Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

I’m grateful for your service Jake.
Happy 4th sir :saluting_face:


Oh Eric i’m so sorry that Minnie is not doing so well. I do hope that she is not in any pain and grateful that she is at home with you and Kelly to help support her through these times. Sending you comfort my friend.

Happy Saturday my lovely sober friends
I am so grateful for getting to the gratitude’s today. I wasn’t sure if i wanted to but of course just reading here and digging deep i am starting to feel better already
I am so grateful for my mother and her doing so much research in trying to help me with my health.
I am so grateful that I have a safe haven at home. I have a roof over my head and yummy fresh healthy food in the fridge.
I am so grateful for living so close to the grocery store. Good health is so convenient.
I am so grateful for my thriving herb garden
I am so grateful for my loving family - my cousin and her daughter arrived safely last night and I will hopefully have some one on one time with them
I am so grateful for coconut oil and its healing properties. It’s taking time but already feel it working.
I am so grateful for hearing the lovely sounds of birds chirping.
I am so grateful for being able to enjoy pistachio’s (other nuts are a bit too much for my digestive system at this moment)
I am so grateful for meditation/ prayer, mindful body scans, light stretching to help with self care
I am so grateful for my higher power and the love / support i sense with His guidance
I am so grateful for this beautiful community filled with such lovely souls – thank you so much for sharing your journey’s with me
Love to you all - have a wonderful Saturday – sending much love :heart: :heart:


Grateful to have a fellowship here TS friends!!!
Not to miss my own stag party today!! Wow
Must be something to do with my 17 second memory, must work on this(note to self!! : ) ) - had to be reminded. Photos to follow today…
For knowing I won’t be drinking at my stag – sponsor is with and HP guidance to!!
Thinking of those of us who are struggling today~~we’re not alone buddy :sunny::sunny::sunny::muscle::muscle::muscle:


My good friend and roomate has just passed away from an overdose and i need to practice some gratitude, stat. I am so grateful to be clean and when the reality of the disease is staring me in the face im even more grateful.
Im grateful that i did everything in my power to pull her back when i noticed she had relapsed, im grateful for the knowledge that just as i am powerless over my addiction i was over hers.
Im grateful to have a sponsor in real life that i have been building a relationship with, it helps. Im grateful i continually push through the massive social anxiety and just fucked up self esteem im trying to work on and have forged ahead with people in the rooms, its not easy for me but im always glad ive done it. Even when again, i lose a friend to this beast i am grateful that i wont give up and become an off grid hermit.
Grateful my kids are here with me. I have them about 70% of the time now and we just put in an application for an apartment. Grateful to be actively working toward this goal of all of us under the same roof all the time. Im so grateful to this clean and sober house for being so chill and accomadating to them being here so much when theyre not actually suposed to be here at all.
Grateful to never let my guard down to this beast of addiction. All it wants to do is to isolate us, and when its done fucking around with us it kills us.
I am grateful that this pushes me further into my recovery and has no power pullling me out.


Oh man :cold_sweat: I’m so sorry about your friend Darcy. I’m glad you checked in to let it out.
Big hugs my friend
:pray:t2: :people_hugging::heart:


Im so sorry about your loss @Dakotahjae but im super proud of you for using your sobriety tools! We are always here for you


I’m grateful that you’re here with us and where you are at home, mentally, it sounds like you’re doing okay in this horribly traumatic and sad situation. Lighting a candle for your precious friend. I’m so sorry.


I’m so sorry for your loss Darcy and grateful that you were able to come here and practice your gratitude’s.

this is beautiful and i’m so grateful that things are working out for you in your sobriety. So glad that you are able to use all that you’ve gained from sobriety to help you through these times.


I’m so sorry for your loss…sending love and hugs your way. :heart:


I am grateful today to be at my daughters swim meet and to see her excited at how well she is doing.


I am grateful for the 5 days sober. It’s a gift!!!


@Dakotahjae sorry for your lost and all my prayers


So sorry for your loss and trauma Darcy.
Well done finding gratitude to move through this soberly ! Glad you have a sponsor and sober community to lean on for help.
Stay strong and big hugs friend :sunny::sunny::sunny:


Grateful for fellowship at stag party, stayed AF at Day 139. Ty TS for all the wisdom that helps me say " Alcohol does more harm than good" and it’s way more harm…imho
A few beers were consumed but more than happy with my spiced Camato juice, no craving for toxins here . Ty Lordy :pray::pray::pray:
Just a low key shared lunch together (I’m the red shirt with cap on, sponsor is up front Kojak hairstyle~~love to all my teachers, ya you :hugs:)

Have a great week Sober family! Everything is workable with Recovery and Loving Higher Power, Wedding day a soon seven days. My Hun is my rock, we can do this :heart::heart::heart::sunny::sunny::sunny:
The present moment is reality : )


I’m grateful to God for lovingly guiding me through today while helping me abstain from my addictions. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful to be Canadian on this Canada day, and hope you all had a great one. I’m grateful I got to spend it with my Sister’s, Parent’s, Neices, Brother-in-law and their dog at my Parents cottage. I’m grateful I tried paddleboarding on the lake today, it was fun. I’m grateful for all the good food we shared. I’m grateful I was technically getting paid time and a half from work to do these things today. I’m grateful I could afford to make some financial ammends to my Sister and Parents. I’m grateful I went to a meeting after I got home and shared openly about it being hard to watch happy families as I struggle, at times, with loneliness. I’m grateful for acceptance and appreciate the family and friends I do have. I’m grateful that God has given me the opportunity to lead a youth group in the fall and will pray for guidance and to not get ahead of myself, Odaat and everything. I’m grateful I got a sunburn and its not to bad. I’m grateful to be on my couch in the air conditioning as the wind, water, sun and sunburn is exhausting. I’m grateful for taking the time to read step twelve from the twelve and twelve on the beach. I’m grateful I have youtube playing a frequency coupled with nature footage on the t.v. in the background.

May our higher powers grant us peace and wisdom.

p.s. I believe in you. Ya you!!


I am so sorry for the loss of your friend, @Dakotahjae, and grateful you checked in with us. Grateful for your clarity and lucidity in these times, and your obvious commitment to your path. :people_hugging:

I am also sending big hugs to Minnie and fam. I’m grateful she has you, @Dazercat. They love us so much, our pets. I know you’ll know, she’ll tell you, when it’s her time, and she knows you’ll be ok. At least, that is what I believe. :paw_prints:

Congrats on 14 months @Cjp! And a sober stag, @Nowenbrace!

I’m grateful for a slow saturday morning. Slept late like a teenager and didn’t feel bad about it at all.
I’m grateful for puttering-around-home time. I wasn’t feeling like any kind of Canada Day crowds today, and the rain supported me in that.
I’m grateful to know myself more, and better, and my needs. And to be pretty okay with me. :relieved:
I’m grateful for a new book to crack into. I’m grateful I’m tired and will head to bed after this.
I’m grateful for all of you.
I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Good (very early) morning to you all,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 427 days
Im up at 5am but rested
This community is just amazing. The love,support, advice, and concern is genuine and spans the globe. It gives me hope.
Hubby is love sick before his solo trip to Florida and is being super sweet.
Time with the hubby today.
Boscoe did well last night with all the fireworks and cbd chew.
I had a productive day yesterday
Im nervous to sit down and have a big financial discussion with the hubby today. I hope we both show up open minded and patient with communication.
Ahh 3 hours til i can have my coffee with creamer and break my fast.
Time is so precious
Being sober i have more time
Im not a slave to my alcohol addiction right now and i will stay vigilant and put in the work.
Born in america with certain freedoms.
The women before me who fought for more rights
I love you all to pieces


Good morning grateful friends!

Grateful for another day sober.

I’m grateful my cats aren’t bothered by fireworks. I feel so bad for people and pets that are. It’s unnecessary noise and trauma.

I’m grateful I can have a slow, quiet morning with my coffee and the crossword puzzle.

I’m grateful I’m working on myself and learning about who I am and why I’m the way I am. I have a ways to go, but trying to focus on baby steps. Progress not perfection. I just want to be able to love and accept myself. And not rely so much on external validation. That leads to people pleasing and ignoring my needs. At least I now recognize that. I guess that’s the first step.

I’m grateful that getting up early means I can go walk before it’s gets too hot. I struggle with summer in the South.

I’m grateful for all of you and your amazing support.



I won’t look to lo closely at that - I’m still working on that puzzle!

I’m in SE TN. I imagine FL is even warmer. Stay cool :sunglasses:!


@KarenKW i truly see a shift in your shares towards the positive and progress not perfection. Im excited to be on this journey with you