Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

I’m grateful for a good weekend. Lots of rest. Walks. Stocking my little pantry and preparing good meals. A bit of desky adulty stuff balanced out with fun stuff and TS time too.

I’m grateful for the meeting tonight. The reminder about just how much suffering the suffering can be. No more. Grateful.

I’m grateful for the times I can hold all of my emotions, have room for them all. Emoji salad, I think we called it? Grateful to read how @rainy7 put it: “I’m grateful for this depression bug, because I remember what it’s like to cry again.” Ah, we can’t selectively numb our emotions, so come one, come all - hey? I’m grateful when some of 'em pass, to be sure.

Grateful for this space and to share our recoveries.
Great to see you @Peace!
Grateful for the heartwarming pic of @Anthonyb925 and his daughter! Now, I had the best Dad going, but I’m grateful there are a lotta daughters with TS Dads (and Grandpas) who can say the same thing. The gifts of recovery. :pray:
Speaking of Gpas, I’d be honoured and grateful to have a loon named after me @Dazercat. I am kinda loony after all :wink:

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Today im grateful for time spent with my daughter. For self care and to be able to pamper my daughter and myself. Today i got a pedicure and she got a mani pedi, her nails painted and her hair cut to get ready for her first day of 4th grade tomorrow. The experience was amazing. We’ll definitely be doing it again.


Today I am grateful for…

29 days sober!
Friends, family and pets
Healthy meals
Washing machine and dryer (I hate laundromats)
Tea, incense and candles
My friend’s 38th birthday
Cozy bed
Comfy clothes
Going to bed sober


Grateful for bedtime and health and family and Sober Buddies :person_raising_hand:
I’m not caught up in the thread check in better tomorrow but bike runs 33% better , what a hoot! Grateful I don’t race it everywhere. Grateful for friend to fully trust me as I double him. :arrow_right::arrow_right: Bonding
Grateful for 2 day work week then camping 2 nights, I’m hoping the camping has some ease to it, praying
See you in the early morn most likely
G’night all :crescent_moon::crescent_moon::crescent_moon:


I’m grateful to be sober, one day at a time.

I’m grateful I can be present to spend whatever time I have left with my Mom in a more meaningful and clearminded way.

I’m grateful for the shout out @M-be-free49 ! Thank you… It is good to see you too and everyone else of course!

I’m grateful I am listening to my mind and body and taking it easy when I feel overwhelmed.


Good morninggggg sober fam!

Im so very greatful for…

My maintained sobriety, 1yr 2m 30days free
Presunrise gratitude
Late night campfire with family
My beautiful, LOUD, loving family
Morning fog on the lake, fisherman about 1000m out fishing, fog hanging above the lake, birdsong, a turtle swimming oh so slowly right off the dock
Im sad to leave but ready
My nieces and nephews
Getting enough to eat
Of course hubby
Holy shit the blue heron that just flew right past me!
Loon song
The turtles back
Nobody got too hurt
Not alot of crying
So very many things to be greatful for. My heart is full of joy

Much love to my sober crew! Make the most of today as we never know if it will be our last :heart:


Good morning grateful friends

I’m grateful for another day sober. 2 weeks since last slip.
I’m grateful for quiet mornings with coffee.
I’m grateful I made myself go walk both days over the weekend.
I’m grateful for my cats, always.
I’m grateful to be learning about myself.
I’m grateful I’m a work in progress.
I’m grateful for all of you!

We are enough just as we are.


Grateful for the chuckle @Cjp just provided with her Good morning. Good morning friend.

I’m grateful to God. I’m grateful to pray for the strength to do the right thing and for help in abstaining from my addictions, just for today.
I’m grateful to think of @Soberbilly this a.m. as my higher power gently shook me awake. I’m grateful I spent the last hour reading daily devotions and making breakfast. I’m grateful my sposnor messaged at 6a.m. just to say hi, have a good day at work.

God bless us all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. Don’t forget to smile and breathe, it feels good and looks great on you. Ya you!!


I’m day 3 again since I relapsed. Feeling good again and the anxiety is clearing


My friend,your struggles are OUR struggles. You are supported here,but you know that. I admire your courage and your brevity. You never hide from yourself even when it hurts. Good on ya! I feel this is part of your process to heal. I also admire your patience and persistence. Mostly I admire your continuing sobriety. Grateful. Grateful for YouTube and David Gilmour Remember the Night concert. Grateful to hold space for a friend when she struggles. Grateful my HP puts me in places to do good. I am only here for causes and conditions. Grateful that the concert featured David Crosby and Graham Nash,Robert Wyatt and David Bowie. And to see the departed Richard Wright, effing awsum. Grateful He shook me awake early,or was it Alobar? Grateful I will never know. Here’s to a sober joyous week. Happy Monda y’all. Namaste :pray: God guru and Self are One


There’s my Buddhadaughter! I love this share Cjp.

A Buddhist nun said this (and grateful I had ears to receive it). Knowing that life is impermanent,that it is finite,is like driving in a car without a gas gauge. We never know when we will be out of gas. Therefore we must cherish each moment. To be incarnate is rare and beautiful. Hi Boscoe!


Good morning friends,
I’m grateful for the sleep I managed to get, and for the almond rocca latte I made for myself this morning, I need a little pep. I’m grateful to be sitting on the porch swing watching the sunrise. I’m grateful to hear all of the small airplanes flying around, it brings back good memories of childhood. I’m grateful for the birds I can hear and see flying by. I’m grateful there’s a cool breeze, and the high today should only be 99. I’m grateful I can exercise and get some endorphins today. I’m grateful I found the meditation for letting go of anger, and I can do that today also. I’m grateful to see everyone’s check ins and gratitudes. I’m grateful for education and self compassion.:heart:


Today I am grateful that I made it through the weekend successfully. Im currently on day 8 and I am feeling a little better every day.


I’m grateful I went to bed very early last night.
Grateful the 4:30 am headache wasn’t from drinking. Grateful it got me up early for some Tylonol and coffee and recovery reading and prayers. Grateful it’s not a bad headache and it’s slowly getting better.

Grateful I have tools to try and calm my mind as I have a lot going on now all of a sudden. :exploding_head: Grateful when those tools do calm my mind but they don’t always work :100: of the time. Grateful I can let myself have these, “what if thoughts,”and these, “how am I going to do this,”or “get that done?” And then try and let it go and remember “First Things First.” And OFDAAT.

I’m grateful Alice is plugged into my lap with her motor going. Grateful for this quiet time in the morning. Grateful I get to walk Sancho in a few. I’m grateful the wife is sleeping in. More quiet time for me. Grateful she had a “nappetizer,” early on the couch which gave me the idea to go to bed early last night :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: (was that nappetizer meme yours Jazz?) I’m grateful memes like that can really lighten the mood around here.

I’m grateful we met with our agent yesterday. I’m grateful the comps are much higher than we thought. I’m grateful he thinks he has people that might want to buy it before we get it listed. I’m grateful he thinks it’s a very desirable house. I’m grateful “Of course he does!” He sold it to us :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I’m grateful not much of that matters. We get it cleaned up and get out and see what happens. I’m grateful, and more than blessed, that we can get it on the market and pack up The Ol Burner and Clowder and stay in Scottsdale while it’s on the market.

I’m grateful my coffee this morning is sooooo good :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:
I’m grateful I’m working on my hot tea now.
I’m grateful for this stressful project and the uncertainty of the adventure of where the fuck am I gonna live next. Grateful there will be my daughter and the, one tooth, Gus Bus near by. And the Pacific Ocean.

I’m grateful we both have our emotions all over the place. And I’ve learned to take time and just listen to my wife. I’m grateful we both think we are moving because of Minnie :cry: and of course because of grand babies. And it’s not just because of the new neighbors next door with their unleashed dogs running rampant in the pines and on the golf course against HOA rules. :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing: Fuckers.

Grateful I have to somehow extricate Alice off my lap and get walking with my Sancho by my side.

Grateful for you all.

“The simple things are also the most extraordinary things, and only the wise can see them.”
Paulo Coelho

I’m grateful Alice had enough daddy time and moved to her heated bed and I’m free!!


That was my first HUGE Milestone. Congratulations making it through your first weekend sober.


@rainy7 Congrats on your 3 weeks of sobriety! How are you doing today?
@sasxoxo Welcome to the community. Congrats on getting through your 1st weekend and gaining 8 days. It does get easier and you do start feeling so much better. Glad to have you here with us.
@dazercat I love using what we see in memes – nappetizer was perfectly used :wink: Wow – that is awesome that you may not even need to list the house but hey shit just got real – breathe my friend – everything will have a way of working out.

I love all the healing powers of food – learning more and more each day. Grateful that your sudden desire / urge went away just as quickly as it came with no damage caused. My mom has a major sensitivity to scents and noise – wish I was a bit more patient and nicer to her about it – I didn’t realize how terrible it can be. Smart to keep your dog safe from getting the synthetic scents in the fur. BTW – I’m picturing the mule and the whole story is making me chuckle – always love seeing your posts.
@geng A huge congrats on your 30 days! Love seeing how you are stacking up the days and becoming stronger every day. I do hope the brain fog lifts for you soon - i know at times it was super difficult for me - i had to start writing everything down. Just know that it does not last and you can get through this too.
@i.cant.we.can Thanks Brian Good to see you – I do love how you are embracing life and your recovery fully. The work you are putting in definitely shows. Keep spreading the positivity!
@dan.h84 Good to see you back with us – welcome to day 3 – Glad to hear that you are feeling better and less anxious.

