Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

I’m grateful to be up early and happily got the dogs out by myself before it got too hot.

I’m grateful we had a nice dinner out.

I’m grateful I got almost a year of Al-Anon under my belt. I’m grateful I’m still very sick and I felt a severe gut punch last evening when she ordered a cocktail. I’m grateful a year ago when my life became unmanageable she said she wasn’t going to do that (“cocktails”) anymore. It hurt. I’m grateful I told her I got to process this. I’m grateful after about 5 or 10 minutes of uncomfortable silence we were able to continue our lovely dinner out. I’m grateful we had a good time. I’m grateful I was able to process it. Remind her she said she wasn’t going to do “That,” anymore and move on. I’m so grateful for Al-Anon and both my recoveries. I’m grateful to think what if she does it again? And immediately think :thinking: what if she doesn’t? I’m grateful to know it’s :100: out of my control. I’m grateful to admit I’m fucking stunned about the whole thing. And grateful I can leave it here with you guys and hopefully move on. No! I WILL move on. Thank you :pray:t2:

I’m grateful I let Minnie turn around on her walk early this morning. I’m grateful she looked at the hill we usually go up and looked back at me and told me “not today dad.” :cry: And we turned around and went home.

I’m grateful it’s only a 2 hour ride back to Flagstaff and I can find myself a nice recovery show podcast for my drive with everyone but Daisy. My Daisy is a pain in the ass :smirk_cat: and has to go separately with wifey in her car.
I’m grateful someone else is getting a Daisy. @LAB


"When things look blackest, it is within my power to brighten them with the light of understanding and gratitude. I realize how much depends on my point of view; my own wrong habits of thinking & acting
must be corrected & only I can do that.”

One Day at a Time in Al-Anon, p. 6


Back for somemore gratitude

Im greatful i rambled on to my therapist
Im greatful she gave me some homework to consider what i can bring to the table as a sponsor
Im greatful im doing so well i wont see her again until early july
Im greatful that gives me time to come up with topics
Im greatful hubby got to sleep in and awoke in a good mood
Im greatful Boscoe greeted me at the door like id been gone forever and not just an hour
Im greatful i’ll get 2 walks in today
Im greatful i can make lunch early
Im greatful i dont get sick of baked chicken and brocolli
Im greatful for self awareness
Im greatful for personal growth
Im greatful my days are between an 8 and 10 outta 10 lately


Today I’m grateful for several read arounds here. It helped me. I’m grateful I settled for a lazy day today. I had an itch to buy more plants and drive to a really good farmer’s market half an hour away having a bazillion of ideas. Nope, we don’t do that anymore. There is a plan and I fucking stick to my plans because they are well-thought-out and I must not fuss around and muddle them up. Fucking NO.

I’m grateful I had a nice day, cooked delicious food, had a looooong chat on the phone including brainstorming for a short vacation in summer. I’m grateful for my lovely, snuggling, cuddling cats and their unconditional love. They are my sunshine. I’m grateful it stayed warm inside the house and I didn’t have to make fire. I’m grateful the weather is still wet and grey, perfect to stay inside.
I’m grateful for personal development, I and my life feel different from a few months ago. I’m grateful I abstained from texting or calling my ex. Still working on the codependent patterns.
I’m grateful saturday is just another day in the week and nothing special for me. I pray that sunday will become the same one day. I’m grateful I’m safe, free, at peace, loved, in ok health and mentally & emotionally quite stable. It’s a blessing to not be overwhelmed by high emotions. I’m grateful I head for my cozy bed now :pray:


I have so much to be grateful for today, just more in a reading mood but I’m grateful for @RosaCanDo very much.
I’m grateful my heart was warmed today with care and support.
I’m grateful I ate some food.
Grateful it ended with me sober and in bed


Just popping in for some evening gratitude before I get off to bed :blush:

I’m grateful my mom called me to wake me up this morning so I didn’t forget my charity race. I’m also grateful I checked the time and date again after I got ready and realised the race is tomorrow, not today. I’m grateful for some extra free time today, I went to the supermarket with my mom and made fajitas for the family (I’m grateful for cumin!)

