Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

@i.cant.we.can Hope you have a fantastic day on the floor. Yes – I do need to be aware of stress. I sometimes don’t realize that I am stressed until it’s too late. Trying to be more mindful of myself these days and listen carefully to what my mind and body are saying.

Interesting :thinking:… I’m sure someone’s thought of a way to make this happen. :laughing:
@clarity WOW – I’d be terrified and amazed all at once
@dazercat I am so glad that you are feeling better today (all around) and not in pain. Wanda was the perfect distraction for me and I did fall asleep 45 min in (so 15 min to go) but I did sleep with laughter in my heart. So I’m very grateful :people_hugging: I do have to agree with you Eric - I love reading @Its_me_Stella posts!! One of the many people here that I’ve fallen in love with.

Happy Wednesday morning my lovely sober friends.
I am so grateful that I was able to wake up and get to work on time even with my lack of sleep. I am groggy and fighting the pain but living among the living so yeah life is good
I am so grateful that I am getting a little more comfortable with driving the van - my goodness - my depth perception sucks! Luckily when I’m backing out no one is around so I can go at a snails speed and not cause myself anxiety or anyone / anything harm
I am so grateful that our first festival is this Friday and I feel totally ready. A little nervous as it’s supposed to be 91 degrees and I am not good with heat and worse with working in heat and serving hot food - YIKES… it will be fun regardless (will keep adding ice to my bra if needed to keep my body temp down :rofl: It is the first day to kick off pride month so The Pride Festival is one of my favorite to be a part of.
I am so grateful that my sister and her hubby will drive to Detroit to help us on Sunday for our main festival (this one is once a year - THANK GOD and huge – It will be exhausting but we always make it through
I am so grateful that we can go back to just our normal busy after Sunday - we have decided to only do these two and a third fest in Sept as we are just 4 people and don’t want any of us to burn out.
I am so grateful that I will find time to meditate and pray today (it is not coming so naturally these days - I do find that when my pain and lack of sleep increase my mind does not automatically try to connect with my higher power - I am grateful for realizing this and making sure to put in extra effort on those days.
I am so grateful for my family and their loving support. Grateful for my friends for understanding that I am forever here to talk but at the moment can not meet in real life as I only have so much energy
I am so grateful for my higher power - I do know everything happens for a reason and everyone heals in different ways and my time will come - I just need to keep doing what I"m doing. A friendly reminder as I do tend to start comparing my rate of healing to others and that is not fair at all.
I am so grateful for this lovely community - my own virtual family - showing me so much love / comfort and accepting me and so many more with such open arms / hearts and showing absolutely no judgement. So much gratitude for you all and this thread.
Have a wonderful day friends - sending much love :heart:


Again too much to catch up, too tired.

Today I’m grateful that my old boy is home again. Anaesthesia with 17 is no walk in the park. His teeth are ok again. His heart needs medication. I’ll see if I can give him the meds. I don’t want to stress him and that he flees from me. We will try and see. My loved old boy :orange_heart:
I’m grateful for vets. I’m grateful for food delivery service. I’m grateful I love to read. I’m grateful for my reliable car and my cozy home. I’m grateful for HALT, I feel lonely and tired.


I’m grateful to God for another day clean and serene. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful that work went really well and that my efforts over the last few years pays off when it comes time to learn new things. I’m grateful I can stop and ground myself through breathe and prayer, anytime, anywhere. I’m grateful my former sponsor celebrated 8 years sober tonght at our homegroup. I’m grateful he suggested I find a new sponsor. I’m grateful to be meeting my new sponsor in the a.m. to work on step nine. I’m grateful to not be to sore after being on my feet a lot today.

May our higher powers grant us wisdom

p.s. Love you. Ya you!!

Edit to add a prayer I haven’t wrote one lately …

Dear God,
I offer this prayer of thanks for today and ask for help in allowing me to sleep well and awake recharged. Please watch over and keep safe all my family and friends, wherever they are. I ask that you shine your healing light through me once more, to lessen my pain and keep my darkness at bay. Teach me to use the light to find my way when I feel lost and how to use it to help others. Thank you for loving me and know I love you. Please help wash away all my defects. I offer control back to you for I can’t do this alone, nor do I want to. In your name I pray and remain your humble, loyal and loving servant. Amen

p.s. Thanks for all the sunshine lately, if you could throw in just a little breeze that’d be great :pray:


You’re welcome :blush:


I am really grateful today for staying sober last two days. Stressful and full of anxiety. Day 17 and found what are major triggers for me. Wish to avoid in the future but find may have to learn some behaviors to overcome the stress as something’s you cannot avoid in life. I did stand up and express my discomfort a couple of times only to explain my rudeness. Admitting my annoyance and blaming sobriety.


Amen. Grateful for you Brian and all the gratidudes and dudettes. I love you brother.

Normally I would post this on the meditation thread but this feels like the right thread this moment. Namaste

Grateful I see my sprouts in a few days. Grateful my daughter posted a couple of videos on social media of my Madi at her vpk graduation last night. Over the moon grateful that my daughter shared that when she put Madi to bed she said pop pop is coming for a few days Sunday and that she is excited to see me. Grateful how that fills me with love.

I don’t see how this day could get any better and it’s only 6:30a.m. but imma try for more. Grateful i have tres meetings today. Let’s slay the day soberly y’all. God guru and Self are One :pray:


Good morning grateful friends,

I’m grateful for another day sober. I’m proud of the progress I’ve made this year.

I’m grateful nightmares aren’t real and start to fade when I get up.

I’m grateful I have a promising interview today. I have very mixed feelings about moving. We talked about that in therapy yesterday and that helped. The pros outweigh the cons. The logistics of relocating is the most daunting part.

I’m grateful for the final episode of Ted Lasso. Sad it’s over but they did a good job wrapping things up. It was such a heartwarming show. Made me think about where “home” is. And wish I had the kind of friendships they all had.

I’m grateful for mornings with cats and coffee.

Progress not perfection.
I am enough just how I am.


Grateful :sparkles::sparkles::sparkles:
I’m not sure how many days now I’ve been writing my gratitudes now but I’ve been finding myself walking around picking things to be grateful for throughout my day…
Grateful for this thread and that I found TS, jeez 4 years ago, I can’t imagine who I would be without this place.
Grateful for washers, dryers, hot glue guns, dish washers, deep freezers, air fryers, and all the smart people who invented them.
Grateful I discovered meditation, I did a nice 14 minute one that re aligned me with my source yesterday. (It was a @Soberbilly recommendation :star::star::star::star::star:) also Madi is adorable!
Grateful for my hobbies.
Grateful that I just remembered I need to do more yoga and visit my grandma.
Grateful for summer break and relaxing mornings, no morning hustle and bustle.
@Bootz tthank you! I am in South Carolina, the land of bugs and sweet tea, haha! I’m on my moms 39 acres in a town of 16,841 I moved here 10 months ago from Las Vegas. Which reminds me of a gratitude…
I am grateful for luscious green trees everywhere blooming with life.
Have a great day all, wherever you may be. :two_hearts:


Good morning sober crew,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 13 months today :slight_smile:
Its like a baby i will count my sobriety in months for years lol
A productive and fulfilling day yesterday
Awoke before my alarm rested
Worked out yay me
Boscoe, my shadow
Hubby and our improving communication
Healthier eating still going strong
Going to the office today
Treating myself to some mexican food for lunch
Interest bearing savings accounts
My love of numbers
Green trees
A new day full of possibilities

Peace and love to you all today


This made me chuckle lol :laughing: have a good day!


13 months sobriety yahoo!


Huge congrats on 13 months CJP, hope you have lots of sunshine where you are today.
You rock girl!!! :hugs::hugs::sun_with_face::sun_with_face::sun_with_face:


@CJP wow- i love counting in months. Was thinking it was weird that after 1 year the next milestone was another year. You are doing amazingly well - keep up the hard work!

A sunny morning gratitude - happy Thursday my sober friends…
I am so grateful for being waking up today sober and hangover free. Some close calls last night but hey I did not cave.
I am so grateful that the week is flying by in a sense and I am not too worried - been a bit absent minded this week (not sure if it’s my head fog or because of the holiday) but no harm done - i was able to get what i needed done in the nick of time
I am so grateful that I have successfully cancelled an standing weekly order for a local cafe - it was a small order and was causing me more stress and anxiety so for my sanity I have dropped this from my plate- grateful that I can do so and not have to worry
I am so grateful that I will get to see my sister this Sunday while we work the festival. Her schedules are always so busy and summer time is craziest so I cherish the few times we do get to connect (we do get on each others nerves as sisters do so I do hope this will be a pleasant get together as I am missing her something fierce lately).
I am so grateful that my hot coffee is still comforting me and has kicked in enough to give me my energy needed to attack the day
I am so grateful for my family - I don’t know where I would be without their love and support
I am so grateful for all the friends i’m making here (it’s hard for me to fathom how i’ve made so many great relationships in such a short period of time) You all ROCK and are giving me a healthy foundation for my recovery
I am grateful that I just realized that I did not wake up meditating and have not been silently doing so in the background so need to get my ass back to meditating / praying immediately
I am so grateful for my higher power for his gentle reminders that I am still healing and have a ways to go (not a punishment for my past but a repairing of the wounds).
I am so grateful for this site, the community and all that it provides me
Have a fabulous day everyone - sending much love :heart:


I’m grateful to God for granting me a good rest, breathe in my lungs, and light in my heart and soul. I’m grateful to be clean and sober so far this day and that I have a strong desire to stay that way. I’m grateful I have the day off from work. I’m grateful to have plenty on my plate to work on, play with, eat and enjoy. I’m grateful for the courage to share prayers on here from time to time and that @Bootz joined in and @Soberbilly Love you too kind sir.
I’m grateful @Cjp has so many months. 13 :clap: I’m grateful @tailee17 has joined us and that @erntedank is so real and makes me chuckle often.
I’m grateful I met my sponsor this morning and did some planning and praying on step nine. I’m grateful to have completed a couple small ammends already. I’m grateful its a new month. I’m grateful that there is a celebration and Bbq this afternoon for my building turning 12 months or a year, that was for you cjp. I’m grateful I have an appointment with one of my supports to help try and solve the issues surrounding my birth certificate in a couple hours. I’m grateful for music, humor and laughter.
God bless us all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You absolutely rock. Ya you!!


Good morning beautiful souls. :sparkles:

I have been working hard at putting pen to paper lately and have been really feeling the benefits from it. I am grateful to have a beautiful journal in my living room full of pages of gratitude.

Straight fricken A’s she got… imagine, me homeschooling a child and they get straight A’s!!! I am grateful for recovery, in my past life I had no time for my child, I had no attention span, I was too self absorbed. I am grateful that I have time to make up for all the years I was unhealthy, that I can be an amazing mom now. I am grateful for the gratitude I see in my child as she gets older and she sees the extra weight I carry for her. I know that not all moms of children with disabilities get to experience that so it makes me extra grateful that I do. I am grateful that shes slept in my bed for the last 3 nights and thats ok. She slept with me until she was 15 due to night terrors and anxiety, growth isnt linear and I know that. Welcome back kiddo. :heart:

I am grateful for my sponsor and to have completed my step four. I am looking forward to spending sometime with her next week to complete my step five and move forward. There has been a lot of discomfort lately which I am super grateful for; in all the messiness and muck I have discovered some gems.

I am grateful for my new book and the exercises in it. All things seem to be sent to me from the universe… I thought it was a book to read, low and behold its more work!!!
I am grateful for mantras and chanting they are seeing me through, what a beautiful way to connect.

I am grateful to have gotten in with chiro today, my neck is fucked. Heading there now, have a good one.

:sparkles: :heart: :sparkles:


Congrats on 13 months @Cjp !! :100: :heart: :muscle:


Again too much to catch up and too tired.
Today I’m grateful I got another vet check on the old boy in the morning. Better save than sorry. I’m grateful he is sleeping next to me atm. I’m still vigilant. But know: sleep. I’m grateful for sleep medication and individual responsibility.

I’m grateful I draw boundaries today. I’m grateful I respond at my pace. I’m grateful I don’t give a fuck. Not even on my own pitty party about feeling lonely and missing the ex. Blablabla, I’m to exhausted to be kind and shoo this wave of retrospect feelings compassionately. I bluntly tell my mind to shut the fuck up. Nobody here anymore. Period. Try whining again tomorrow.

I’m grateful I’m aware of stink bugs.
I’m grateful the seedlings grow.
I’m grateful for education. I enjoyed the workshop today very much, really interesting. Never mind that I won’t remember the last 15 minutes, I was sleeping with my eyes open. Can’t concentrate in the evening, exhausted from the day, allthough I took a nap in the afternoon. I’m grateful that’s ok for me because I cannot change it, I’m a morning person with limited energy. I’m grateful I take life one day at a time. I’m grateful I keep avoiding expectations and thinking about the future. It’s tiring enough to deal with one day. I’m grateful tomorrow is a new day and waking up without a hangover never gets old :blush:


Grateful for the woodpecker on my bedroom window feeder this morning.
I’m grateful I went to work early so I could have a break between jobs.
I’m grateful I’m tired now, I’m looking forward to going to bed in a sec.
I’m grateful for not drinking today or wanting to :sparkling_heart:


Hey Eric – this is the book i enjoyed the most for Bob’s Autobiography
bob marley book


I’m grateful for that.
Thanks Jazzy.