Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

Late night gratitude. :crescent_moon: :sparkles:

I am grateful for the time my sponsor spent with me going over my step work this evening. I was guided by some unknown force to start a set of NA steps last weekend so here we go. I am grateful to be on step 4.

I think that I am going to gel ok with my new ED therapist, she is pretty laid back. I like laid back. I was grateful when she dropped a couple of f-bombs during my intake. I got a phone call from the nurse at the hospital and have an appointment set up with her for a couple of weeks. I am grateful that my ED brain is not having a massive fit, I can feel willfulness raising in me when things like “then we can address the trauma that is the root of this…” or " yes it needs to be in person because I would like to take your BP and weigh you." are said. I keep having to talk myself down from the ledge. I am grateful for all the skills I have learned in DBT that help me get through shit like this. Its pretty incredible how far I have come in such a short time in regards to what I am willing to look at. I am grateful that I reached my threshold of suffering.

I am grateful that my dad kicked my ass at dominoes today so I didnt have to listen to him bitch that he lost. Hahah, i am only half kidding. :crazy_face: I am grateful for the laughs we had and the time we got to spend together.

I am grateful the weather is supposed to be amazing for the next few days.



Happy 45th young man!


Happy Birthday, happy 45 :birthday: :tada: So glad to read you got all the good and special things going for you :orange_heart:


Morning gratitude. I’m grateful to come here and it’s too much to catch up. I’m grateful for the picture @Soberbilly I’m grateful for Omni Padme Fucking Hum and that you are no more high risk @Dazercat :pray::sunflower:

I’m grateful I fell asleep again when I woke up in the middle of the night. I’m grateful the nightmares afterwards were not completely exhausting. I’m grateful my headache is a bit better at the moment. I’m grateful Missi woke me up purring and tamping, the boys joined her soon after. I’m grateful for so much purring love in my life. It’s a consolation for the human love I’ve been missing and still miss.

I’m grateful for birds chirping, trees blooming, the construction site working and me vacuuming the house. Boy this was necessary.
I’m grateful I cleaned the deck yesterday and planted all the vegetable. Another step done :pray:

I’m grateful for group therapy yesterday. It is relieving to realize I’m not alone and my problems are not unique in real life. It’s very different from the support here and I like it. I’m grateful for both places :pray:

I’m grateful I started the day with chores. I like it when chores are done for the day, it’s motivating. I’m grateful I take a rest right now to not overdo it, I really have to be more careful with myself. I’m grateful this convalescence teaches me to step back more, to be more careful how I use my energy, to be aware that my physical abilities will be limited for months and therefore avoid overdoing it. I’m grateful I did so much yesterday and I did it in time spans of 20 minutes to 1 hour with at least half an hour rest inbetween. I’m grateful little steps add up. I’m grateful for ODAAT :people_hugging::pray:


Happy Birthday Brian! Your day sounds wonderful :hugs::sunflower::birthday::notes:


Happy birthday sir :pray:t2::heart::hugs:


Good early morning grateful friends,

I’m grateful for another day sober. Grateful I feel solidly back on track after my slip last weekend.

I’m grateful I managed some sleep last night. I’m feeling sick, but hoping it’s just allergies.

I’m grateful to be attending a (virtual) conference today about mental wellness in the workplace.

I’m grateful to be working on letting things go that I can’t control.

I’m grateful I have sedating meds to give my cat before we try again to go to the vet. I hope that helps.

Grateful for all of you!


Today I am grateful for the last 24 hours of not drinking, because that means I have one day. Unfortunately, I drank on the night before last and spent yesterday loathing my behavior. So, following the anger amd tears, I am starting over and last night completed a nightly inventory and went over all of the triggers, thoughts and emotions leading up to this awful slip. I am grateful for the tools available at my fingertips, now, it is imperative I consistently use them. I’m grateful I have opportunity to get on a meeting as well as help others for the majority of the day today. I am grateful I can run this morning as that is a major eye opener to protect my health, which of course includes abstaining from alcohol and I am grateful for the physically demanding day ahead as it seems to help with stress relief. I am grateful for another day to be better and look forward to meeting my new sponsor. Thanks to you all for being here. Peace and love.


I love this and would have to agree. I dont have pets but have observed this many times
@I.cant.We.can happy 45th birthday Brian. Sounds like a great celebration!
@erntedank happy that the headache is not so intense today. Hopefully itll go away all together soon.
@Irisees919 we’ve all had our slip ups. The most important thing here is that you didnt skip a beat and are restarting your timer. So impressed with how youve already done your inventory list, hopefully figured out how to avoid or deal with triggers and are utilizing your tools. A run and a meeting today - soynds like you are starting your day off right!


Thank you so much for your support - I definitely need it and so glad there are places like this and people like you!!