I’m grateful for a peaceful evening watching Eurovision, well, peaceful besides my crazy cats who have the zoomies climbing the curtains and running laps around the house :dizzy_face:

I’m grateful to be clean, 26 days today, and still not craving anything. I’m so grateful I’m still not smoking cigarettes either. I’ve tried to quit so many times before and not succeeded but this time it’s been so easy, and it just happened, it wasn’t planned. I just stopped shortly after I got clean.

I’m grateful to the people here who I’ve met, it’s nice to be able to form connections with such a variety of people, united by the thing that caused us such harm and misery. Clouds and silver linings, eh?

Thanks and goodnight all :black_heart: :black_cat:


Thank you very much :heart:


Thank you very much :heart: seriously


Thank you very much :heart::100:


Im sorry that the urge was so stong today. Thank goodness that the universe was looking out for you. Congrats to another sober day!


I’m grateful to God for guiding me through today while abstaining from my addictions. I’m grateful for all my family, friend,TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful that my womanfriend and I decided to not date anymore,its hard but for the best. It seems everytime I get to the point where I mention dating someone it has brought me bad karma. More to work on. I’m grateful that I went for about a 20 km bicycle ride today and visited my friend and there kids and dog blackie whom I previously mentioned. It was lots of fun and gratedully Inknow I will sleep.well tonight. I’m grateful I went to a couple meetings today and the mens breakfast meeting where I helped cook for about 15 of us was lots of fun. I’m grateful for my sponsor and that we are up toworking on step 8 and nine. This is my most thorough set of steps so far and it helps to have a sponsor who is very experienced, respected and is a former pastor.

May our higher powers give us the courage to change.

p.s. You totally rock. Ya you!!


I think this is the latest gratitude I’ve ever done, but I’m away at mom’s and there’s a lot to be present for and to be grateful for. I’m grateful right now for this comfy bed. But truly truly grateful for a quiet comfortable family, grateful to be loved, grateful for our good health and the lives we’re building and living, grateful for good weather and an afternoon of quiet activity and chatter. Grateful I am more here for it than ever before, and grateful for my sobriety, grateful for good food, grateful to be laying down a sober head which will rise again in the morning with relative clarity. I have an abundance of love tonight, and I’m happy to share it with you guys and wish you all peace and happiness and restful sleep.


Congratulations on 26 days. You’re awesome!


Bottom line: you didn’t pick-up. Good for you. I’m proud of you. Stay strong :muscle:


That is so cool. Thank you for drawing that line from AA to your posse of horse peeps. Neigh I mean YaY. Love the pic too. Grateful. This day I am grateful to be blessed with my mother. A strong 93 years of age. A gift of sobriety is the closeness she and I share now. It’s on me but in my active addiction we were not as we find ourselves now. I am grateful she gets to meet the real me. I will be with her in a few hours to show my love and appreciation for her. She has an amazing story from foster care to a loving home with comfort and ease to raising three children and traveling to many exotic destinations. I love you mom❤️

Me and mom 1952

Mom and my sister 2023 two great mothers

Couldn’t leave the Mothers out

Namaste :pray: God guru and Self are One


Wow- how precious. So happy that you and your mom are connecting when you are on such a sober and spiritual level in your life. Hope you have a fantastic mothers day celebrating your mom.


Happy sunny Sunday my sober friends (well i hope its sunny where you are at).

