Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

Here you go! It was really fun and everyone’s stuff turned out great! There is a picture from before the pieces were fired in the kiln and a couple after. It’s so cool! :grin:


Good morning! My work surprised me this morning and decorated my desk for my birthday! I’m grateful I’ve made it to the big 4-0-- grateful and surprised. Grateful for a workplace where people care about and celebrate with me, and that I like to be at. I’m such a lucky person. :heart:


OOH thank you so much for sharing - those are beautiful and can just imagine the fun you had in creating them!

HAPPY 40th Birthday - Hope you have a great day celebrating sober


Sober birthdays are the best birthdays! :heart: Thank you thank you!


@james83 So grateful that it was just a nightmare – I do hope you don’t get any more terrifying dreams. I think our addict brain tries to cause issues / stir up feelings to get us back to our DOC. Not a punishment (maybe more like a test). Wishing you a great sober day my friend – hope you get some decent rest

@KarenKw that depression is a BITCH – glad that you are able to see that it’s the depression talking and see through the lies as they are happening in real time. check out attached link and see if you can retrain your brain to give yourself the love you so deserve. Learning to love yourself - 13 habits

Happy Thrusday morning my sober friends
I am so grateful that I am alive today feeling all my feelings and painful ailments - they have all improved from a year ago so progress.
I am so grateful that I mailed in my saliva test this morning so now just waiting for results.
I am so grateful that my parents came over for our morning meditation / prayer and my brother joined in even though he did not acknowledge us or engage.
I am so grateful that every time I feel like crying over the current family dynamic I remind myself that everything - every scenario happens for a reason. Maybe this is test and possibly a teaching to let go of my attachments to people. Won’t lie - it’s hurtful but I only have this life in this conscious body so I need to not let anyone else control my emotions
I am so grateful that so far my energy level has been good enough to get my baking completed for today and will be doubling up on coffee to start a afternoon shift at the restaurant ( :crossed_fingers:that the energy gets me through the day without too much struggle)
I am so grateful that I have my higher power helping me with my struggles and guiding me along the correct path
I am so grateful for all of YOU and every day I have this site available to me. THANK YOU! :pray:

Have an amazing Sober Thursday everyone - sending much love :heart:


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful for nice co-workers. I am so grateful that it makes going to work such a difference.
I am grateful I went to the fitness class over lunch. It changed my headspace.
I am grateful I handled buying flight tickets. First time in maybe 10 years or so. I avoid it at all costs but this time I have no other choice.
I am grateful I don’t feel bad when I raise my voice. Well, less bad. I will survive the uncomfortable feeling. I am grateful I can look it in the eye when I was wrong.
There is still so much to learn out there for me.
I am grateful for a week off next week.
I am grateful I have enough.


Happy Birthday! Welcome to the fourties club. Grateful to have another Taurus present with presents and presence Lol


Thanks @JazzyS - that article looks really helpful! Depression really is a bitch!


Happy Birthday @Frazzetta :bouquet::notes::four_leaf_clover::birthday: Your pictures look beautiful!

@KarenKW Sending you hugs. Depression sucks. You are a wonderful, valuable and kind person :people_hugging:

Today I’m grateful for group therapy yesterday. It was intense. When I was home I got stuck at the TV and enjoyed a film I haven’t seen before. It was a compelling film which made me think even more. I’m grateful my living room is clear, no ex always sleeping on the couch. Deep gratitude paired with deep hurt and deep missing the loved person, not the alcoholic or the flaws that drove me crazy. Like always sleeping on the couch. Let go and let God.

I’m grateful I took it easy today, I was drained from yesterday and tomorrow an intense day is scheduled. I’m grateful for my big red furball purring so loud I can hear him across the room. I’m grateful for soup, it’s soulfood. I’m grateful I talk with myself loudly about things that weigh heavy on my soul. It helps me to let them go over and over again. I’m ok with being tired of letting go sometimes. Progress and babysteps.

I’m grateful it’s a long weekend. I plan a visit to the farmers market on saturday morning and already started to write down what I would like to buy. I’m grateful for fresh vegetable and all food.

I’m grateful to live in peace and freedom, with love in my life and gratitude in my heart, in this nice place I own and nobody can take away from me. I’m grateful I feel safe :pray:


I am also grateful. Just celebrated 60th birthday and 11 days sober. I am grateful I have a chance of a sober healthy future


Welcome Tailee and happy 60th. That’s a great age to start your sober journey. Well is has been for me. I’m grateful I found this app a few weeks before my 60th birthday 3 years ago. I’ve been very active on her. Very grateful every day on the gratitude thread. And I’m still sober, Alcohol free, clean, whatever you want to call it. And lovin :two_hearts: it.
I hope to see you around.

Congratulations on your 11 days.
That’s HUGE!


Glad you found the Gratitude thread! This has been a game changer for me.
Congrats on 11 days my friend and a very happy 60th Birthday!


I’m grateful for all the shit we got done today.
I’m grateful wifey and I got up at the butt crack this morning and got the dogs walked early so we could get Minnie to the vet by 8.
I’m grateful wife and I made a great team today.
I’m grateful we always make a great team. Especially when a pet is involved.
I’m grateful we are going to change up a couple of Minnie’s meds to hopefully help with her doggy dementia anxiety. I’m grateful otherwise Minnie is looking great.
I’m grateful they did bloodwork.
I’m grateful we are going to try Xanax for the fucking dog :scream:

I’m grateful for the stupid mistake I made online shopping and couldn’t wait to share it with wifey. We had a great laugh first thing this early am. I’m grateful I’m such a doofus. A fun doofus that can gratefully laugh at himself without much trouble.

I’m grateful my wife made it to bed last night.
I’m grateful we had a nice walk together after dog walk and vet and before a ton of errands and lunch.
I’m grateful I skipped my meeting today. I’m grateful today it was worth it.
I’m grateful wifey and I can laugh and joke how we are slowly turning into my parents :scream::scream::scream::sob::sob::sob:
I’m grateful we shared fun memories of old times in different houses in different towns in different states we have lived in. I’m grateful today I can find joy when my wife is drinking. I’m grateful today, I don’t care about yesterday or tomorrow.

I’m grateful for cool beautiful mountain weather.

I’m grateful we’ll be hunkering down and spending a lot of time on this deck alone together with our pets hiding out from all the bloody tourists and making fun of the golfers. Sorry Brian. :joy:. But they are funny with their remote control golf bags on wheels that they don’t even have to push. And there will be a bar set up between the 12th and 13 hole by my house on MY TRAIL for crying out loud! I’m grateful the golfers can have fun as they like and it doesn’t bother me.
I’m grateful I recognize the distinct sound of a golf ball hitting a ponderosa :joy:.

I’m grateful I can meditate after this and or nap on my beautiful deck.
I’m grateful for no plans over the holiday weekend.

I’m grateful for Al-Anon.
I’m grateful for this app.
I’m grateful for our home thread.
I’m grateful for my wife.
Oh and just so I don’t leave you hanging @Soberbilly I’m grateful my rodent inspection showed the house and especially the crawl space still sealed and no sings to rodent activity or :poop:
We’re good. Oh and ya. The rodent inclusion is part of the pest control service added on to our contract to make sure they are indeed excluded. :nerd_face:
I’m grateful I have cats and if they hear anything I’ll know about about.

There are no rules for practicing gratitude, just as long as you do.


Congratulations on you rocking your 40th birthday, and with out drinking or a hangover the next day. That is the best :hugs:


Thank you so very much. Website had helped me already.


Thank you . Good day today and hope you all have great days ahead


You do what now? (Insert pied piper gif)

Grateful for humor, creativity, the sun and the rain, God, family, food, for the breath in my lungs, to be Canadian, warm water for showers, principles before personalities, sponsors, first responders, turtles and recovery.

p.s. If you’re not working on your recovery you’re working on a relapse. Ya you!!

Edit to add. Grateful for @Dan531 and @Dazercat my sober sports buddies as I watch the Nba playoffs


Happy birthday!! @Frazzetta


I’m grateful for @Soberbilly’s thoughtful, personal replies. And that there’s usually something to chortle about!

I’m grateful I chortled last night when I read about @Dazercat’s packrats. I remember that post on the check-in thread! But go easy on yourself… you included the pics of the trucks outside your house, remember? It did kind of look like a budget horror film. :rofl: :rat:

I’m grateful one of my meetings was cancelled today. I did not get enough sleep last night, and I was super overwhelmed today for that and other reasons. I’m grateful I’m getting better at being compassionate towards myself when I get overwhelmed, instead of adding to the angst by beating myself up. No sense in that.

I’m grateful to recognize I gotta go back to gratitude basics. It’s a great antidote to the overwhelm. I’m grateful for my comfy little home. I’m grateful for the leaves rustling in the trees on the dog girl’s and my walks. I’m so grateful for the dog girl. I’m grateful for my job and the opportunity to work on my relationship to work. I’m grateful for easy healthy meals and the desire to take care of myself. I’m grateful for the nice phone chat with a pal tonight. I’m grateful the weekend is coming up and I’m grateful I have a relaxing one planned.

I’m grateful for my recovery. I’m grateful for all the support here and elsewhere.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Oh! And I’m so proud of how @Frazzetta spent her 40th bday sober and loving life! Happy Birthday, you beautiful gratidude with the beautiful jewelry!

I’m also super proud of how @erntedank has faced the first year without her mum or her ex. :pensive:

My 40th bday and my divorce were both, er, wine-infused… but I’m grateful those days are done and that we celebrate each others joys and sorrows the only way there is: sober and grateful! :orange_heart: