Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

Damn its hump day again…these days need to stop flying by!
In am so grateful for my body allowing me to sleep without pain. Its like it went to a state i cant describe - it took me a second to appreciate it when i woke. Now everything is back but at least i feel rested.
I am so grateful that i found myself crying and dont realize it until my cheeks were soaked - im not sad or super happy and pain is as it always is so no explanation- its passed just as quickly as it came
I am so grateful for my morning coffee - hot and perfect. I just added a dark roast blend that was promised to be extra potent and let me tell you - it delivered. My cells are a little too awake at this moment.
I am so grateful that my dad will be helping with all the heavy lifting today (the black boxes with food we take to the hospital can become super heavy). Usually I can do the return trip on my own but have asked for his assistance as 50 lb is still too much for me to do. He is just so damn sweet and eager to help out. Grateful that my brother will be back tomorrow so the lifting will be easier.
I am so grateful that we did get all the rain and now its nice and sunny - hopefully not muggy :crossed_fingers:
I am so grateful that I did get my eyes checked earlier this year and purchased glasses…seems that my eyesight is fading faster than I had expected - will start my eye exercises and see if I can slow down this process
I am so grateful for my family, my meditation and prayer, my higher power my love for life all that support and kindness that keep me moving forward with positivity
I am so grateful for the TS family i’ve found. I love how open and honest we can all be with each other.
Have a beautiful Wednesday my sober friends – sending much lover :heart:


Mornin fam,

Im greatful for…

My sobriety, 409 days
My hubby keeping his promises
Boscoes love and cuddles
Hot coffee
Flexible work
Sober buddies
Got moving yesterday
Our home
Our safety
All of you and this wonderful community


I’m grateful :innocent:
I’m grateful my daughter turned 35 today and has been recovered from her heroin addiction for 14/15 years now. I’m grateful we got to see her last week. I’m grateful she has a beautiful baby. I’m grateful she’s grown into an amazing responsible woman. I’m grateful for her dry quick witted humor. I’m grateful she’s the funniest one in our family. I’m grateful she married the son of the owner of the sober living house she went to so many years ago. I’m grateful she is surrounded by in-laws that together have racked up over hundreds of years of NA clean recovery. I’m grateful for the miracle of recovery.

I’m grateful for Al-Anon. I’m grateful for Al-Anon slogans. I’m grateful last nights meeting was about Al-Anon slogans.
I’m grateful last week I used:


A lot. Is it :thinking:

I’m grateful for:



I’m grateful for the tiniest birds that belt out the loudest birdsong :notes:
I’m grateful all the pets seem well after their stay at the vets.
I’m grateful when Alice forces herself up on my lap when I’m trying to do something.
I’m grateful when Daisy is tamping on me in bed and then lies down on me and continues to tamp gently. And snuggles in on me. And then leaves after about 5 minutes.
I’m grateful Minnie is still with us.
I’m grateful it’s easier to sneak Benson out for a second walk these days.
Speaking of which. It’s time to do that now.
Grateful for you all.

Open your mind before you open your mouth.”


Today I’m grateful the day was better. I’m grateful I woke up early and used the early hours for office work. Of course with three fury assistants.

I’m grateful for a long talk with my psychiatrist about what happened, how to cope with it, about overcoming the relationship, about how to build my life anew. He urged me to take it easy step by step, focus on myself, keep calm and take care that my emotions stay moderate, have good cries and move on at my pace not looking back, left or right. I’ve been practicing this way for over a year and I’m fine to follow it further.

I’m grateful I rested for the rest of the day, I feel exhausted, dizzy and a bit depressed. A lot of emotions to process.
I’m grateful for this wonderful community and all the support we give and find :people_hugging:


Good afternoon,

I am grateful that I treated myself to a manicure. I chose black and I got some :sparkles: on my index fingers. I am grateful for the joy i felt when i looked at my hands when she was finished. They look magical. :heart_eyes: :sparkles: :black_heart:

I am grateful for text messaging, and free long distance phone calls. I am grateful for Autism funding. I am grateful for the courtesy call I recieved yesterday from Child and Youth Special Needs, and for the sparkly heart emoji my daughters case worker sent me via text. I am grateful for her caring, compassionate nature. :sparkling_heart:

I am grateful that my kiddos counselling is going overtime, I guess they are getting along well.

Grateful for my life today. :heart:


I’m grateful my cat is still alive and seemingly doing okay after being told in late April that she was dying after losing two pounds since January.
I’m grateful I’m able to pick her up and get an accurate reading off of a 50 year old balance beam scale.
Daily weigh ins now.
I’m grateful for all of us and how we manage through the many challenges we are faced with every single day.


I’m grateful to God for lovingly guiding me through today while abstaining from my addictions. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful that my AA homegroup meets twice a week and one of them was tonight, it was good. I’m grateful for food in my cupboards and that I can cook. I’m grateful for warm showers with music playing in the background. I’m grateful for my bicycle, without it I would’ve been late for work this morning and the meeting tonight. I’m grateful for meditation and prayer. They calm me down while giving me strength and hope. I’m grateful for animals and children and watching them interact. I’m grateful for the rain and that after comes growth. I’m grateful to not be lost in grief anymore. I can focus on being the best version of me and honor those I’ve loved and lost, including myself and my old ways. I’m grateful for humor, laughter, smiles and hugs, even virtual ones. I’m grateful for pictures of you all, your families, friends, pets, art and plants.

May our higher powers grant us peace.

p.s. You’re a star shine bright. Ya you!!


@Soberbilly I’m grateful for your quote, I needed to hear this right now :pray:
@I.cant.We.can Thank you for your sharings that life goes on and it gets better. These are true gems for me to hold onto :pray:

Lunchtime gratitude. I had a horrible night, dreams and emotions were all over the place. I 'm grateful I fell asleep again several times in the morning so I’m not totally devasted.

I’m grateful I was kind to myself and pulled me out of the panic and desperation by praying, doing little chores, making tea and going to the garden. I didn’t want to but I know it gets me out of my turmoil. I’m grateful I’ve been practicing this helpful patterns over a year by now and they stick most of the time. I’m grateful for progress.

I’m grateful I texted a friend to accompany me to the farm in the next days. It is not healthy to face the situation alone. I’m grateful I ask for help and there are loving people who are there for me :people_hugging::pray:

I’m grateful I focus on what I CAN do. And DO it, by babysteps. I’m grateful I developed the attitude to just doing something instead of overthinking and going down the rabbit hole of overburdening, exhaustion and despair. It helps me to calm down and find peace.

I’m grateful I am free, living a good life, having faith in God’s will and the universe, living in freedom and peace. Life will bring solutions where I have no clue how to go on. The situation is too big and too much for me alone, I’m grateful I surrender to that fact.

I’m grateful for the sound of churchbells ringing. I love it.

I’m grateful for my small garden where I put so much work in. Sitting here lifts my soul.


Good morning grateful friends,

I’m grateful for another day sober.

I’m grateful I recognized that I’m getting too passive in my recovery, so working on focusing on it more intentionally.

I’m grateful I got to catch up with a friend over dinner last night.

I’m grateful for my upcoming trip and job interview. This could be the change I need.

I’m grateful I’ve been trying sleep meditations at bedtime. It seems to help ease my anxiety and fall asleep a bit better. But I’ve been having nightmares most nights. Those are exhausting.

I’m grateful I’m caught back up at work so feeling less stressed about work.

I’m grateful my mood has been a bit better these last few days. Still having crying spells, but overall not as weighed down.

I’m grateful for all of you!



I’m glad you feel a bit better. Nightmares are exhausting, I feel with you. Wish you a good day :people_hugging:


