Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

You know, I saw a meditation guide on Netflix and tried to listen to one on YouTube. It was foreign to me so I couldn’t concentrate well but I’M WILLING and OPEN TO ANY RELIEF :sob::two_hearts: I think just typing about all my feelings helps. I just dont get 5 days ago I was soooo optimistic and pumped up and 11 days I’m in a tornado of emotions and want to crawl in my fully stocked alcoholic cave with the other demons. But, I look at my daughter right now and once I saw the light I can’t turn back.


“Free physical therapy” yes! They can be so helpful in giving one direction and pushing us out over our limits to healing. They are amazing and hope you find relief from yours. :hugs:


Totally get this my friend – so very normal. The early stages we are learning to be with ourselves after so much time living in a fog. All the emotions are now surfacing that we have suppressed for so long. You are strong enough to handle this - don’t let it scare you.
Do find your way of facing them and dealing - again, can not be done alone - i do hope you have someone to talk to irl or can go to meetings (possibly find a sponsor)… writing it out does do wonders too - so keep coming back and sharing your journey.


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 446 days free
Clean, healthier teeth per the dentist
Morning time with the hubby
Boscoe cuddles
Countdown til vacation next thursday
Get to go grocery shopping tonight
Gonna chill with my mom tonight
Healthy baked brocolli and chicken for lunch
Friendly neighbors
Caught up at work
Calendar reminders
All of you!

We can. Together.


I’m grateful when I see newer people on this thread and their gratitude list is getting a bit longer. I’m grateful we got so much to be grateful for the longer we’re clean and sober.
And I’m still grateful I’m sober and hangover free. And I’m still grateful for the number of days 1296. And I’m grateful to take another ODAAT or an OFDAAT today with everyone. Whatever it takes.

I’m grateful I had Benson on my lap and Mavy made up to the top of my chair so I had him kind of on my shoulders at the same time. I’m grateful Alice made an appearance and took over the lap spot after Benson left and now I can hear her purring away in her heated bed. Grateful to do my gratitude now with Daisy on my right thigh side of my lap as she does. I’m grateful for the plastic little springs Mavy plays with. I’m grateful for the cigar I caught Beatrix playing with on the counter in my junk inbox. Catnip cigar :smile_cat:

Grateful for my walk with Benson yesterday. Grateful for the momma and baby ducks we saw in the pond. I’m calling the momma duck Lisa :kissing_heart: I hope I see Momma Lisa again today.
And her babies.

I haven’t seen Brian around the golf course lately. Maybe it’s too busy with all the people around playing golf. Grateful I might see him in the off season. But I think of him often living on a golf course. I’m grateful for the Great Blue Heron when it graces my appearance.

I’m grateful for my meeting yesterday and chairing it on the fly. I’m usually very well prepared and it was nice to just pick a reading and go with it. I’m grateful the reading was “why the alcoholic drinks.” And why we want to know why the alcoholic drinks. I’m grateful it’s exhausting trying to figure out why the alcoholic drinks and I don’t have to do that. I’m grateful it doesn’t really matter why the alcoholic drinks. ( from an Al-Anon standpoint.) It’s a disease.

I’m grateful for yesterdays golden nugget I got at my Al-Anon meeting yesterday. :point_down: :pray:t2: :heart::point_down: :heart:

Just be nice.


I start counseling for substance abuse and grief on Tuesday and will be going 3x a week to AA when I get home :heartpulse: it’s just smelling wine on the plane, seeing everyone pack their coolers, IS MAKING ME MAD lol so I skipped the lake with them and will kayak by myself and scream. Just scream in the woods :wood::rofl: hopefully no one thinks I’m in trouble. Add physical exhaustion in my gratitude list because I’m trying to run and swim the icks away daily. Meditation will be next.


Love this and i often dance like a fool and scream to let out the frustration and let loose…i do hope it works…kayaking-- ooh im jealous- have fun!!!

Sounds like a great plan laid out for a healthy support system when you get back from vaca :clap:
Dont mind the others - relax and try to enjoy your time with your daughter


Thank you Jaz :heartpulse: I can’t imagine how many people you and @Starlight14 have helped on this app. Thank you guys :white_heart:


Thank you Brian. What an awesome share. You rock. Ya you!


Today I’m grateful I was brave, mastered my anxiety and now have blinking shiny theeth. What an experience. I’m grateful for this new experience.
I’m grateful this was enough for my nerves for today, I cried in the car of relief and a bunch of other feelings.
I’m grateful I did grocery shopping, had lunch at the mall, came home and slept for hours. I needed it.
I’m grateful the weather is cooler today. I’ll be in bed soon under the blanket, windows open to air the house. I’m completely exhausted today and it is ok. I’m processing a lot. Maybe I heal. For sure I need rest. I’m grateful for another day of successfully shooing codependent thoughts. Good night dear gratidudes :pray:


Your most welcome lovely :heart_eyes: hope your ok :heart:


Looking up! Loved it!
Found and she wrote, I don’t think all of us think in poems.
Stuck on that! :revolving_hearts:


Woke up crappy, but let the cousins have a lake day full of drinks and music, and I stayed back at the pool with the kids… and actually am having fun!! :heartpulse: I don’t care if it’s temporary, at least I know it’s possible. The knot is relentless but I’m thinking that’s more my nervous system from detoxing too. Not just guilt.


Glad your feeling a bit happier :blush: yes it will be partly to do with detoxing, i know i was like that at the beginning too…the knot will lift it just takes time, im soooooo proud of u i really am xx :sparkling_heart:


Thank youuuuu :face_holding_back_tears::heartpulse:


Grateful for restoring rest


Bootz I love the poem. Thank you. Y’know I’m so proud of Leslee. She is handling this maturely and wisely and non-reactively. She told me earlier today an attorney is sending her mom a cease and desist order to take down all the posts and to stop posting unless she wants to pay his fees and be sued. He’s also hiring a P.I. to hand deliver a restraining order. This is preventative. Les is very traumatized by all this of course. I’m here for her. We are tight as a tourniquet. Since I am responding to you check me out

Steamed rice,broc and tofu


@bootz best poem I have read in a long time. Thanks for sharing it


Ditto - I’m very grateful for the poem, for introductions to new poets, and JOMO!

A timely poem. I returned last night from my week in the big city, in airports and downtown hotels and meetings. Grateful to realize how quiet a life I lead, and intentionally so, I also realize.

There was wine everywhere. I wasn’t tempted to drink, but I’m grateful I don’t have to fly so close to the sun that often.

I’m grateful I honoured my needs during the trip, now that I’ve accepted how this M is built, how important this is to my recovery. Made the most of connecting with colleagues during the day and declined all evening invitations. Not because of the wine, but so that I could fill my own cup with some solo time and a walk by the river. A take out picnic from the health food store. A coffee date and hearty visit with an old pal in the city. I’m grateful for all of these.

Had to laugh. With the rush hour traffic and security line up, I just made it to the gate yesterday. Took twice as long. M from the before times woulda been mighty pissed off.

I’m grateful I’m heading to the woods tomorrow. To fill my cup even more with birdsong galore.

I’m grateful for all of you.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Today I am grateful for

20 Days of sobriety.
The speaker at the AA meeting.
My two walks.
The fox and skunk that crossed in front of me on my second walk.
The cat hunting for gophers that let me pet him/her.
My doggies.
My family.
My boyfriend and the shark he caught fishing.
Tea and coffee.
My reserved friend who opened up and was vulnerable with me.
Having people in my life I can open up to and be vulnerable with as well.
Smiles and laughter.
TS superheros.