Good morning friends,
Happy Birthday @I.cant.We.can! Sounds like the perfect day!
I’m grateful I slept pretty good last night, and I have a pretty new travel mug to sip my coffee out of. I’m grateful I have a job that pays the bills, and provides food and other necessities. Even little extras like caramel crème brûlée flavored coffee. I’m grateful that I have been searching for another job, and have had a couple interviews. I’m grateful they were good practice after not doing them for about 13 years. Nothing planned out, but I’m grateful I got some interest. I’m grateful that I know I’m struggling in my current workplace, and I’m grateful that there is probably a book to listen to, or a workbook to help me out. Time to find something, suggestions are welcome.
I’m grateful our little garden is healthy and producing this year! Picking strawberries to snack on while I water is so cool! I’m grateful for love and forgiveness, and to remember to keep an open mind.:heart:


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very great for…

My sobriety, 375days free from weed and alcohol
Slept thru the night
One last day working in the office this week
Boscoe ate his flee and tick med this morning without too much trouble
Boscoe my shadow
Hubbys hugs and kisses
Picking up my one year chip tonight at my favorite ladies aa meeting
Mom is coming
Courage to take on the work day
My positivity
Hot coffee and creamer
Losing weight
A pm from a friend here brightened my day yesterday
Our safety
We have enough
Simultaneously planning our trip to coasta rica and my halo jump
Gotta plan around the solar eclipse trip next april

Love and light to you wherever you are on your sober journies


Grateful for a new day, a sober morning, a trip to moms to look forward to, a car ride up to her with my brother’s fiancee and their dog, plans for a fingernail painting party, and all my plans and a future full of love and promise. :heart: Grateful for all of you, grateful to watch your progress, be inspired, celebrate and support with wonderful folks. Let’s get after it my friends the weekend approaches and the world is our oyster! I don’t like oysters though so the world is my uh cheeseburger I guess


Mid afternoon after late lunch gratitude.
I’m grateful I’m adulting. I’m grateful I can curl up on the couch because I’m exhausted from adulting. I would love to have someone cuddling me, bringing me food and hot chocolate, wrapping me up in a blanket, telling me everything is fine and holding me until I nap off. The next best things are fire in the stove, cuddling cats, wraping myself up and mumbling because I forgot to make hot chocolate and don’t want to move anymore :blush:

I’m grateful all grocery shopping for tomorrow’s dinner and the weekend is done. I treated myself to a really cheap heated pillow and a cute longshirt I found. My back is looking forward to the pillow tonight.

I’m grateful the headache didn’t worsen. I’m grateful the construction work in my garden is completely finished and I got the number of the workers. I’m grateful they also do small work, not only big construction sites. I’ll call them for renovation of the front door deck. I realize I better stay present, my thoughts are wandering to the future and past which makes me nervous and uncomfortable. I do take good care about today and I will take care about tomorrow. Tomorrow, not today.

I’m grateful there are still small staples of logs at my mum’s house. I’m grateful I don’t give a fuck that the grass is incredibly high. It is always raining, I have to wait until it dries up. THEN I will have a breakdown with mowing. Now I can’t do anything so :woman_shrugging: I’m grateful I enjoy this rainy afternoon and maybe take a nap. ODAAT.


Good morning beautiful souls. :sparkles:

I am grateful that when I need help I dont get stuck on the hamster wheel in my head anymore, instead I ask for help. I am grateful that my HP speaks to me through others. I am grateful for mantra and chanting and the direct contact I feel when I sing. I am grateful for the flow of the universe and how I can so easily see it in others lives. As one side gets harder the other side compensates, if they let it. I am grateful for balance and the truth that our true success is meassured by our alignment with source, god, the universe, spirit, mother earth, whatever you want to call it. True success isnt material things, or achievment, nor financial abundance, its finally coming into alignment with you. I am grateful that I have a constant flow of the universe tapped into my being and as long as I am aligning with love I will be alright.

We lost a member the day before yesterday, he earned his infonity medallion. The moral of his story is, dont ignore the warning signs your body gives you. I am grateful that I can find gratitude is sadness, I am grateful to learn something from his passing. I am grateful to have known him. :heart:

Ooooh, forgot.
I am grateful to be 1 year off sugar today!


@Dazercat so hapoy to hear that you were able to do your solo walk with your dogs yesterday. So liberating. Hope you enjoyed your evening out.
@Sunflower1 congrats on the interviews. Sending luck that at least one will pan out. I love the visual of pucking strawberries while out in your yard. I used to do the sane with my blackberries :yum:
@cjp so thrilled that the bitch will be gone soon enough. Also very happy to hear that youll be taking your mom to the meeting tonight. That will be a very special shared moment
@Its_me_Stella congrats on your 1 year sugar free! Im still new here and catching up on the threads but i can see how remarkable of a journey youve had and the growth really shows.im so sorry for the loss of a member.

What a glorious Thursday morning my sober friends
I am so grateful for waking up today. Waking up to birds chirping, waking up to our family mediation starting and waking up to my freshly squeezed white pumpkin juice kick start my enzymes.
I am so grateful that i was not able to sleep last night as yet again someone (my doctor) had dismissed my self diagnosis. I was able to do some intense research to prove i wasnt crazy. I am so grateful for google. I was able to yet again send her links on how an allergy to sweat is possible (ive never had before but since ive gotten sick ive gotten so many different ailments tgat its hard to pinpoint exactly whats wrong). Ive told her that no meds /creams for the welts and rashes etc need to be prescribed and my ensil was an fyi - i plan to continue my healthy lifestyle and rely on foods/herbs to heal me. Sick of being dismissed but so greatful that ive learned not to accept docs words as gosple.
I am so grateful for my higher power providing me knowledge and guidance.
I am so grateful that my mom knows so much about foods andctheir healing properties. What to mix and what not to. Im hoping to start studying aryevedic healing myself so that i can take on the responsibility of healing myself.
I am so grateful for the pool opening this month. I may not be able to swim like i did but need to get back to that relaxing atmosphere- water is forever my go to healing source. Hopefully ill be ok externally to get into the chlorinated water - heres hoping :crossed_fingers:
I am so grateful for this community and all my new friends!
I am so grateful for bursting with positive emotions today - an abundance of love. Starting this day off with a enthusiastic energy
Have a blessed sober day. Sending much :heart:


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I feel fine at work. Couldn’t have expected this. I am grateful I handled it all so well and without drinking.
I am proud I passed one french exam today, hopefully another one.
I am grateful I made to to the fitness class over lunch with colleagues. I am not really convinced but I like the excercises. Well, well. Watching it through PT eyes. :see_no_evil:
I am grateful I am more secure in french now.
I am grateful it started to rain and it smells like summer rain.
I am grateful that so far my grandmother didn’t run away from the nursing home. As necessary as it was as sad it is.
I am grateful for laughter.
I am grateful my colleagues asks me questions and Incan actually answer them. :see_no_evil: I am happy to give something back and not being the only one to ask.
I am grateful I have enough.


I have to check in for more evening gratitude. I’m grateful for a nap. I’m grateful for healthy dinner. I’m grateful for chitchat texting with a friend.

The heated pillow is amazeballs!!! I think this is the best 10 euro investment in my whole life! My back is melting, I can feel the tension leaving my body. I’m grateful a friend introduced me to her heated blanket this winter and put the idea in my mind.
I’m grateful for my cozy house, the fireplace, a full fridge, lovely cats, my bed, my comfy comfy bed, that the kitchen stove is still working on 3 cooking plates and the oven (more or less), for being up to date with chores (more or less), for technology that I can watch a youtube lecture on my TV, for healthy boundaries and taking good care of myself just for today and probably tomorrow, for being ok today. I’m grateful for the blessings in my life. I’m grateful to be. :pray:


I’m grateful that my daughter is on holiday in France so I can sleep in her bed which is so much comfier than mine. Her room is much nicer than mine too, I’m grateful she keeps it lovely and tidy.
I’m grateful snorers are in another room. I’m grateful she is not back til Tuesday… Bliss :sparkling_heart:


I’m grateful :innocent:
I’m grateful we got a lot of the house clean this afternoon.
I’m grateful for my 10 am meeting.
I’m grateful I’m really connecting with people at my meetings. Especially here in Scottsdale. Unfortunately I’m leaving Saturday.
I’m grateful wifey and I shared a half a fried chicken today at the Horney Toad. Best fucking fried chicken EVA!! I grateful once and awhile I will do that.
I’m grateful I’m back on my sugar counter.
Day 2.
I’m grateful for the adventure at the Tempe Improv last night. I’m grateful Steve Hofstetter was/is a real funny fuck. :rofl: It was really good.
I’m grateful for the 2 drink minimum :roll_eyes: I’m grateful they could leave the Red Bull out of the strawberry, lemon, ginger beer mocktail they had on the menu. I’m grateful I’ve still never tasted a Red Bull. I’m grateful even though I was a bit tired driving home real late at 10 :face_with_hand_over_mouth: I was sober and it wasn’t a problem. I’m grateful I’m so old.

I’m grateful the meditation I did this afternoon put me out immediately :zzz: :zzz: :zzz: I never stood a chance. :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:
I’m grateful after the meditation Power Nap I got some cleaning done.

Grateful for the cool breeze on my deck.
Grateful my house faces north south.
I’m grateful I always have afternoon shade.
I’m grateful I’m currently feeling pretty good.
I’m sadly grateful I’m enjoying more time by myself.
I’m grateful I miss my wife.
I’m grateful I can fake it till I make it.
I’m grateful in the long run I’m doing ok. It’s just these dang feelings. I’m grateful I’m not taking the easy way out and numbing these fuckers.

I’m grateful for music.
I’m grateful for my pets.
:pray:t2: :musical_score: :notes: :heart:

I’m grateful for The Eurythmics.
Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree
I travel the world and the seven seas
Everybody’s looking for something