Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

I’m grateful to God for guiding me through another day, clean and sober. I’m grateful for all my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful I work a program where I appoligize if I do wrong and promptly work to fix it. I’m grateful I can pray for sleep as I am fighting my demon, my higher power and my womanfriend for control. I’m grateful for music. I’m grateful for the twelve steps. I’m very grateful for all of your birthday wishes. Im grateful for halt.

God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. Sending out positive vibes to you. Ya you!!


After being here nearly three weeks and taking in everyone’s posts, I’m beginning to get to grips with this gratitude stuff. So I’ll start by saying that I’m grateful for finding the Sober Time app, and everyone here on TS for being so welcoming, open and genuinely invested in the recovery and wellbeing of others. It’s so beautiful to see, especially when the Internet can be such a negative place.

I’m grateful for my mental health. I was so worried that getting clean would mean I’d find my anxiety and depression returning, but everything seems fine so far. I’m making positive changes, doing things I enjoy like reading and crochet, eating better (so grateful that my appetite is back!), getting exercise, etc. Oh, I quit smoking too!

I’m grateful that I have a job that I love, and I’m good at.

I’m grateful for my family, that despite our ups and downs we’re always there for each other.

I’m grateful that my review with my caseworker went well yesterday and he’s looking into switching me to the buvidal injection which means seeing a Dr once a month instead of going to the pharmacy twice a week.

I’m grateful that the crippling back pain I had for a few weeks has finally gone. I didn’t even notice when it stopped, it just realised it wasn’t there anymore one day :laughing:

I’m grateful to be taking part in a charity race at my local park tomorrow, it’s only a 3k as I’m seriously out of shape and underweight, but it gets me out of the house for a while!

I’m grateful for stoicism and everything I’m learning about it, I feel like there’s a lot I can take away and apply in my daily routine, my blueprint to happiness.

I’m grateful that my teeth are looking much better since I’ve got clean and stopped smoking cigarettes. I’m also grateful for all the other benefits that come along with this, like more energy, feeling more confident, clothes and hair don’t smell like smoke, improved cognition, better sleep… I could go on!

Thanks for letting me share some morning gratitude with you all :blush:


Good morning grateful friends,

I’m grateful for another day sober.

I’m grateful for working from home because I feel so sick today. I’m hoping it’s just allergies. But I feel miserable. I’m grateful work is flexible and I can take a nap at lunchtime.

I’m grateful it’s almost the weekend. No big plans - just resting and relaxing. Our outdoor farmers market has started back up for the year and if I’m feeling better I’ll check it out.

I’m grateful for my cats and that they are all doing well. Tessie was much better behaved at the vet after I gave her anti-anxiety medicine. Glad that’s an option so she doesn’t completely freak out there.

I’m grateful for this community. You all are wonderful!



I like that.


Hey Karen.
What meds helped with Tessie?
Alice is the worst :pouting_cat: Gabapentin doesn’t seem to do anything.
Hope you feel better soon.


The gabapentin actually worked for her. Not completely, but they were able to successfully draw blood before she started growling at them. She’s awful at the vet!




Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 1yr 11 days free!
Cuddles with the hubby
Hugs from my mom
Cuddles with Boscoe
Hot coffee
Therapy tmrw
All the fanfare when picking up my one year chip at my home group
My sponsor
AA fellowship
A life worth living
Its friday
Productivity at work
Working from home today
Healthy eating
I love grocery shopping despite the bill
All of you and the love on this forum


I’m grateful the trash pick up truck dispersed the squadron of javelinas :nerd_face: (not to be confused with a “sounder” of wild swine :face_with_monocle:) blocking us from getting home on our dog walk. I’m grateful I saw the squadron of about 20-30 of them up ahead :scream:

I’m grateful I feel sluggish this morning and can definitely correlate it to possibly yesterday’s diet of fried chicken for lunch and sizzling Queso Fundito and Tostadas for dinner :nauseated_face: I’m grateful it will be easy for me to get back to my healthier eating habits. I don’t like sluggish DC :smirk_cat:

I’m grateful I read my book last night instead of watching tv. I’m grateful the last few nights we been just reading instead of watching tv. Even if it was just social media the other nights. I’m grateful I’m enjoying my book. I’m grateful for my Kindle on my iPad. I’m grateful I can adjust the print to be bigger.

I’m grateful when I pause and look around me I almost always see something; like the little bird drinking out of my swimming pool. Or my wife scooping the dog poop. I’m grateful my wife does all the poopy chores around here. :poop:
I’m grateful she’s outside with Minnie right now so I’m grateful Benson and I will make our great escape now.
See ya :v:


Today I’m grateful the headache was gone when I woke up :pray: I feel relieved and have more focus and energy. Bonus: I’m less nervous.

I’m grateful for another day of adulting. Cleaning a window, doing laundry, run errands, tidy up the living room. I’m grateful I realized I got lost in scrolling through the internet instead of taking a nap when I was tired. Put down the phone, closed my eyes. Much better.

I’m grateful for friends coming over for dinner. I love to cook for guests. It was a lovely evening. I’m grateful it’s ok to end it when I’m tired at my usual bedtime. I’m grateful we had delicious apple juice with dinner.

I’m grateful for a cozy fire in the stove, for my cats welcoming my friends and demanding pets, for the christmas decoration which is still up and so nice, for all the kitchen equipment, for fresh asparagus, for candles lighting the room softly, for my cozy bed where I will fall asleep soon. I’m grateful to be :pray:


I’m grateful for another sober day just finishing. I’m grateful I’m in bed.
I’m grateful for not drinking today or wanting to drink today.
I’ve just got home from babysitting. I used to get wine ready for when I got home and be clock watching all night just waiting for the parents to come back. Then I’d get home and chug the wine as fast as I could to make up for lost time - so grateful that my life doesn’t revolve around alcohol :sparkling_heart:


@Dazzle So glad that to see you joining in. So thrilled to see you doing so well in your recovery and hey no more crippling back pain — HELL YEAH!!! Good luck with your race tomorrow.
@KarenKW Sorry you are feeling like crap – hope you did get decent relaxing in and are starting to feel better.
Thursday evening Gratitude… almost skipped this but Hey SO much to be grateful for.
I am so grateful for waking up at 6 so that I could complete my 7 am delivery.
I am so grateful that I didn’t have anything pressing to do today after the delivery so I did my morning juicing and went back to bed.
I am so grateful that I know even though I am not able to really sleep that at least my body is getting rest.
I am grateful that I got a woke up this afternoon with a burst of energy that allowed me to tidy up, cook dinner and get some grocery shopping done.
I am grateful that I finally emptied the basement fridge of all the alcohol today and moved out to the garage. Although I am able to resist drinking—I needed to get the bottles far from me. Especially if I’m now that I’m not really sleeping (wouldn’t want to sleep walk into drinking… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)
I am so grateful that I realized that my meditation with my breathing was fading. I have been getting caught up in outter thoughts. I am now concentrating on this more so that I do not lose all together.
I am so grateful that I have found new found interest and dedication to healing myself and ridding my body of all the toxins I’ve put into it.
I am so grateful that I have a loving family that are forever supporting my journey even when they don’t know exactly what I’m going through.
I am so grateful for my mediation and my higher power – Love this HP energy all around me
I am so grateful for this beautiful community – you are all so amazing!!! Thank you for your encouragement, love and support.
A wonderful Friday evening my friends….Sending much love :heart:


I’m grateful to God for guiding me through another day and helping me abstain from my addictions. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful my sister has started inviting me a few times a week to take hour long walks with her and we had a good visit this afternoon. I’m grateful my friend drove me to an out of town AA meeting tonight. I’m grateful for my sponsor lineage.
God bless us all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. Don’t forget to smile and breathe it feels good. Ya you!!


I was so scared to put my jewelry up for sale. I have always been so afraid of failure but I did it, i listed my first two rings for sale to the public on Wed and they have both sold! I am grateful for faith and trust in the process. I am grateful I feel like I am exactly where I need to be in my life. I am grateful for the constant flow of guidance I feel.

:sparkles: :heart: :sparkles:


Gak, am I ever grateful it’s not thursday! :laughing:

I’m so grateful today. Grateful for this weird week. Grateful for the stressy times, because damn, didn’t my toolbox show me how much it works if use it. Grateful I’m learning to be compassionate to myself and others too. Grateful for those moments in the day when it seems like everything is just as it should be, and super grateful I notice them.

(We interrupt this post to bring you a live update that @I.cant.We.can is posting too! Yay! Happy belated birthday dear pal!)

I’m grateful for this forum and the camaraderie here. I’m grateful for the new moderators @Dan531 @RosaCanDo and @anon74766472! Yay! Yay! Yay! Somersaulting over here! I’m super grateful for @Its_me_Stella and @Eke for being moderators too. I know I am better for it. For all you mods.

I’m grateful that I will see Mom next week, that her covid is gone. I’m grateful I’m looking forward to going, and grateful I’m looking forward to coming home.

I’m grateful for the dog girl’s snores, for early-to-bed Friday nights.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful it’s the weekend although I still feel a bit uncomfortable when it’s bad weather and I am caught inside the 20 m2 here. Storms in the forecast for many days here.
I am grateful it’s raining, though.
I am grateful I can change my opinion and not feeling obliged to sticking to it until I die.
I am grateful I am better at saying blablabla AND rather blablabla BUT.
I am grateful I let more grey into my old black and white world. Colorful also. :upside_down_face:
I am grateful I have enough.
I am grateful everyone is so welcoming and patient and helpful concerning the moderator position.
I am grateful I get to learn new things each day about me (ugly stuff and surprising stuff), at my work, in communication with the world around me.


Diamonster I think you are a superstar. You embrace everything life offers you, moving countries, learning a new language, cycling and exploring and now a moderator spot, I respect you and love your attitude :sparkling_heart:


Oh my goodness- sorry for the confusion— im not sure why i wrote Thursday :crazy_face:
Thanks for caching…its fixed now :smiling_face:


Good morning!
I’m grateful to be sober.
I’m grateful to be safe and loved.
I’m grateful for the success I saw in my students this week.
I’m grateful for some changes that are coming to my workplace.
I’m grateful that I’m a person who likes change.
I’m grateful that spring is here and the earth is beautiful in spring.
I’m grateful that my brother survived his large binge last weekend and that he is responding to it by seeking help.
I’m grateful his wife has not thrown him out yet.
I’m grateful he is talking to me about his problem and is processing some of his stuff with me.
I’m grateful that I am aware that he has to do his own journey and that I think I’m establishing healthy boundaries about my role with him on this.
I’m grateful that I have a job that I mostly enjoy.
I’m grateful that I was brave enough to take a day off yesterday and do a big spring cleaning on my house. Now it looks so nice!
I’m grateful for my pets. I’m grateful for the newest tiny addition to our family, a mini chihuahua dog we are calling Daisy.

I’m grateful that I will get to celebrate Mother’s Day with at least one of my kids and my mom. My other son lives in California so that will be a phone call visit.

I’m grateful I got my house cleaned for my mother’s visit.

I’m grateful for the public library system and all the learning and joy that it brings me.

I’m grateful to live in a small town with beautiful parks and a lake and a bike path. Summer fun!

I’m grateful to have escaped my drinking years with enough good health to be physically active now in sobriety.

I’m grateful for my loving marriage.

I’m grateful to be alive and healthy and safe and loved. Nothing else matters.

I wish you all a peaceful day. And to the mothers, I wish you a good day on Sunday.

And if Mother’s Day is not a good day for you, I hope you can find a safe and comfortable way to have your Sunday.


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 1yr 12 days
Going to therapy shortly. I get to tell her ive lost 13lbs since we last met in march
I have a list of topics to discuss
My hubby
Boscoe cuddles
AA fellowship
Slept like a rock
Everyone here :slight_smile:

May everyone know peace and love today