Happy Monday my beautiful sober companions
It is a very slow start for me - i am feeling the effects of the past three days and it is not good… i tried to be “normal” and i’m just not there yet - unfortunately, i have stirred up some shit in my body but at least it is not square one.
I am so grateful that i did get to hang out at the pool / bbq / watch movie yesterday with friends. I am paying for this and the two days of work (fri/ sat) but i know it could be much worse. I have major deep scratches on the backs of my legs on top of my skin eruptions - i was not drinking so now i really am curious how i didn’t feel the scratches :thinking:
I am so grateful to have this opportunity to heal myself. Grateful that I was seeing some positive results and now i know that i have to take it even slower when trying to get back into the swing of things. I am grateful that i don’t feel lonely being isolated and don’t feel anxious when i have to be out among friends / workforce …etc.
I am so grateful for a lovely Monday morning with mild humidity.
I am so grateful that i my brother ordered some soursop fruit from Miami (it was expensive) oh so delicious. I do love that we are able to drop ship overnight and get things like this once in a while - it was his bday treat for himself… His birthday is Thursday and this year we didn’t plan anything as his dentist has been saying he needed major surgery for his impacted wisdom tooth but was not following up or finalizing anything - grateful that we were able to get him into three others and all the rest said to wait it out (only mess with it if it causes problems) -grateful that he does not have to crack his jaw and go through months of pain. Grateful that we will still figure out a a way to celebrate his special day
I am so grateful for my family and friends - Love all the support and love. Grateful to be able to live with my brother while i’m healing. Grateful that my renters are decent humans (i did get lucky). Grateful that my parents live so close.
I am so grateful that i was able to make an appointment with my in network doctor for Wednesday (she would not do a colonoscopy and egd referral without seeing me) – i am trying to gather all the test results from the past year to have so that her data can be up to date (i have been blessed with my new doctor - only downfall is that she is not in network and cannot schedule me for most tests).
I am so grateful for my prayer and meditation and my Higer Power - grateful that i can silently do my practices (when i’m suffering from a massive headache) along with my deep breathing and still find my connections.
I am so Grateful for my cup of coffee - it’s not waking me up today but it is helping to soothe me.
I am so for the TS community and all you lovely souls - thank you for accompanying me on this wonderful journey
Have a wonderful addiction free day - sending much love :heart: :heart:


Today I’m grateful for all your nice, encouraging words. They mean a lot to me and warm my heart.
I’m grateful for my cats, these lovely purring, snuggling furballs. I love them so much.
I’m grateful for my comfy bed. We all like it.
I’m grateful it was overcast today. The cats and I were happy to let the windows open all day.
I’m grateful for the insights I gain from working through the questions where emotions and patterns come from.
I’m grateful that nothing will change until I change. I’m grateful my need for change grows, I can feel it.
I’m grateful every day is a new start.
I’m grateful for ODAAT :pray:


@I.cant.We.can I am grateful for your inspiring thread.
Grateful because I could ask for forgiveness today


Oh my goodness i am so stinkin greatful

Greatful we got to go to the family reunion
Greatful we are home safe after 9.5hrs on the road
Greatful the speed limits 80mph in south dakota
Greatful i didnt get any speeding tickets
Greatful the car got us home safe 1200miles
Greatful for Boscoe cuddles
Greatful hubby and i enjoyed the car ride and laughed lots
Greatful we didnt get on eachothers nerves until the last 2 hrs and even then we could laugh about it
Greatful we didnt have to make that drive hungover
Greatful for the kfc in detroit lakes
Greatful for air conditioning
Greatful to be home
Greatful Boscoe missed us but the dogsitter said he was easy and ate well


I’m grateful to God for allowing me to have a fantastic clean and sober day. I’m grateful for my family and that they love me unconditionally. I’m grateful they tried to raise me to live with God cenetred principles and instilled a love for family, nature, music and sports. I’m grateful they gave me the confidence to do whatever I wanted. I’m grateful I have been riding my bike to work nearly everyday for just over two months. I’m grateful I played volleyball today and opened up my NA homegroup. I’m grateful for all of you gratidudes, longtimers and newcomers you all matter. I’m grateful to have a rock solid sponsorship lineage to lesn on whenever I need to. I’m grateful to have many other supports like y’all, work friends, and a large in person recovery community that has my back and trusts that I have theirs and yours. If anyone ever needs to talk, just ask here or message me direct, it may take me some time to get back to you but I most certaily am their for anyone reaching out for help or fellowship.

May our higher powers give us the courage to do whats right no matter how hard or unnatural it feels.

p.s. You are toatlly awesome, never forget K? Ya you!!