Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

I would like to add some evening gratitude. I’m grateful for the Tamarisk blooming in front of my house, the branches hanging low heavy from rain. I found some minutes of deep gratitude and peace looking at it from my front door staying dry under the awning. I’m gratefull for this small awning allthough it doesn’t really protect the entrance but it’s ok for a few minutes to stand there and watch :pray:


I’m grateful that after a week when my husband, myself and the kids were all apart, we had a lovely day together yesterday under the same roof.

Grateful to have that roof above our heads.

Grateful my husband is staying for dinner before traveling again.

Grateful my kids baked an excessive amount of cake for Mother’s Day as a surprise. I think some level of self-interest in the chocolate overload played a part in this, but I’m grateful all the same :smiley:

Grateful in the current chaos of our lives I’m fully present for the small moments that matter. I’m grateful I have a calm heart and can take deep breaths when needed.

I’m grateful for you all, for being there with me in this journey. :heart:


Another dose of gratitude…

Im greatful i got together with my sister and mom
Im greatful my mom asked me to be her financial power of attorney
Im greatful i got an afternoon nap
Im greatful my nutella brownies turned out well
Im greatful Boscoe loves car rides
Im greatful i feel rested from this weekend
Im greatful my mom and dad can watch Boscoe while we’re both at work…he doesnt do well alone for along time
Im greatful for the calendar app on my phone
Im greatful for the whisk app
Im very greatful for the talking sober/sober time app.
This community rocks


Hi friends,
I’m grateful for a nice, mostly relaxing weekend. I’m grateful for the small get together to celebrate Mother’s Day. I’m grateful that my mother in law got a huge bouquet of flowers which I broke up into several different vases. Flowers make me happy! I’m grateful I have 2 more interviews this week. I’m grateful I can remind myself to keep an open mind about change. Change is what brought me here after all, one of the best things I’ve ever done. I’m grateful my little dog Leo is eating his new light and fit dog food, and has lost a little weight already. He looks like he can move around more comfortably. I’m grateful for exercise, sunshine, and flowers. I’m grateful for love and forgiveness. @Dazercat , I’m sorry it’s hard. You inspire me with your dedication and determination to improve yourself, we are all here for you.
Grateful for all of you and my home thread❤️


I’m grateful for an extra day at home today. I had planned to travel but it works better to travel tomorrow, and today was spent puttering and getting home things done before errands. I was too tired for a long drive today, anyway…

It’s unseasonably warm here. There are wildfires all over this province. The air is smoky and the sun is a big red ball in the hazy sky. I’m grateful I’m in no danger. I hope this doesn’t end badly for more people. :pray:

I wrapped up the last of my errands with a trip to the market, and I already knew it was mothers day, but seeing all the flowers and balloons kinda hit me. I’ve been living in my head for a long time about my mom, but in my heart, I deeply miss her. When this happens I yank myself out of my heart and tell myself to be grateful she’s still here and that I get to see her. But fuck that, today. Today I miss her. I want to pick her up and go for a longggg walk and gabbity-gab, and look at signs of spring everywhere, and then treat her to something to eat. Nothing fancy, and probably something sweet.
It really didn’t matter what we did, she’d be delighted. Mothers Day or not.
I miss her. I miss them. Baaaaad.

I’m grateful we had something worth missing. I’m grateful I don’t drink these feelings away anymore, or try to. I’m grateful I’m going to pack my great big grieve-y grateful heart in the car tomorrow and drive down to visit her - who she is now, and also who she always will be to me.

I’m grateful I’m gonna drive past that little piece o’ land I got my eye on. (Nothing but forest, perfect for my little sober she-shed.) Second dates and offers and conditions and such. :wink: We’ll see. I’m grateful they’d be so excited, M and D. They’d get it. And they’d be proud of my recovery. Am pretty sure.