I am so grateful that i got some more rest last night. Im not fully here but more here than i have been in a long time :pray:
I am so greatful for taking in my deep breathes first thing when i awake and not starting a coughing fit
I am so grateful that the house is clean for the guests coming over today. Nothing for me ti stress over - just enjoy my morning :coffee:
I am so grateful that so many of our sangat have chosen to come over today for our mediation/prayer. I am a bit nervous- my body doesnt do well in crowds and cant handle too much touching. Havent seen these folks for 5+ years so will be a lot of hugging. My brother kissed my ear aggressively yesterday and i was in so much pain for over an hour. Oh well- gotta stop stressing over what hasnt happened yet. I may need to leave early (hope i can at least do the 1st hour).
I am so grateful that ill be able to go and get things baked for work so that they are cooled to cut by evening. Ill also be able to get this months taxes filed (due tomorrow)…never been this late before.
I am so greatful that i went to sleep and woke up with my higher power on my mind
I am so greatful for this chance on creating a new me or unearthing the real me or a bit of both
I am so greatful for my living family, both my mom and my brother have said that i dont need to stay if it gets too much today. Truly amazing and im so blessed to have them in my life
I am so greatful for this community…this TS site both of which have brought hope and purpose back into my life.
We have not really celebrated mothers day (my mom said its a hallmark holiday and the last thing she needs is another card, flowers thatll die or cake :rofl:) we still make sure to go and hug her extra tight and fill her with kisses. Im sending my hugs and kisses out to all you mothers! :kissing_heart: :people_hugging:

Thank you my sober friends- sending much love :heart:


Good morning grateful friends,

I’m grateful for another day sober.

I’m grateful for my amazing mom. We may not be as close as I’d like, but she’s always supportive in her own way. I have her strength and determination. And stubbornness.

I’m grateful for quiet mornings to myself.

I’m grateful for my cats even when they are being jerks and wake me up early.

I’m grateful my allergies are getting a bit better and I don’t feel quite as awful.

I’m grateful I can nap today - I didn’t sleep well.

Progress not perfection.


Early afternoon gratitude. I’m grateful the candles I lit in the morning are burnt down. I’ll lite another set. I’m grateful for all tools in my basket and crying. I’m grateful that my mum is peacefully in heaven. I miss her. She didn’t give a fuck about mother’s day. But all the hype about it makes me miss her, our sunday lunch, she, my ex and I. It’s a sad and lonely sunday. I’m grateful I watched service on TV, did minor chores, had a light meal for lunch and now funny stuff on TV. If it stops raining I might go for a short walk later. If not it’s ok too.
I’m grateful I texted my ex to light a candle for my mum. Without her, he would not live on my farm now. I’m grateful I expressed my wish without expecting anything from him. Let go and let God.
I’m grateful I know this day will pass too. I’m grateful for my cozy house, for comfy blankets, for hot tea, a hot shower and lots to read. I forgot yesterday: I’m sooooo grateful for my heated pillow. It relaxes my back in the evening and I sleep good after using it. I’m grateful the nightmares haunt me only in the morning. I’m grateful I was able to shoo today’s nightmares with meditation and a hot shower. I’m aware that the oppressive feelings are still there coming and going. They weight heavy today. I’m grateful I have all ingredients for a hot chocolate at home, my goto in the afternoo when I’m feeling low. I’m grateful I take good care of myself.


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful the sky was covered and it was not too warm today.
I am very grateful for a short nice chat with my mother this morning where she told me she felt guilty to no see her mother today but getting independent (abnabeln) from her is what she is trying. Well, she is 70 and my grandmother is 92 and I said that it’s better now before my grandmother dies. I said that this guilt is something we have to go through.
I am grateful I told her that in the last years our relationship got better by working on ourselves and being more respectful.
I am grateful that I feel less triggered by her implicit thinking of psychotherapy. Asking for help and psyche is a big no for her.
I am grateful I had a good ride by bike today.
I am grateful for the shower soon and that I inscribed myself for a yin yoga class tonight.
I am grateful I have enough.


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 1yr 13days
Quiet time with the hubby this morning before he goes off to work
A date afternoon with hubby yesterday
Boscoe, my shadow
Yoga class today
Grabbing lunch with my mom and sister
My mom is the best!
Slept ok
Another day to relax before getting back to work
Steady weightloss
My ear piercing is healing well
My hubbys sober 10 months today!! Im gonna try to bake him some nutella brownies
Our home
We are safe
A reliable car
A quiet neighborhood
This magical community

Love on your journies today