Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

I’m grateful to God for lovingly guiding me through another day and helping me abstain from my addictions. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for prayer and meditation. I’m grateful for the twelve steps. I’m grateful for my job. I’m grateful for music. I’m grateful for humor and laughter. I’m grateful for my NA home group and that tonight was a celebration for a fellow members two years and there was a good speaker. I’m grateful for the rain we got most of today and calling for more tomorrow. I’m grateful when I couldn’t find my umbrella for the morning walk to work that I rememberd I recently bought a raincoat because I don’t spend all my money on my addictions.
May our higher powers restore us to sanity.

p.s. Don’t forget to smile and breathe it feels good and looks great on you. Ya you!!


I am grateful for
modern day medication
a slow day
more happy news in my circle of friends
summer rain
my appointment with my therapist today
every one of you :orange_heart:


I’m grateful :innocent:

I’m grateful to be back home with 6 furr balls waking me up at 4:15 to get my day going. I’m grateful to be back in my own bed. I’m grateful for my first family reunion, trip, flight, all of it! And I’m still sober. Of course I am! I’m grateful I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m grateful I never even thought about it.

I’m grateful when we were walking to the park and wifey elbowed me and said, “look what we did :heart:.” And she pointed to my son and daughter walking with their daughter and son.
Yeah….we did good. And I’m so grateful for that. I’m grateful they did good.

I’m grateful yesterday I did my gratitude in my mind like every morning, but yesterday I was going to write it down here and thought. Nope. It’s your last morning with coffee and croissants and high tide waves crashing on the rocks down below and the gulls. I’m grateful I just sat there and enjoyed the moment. Alone. Peacefully. With you all in mind. Before Chickie wakes up.

I’m grateful we have babies when we are young and I get to play grandpa and leave ‘em.:older_man: :joy: :heart:. That’s a lot of work. And so much love. I’m grateful my grown up children are recovered and can raise up a family.

I’m grateful and hopeful we can do something like this yearly.

“Family is a unique gift that needs to be appreciated and treasured, even when they’re driving you crazy.”
Jenna Morasca


My hobbies
I’m an onion
Another play date
A new friend
House still a possibility
Coffee making me feel glorious this morning
Good music
Ambient lighting
Still new things to learn
Rain=free car wash

Have a great day everyone! @Dazercat glad to hear you had a great trip and glad to have you back!


Morning sober fam,

Pretty blue and lonely these days but i gotta still practice gratitudes.

Im greatful for my sobriety
Im greatful for @JazzyS reaching out to me
Im greatful my husband knows how to cheer me up when im blue
Im greatful for tears
Im greatful for netflix comedy specials
Im greatful Boscoe chose us
Im greatful for a new day
Im greatful i know this crappy mentality is temporary
Im greatful i can work from home today
Im greatful for this community


Amen sista! Believe it or not I was feeling super crappy the last few days. Sometimes it’s gotta run it’s course and then BAM you wake up one morning and feel better :slight_smile: This too shall pass, and when it does… ahhh, it feels that much sweeter!

I’m always here when you’re feeling lonely! I’ve been through it. Still feel that way at times. Is it a part of getting sober? :thinking:((Hugs))


Grateful for the Beach Boscoe I saw on my walk the other day. :people_hugging:



Good morning my good grateful buddies! I’m grateful that I don’t usually try to pay too much attention to milestones, but I am delighted that I have been sober for 9 months! A personal record and for some reason it tickles me to think that’s long enough to grow a whole tiny human! I’m grateful for my sober life, and that every day I wake up sober there is something new to learn or do or see. I’m grateful that not feeling like a human skin sack full of toxic waste and eels allows me to have the courage to speak up and do things I might not have done otherwise. I’ve wanted to go to Wisconsin dells for a while and finally asked the BF if he would go with me to ride waterslides and rollercoasters – before I never even asked because I was drunk, hungover, or I told myself it wasn’t worth asking because he wouldn’t want to do that. Well, I asked and he does and I booked us a place to stay and I’m SO PUMPED. I’m grateful my sobriety allows me to be a fun and reliable friend, it makes my life better and I’m happier and much better able to manage my shit mostly. I’ve got a softball game today, on a team I never would have joined if I wasn’t sober, and it’s going to be fun. Let’s get after it y’all!


G mornin’ Gratidudes,. Grateful I got some decent sleep last night , zonked out early( read dropped from exaughtion)
Feeling quite Hopeful to give another go today at recovery incl facing my shadow side :arrow_right:face everything an recover, rt?
Try not to panic , HP is in the lead , I will choose to embrace conscious contact like buddy who says step 3 & 11 are key :pray:
Grateful for our feowship here thx for sharing and grateful to meet you True Self :heart::heart::heart:


Congratulations on your 9 months Jenny.
Have a splashing great time!!

I’m dying over here :joy::joy::joy:


@karenkw how’s it going today? Hope your depression is on hiatus
@dazercat so happy that your family reunion went well. Lovely pic of your kids / grandkids –Thank you so much for sharing the joy. Grateful that you are sober, full of love and back with us here on our home thread :blush:
@CJP much love my friend! I am sending positive vibes so that this funk will lift for you my friend! Without the bad we can’t truly appreciate the good — you are right – this is so temporary – this too shall pass. So glad to hear that your hubby knows how to cheer you up
@frazzetta A huge congrats on your 9 months. So excited for your upcoming adventures at the Wisconsin Dells! Loving the new fun and reliable you! Love your wording and humor as well :rofl:

Tuesday afternoon gratitude…
I am so grateful for a laid back Tuesday. It’s like 55 degrees which feels nice but weird from 90+ a few days ago. I’m relaxing now at home watching the trees dance in the rain
I am so grateful for the delicious grape leaves my mom picked up for me from the local middle eastern store-- grateful that my brother doesn’t like em so I get to enjoy them without sharing :wink:
I am so grateful that it’s 1:00 and I am going to give into this nap that’s calling me (my eyes feel so heavy)
I am so grateful that I was able to delete an email from my aunt without letting it totally upset me. I do not go around trying to change people (their religious beliefs / practices, their eating habits, their work outs etc – i just wish others would be as courteous with me. The last time I gave into my extended family’s way of thinking I became super ill — I’m done with changing for others! I am so grateful for this strength
I am so grateful for my full body mindful scan - it did not feel good at the time but did somehow relax me (maybe that is why my body is so persistent on this nap?)
I am so grateful that i have a loving family and was told by my mother that my siblings have mentioned changes they’ve seen in me (my attitude has improved and I am not so snappy and I deal with Bull Shit customers without irritation) – was really great to hear that others are noticing my efforts
I am so grateful for my mom who is insanely supportive and is going out of her way to make sure I’m as comfortable as can be. I am so grateful for this - I feel like shit sometimes that she’s still taking care of me like this - as I am 45 and should be better at taking care of myself but still so grateful! I am learning so much from her and really yearning to learn more about how nature (fruits / vegetables) can heal us. I am so grateful that I will be applying for a course in Ayurvedic medicine in January.
I am so grateful for meditations and prayers - I do love how freeing I feel!
I am grateful for this lovely community (my new sober family) - love how it’s growing each day! I am grateful for all the souls this site has helped and continues to help. Finally something good coming out of the internet chat communities :heart:
Another awesome sober day — Sending you all much love :heart:


Today I’m grateful the day is over. It was horrible and I’m off to bed. Thanks to therapy, friends and cats I’m not a complete mess :pray:


Ran out of hearts … here ya go​:heart::heart::heart::people_hugging:

Grateful for this!! Sorry the day was a suck fest. Get some rest and i hope tomorrow is brighter :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hey Jazzy, thanks for checking on me. I’m okay. A bit better than yesterday. Actually managed to get work done. I’m just exhausted because I slept horribly and had bad nightmares.


Glad you are feeling better.
I’ve heard that nightmares are linked to anxiety and depression (it’s your mind trying to sort out all the emotions) - Hopefully as you work on these the nightmares will stop.
Wishing you a good peaceful nights rest tonight.


Beautiful! That picture put a big old smile on my face!


Hi friends, I’m grateful the house was pretty clean when I came home from work today. I’m grateful my new flavor of bubble water tastes so good-Pomegranate Dragon Fruit. I’m grateful I can sit on the porch swing and sip my bubble water and unwind. I’m grateful I can look at my little garden- lots of tomatoes growing on the plant I tried out in the Greenstalk. Pretty cool! I’m grateful for my friends and family. I’m grateful for love and forgiveness.:heart:


I’m grateful to God for guiding me through today while helping me abstain from my addictions. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes.
God bless us all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You rock. Ya you!!


Good evening beautiful souls. :sparkles:

I am grateful for my health, for my senses and for time. I am grateful for the full life I have today, so full somedays I feel like it is spilling over. I am grateful for humility and balance; for knowing my limits and for being honest with myself and others. I am grateful to know so many women with that when I feel I just cant sponsor another person I can lead them to a rich well of strong recovery. I am grateful that I love women now, that I am not a family wrecking dope feind without any conscious. I am grateful that the program of Narcotics Anoymous has helped me learn to be better. Step work is pretty cool, it shines a really bright light on some behaviors that become undeniable. I am grateful that I cant lie to myself anymore, god was I ever full of shit.

I am grateful for the prayer flags I was gifted from Nepal. I have intention of hanging them in the morning, maybe I will post a piccie.

:heart: :seedling: :sparkles:


I’m grateful for the rain that’s falling. I hope it falls all night and puts out these forest fires.

I’m grateful I stopped what I was doing and cuddled the dog girl during the thunder. She doesn’t like it in her old age, and there’s nowhere I’d rather be than sitting beside her, riding out a storm.

I’m grateful for my sobriety. My life isn’t on fire anymore, fueled by wine. Thank you, rains of recovery, for putting out my fires.

I’m grateful I don’t hafta travel for work this week. I’m grateful I’m better at stating my needs. And letting go of thinking how it’ll all go over.

I’m so grateful for my therapy session today. Damn, it was a gooder.

I’m grateful to call this day done now and tuck on in to bed.
I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:

I’m grateful we can share the hard days - @Cjp, @erntedank, @KarenKW, and anyone else who is down or blue or hurting and sad. Hugs to all of you.

I’m grateful we can share the wins - @Frazzetta way to go on 9 months! And super sweet family pic, @Dazercat.