Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

I’m grateful my midnight, 3:30am minor morning headache seems to have FRO :grimacing:
I’m grateful I got to bed before 9 last night.
I’m grateful I got Burner walked doing my Om Mani Padme Hum :pray:t2: mantra.

I’m grateful Daisy was in her spot when I got home for a pet.
I’m grateful Daisy bashes me on the counter while I try to feed her.
I’m grateful Mavy was all over me while in my chair at 4 am wondering why I wasn’t feeding him if I’m up.
I’m grateful for the 2 cups of green tea I made this too early morning. 3:30 am is too early for coffee. :scream: Sorry Jazzy. I’m grateful even though I couldn’t get back to sleep the green tea calmed me down.

I’m grateful I caught myself taking it personally :grimacing: QTIP. quit taking it personally DC. Quit taking it personally.

I’m grateful while walking and doing my mantra I saw some beautiful ponderosa pines with the sun shining through. Grateful I could hear the birds. The obnoxious raven. Landscape guys on the golf course, the builders at the new home construction site. The airplanes going by. I’m grateful I saw Momma Lisa and she had 3 babies. I thought she only had 2. They’re not babies. More like teens and they hid in the reeds again.

I’m grateful for hoodie weather in the morning. I’m grateful we had a nice dinner out last night.
I’m grateful all the down pouring happened while we were in the restaurant.
Grateful we had plans today.
Grateful we’ll see what happens.

Grateful for each and everyone of you.
Grateful for my recoveries. And yours.

Nature, time and patience are the three great physicians.



Beautiful Kelly.
Just beautiful :heart_eyes:


Thank you Eric…one does try! :grin::heart:


Yes, Photos do bring back all senses like you mentioned.


Aaah…I totally missed your gratitude this morning (not sure how that happened) and now the tea memes make sense…:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Hey - no Apologies necessary- sometimes a string tea is whats needed to calm the nerves.

Have you tried chaga tea? Its made from mushrooms and has a dark coffee taste :thinking:


Absolutely love. Even lately I’ve been enjoying the simple shit. It really is beautiful to have free time to do WHATEVER with no regrets :two_hearts: but, I do feel an urge to gamble which I only did drunk (had real issues with that combo) and know it’s just boredom and I’m trying to get that fix. So doing my best to not give in!!


grateful that you can see that as a slippery slope and that by giving in to one you could fall into the other. So many amazing things to do when we find time on our hands. Hope you are able to figure out what works for you (hiking, kayaking, skating (if you have rinks by you), bowling, putt putt, reading, crafting, knitting / crocheting, puzzles, cooking/ baking…etc). Maybe join a meet up group to help you keep on schedule with your activity / hobby.
So happy to see you doing so well Roxanne!


HAPPY FRIDAY my beautiful sober companions
I am so grateful to be waking up to a beautiful sunny day. Grateful to take a full breath of air and fill my lungs with life.
I am so grateful that i did manage some sleep last night (feel like it was solid time away) - feel a bit tired today but not with fatigue so that is a bonus. My mind is a bit foggy today - hoping my morning coffee will take care of that.
I am so grateful for my morning coffee (some days it just hugs a little tighter and creates a special warmth - today is that day).
I am so grateful that i made a few extra cookies for the house when i did the restaurant batch yesterday so that i can now enjoy my maple pecan cookie with my coffee.
I am so grateful that i cleaned the house yesterday (even spot cleaned carpets and stair railings and doors). Grateful that i did have the energy to do that.
I am so grateful that my brother was able to take my cousin and fam to Detroit yesterday. They had such an amazing day. I love how much Detroit has changed for the better. Grateful that my brother and cousin’s hubby will go to Henry Ford museum today while the girls go shopping with my aunt.
I am so grateful for the roses that have bloomed again and have more buds … YEAH!
I am so grateful a fairly open day today - i am thrilled with the endless possibilities. Grateful that it’s not even 9
I am so grateful that i will get to see my parents for a bit before they head off to work. I do need my daily mom fix.
I am so grateful that the playful banter i just had with my brother. I am trying to not swear as much so it’s fun to hear what fun names my mouth will spew out by putting two words together… half the time we are just laughing at the names and trying to figure out what that would actually mean :rofl:
I am so grateful for laughter and comedy. This year instead of doing nothing but horror for two months, i will incorporate some stand up comedy or light hearted shows to break it up.
I am so grateful for my meditation / prayer practices that i now set aside dedicated time for. This week i have made daily goals to get a min of 10k steps in, a min of 30 min meditation/prayer, 45 min light exercise, 30 min yoga. Do 1-2 hour of computer work so that i don’t fall behind. Relax and watch a movie. I may not meet them all every day but i am making great progress.
I am so grateful for chickpea gram flour - going to make myself some savory pancakes for breakfast.
I am so grateful for music and dance. Grateful to feel young again (even if it is just in my soul - lol).
I am so grateful for all of you hear with me - your acceptance, love, advice and awesome personalities! Love you to bits :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Hope everyone has a positively charged addiction free day - sending so much love :heart: :heart:


The last few days I was able to sleep very well. I am grateful that I figured out it was from one of the supplements I’ve been taking and didn’t take it yesterday and I slept through the night! So grateful to wake up feeling rested for the first time all week! And I am grateful that I am on day 19!


Good morning darlings! Grateful to wake up, grateful for a fun date night last night, grateful for a quiet day at work and the possibility of leaving early to get some things done before the weekend starts. Grateful my brother is going up north and is leaving his pup with us so that buster can see his bestie and they can tire each other out. Grateful for a quiet weekend ahead, and hopefully sleepy pups and the chance to sleep in. Fingers crossed! Grateful to look forward to the weekend without the drunky-dreads, like am I going to get drunk and embarrassed or waste the weekend wasted, will I feel sick all day Saturday, can I get through social engagements or will I be hungover, all that dumb garbage that made life less awesome than it should have been. F that noise, bring on the weekend because I am going to have an amazing time and I’m grateful for every sober moment of it.


Thank you all for hugs, hands and kindness :people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging::pray::sunflower: It helped me a lot!
I’m grateful the dentist appointment yesterday went well. I’m grateful the dentist is nice and caring. I always could pause when it was too much. I’m grateful the dentist is really good with people having anxiety and crying. I have a beautiful smile now :grin: I’m grateful I had the courage to let this tooth repair :pray: I’m so relieved.
I’m grateful for my furballs and their love. I’m grateful for a long talk with a friend. I’m grateful for beautiful weather. I’m grateful for all the comfort in my life. I’m grateful depression is mild today. Maybe the higher meds start working. I’m grateful I spoil myself today.


I’m grateful I slept in, long and hard and no headache this morning.
I’m grateful it was hard to get up but I knew the :coffee: :coffee::coffee: would do it’s thing.

I’m grateful for the nightly, early morning Daisy time in bed after a bathroom trip. TMI :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: It’s so easy t get back to sleep with a purring cat resting on your chest. I’m grateful for that perfect weight and rhythmic purring.

I’m grateful for early morning, after her breakfast, Alice time on my lap.

Grateful for the beautiful cool wet mountain mornings and sunny days and later warmth and then more rain chances. Otherwise I’m grateful for monsoon season as it’s called up here.
Grateful I know my sump pump works because of this :grimacing:

I’m grateful my plumber texted me back when he can come next week.

I’m grateful that means starting tomorrow my move gets really real with first scheduled trip to Scottsdale to bring my car down leave it there and fly home.
I’m grateful I don’t have to worry about the wife holding down the furry fort while I’m gone.
I’m grateful wifey is up and wants to get going. C’mon Burner!!

I’m grateful when we walk together. The 3 of us :cry: It’s really strange the 3 of us walking and one of us doesn’t have a dog :face_holding_back_tears:
I’m grateful to recognize as sad as it is, life is a bit easier now, even though we are moving. I’m grateful I miss her so much. I’m grateful I’m ok with that. She did her job. No other dog could have done it better.

Grateful for you all.

"If you count all your assets, you always show a profit.”
Robert Quillen


I’m grateful for sunshine today.
I’m grateful I could relax on a blanket outside as I’m dizzy, fatigued and full of tremors today. The warm sun felt nice on my face and helped me feel a little better.
I’m grateful to be getting on an aeroplane tomorrow for the start of an exciting holiday.
I’m grateful I packed before we went to the lake district, so everything is ready to go.
I’m grateful I will be sober and enjoy the flight and the excitement of touching down.
I’m grateful I will have this community while I am away and have been given links to other excellent resources; I know the voice in my head will be trying it on when I’m away. I’m determined not to listen.
I’m grateful to all of you.


I am so sorry you were not feeling well today and doing better now with sun therapy. Hope this does not happen often?

Have a great trip! Grateful that you have your resources handy and know not to listen to those lies.


I usually have 2ish bad days a week. It’s worse if I’m not sleeping well and the week before my monthlies is bad. I’ve had to quit the job I love, as a special ed. teacher, as it was becoming too much. But…I’m looking at it as a new opportunity to find work that will give me more time to focus on me and my family, and to enjoy life :blush:


My goodness love - that is a lot of episodes to be having. I just want to reach out and hug you! Great attitude towards finding a new opportunity that will better suit you.

You may have already exhausted this but have you had any tests done to see what could be the root cause of these symptoms. Do you get warning signs so that you can be better prepared to handle them? Sorry -if too many questions - feel free to ignore if i’m crouching into personal territory. I just hate to see anyone suffering / not able to be themselves. Much love my friend. I do hope you chill back and enjoy your vacation time :heart:


Lovely flowers – hope you get some rain so that you can enjoy these for a bit longer. You are too funny and sweet Billy. Grateful that you get to spend time with your mum. Glad you are able to take her to get haircuts and manicures. Love the Buddha necklace :heart: OMG – a dolphin!!! I love it
Thanks for sharing pics – such happy smiles. Sweet dreams my friend :sleeping:


Good morning my sober fam!

Im so very greatful for…

My cousin in Maui is safe! Her beautiful,giving soul is only concerned with helping others :heart:

My sobriety, 468 days free from weed and alcohol
272.25 hours free from vaping nicotine
I dont view waking up early as a punishment anymore
Boscoe love
Hubby love
Hubby doesnt work until 5 today so we’ll get some much needed quality time
Clean water
Healthy food
I still have 250 memes to catchup on from my vacation lol
Nicotine cravings are getting less intense
Able to attended group gym classes
My mobility
My parents health
Time off work

Much love my peeps


Goooooooooooood morning to all of you!

It’s a beautiful Saturday morning in southern Wisconsin and I am grateful to be sober!

I’m grateful for this delicious coffee and my ancient one-eyed chihuahua spending time on my lap.

I’m grateful it got a lot of school work prep done this week.

I’m grateful I got to see the wedding venue last Sunday and visit with the bride and groom and see the new apartment they moved into. I’m grateful they are happy and excited about getting married and having the families together for the big event next weekend.

I’m grateful I got to ride my bike and swim a lot this last week. I’m tan and strong and love to ride my bike and swim in the lake.

I’m grateful my brother and one of his daughters is flying in next week for the wedding.

I’m grateful my other son and his girlfriend are flying in next week for the wedding.

I’m grateful that I have lots of strategies to manage my sobriety for this exciting and memorable time.

I’m grateful I got to see the Barbie movie with my mom and sister last week. Such a creative bunch of people who made that movie. The sarcastic humor was great!

I’m grateful that my garden is producing tomatoes. Yum and yum.

I’m grateful that my husband’s family is coming to visit on Monday. They are always very kind to me.

I’m grateful for this community. I visit every day and try to be helpful when I can and quietly learn from others when I can’t. I will be checking in a lot this week. Your stories and supports help me a lot during exciting and anxious times. The coming week will have some of that!

I wish you all the best. If you are just starting out in sobriety, take your time and take best care of yourself. If you have years and years of this sober life, thank you for sharing your experiences and learning. You help me be successful at this with your success.

Have a beautiful day and be at peace with yourself.


:heart: so lovely! Grateful that the appointment went well. Love that you spoiled yourself :blush:
@dazercat best of luck with your drive to Scottsdale today. Make sure you have your road coffee with ya :wink: