Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

Grateful for the nudge @M-be-free49 gave me to find my way back here. I’ve been a bit in funk the past few days but slowly coming out of it. I am changing some habits around old friends and aquaintances that truly didn’t serve me. It’s emotionally exhausting and is the source for a bit of anxiety, but a good thing. I am grateful for the way @Bootz has such a great way with words - entertaining wisdom, that’s what it is. Grateful it’s friday already and I get to go to choir practise tomorrow. Singing is such healing activity. Grateful for granola and coffee. Grateful for all of you :orange_heart:


Good morning grateful friends.

I’m grateful for another day sober.
I’m grateful it’s Friday. Not quite a long weekend for me. I have to work Monday but get Tuesday off.
I’m grateful I have therapy today. Both physical therapy and mental therapy. Let’s work on everything!
I’m grateful nightmares aren’t real and once I’m awake for a bit my mind can relax again.
I’m grateful for progress, no matter how small.


We had a ball the other night… my mom got my daughter this colorful clay molding set and we decided to have a bakery. My daughter wanted to call it “Phib” bakery because it was for Amphibians. Well we made bug pies and fly ice cream and we had the best time. The inspector came and gave us an A+ and before we knew it, we were in business… I laughed when I saw there was a line of frogs down the street! (My daughters doing) The News reporters even came and phew, it was a wild night… but we had some happy customers. I am so grateful. Grateful for moments like these. Grateful for the long walk to visit our dog Ajax last night to give him some turkey bacon. We brought a jar and we filled it with fireflies. Grateful for yesterdays walk around the pond yesterday. Lots of dragonflies, fish, turtles, and baby frogs. Grateful that I always appreciate the big trees because they are amazing. Grateful for a new day with new adventures.
Grateful that when I was in a funk the other day I was able to meditate and walk out of that room completely different person. Grateful for meditation.
@Its_me_Stella i love you! :two_hearts: grateful for you, always. Grateful to have found you on this sober journey.
Grateful for all of you here and all of your shares I enjoy all of them so much! Have a great day.

Some pictures for you guys! The inspector is on the left :joy::slight_smile:


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 425 free from weed and alcohol
6 months of a healthier lifestyle, eatting better and moving more
Friday and payday
The money gets allocated before it even gets deposited…it goes so fast.
I can pay our bills and still save
My folks
Good food
A calm weekend
Getting together with family
Accupuncture tonight
I get to go grocery shopping…i love to supermarket sweep that bitch
Anxiety meds
Stable mentally
My mobility
Love my job

Peace and love along your journies


I’m grateful when I come on here and see friends that hardly ever post a selfie. Especially with such soft hair :wink:

I’m grateful to have cat little all around my chair this morning :smile_cat: even though the cat box is through the bedroom and in our bathroom. Must of been a party last night. I’m grateful for cats. I’m grateful Mavy played and scratched and bit me through the morning chores of me taking my pills and making coffee and feeding them all. All but one :cry: I’m grateful to watch Mavy play with the new plastic spring I took out of the drawer. I’m grateful when he got all tired out he spent some serious chunk of time cuddling with me on the chair. I’m grateful I did nothing but enjoy his company. I’m grateful I haven’t cleaned a litter box in years. Thanks to my wife I’m grateful our house never ever. Smells like it has 4 cats with 3 litter boxes.

I’m grateful for my Thursday’s to do my 3 rd G (get on with my life.) I’m grateful I went to my nooner and then to the nursery. I’m grateful I was not selfish and mindful of the time so I could get my wife and the chicken and rice she cooked for Minnie down to the vet. I’m grateful I didn’t mind at all saying yes to go out to dinner even though she already been drinking wine. I’m grateful we make a great team when we have a “Man Down!” :cry: I’m grateful we always make a great team when things are rough.

I’m grateful for the communication with the vet and the nurse at the hospital. I’m grateful Minnie is doing well with the IV treatment but she’s not eating :thinking: but it’s possible she can come home today? I’m grateful I don’t get it? But I didn’t go to vet school so I’ll take it ODAAT and see what they say today.

I’m grateful wifey is finally up. We both slept in a little. I’m grateful we must of needed it.

I’m grateful wifey remembered we are starting off our days with an “I love you.” And a kiss. I think that’s 4 or 5 days in a row now.

I’m grateful for MIN-NAYYYYY :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I’m grateful I’m sober. I’m grateful I can’t or don’t think of being any other way.

It’s a costly luxury to worry, obsess, criticize, or pine for something that we can’t have. We pay for this luxury with what we could have: the peace of mind that is available to us today.”
Discovering Choices.


@m-be-free49 grateful that today is not Monday or Tuesday! TGIF
@pandita good to see you back on the gratitude thread – you were missed. Sorry that you have gone through a patch of funk – hopefully it will soon be behind you
@soberbilly grateful that the roommate situation is working out and you don’t have to stress over the rent increase. This too could be a positive for both you and your roommate… looking forward to what awaits in the future
@clarity OH my goodness Sarah this brought so much joy for me – absolutely lovely! So much fun – grateful the inspector gave you an A+ – well deserved :blush: :clap:
@dazercat so grateful that Minnie will possibly be coming home today. Love your new starting off the day ritual – what a lovely way to start off the day :people_hugging:

Happy sober Friday my lovely friends
I cant believe how quickly the days / weeks and years are flying by - its July tomorrow :astonished:
I am so grateful that I am trying to be present in every moment and working hard not to sleep away my days (the fatigue does make this hard but i’ve been doing well for more days awake and alert than not)
I am so grateful that i have the best family ever and they are all so supportive and loving. It is hard to be around so many people because of fatigue but also the heat created in small spaces with over 20 people causes my symptoms to flare up - i am grateful that with my cousin visiting and my moms bday coming up no one is expecting me to join the multiple family gatherings. I will send over a dessert and my love. Grateful that i don’t have to explain myself.
I am grateful that i am not stressing about it being the end of the month and end of the quarter - lots of accounting crap to get caught up on but i know i will get er done in time. Right now i just need to focus on feeling less pain and try to move around so my joints don’t stiffen.
I am so grateful that my migraine only lasted for 4 hours or so and now i’m back to slight headache – the hot cup of coffee is soothing me. Its now noon and i’m just now drinking my 2nd cup.
I am so grateful that when i can’t seem to stomach food i have many liquid options – just finished off a lot of watermelon that filled me up and tasted heavenly.
I am so grateful for needing air conditioning to get a cooler temp in the house and get rid of the muggy feeling created with excess humidity but then also needing a sweater and socks cause it’s too cold… :crazy_face:
I am so grateful for my meditation and prayer practices and my HP. I know when i start to slip into the dark hole i alone have the strength to climb out. My practices keep me from getting sucked in.
I am so grateful for this community - all of you here with me on this journey!
Loads of love to you all – have the best Friday possible!!! :heart: :heart:


For today…

Grateful to have no debt, especially since I’m unemployed.
Grateful my family still has faith in me.
Grateful for being in relatively good health.
Grateful for our cat Yoshi’s funny antics that keep us laughing.
Grateful for Koi fish.


Oh how lovely!! Do you have a Koi pond?


I wish! These critters are expensive. I couldn’t afford just one. Pic was taken at a botanical garden I visited last week.


Aaahh…yeah they are beautiful and expensive

Lovely pic :heart_eyes: thanks for sharing


I am grateful for the Church and Church members


Good morning/evening✨️

I am grateful for the universe and its guidance. I am grateful for the spiritual principle of discernment and how I can apply that compassionately in my life today. I am grateful. For my souls journey and to often be reminded that my mind is just along for the ride. I am grateful that the universe or God or source whatever you want to call this massive energy in my life keeps offering me ways to be of service. I am grateful that selfless service keeps me clean today, it keeps me out of self obsession, self pity and isolation. Selfless service pushes me into community, compassion and love.

I am grateful for the tears that flow so easily now, they bless my floor most days. I am grateful for new beginings each time the sunrises and for people who dont walk away.

I am excited about my life today, even though parts of me wonder why I have opened pandoras box. I started in a conversation with a man who has known me for many years. I was feeling frustrated as I sat in some difficult feelings. I look around me at other people in my life who dont do shit about their past. They just have continued to allow their demons to hurt everyone who crossed their path. I have been wondering why, why am I bothering when so many people in my life are either oblivious or too afraid to take on this stuff. Sometimes I need to be reminded. Sometimes all those parts of me that are full of fear need to just be held and reminded that this is about my soul journey nobody else’s. I am grateful for old friends who have never left my side. I am grateful for new friends and their loving support. I am grateful that through a wash of tears I could spot my mom watering the garden and ran out for a hug.
" Whats wrong hunny?",
“Nothing mumma, I’m just feeling my feelings.”
I am grateful for the paradox of feelings. I fucking hate feeling my feelings, but when I can feel through them, boy does it feel good.

:heart: :sparkles: :seedling:


I’m grateful to God for lovingly guiding me through today while helping me abstain from my addictions. I’m grateful for all my family, friends, TS and the gratitudes. I’m grateful that I prayed, meditated, read, made plans to work step 12 with my sponsor Tuesday morning, emailed with my employment worker, went to a NA meeting and set-up, baked cookies, bought myself lunch, set aside rent money, bought another turtle figurine for my collection, did some shopping, went for a walk, listened to music, now watching some of season four of Jack Ryan on amazon prime, caught up reading your gratitudes throughout the day and posting mine. I’m grateful for the four absolutes.

May our higher powers give us opportunities to be present, just for today.

p.s. You are sooo amazing. Ya you!!


I’m grateful it’s the weekend. I’m grateful for my little patio garden and that my friday night ritual seems to be tending to it, and looking forward to my yummy saturday morning coffee outdoors.

I’m grateful for laughs with colleagues over team chats. We may not be off for the summer, but something about June 30th brought out the kid in us today.

I’m grateful for summer - it’s short but intense here. I’m grateful my plans are low-key. Some time off here and there, but not going too far.

I’m grateful for routine. I’m grateful I can work my passions and interests - often long-neglected in the before time - into my routine. I’ve got one more course for my fun writing program, and then it’s finished. But the course is “Final Project”. Gonna take a while, but I’ll work at it like we do things here - one day at a time.

I’m grateful I feel content with my life. Like if it were to go this way for a good stretch of time, well, that would be a good stretch of time. :wink:

I’m grateful for this space, this community. I’m grateful to see @JasonFisher around, and so grateful he shares his story. I’ve always drawn a lot from it.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Grateful to see/read you! I hear you on the whole reconfiguring relationships thing… it takes emotional energy for sure, but so does avoiding it, hey? I’ve got some work to do there too…
Hugs to you. :orange_heart:


Good morning sober peeps!! Welcome to Saturday!

Today, and every day, I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful for the support of my husband, my kids, my siblings, and my best friend.

I’m grateful for good health.

I’m grateful for my cozy home and the comfortable things I have in my life.

I’m grateful today for air that is cleaner than what we had earlier this week. I’m grateful I did not have to work outdoors on those bad air quality days.

I’m grateful for the public library that keeps letting me check out so many books!

I’m grateful for good sleep and good food and a clear mind.

I’m grateful that I was able to accomplish several important tasks to prepare for the new school year.

I’m grateful I was able to accomplish several important tasks for the upcoming wedding of my son!

I’m grateful I was able to go for a bike ride before the air got bad and for a long swim in the lake when it was better yesterday.

I’m grateful I have access to such great outdoor recreation.

I’m grateful my brother has found a sponsor and is doing so well in his sobriety. I hope he finds peace and happiness. He had a lot of challenges to overcome, but I remain hopeful he will find his way.

I’m grateful for air conditioning. Even tho the air quality has improved , it is very hot outside these days.

I’m grateful for my long summer break.

I wish you all peace.


Good morning grateful friends!

I’m grateful for another day sober.

I’m grateful I slept a bit better last night after trouble falling asleep. I’ve been getting very anxious before bed. I tried meditations but kept getting frustrated.

I’m grateful it’s Saturday and I only have a few things on my to-do list.

I’m grateful for my new reading glasses. I haven’t been reading much at all but I’m going to try to get back to it now that I can see better. :eyeglasses: :open_book:

I’m grateful I have enough. A comfortable place to live, plenty of food to eat, a reliable car. Health insurance so I can take care of myself and any problems that arise.

I’m grateful for my cats and that they are in good health. Aside from occasional hairballs. :face_vomiting::nauseated_face:

I’m grateful to be learning more about ADHD. I really think that could be part of the problem. I need to see about getting tested. But maybe I’m just hoping that’s the problem and not just depression and anxiety. There is a lot of overlap in symptoms.

I’m grateful for all of you!

Progress not perfection.
We are all perfectly imperfect.


Good morning @KarenKW

I am greatful for…

My sobriety, 14 months sober today!
A good nights sleep
Boscoe gets a haircut today
My mom and our relationship
Getting together with family tonight
Exploring new gym offers to try different classes
My hubby
My family and our group chat
A new FREE mood/anxiety tracking app to see if there are any trends
Feeling healthy today, my abs and legs still hurt from my thurs am workout

Love to you all!


Today I’m grateful for 4th of July. Not in the traditional sense of the holiday but because for me it represents 6 months of freedom from alcohol. Tuesday I will celebrate a true milestone. Even though I had been sober more than six months in previous moments in my life, I wasn’t actually choosing sobriety back then, just taking a break before climbing back into my addiction. As a veteran I do also love 4th of July, even though my time in service was hard for me and contributed to my drinking habits, I’m still proud of what I did in my job for 8 years, those 8 years taught me a lot about myself and serving something bigger than me. Hope everyone has a safe and sober holiday :heart:


I’m grateful I’m sober.
I’m grateful we got Minnie home yesterday.
It’s not good. Not good at all.
I’m grateful she had a good :poop: last night. But she hasn’t eaten since Wednesday afternoon. I’m grateful I’m trying my best to keep her comfortable and trust our vet, if she doesn’t eat for 2 more days we would bring her back down and probably say good bye :cry:
I’m grateful I am sober through all this. I’m grateful I really feel there is no other way for me to be. Sober. I’m grateful, in a strange way, I almost feel guilty about how well I am feeling mentally, about this awful shit I’m going through with Minnie. I’m so grateful I can get through this calmly.
I’m grateful for my recoveries.