Happy Thursday my sober friends
Wow - this past week ive been naturally getting up at 5:30 and i forgot how much i missed it. I am grateful for the peace and quiet of the early mornings. I am grateful for the lighter energy as the day begins.
I am so grateful for not feeling ill this morning. I went to sleep feeling nauseous, dizzy and a bit out of my body (thank god weed or alcohol was not involved).
I am so grateful that ill have about 3 hours of deliveries this morning so i will be me on the road with my thoughts…hopefully a peaceful day
I am so grateful to hear the birds conversating and watching the bunnies /squirrels playing
I am so grateful that ill be making my coffee soon (surprised it wasnt the 1st thing i did this morning)
I am so grateful that my nails are not growing as fast these days so i can wait 2-3 days to clip
I am so grateful that althought some parts of me are in pain and feelung heavy others are a bit nimb and pain is mild - grateful i will divert my brain to only concentrate on the latter
I am so grateful that my brother is coming home today (missed the little bugger) - not thrilled about seeing his gf but knowing itll be the last time i have to communicate with her is a great feeling
I am so grateful that i have time to relax and meditate now. Possibly will also do a body scan followed by a facial ice plunge to activate all of me.
I am so grateful for my familys support- my parents really helped in making this week go smoothly.
I am forever so grateful for my higher power. I rely on His energy more and more these days
I am so grateful for my growing TS family. Love to you all. A huge thanks for just being you and being here!
Sending much love :heart:


Good morning sober fam,

Im greatful for…

My sobriety, 410.23 days free
Boscoe my friend
Hubbys calls just to tell me he loves me
Got some exercise yesterday
AA 12 steps
Access to fresh groceries
A reliable car
A text from a friend
Gaining different perspectives
Love to you all


Grateful for my ginger turmeric green tea.
Grateful I already had my coffee a couple of hours ago.
Grateful Jazzy can do gratitude before coffee.
Grateful that ain’t gonna happen over here :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Grateful I’m very grateful before coffee.
Grateful I only got to get up at 4:30 one more morning before we get outta here.
Grateful to get back to Flagstaff and literally chill out for the next 3 months.
Grateful Minnie can get back up where it’s nice and cool.
Grateful it’s only a 2 hour drive instead of the 8 we use to do from Cali.
Grateful I got 4 really good meetings in Flagstaff I like to go to. And grateful I got 4 really good meetings down here.
I won’t lie. I’m grateful people say they are going to miss me. And call them if I want to.
Grateful to get back to healthier eating when we get home.
Grateful to be retired and be able to travel as much as I do.
Grateful to not have to board the pets for 3 months while we are chilling up north before our fall travel season starts up again.
Grateful I’m doing all this sober.
Grateful I feel like it’s the only way.
Grateful for everyone on TS and especially the G-Dudes and Dudettes :hugs:

Staying sober through the chaos so I can see the beauty, rather than get wasted and only recollect the bad.


Good morning :sparkles:

This mornings coffee is definitely something to be grateful for. Hot, strong and full of flavor!!! I am grateful that my obsession with coffee was lifted without me having to stop drinking it. At one point not too long ago I was going to bed already obsessing about my morning coffee. I could already taste it and I just couldnt get to sleep fast enough so that I could wake up and experience the joy of having it. #suchanaddict

I am grateful that I can see this type of addict thinking and call it what it is today, name it and shine some light on it while its happening. I think thats how it ends up shrinking away. There are days during those weeks of obsession where i will wake up at 3 am and have a hard time getting back to sleep. My addict will often offer me a coffee and an early morning sunrise, but the wiser part of me knows better and will flip another melatonin instead. I am grateful my addict voice holds less power these days.

I was refered to as an angel last night, imagine that… me a fricken angel. Its unbelievable how we can completely change and live who we were meant to be just by applying spiritual principles to our lives. I had sold my soul to the devil when I was very young and created a living hell for myself here on earth. There was no room in my life for angels, they would have been burned. I am grateful that somehow my life is the complete opposite to what it was. I am grateful that any addict can recover from the disease of addiction if they apply spiritual principles to their lives. I am grateful that this new life that I live is simple.



Lol Its true, you are. Also, I can relate as the same happened to me recently :pray: :v: :innocent:


Grateful for 21 years with my spouse ( +1 year dating) today. There have been good times and bad, but because of those I am the person I am today, and I like who I am. While we have both changed over the years, the exciting dating-type romance having long faded, and have less joint interests than when we met, I am grateful that we both stongly value communication and honoring the commitment we’ve made to each other.

@Alisa I’m happy to hear your kitty is doing well. :heart:


Congratulations on 21 years together!


Thank you! :heart:


I’m grateful for 1 year 3 months of total clarity, mended relationships, priceless family time, the sense of achievement from conquering my greatest enemy, being right with my Creator and a wonderfully positive view of life. Totally worth it.


This is wonderful :orange_heart: Happy anniversary to you :hugs: