that when I appreciate my 133 year old house and it’s deep midwestern basement with thick fieldstone walls.

I’m grateful that I got to enjoy the week away from work. Our mini vacation trip was nice. We visited with various friends. Everyone was supportive of our sobriety, and some of our friends are on their sober journey as well! It is more peaceful to vacation sober. Nevertheless I was happy to get home to my own bed.

I’m grateful to still be learning a lot about the world and about relationships and about myself. I recently listened to some podcasts by Brene Brown that were focused on how to avoid resentment by maintaining healthy boundaries and expressing your actual needs. I did a lot of thinking about this and then articulated some second thoughts I’m having about the giant bike ride in Iowa this summer. I need to decide again if this is what I really want to do as it will be a very time-consuming project. I talked to the hubby about this in line with the idea of expressing my needs. That’s a big deal as expressing my own needs is a newer skill for me at age 58. Why? Well in my family of origin, this was absolutely not allowed. And if one tried to do so, the response was swift and violent. I’m grateful to be beyond that.

I’m grateful for a quiet weekend before I head back to the classroom on Monday.

I wish you all the best.


Beautiful! Thank you for sharing! :heart:

Today I’m grateful for tears too…finished reading a book in the sunshine in my garden. It was such a beautiful story, in its simplicity about love. Cried and cried. I’m grateful these tears were brought from beauty, sadness, connection with universal feelings. No substances added. Grateful I can have genuine feelings again.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone! :heart:


Good morning all,
I’m grateful for a wonderful day spent with my sister and her 2 babies. I’m grateful we got to meet our Dad for lunch, and had so much fun at this restaurant with cool lawn games, and fun stuff to play with. I’m grateful to be able to give my sister a bit of a rest from the babies- I had a blast playing with them! I’m grateful I wasn’t one of the people downing mimosas and getting louder and louder. I’m grateful today will be an easy day- not much planned but some gardening and bread baking. I’m grateful I found a pristine bread machine at my local thrift shop for only $15! I’ll be even more grateful to see that it actually works :joy:.
Everyone have a wonderful day❤️


I’m so happy for you @SassyBoomer
What a boost in quality of life :hugs::notes:


I’m grateful :innocent:

I’m grateful my wife didn’t fall down last night out at dinner. I’m grateful I was a wreck most of the night. I’m grateful it’s because I didn’t enforce my boundary of not going out at night if she drinks at lunch. I’m grateful sometimes it’s just so fucking hard. I’m grateful for Al-Anon. I’m grateful I know I need Al-Anon. I’m grateful this will pass. I’m grateful to be able to let that out here and maybe get on with some other gratitude.

I’m grateful the sun is shining.
I’m grateful it’s the 4th month and I plan to work the 4th step as long as it takes. I’m grateful I got my Blue Print For Progress.
I’m grateful I got a pretty good start on the morning for this travel day.
I’m grateful we don’t have to give Alice subcutaneous fluids or give Minnie an Adequan shot.

I’m grateful it’s only a 2 hour drive.
I’m grateful we’ll be walking in to new carpet down there. Anyone want to start a pool on when Benson will christen the new carpet? Talk about a fucker. I’m grateful every time Benson gives me a look he’s going out! I’m grateful the new carpet has a backing that prevents liquid from going through it to the carpet pad. About time!

I’m grateful picturing Twizzle waking up to Everybody Dance Now!! :slightly_smiling_face:
I’m grateful to look for CJ and her 11 months today. That’s pretty fucking awesome :star_struck:

I’m grateful for meditation. I’m grateful I’m doing it a lot.
I’m grateful I got the house as clean as I could before we leave. ODAAT, a little at a time, without hurting my back.

I’m grateful for YOU! Ya YOU! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

“Gratitude unlocks all that’s blocking us from really feeling truthful, really feeling authentic and vulnerable and happy.”
Gabrielle Bernstein


I’m grateful for this. Grateful I’m not alone in this. I hope this podcast is easy to find. I’ve been putting off Brené Brown in my recovery. No reason. There’s just so much recovery out there. I’ll give this a look. Thanks. And a nudge to make it easier for me to find would be grateful. At 63 I still can’t seem to get my needs met either.

Side note. For what it’s worth. We committed to a trip to Machu Picchu with our best friends a few years ago. I really wanted to go with them. The hiking sounded unbelievable. Well a few months before the trip we back out. I felt terrible doing that to my best friends. We don’t have many friends. But it was the right decision for us. We are still best friends. They even sent pics. We enjoyed them. To this day I know that was the right decision and I’m so happy I made that decision.

Grateful to see you Lab.


Must of been a good date night :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I’ll catch your 11 later.


I am grateful for this second chance at life my husband and i have been given, for redemption. Am grateful Jesus died for me . Am grateful to see my husband be reunified with his children and us being able to viset them and extended family. I am grateful for the storms in life because it gives us opportunity go strengthen and grow and makes the good times all the sweeter.


Thank you! And thanks for the affirmation on the big trip decisions.

I sent you links to the episodes that are helping me think differently about boundaries.

I wish you well.


Always grateful for God waking me up another day.

Grateful for another chance to be great!


I hear ya! Pun intended. Got my hearing aids 2 years ago and what a miracle! So happy for you!


I’m grateful to God please help guide me to follow your will just for today. I’m grateful to God please help me abstain from my addictions just for today.
I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful that the sun is shining.

May our higher powers bring us hope…
p.s. You are a star, shine bright. Ya you!!

Congratulations @Cjp on 11 months. Keep moving forward.


Lol @Dazercat you make me giggle i slept in!!

Good morning sober fam!

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, officially 11 months today!!
My hubby
My folks
A great date night!
My cousins didnt drink outta respect for our sobriety
My hubby protects us
I had a solid 8 hours of sleep (Boscoe spent the night at grandmas)
A new pillow thats amazeballs…im a pillow fanatic
Our safety
Our love
Progress not perfection
AA fellowship
TS fellowship
Sunshine and possibilities

Much love to you fam!


Just had the oddest experience. I called my granddaughter in law outside and asked her if she heard a noise off one direction. She did so I asked what it was. She pointed out three yards away across the canal and said a guy is mowing his yard. I could see him after she pointed it out. Turn aids to zero I couldn’t hear it at all. Took out the aid thinking perhaps it blocked my hearing. Nope. I couldn’t hear it. My brain couldn’t register what it was. So I’m literally reteaching my brain right now. Exciting and scary to realize what I’ve lost and am getting back. Like a newborn :joy:


Good morning sleepy head :sleeping:



11 months!! Seems like yesterday you introduced yourself! Oh the growth we have seen in you is another kind of blessing for all of us. I’m so grateful you are here, love!


Way to go on 11 months!!! Wow :grinning: im sooo proud of you! Uv put in alot of hard work to get here.


Today I am grateful for:

  • God first and foremost bcuz everything in my life today, including my recovery, is thanks to God and to the guidance God has given me in being able to take action
  • My husband and son
  • Our health (especially my son as his brain tumor is still stable :pray:)
  • The beautiful spring weather we are having today
  • My job and being able to work and help people at the same time