Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

Grateful to wake up to @Soberbillys reminder it’s Memorial Day! I spent my morning appreciating all the US soldiers over coffee.

Ahhh coffee, one addiction I finally am OK with… I’m only human! Just like @jazzy said TS addiction is also one I’m OK with! I think coffee/TS mornings are some of my happiest mornings.
Grateful to hear there are some new good shows out there to watch @Dazercat, and happy you’re back on the ups! I went through a funk recently, I am grateful we no longer put kerosene on it, we claw our way out with the tools we have learned in sobriety. You did that, and I’m proud of you!

Grateful baby finally napped, she is sick and wants her mama all morning. Grateful for the cuddles. She’s always trying to explore and she is so busy, I am grateful I got to cuddle her.

Ok… so here is the fence LOL it doesn’t look like much and this is my “garden” of weeds! I should have started in January. But better late then never. The whole time I’m working back here I can’t help but think how much work this is for some vegetables.


The TS cult is the only cult where members feel grateful they’ve been stalked and dragged back to the fold. :laughing: I’m grateful you’re back too. :slightly_smiling_face:

@M-be-free49 Bedbugs are one of those species where I start internally shouting, “torch the whole place”! :laughing: I think you only get ten mentions because TS wants people to get out of their shell and socialize, but not like that much! Don’t be an over achiever! :wink:

@Dazercat :heart:

I’m grateful for the Internet.

Broad statement, I know, but here’s the thing: I used to listen to stories on records as a child. I think I wore them out. I graduated to books (and lectures, educational material, etc.) on tape, and eventually went through all our small local library had until I moved out and to a bigger city with bigger and multiple libraries. CDs made everything more plentiful, but the Internet has provided me with unlimited books, lectures, educational, news, etc., selections.

So I’m grateful that the Internet has brought these things as it proliferated in popularity among the population. I’ve always enjoyed putting these things on while doing other things. I am also grateful I can now able to speed things up, sometimes to 1.75x speed, just so I can get through more or leave more time for music or actually sitting down to read.

I’m also grateful for audio content in general through the years. I’m sure I would have gotten into far more trouble in my life without a way to keep my over-active brain busy and properly satiate my desire to learn new things in a safe environment. In a way, also grateful that I was often kept out of school due to my home environment. In general, I learned far more outside of institutionalized learning facilities, and the neglect I experienced in my childhood (while emotionally destructive) also left me free to pursue my own interests.

Also grateful I have learned to recognize and acknowledge the negatives, while also understanding how they can give birth to potential positives.


Ah yes this is something cool to think about! I just listened to a good podcast from the history channel (I think you would like it!) about the first apple computer in 1987! :exploding_head: it sold for 5000$ (in todays money)
I can’t imagine what life will be like when we are older.


I’m grateful I just downloaded Rolling Stones top 10 Bob Marley songs. I’ve got a pretty good and unusual Reggae playlist. But strange. No Bob Marley.

It’s also got me thinking about my next book. I love biographies. Have you got a suggestion on one for Bob Marley. He sounds like an interesting person.


Oh that’s awesome – I have a great biography but the name of the author is eluding me at the moment - will dig out and find for you.
Also - try to find some Dean Fraser plays Bob Marley - great instrumental on Bob’s tunes. I have been gifted many videos and interviews and autobiographies — forever learning about the man and gaining from his messages.
He most definitely is amazing - grateful my mom got me addicted to him.
Maybe TMI but I did a 2 week trip (not enough time by any means) to Jamaica and visited all his places (from birth to teen jobs to his studios…etc) It was a great way to explore the Island and really feel Bob’s light and message.


Grateful evening check-in.
I’m glad @JazzyS pain is bearable today.
@Dazercat your shares are always touching me, good that today you are feeling better.
Nice to hear from @Callie99 .
Missing and thinking of @KarenKW How are you?
Sending a peaceful hug to all gratidudes and -dudettes :sunflower:

Today I’m grateful I realized this might be the first holiday in the last 10+ years I relaxed and enjoyed.

Without any stress or thoughts on work waiting, without being tired, exhausted or hungover, without wishing to have more quality time together with my ex. Feeling happy and enjoying the garden BECAUSE IT IS NEAT AND TIDY. I’m grateful all the little worksteps over the last 9 months added up into a tidy, neat garden :pray: I can hear my ex nagging that I neglect this and don’t look after that … I’m grateful this is over. I’m grateful he helped when I couldn’t do it all by my own. I’m grateful for a long time we were a good team and there was no nagging. I’m grateful it’s ok to miss this aspect.

As I’ve worked on myself for over a year by now I see that it was too much for me and my longing for quality time with him, his love, just the bare human minimum made the situation a lot worse. Of course there was also my mum to care. For the beautiful things in life that I enjoy I simply had no energy left, no nerves and no calmness as they need work and caring too. I’m grateful this exhausting, sad, frustrating time is over and I enjoy my little green kingdom again and found energy and love for gardening again.

Babysteps and staying in the present as in the back of my mind the Herkulean task of doing the same at the farm is patiently waiting to give me a massive nervous breakdown.

I’m grateful I cooked a georgeous one pot chilli con carne like dish with potatoes added. I’m gonna eat this for the next days and it makes me happy. I love one-pot-dishes (allthough I have a dishwasher).

I’m grateful I did minor chores and gardenwork today, keeping it restful. I’m grateful for 2 naps in the afternoon, I needed it.

I’m grateful I decided to text the ex about some insurance stuff with the farm instead of calling.

  1. I am not tempted to ask him personal questions I know I won’t get an answer
  2. I am not sad and frustrated because of 1. or because he ignores the call
  3. I don’t feed my codepenent patterns
  4. I don’t overthink a text message :+1:

I’m grateful I’ve come this far. I’m grateful for ODAAT :pray:


Hi @erntedank - I’m lurking. Not feeling very grateful about things. Pain is bad. But I’m still sober. So there’s that.


I’m 11 years cancer free today and I’m so grateful to be alive, to be breathing, to not be in pain, to not be sick and to be living my best life. I’m so grateful that I got world class treatment, kindness, and care from St. Judes Children Research Hospital in my hometown of Memphis, TN. Because of them, my time with cancer didn’t jade me towards the world but actually instilled in me a joy for living and loving. I’m happy that I am now finally reconnecting to that childlike innocence that I carried with me out into the world after my last session of chemo. Tomorrow I’m 90 days sober!


That’s amazing news DJ. That’s so cool of you to share that part of your life with us. I’m very grateful for your zest for life.
Can’t wait you for 90 tomorrow.


Grey’s is so comforting to me for so many reasons I LOVE IT :heart:


I cannot believe I’ve see all 19 seasons as they happened.


I’m grateful to God for guiding me through this day and pray for help to remain clean and sober until I get to rest later tonight. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful to see @Clarity and @Callie99 it seems like it’s been forever, as our friend Eric says the coffee’s always on, pull up a screen, get a dose of gratefulness. I’m grateful for my friend @M-be-free49 her way with words and the dog girl. I’m grateful for why I’m really here midday, starting my lets see now, my fourth legal paying job since working on recovery, officially a full time employee at Canadian Tire starting tomorrow morning with orientation and all that fun stuff. I’m grateful my friend that was in a coma and had heart surgery is back at the local hospital and I can go visit him. I’m grateful I made it to my college appointment this afternoon, yet disspointed they won’t process my application until I fully and completely pay a, significant to me fee of almost two thousand Candian bucks, for not properly unregistering. I’m grateful that the unmanageability of my past has hopefully stopped, especially since this is not my only financial ammends to make. I’m grateful to admit that I am currently scoffing at the thought of a program quote, “we will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it” Lmao. I’m grateful I know that I will feel better with some prayer, acceptance and once I start making payments, this job timing helps with that. I’m grateful my problems are, in the grand scheme of things, relatively small. I’m grateful to be going to a meeting later tonight that I have been blessd to have the key for. I’m optimisticly grateful that after visiting people in the hospital it will take me out of my pity party. I’m grateful for the twelve steps. I’m grateful for music and know which song I’m playing next on the anthem of the day thread. I’m grateful for humor and laughter.

May our higher powers help us heal, spiritually, mentally and physically.

p.s. You are Awesome. Ya you!!


I binge watch it. I have gone through it completely twice. I would wait for new seasons to out on Netflix. I don’t do that anymore now I watch weekly on Hulu but on Netflix I stay in order and never skip an episode Right now I’m going through a 3rd time and I am on season 6 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart_eyes::star_struck:


Congratulations and good luck with your new job :hugs:


Thanks and welcome to our home thread. Grateful to have you join us.


Today makes 5 days clean and sober from dope and pills… im feeling like a failure because i always go back to getting high even when it hurts me or the ones i love. Im determined that i will NOT relaspe again. Im going to continue to add more days to this 5 i already got. I wanna list a few things that i am grateful for.

I am grateful for:
-my handsome 6 year old son! Hes my world. He deserves a sober, happy and healthy momma.
-my amazing boyfriend of almost 6 years who has stayed by my side, helping me thru the struggles of addiction that i have been thru. He has never turned his back on me regardless of my relaspes.
-my amazing mother in law, she has been a super big help thru all my issues, she continues to love me every single day and because she created such an amazing man, my boyfriend, im lucky to have her too. Love you sylvia!
-this community, yeah im new here but everyone has had amazing advice and made me feel so welcomed.
-god, for letting me see another day.
-5 days sober.


This is so beautiful, major congratulations on being cancer free for so long!! :heart:


Welcome Jessica.
What a beautiful share.
I’m so glad you came over for a spell.
We got your back.
You’re so worth it


Congratulations on your 5 days :clap:


Today I am grateful for
Being sober
Place to live
Food to eat
Going back to work this week
True friends that love me
My son for being so helpful :blue_heart:
This community