Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

Good morning beautiful souls. :sparkles:

I have been working hard at putting pen to paper lately and have been really feeling the benefits from it. I am grateful to have a beautiful journal in my living room full of pages of gratitude.

Straight fricken A’s she got… imagine, me homeschooling a child and they get straight A’s!!! I am grateful for recovery, in my past life I had no time for my child, I had no attention span, I was too self absorbed. I am grateful that I have time to make up for all the years I was unhealthy, that I can be an amazing mom now. I am grateful for the gratitude I see in my child as she gets older and she sees the extra weight I carry for her. I know that not all moms of children with disabilities get to experience that so it makes me extra grateful that I do. I am grateful that shes slept in my bed for the last 3 nights and thats ok. She slept with me until she was 15 due to night terrors and anxiety, growth isnt linear and I know that. Welcome back kiddo. :heart:

I am grateful for my sponsor and to have completed my step four. I am looking forward to spending sometime with her next week to complete my step five and move forward. There has been a lot of discomfort lately which I am super grateful for; in all the messiness and muck I have discovered some gems.

I am grateful for my new book and the exercises in it. All things seem to be sent to me from the universe… I thought it was a book to read, low and behold its more work!!!
I am grateful for mantras and chanting they are seeing me through, what a beautiful way to connect.

I am grateful to have gotten in with chiro today, my neck is fucked. Heading there now, have a good one.

:sparkles: :heart: :sparkles:


Congrats on 13 months @Cjp !! :100: :heart: :muscle:


Again too much to catch up and too tired.
Today I’m grateful I got another vet check on the old boy in the morning. Better save than sorry. I’m grateful he is sleeping next to me atm. I’m still vigilant. But know: sleep. I’m grateful for sleep medication and individual responsibility.

I’m grateful I draw boundaries today. I’m grateful I respond at my pace. I’m grateful I don’t give a fuck. Not even on my own pitty party about feeling lonely and missing the ex. Blablabla, I’m to exhausted to be kind and shoo this wave of retrospect feelings compassionately. I bluntly tell my mind to shut the fuck up. Nobody here anymore. Period. Try whining again tomorrow.

I’m grateful I’m aware of stink bugs.
I’m grateful the seedlings grow.
I’m grateful for education. I enjoyed the workshop today very much, really interesting. Never mind that I won’t remember the last 15 minutes, I was sleeping with my eyes open. Can’t concentrate in the evening, exhausted from the day, allthough I took a nap in the afternoon. I’m grateful that’s ok for me because I cannot change it, I’m a morning person with limited energy. I’m grateful I take life one day at a time. I’m grateful I keep avoiding expectations and thinking about the future. It’s tiring enough to deal with one day. I’m grateful tomorrow is a new day and waking up without a hangover never gets old :blush:


Grateful for the woodpecker on my bedroom window feeder this morning.
I’m grateful I went to work early so I could have a break between jobs.
I’m grateful I’m tired now, I’m looking forward to going to bed in a sec.
I’m grateful for not drinking today or wanting to :sparkling_heart:


Hey Eric – this is the book i enjoyed the most for Bob’s Autobiography
bob marley book


I’m grateful for that.
Thanks Jazzy.


Checking in grateful 109 D AF :white_check_mark:
Saw the darling humming bird in its nest today at lunch meditation :white_check_mark:
Grateful for sunshine , recovery, healthy thinking and Sangha and relaxing in the Dharma when I can manage it . Some days can be pretty tough with the words flying round my head.

Checkin in more with sponsor and very grateful for his warmth and confidence he shows :hugs:
:arrow_right:Going to make the Gratidudes thread my home thread 2. Some days I’m just really wiped out to keep up w/ all the threads!!
Grateful for healthy foundation incl napping to fill in enough sleep :sleeping::sleeping::sleeping:
Love you guys :heart:
Ride the craves
Love Absolute will see us through :peace_symbol:


Grateful for my body. Grateful I could keep up at yesterdays beachvolleyball session and people were closer to my age group then yesterday.
Grateful I found a more constructive way to deal with the critical voice in my head. Maybe it too needs to be heard, before it can be let go. Nowadays I acknowledge, whatever it is saying in my head, is in a twisted way meant to protect me and keep me safe. But its not serving me anymore, if I want to grow and go new places. Some days that really helps.
Grateful it’s Friday again and a weekend full of opportunities lies ahead. Looking forward to starting the outdoor swimming season. Have a great day, grati-dudes :orange_heart:


I haven’t been able to keep up with this thread, but I check in from time to time. Just haven’t posted in some time :blush:

Today I’m bursting with gratitude. I wrote what I was up to in another thread: Need to be held accountable - travels, social occasions and life as it is - #177 by desert_rose

I’m grateful for my 426 days without alcohol in my life.

Grateful for my husband, my rock. Even if he cannot be where we are right now. We are strong and the distance is not going to be forever.

Grateful for my extended family and friends and their love and support.

Grateful I have a roof over my head - and that I will
continue having that same roof over my head for the next 6 months :pray::heart: This was not certain before this week and it was really consuming me.

Grateful I have a good job and can pay my bills. Grateful I could splurge and buy the pair of shoes my teenage son really wanted for a long time (instead of the cheap ones we always buy him :smile:) He looks so handsome now. Proud mom.

Grateful for my youngest, and how he is turning up to have interests in school that I relate to. I’m always amazed at what goes on in his mind :heart:

Grateful for our health.

Grateful for you all. Sending live your way this Friday morning! :heart:


Grateful for 5 days :upside_down_face::face_exhaling::face_with_spiral_eyes::blush::hugs:


5 days are already something big! Good job! :muscle:t2::heart:


Good morning to my sober peeps!
I’m grateful that I am awake and energized to go jump in the pool and swim 50 laps before the last Friday of the school year!!


Here we go!


I so enjoy the way you put things in their proper perspective. I find your honest approach refreshing and you inspire me to approach my thoughts and emotions with honesty and naked truth,always. Thank you @erntedank . I do hope those stinkin bugs leave you alone. I woke grateful. For this gift of life. For all I am able to do in sobriety. I’m grateful I don’t have cravings. Or depression. Or complex ptsd. I’m grateful for IT. For the Tao,for my practice deepening. I’m grateful for last night’s BTB meeting. Grateful I am mentoring a beautiful soul. Grateful my HP put us together and grateful my mentor has set a really good example for me to follow. Grateful for my furball Alobar resting on my thigh, he chose left this morning. I’m grateful I get to take mom to her hair salon every Friday. I am grateful I will be with Les and Brad and Blake and Madi in a mere 2 days. Grateful for gratidudes. Y’all SHINE. Namaste :pray: God guru and Self are One
Last night

Just now


Good morning grateful friends,

Grateful for another day sober. Grateful the relapse dream was just a dream.

Grateful my interview went really well yesterday. They are now flying me up there to meet in person in a couple weeks. It would be a great opportunity! I think a change in environment would be helpful. I’m stressed about the logistics of moving but trying to not worry about that yet. I know my mom would be excited if I moved up there.

I’m grateful I’m meeting my friend for coffee this morning.

I’m grateful the pain isn’t as bad this morning.

Grateful for my cats. I’m worried I might not be able to take them with me if I move.



Grateful for 1042 days without alcohol! & is it 6 days of gratitude?
Keeping this short and sweet… we haven’t left the house in 5? Days… sickness kicking my ass.
Grateful this too shall pass.
As much as I wanted to go to the gym yesterday I’m glad I didn’t and grateful we aren’t getting any other babies or adults sick.
Grateful the gym is there when we are ready.
Grateful I have discovered Apple TV.
Have a great day all :revolving_hearts:


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 397 days free
Paying on my credit card debt
Boscoe and all his personality
Hubby working hard
Game day planned with hubby and cousins
Trash collection
Our home
Numbers. Love em.
AA fellowship
A busy social calendar
Text messaging
A job and coworkers i like
My sobriety and continuous growth
Feeling good enough
All of you

Peace and love on your journies


Just wanted to take the time to show my gratitude for my doggy! She’s been a life saver so far and such a positive distraction… this is the first time I’ve ever bonded with an animal the way I have with ky. Its amazing the loyalty a dog can have to its owner. Each day I learn more and more about her and each day I learn more about myself in the process if that makes sense. We are currently training right now and she’s so smart and learning so fast I can’t believe it. Never in a million years did I think I would have the patience to train a dog let alone training it multiple commands. After I teach her all the basic commands I plan on teaching her how to service my medical condition which she’s already showing alertness to it which is amazing. So, today I’m thankful for my dog ky! She’s literally saving my life ODAAT!!!


I’m grateful that I always have a camera handy to take copious amounts of cat pictures. :smile_cat:

Also grateful for the friend I have coming over today. We don’t get together often, but when we do there is a lot of laughter and good conversation. I always feel happy after we hang out–exhausted, but happy. :slightly_smiling_face:


Grateful for being alive and breathing air, while standing on Earth. :sparkles:
Grateful for seeing beautiful skies every day. Nature is so beautiful. :two_hearts:
Grateful for my two dogs, my boyfriend and my creativity. Grateful for you all.


@its_me_stella So thrilled for you and your daughter. Straight A’s is a great achievement. I do admire how you find new perspectives for situations – very refreshing.
@clarity I do hope that you start to feel better soon
@billy85 great to see you on the gratitude thread Billy. Hopefully you will finish up with the move this weekend and get to enjoy your new place. Love that you and Ky are bonding so well!

A Marvelous Friday my sober friends
I am so grateful for being prepared for todays festival and not feeling overwhelmed. Trying to think of what’s the worst that can happen - i’ll need to take a break and someone will have to wait 5 extra minutes in line… i can live with that
I am so grateful for my breathable clothes that will serve me well this weekend in this intense heat
I am so grateful that I was able to complete my delivery (the last one for this client) early enough and come back to my bed for some more rest
I am so grateful that I got my ass out of bed and started my coffee instead of hiding under the covers and falling back to sleep
I am so grateful for my family / friends / my meditation and prayer. My foundation really - what’s kept me going and motivated to be a better me
I am so grateful for this community and all the people in it. Can’t express enough gratitude here!
Have a wonderful sober Friday my friends - sending much love