Grateful I’m wrapping this up, and for anyone still reading. Grateful for all of you gratidudes.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


I’m so super grateful for you. Thank you for being an example of how to lean into the tough stuff. Thank you for your raw honesty. Thank you for saying fuck so much.
Sending you and yours big huge love and hugs. :orange_heart:


Checking in grateful this morning after a restful weekend.
Grateful for an encounter with a drunken dude I had yesterday on my way home.
He had fallen and I went to pick him up and walk him to a bench, so he could sit and sober up a bit before trying to get home. He was so full of pain and self hatred, it was really hard to see so much sadness. I could tell that he was feeling ashamed of being given a helping hand by me (a woman?) and he tried to make up by telling stories of his former life. Apparently he was a wife beater, something he seeked redemption for, I think. Since he couldn’t make it up to the women he beat, he chose to punish himself by drinking himself into oblivion. At least that was the story he told himself.
I thought it’s odd, how self-punishment and self-pity seem like a reasonable way to make up for our wrong-doings in life, rather then actually taking action. Like punishing ourselves would do the people we hurt any good. I don’t go to AA meetings, so I don’t get these strong reminders of how much damage alcohol does to self worth very often. It was terrifying and empowering at the same time. Today I am infinitely grateful I don’t ever, ever have to be in that state of mind again.

I am grateful for your shares @Dazercat - I take a lot from it and I truly admire the way you walk the line between love for your wife and the pain the alcoholic causes you. :orange_heart:

Grateful for lush greens, cat love and a strong morning coffee between all the flowers on my balcony. Have a great sober day, grati-dudes.


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 1yr 2 weeks free
Boscoe cuddles
Hubby working his ass off
Hopefully we will have our savings paid off for hubbys car and taxes this august
I get paid this week
I love numbers
Bought 2 blow up dinosaur costumes for me and hubby to walk the neighborhood lol
Im rested
My gratitude practice
My relationship with my mom
AA fellowship
Sober sisters
Self awareness
Progress not perfection

Love and light to all on your sober journies :heart:


Souds like a fun time!!! A special event or just cause?


During COVID I saw someone walking the neighborhood in a dinosaur costume and it made me laugh and brightened my day SOOOO i wanna do the same lol plus whynot?! I can feel the belly laughs already


Omg!!!:sweat_smile: I was hopingbitvwas just because. This is so awesome and yes- will get plenty of hearty belly laughs.:rofl:
I do hope we get to see pics /videa😉


Good Monday morning my sober friends

I woke up groggy, slighter heavier headache than id like and a pulled neck muscle (think leaving the window open was a mistake)- still so grateful that its not a hangover!!
I am so grateful that i was able to come for the meditation/prayer bits yesterday and leave before the socializing began. It was only a group of 20 people (much less than i expected) - i did have a few flare ups but worth it to have been a part of the experience.
I am grateful that my chocolate lavender scones are a becoming a hit and this one bakery wants to up the order. I am grateful that i was able to ask for multiple delivery dates rather than have to being all at once with rest of the order.
I an so grateful that i am starting to feel a little more like myself - i do hope this lasts. I did get one on my dictor ordered tests delivered yesterday…now the fun part.
I am so grateful that i have a loving supportive family. They are forever trying to lessen my burden (just normal stresses of life but they feel i need less -i do appreciate tgis but at times feel why would i be so special to have less “normal” stress…it seens that sometimes what i call stress is a breeze for someone else🤔)
I am so grateful for my knowledge and ability to meditate /pray and find mybinner peace. My mind still wanders plenty so working on quieting the voices.
I am so very grateful for this community :pray:
Have a wonderful Monday my sober friends…sending much love :heart:


I’m grateful to God, :pray:t2: today’s a new day.
I’m grateful for the gratitroops that support each other in the trenches.
I’m grateful I’m in a better mental state. Presently.

I’m obviously not a mother and yesterdays Mother’s Day kinda sucked for me. I wasn’t as happy and joyous to the 2 new mothers in my family as I wanted to be. I’m grateful I realize that was some fucking trauma I had to see and deal with 2 nights ago. I’m grateful it’s ok that it affected me and I was a bit uncaring and couldn’t fake it. I’m also glad I ordered all my “First Mothers Day,” Mother’s Day gifts for my daughter and daughter in law early and they loved the thought and they did think they were special.
I’m grateful we will be getting those 2 mothers and grand babies together next month. I’m grateful my son is planning it.

I’m grateful to start my day with a new Moon Mantra. And a purring cat tucked under my chin. I’m grateful Alice got up so now I can continue my recovery and get my day started.

I’m grateful I never know who might be walking across my chest as I sleep at night. But I’m pretty good about guessing the weight. I’m grateful I saw Mavy stretched out in the sun so I brought the nail clippers over and gave him a quick pedi. :smirk_cat: I’m grateful he’s so easy to do as he is still just lying there in the sun not bothered one bit. :kissing_cat: I’m grateful I’m sober and can always spontaneously clip the nails of my cats. Never having to think am I sober enough to do this? I’m grateful Alice is back and all up in my grill. I’m grateful Minnie is not pacing anxiously around the house this morning. I’m grateful for purring kittens in my lap.

I’m grateful the new dinner I tried last night came out great. IMO.

I’m grateful for what looks like a beautiful cool morning with plenty of sunshine. Currently.
Grateful :innocent: Grateful :innocent: Grateful :innocent:

On the bad days, Al-Anon tools help me change my attitude and behavior. On the good days they teach me gratitude.
Al-Anon .org


Good day :sparkles:

I am grateful to have spent a beautiful day with the people that I love yesterday. I am grateful for beautiful hand crafted coffee mugs selected with love and intention by my daughter. I am grateful for a cool breeze on a hot day. I am grateful for classic games like Yahtzee that withstand the test of time. I am grateful for fully bloomed dogwoods trees and sunrays piercing an inky ocean. I am grateful for goofy grown men oorfing at seal and for the curious critters following us back to the beach. :seal:

I am grateful for hope, faith, and surrender.

I am grateful for the surrender I feel in my body when I read painful stories written by people that I love. You know those very dramatic movie scenes when people fall to their knees… that is the surrender I feel today. I surrender with you, you are not alone. I am grateful for the strength I feel in numbers and when I am surrounded by prople who understand and love me, I hope you feel it too. Yah you. :blue_heart: I am grateful that I hold so much hope in my heart that when you fall short of it, dont you worry I have you covered. I am grateful that I believe so deeply that these journeys we are on all have a much bigger purpose and my faith is so damn strong that when you are full of fear, just lean on me, I will help you through. You know, these lives we are living are teaching us lesson after lesson and sometimes they are so painful. I am grateful you are learning to choose yourself. :sparkles:


Lunchtime gratitude since I missed this morning.

I’m grateful for another day sober (day 9). Hasn’t been bad getting back on track. But I feel stupid for slipping up at all. I’d have over 4 months if I hadn’t.

I’m grateful for physical therapy. I think it’s helping. And grateful I have a massage scheduled for Friday afternoon.

I’m grateful the Celtics won yesterday! :four_leaf_clover:

I’m grateful for my cats, always.

I’m grateful I’m getting a little better about speaking up for myself. I have a hard time remembering that my needs are important too. I’m so focused on wanting people to like me and keeping the peace.

I’m grateful I see my psychiatrist tomorrow to talk about my medication. I have to pay out of pocket to see her, but I trust her, and have had major issues with a prior psychiatrist.

Progress not perfection.


I am not often grateful, at least in written form, but here ‘goes.
I am grateful my doctor was open to supplements instead of statins to help lower my cholesterol. She said in her experience statins are the best option, but she would never push them.
I am grateful she said my liver was no longer on the problem list. :astonished:
I am most grateful she referred me to a sleep specialist. She also corrected my wrong notion that my prescribed sleep aid CAN be taken every night, which will help my anxiousness about sleep so much that I likely won’t need the help every night anyway!
I am grateful I can jot down these thoughts here as if anyone actually cares, lol, since it helps me.
Take care all!


Today I am grateful.

Grateful that I have a loving wife and a stable home.

Grateful that I have the strength to start my sober journey.


Oh Jean - so thrilled for you!!! No statins, better sleep coming soon and ayou liver is getting healthier. So much goog news at once - how exciting!!!

We ALL care! Youve been on my mind lately and im so happy for your news! Have an absolutely wonderful day!!!:people_hugging:


Thanks, Jasmine. Your words mean a lot :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful it’s only a short workweek. I need to find a way to concentrate better. Lock myself in a room. Oropax. I don’t know. But like this, my head will explode and I produce only errors.
I am grateful I realized on my way to Decathlon (to by the dumbell a sister as on one leg it’s difficult to walk) how fast I get used to it. I mean like 6 weeks ago in the streets here I was scared and overwhelmed and now (not a huge fan) but okay. I know how the traffic works here and you have to be somehow self-confident and go.
I am grateful that I see this now. Cought up in the moment we are blind to change. And when too much time passed, I forget. (Like the struggles of early sobriety).
I am grateful we are such a big mix of people here have much more in common than we maybe think.
I am grateful I read and listen carefully. Like with my colleague today. We all have our insecurities, and weak points but we try to hide them or make fun of them probably to protect ourselves.
I am grateful I have enough.

Sorry. Bit lengthy and detailing. Still, I am grateful for this peaceful thread.